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Page 4 Golden Valley News
July 25, 2019
Request for Proposals
Golden Valley County will engage
the services of a prequalified engineer-
ing firm to perform Construction Engi-
neering on the following project in
Golden Valley County scheduled to be
completed in 2020:
BRO-0017(020) PCN 22151 con-
sists of removal of struc=ture #17-109-
09.0, roadway obliteration, installation
of 28' x 110' single span bridge, and
0.284 miles of grading located 20 mile~
north and 6 miles east of Beach in
Golden Valley County, North Dakota.
Work to be performed by Consultant
Construction Services: Perform Proj-
ect Management, Project Administra-
tion, Construction Observation,
Surveying, and Material Testing. Addi-
tional services, if required, may be ne-
gotiated and supplemental agreements
issued based on the consultant's per-
formance, the consultant's proposal and
available funding.
Firms are invited to submit a pro-
posal for the project listed above. The
proposals shall provide the following in-
Past Performance
Ability of professional personnel
Recent, current, and projected
workloads of the persons and/or firms
Related experience on similar proj-
Recent and current work
Project understanding, issues, &
The proposal pages shall be num-
bered and must be limited to 5 pages in
length. Proposals that exceed the 5
page length requirement will not be con-
sidered. The cover letter will not be
counted as one of the 5 pages. The
proposal should list the personnel who
will be assigned to work on the project,
including titles, education, and work ex-
perience. Golden Valley County will
only consider proposals received prior
to 4:00 PM MDSTAugust 2, 2019. Late
proposals will be deemed unrespon-
The consultant's proposalmay in-
clude an appendix. Resumes, refer-
ences, a statement of qualifications and
other materials outlining experience
may be included in an appendix. The
appendix will not be considered as a
part of the 5 page proposal. Each pro-
posal will be evaluated by a selection
Golden valley County will conduct
interviews. The County plans to inter-
view up to three (3) of the most quali-
fied engineering firms based on whose
proposals most clearly meet the RFP
Fees shall be negotiated with the
successful firm. If the fee cannot be
agreed upon, the County reserves the
right to terminate negotiations, and then
negotiate with the second and third
ranked firms in order, if necessary, until
a satisfactory contract has been negoti-
All costs associated with the pro-
posal shall be borne by the proposer.
The County reserves the right to reject
any and/or all proposals and to not
award contracts for any and/or all proj-
Engineering firms.interested in per-
forming the work shall submit 5 printed
copies of their proposal to:
Golden Valley County Auditor
150 1st Ave. SE
PO Box 67
Beach, ND 58621
BRO-0017(20) PCN 22151
Title VI assures that no person or
group of persons may, on the grounds
of race, color, national origin, sex, age
or disability, be excluded from partici-
pation in, be denied the benefits of, or
be otherwise subjected to discrimination
under any and all programs or activities
administered by the Department. For
information regarding the Title VI Pro-
gram see the NDOT website at:
(July 18, 25 and August t)
Juvenile Summons
Case No. 17-2019-JV-00004
State of North Dakota,
L.R.R a .child; Krystal Dean,
Veterans Honor Flight of North
, Dakota/Minnesota has announced
the dates for the next flight.
The organization takes veterans
to Washington D.C. free of charge to
see the memorials built to honor
their service and sacrifices. Prefer-
ence is given to WWII veterans, Ko-
rean War veterans and those veterans
who are terminally ill from any serv-
ice ra
The next flight will depart Hector
International Airport in Fargo on
Sunday, Oct. 20, 2019, at 8 a.m and
mother, Gordon Ridenour, Father,
You, and each of you, are hereby
summoned and required to appear per-'
sonally and bring the above-named
child before the Juvenile Judge, at Dick-
inson, in Stark Coun~ and said State,
on the 6th day of August, 2019, at 9 MT
o'clock A.M or as soon thereafter as
the parties can be heard, for the pur-
pose of hearing the Petition made and
filed with this Court, alleging said child
to be subject to the provisions of the
Uniform Juvenile Court Act (Chapter 27-
20 of the North Dakota Century Code)
by reason of the following:
That the above-named Respondent
child is a delinquent child, as more fully
appears from the Petition, a copy of
which is on file with the above-named
If you fail to appear personally and
to bring said child before the Court at
said time and place or to show good
cause why you cannot do do, the Court
will make such order as may be appro-
priate and you may be proceeded
against for civil contempt.
While you are not required to have
legal counsel in this proceeding, you
are entitled to legal counsel if you so
desire. If you desire legal counsel and
are unable without undue financial
hardship to employ counsel, the Court,
upon your request, will appoint legal
counse[ for you. If you intend to have
legal cotmsel, you are requested make
the necessary arrangements in ad-
vance so as not to delay the hearing.
Is/James D. Gion
District Judge
(July 18, 2S and August 1)
Hearing Notice
The Beach City Council will hold a
Public Hearing on August 19th at 7:30
p.m. for comment on an Application for
Approval of Zoning Change submitted
by Troy & Melani Viner and Robert
Weeks at 176 1st Street NE. The re-
quest is to re-zone Hunter's First Addi-
tion, Block 2, Lots 1 - 5 from
One call after another rings on companies who sell these services months, or have recently asked the your credit card or bank account in-
your phone, each promising to lower from charging an upfront for information, formation, Social Security number,
your credit card interest rate. As the cardholder, you have as Be leery of any unsolicited, pre- or any other personal information to
But many of these calls are much or more influence when nego- recorded sales calls, especially if anyone who calls you unsolicited.
scarns, according to AARP North tiating with the issuer as a third you registered your phone numbers Just hang up!
Dakota party, so make the calls yourself, on the National Do Not Call Reg- If you think you have fallen vic-
The callers claim they have aScammers may also seek your istry, tim to a scam, call the AARP Fraud
special relationship with your credit credit card information to make If your phone numbers are not on Watch Network Helpline at 877-
card company and can negotiate a their own purchases on it, or sell it the National Do Not Call Registry, 908-3360 for guidance and support.
lower interest rate for yon. Typi- to other scammers, register them at For information about other scams,
cally, they will request an upfront If you are registered on the Na- Registering your number will not sign up for the AARP Fraud Watch
fee before they will negotiate on tional Do Not Call Registry, tele- stop fraudulent calls, but it will Network
your behalf. Only, you pay the fee marketers may only call you if you make them easier to recognize since watchnetwork. You'll receive free e-
and never hear from them again, have agreed to accept calls from that most legitimate telemarketers do not mail alerts with tips and resources to
If there's a fee, it's a scare. The company, have bought something call numbers on the registry,help you spot and avoid identity
Federal Trade Commission prohibits from that company over the past 18 And remember to never give theft and fraud.
nsion: Don't invite botulism to your d
Botulism is a deadly form of food with lemon juice or citric acid and
Commercial 1 to Residential 1. Based paralysis that starts with the head and of Agriculture canning processes in
on information and comments received moves to the arms and legs and can these appliances, even if they have
at the Beach =Zoning BoardPublic Hear=
ing on July 15th, the Zoning Board has
recommended the Beach City Council
approve the request for zoning change
and extend the rezoning, to include Lots
18-22 of Block 2.
Kimberly Gaugler, City Auditor
(July 25 and.August 1)
City of Medora
City of Medora
Minutes of Special Meeting
July 18, 2019
(Subject to Council Review and
There will be a budget hearing on
the SW District Health Unit's 2020
budget on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at
11:30 A.M. in the County Commissioner
Room at the GV County Courthouse. A
representative frbm the District Health
Unit will be present for this hearing.
(July 25 end August 1)
City of Medora
poisoning. The toxin, or poison, properly processed to be safe. I've
causing th, ilIa.oo oorrumonly ia ==, also heard about people following
sociated with improperly processed questionable advice found on the in-
home-canned vegetables, such as ternet."
peas, peppers, corn, lima beans, Proper equipment
green beans and mushrooms, as well Besides high-quality ingredients,
as other low-acid foods that are the proper equipment for safely can-
canned at home, including soups, ning low-acid foods such as vegeta-
meats, fish and poultry, bles, meat and many mixtures of
If canned food isn't processed foods includes a pressure canner and
properly, spores of the bacteria standard canning jars with new two-
Clostridium botulinum aren't killed, piece lids.
Even a taste of contaminated food "If you are tempted to can foods
can make a person sick or worse, in your oven because you heard
Symptoms of botulism include about it on Facebook or Pinterest,
blurred or double vision, slurred don't do it," Garden-Robinson can-
speech, difficulty swallowing, mus- tions. "It's dangerous on many levels,
cle weakness, nausea, vomiting, including jar breakage and improper
stomachache and diarrhea. The heat penetration for safety.
symptoms usually start to appear 18 "You may be seeing late-night in-
to 36 hours after eating food contain- fomercials that suggest canning in
ingthe toxin, electric multi-cookers," she adds.
Botulism is treatable if the victim "However, the National Center for
receives prompt medical care. With- Home Food Preservation does not
out treatment, the illness causes support the use of U.S. Department
'canning' buttons on the front panels."
The USDA methods were not de-
veloped for these types of appli-
ances, she notes. The USDA
methods were developed for stove-
top canners, and the recommenda-
tions must be followed for safety.
Foods such as salsa, which is a
mix of acid and low-acid ingredi-
ents, need to be acidified properly
with lemon juice or vinegar using a
cause death, the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention says.
"We're entering the heart of home
canning season, so it's critical to use
up-to-date equipment and research-
tested methods," says Julie Garden-
Robinson, North Dakota State
University Extension food and nutri-
ti6n specialist. "I!ve noticed :that
many ple are unaware that home-
canned tomatoes need to he acidified
City of Idom
Minutes of Special Meeting
July 18, 2019
(Subject to Council Review and
Meeting was called to order at 10:30
am by Mayor Todd Corneil. Present
were Council Members Kinley Slauter
and Tracy Sexton. Doug Ellison and
John Tczap were not present.
Parade Permit for July 20 Army
Band Parade
The Parade Permit 'request from
TRMF for the 188th Army Band to per-
form in a parade for the public on July
20 was reviewed. Attorney Kuntz and
Chief Lapp advised they see no issues.
Insurance confirmation was provided.
Sexton moved we approve the Parade
Permit request from TRMF for a parade
by the 188th Army Band on July 20,
Slauter seconded. Motion passed unan-
The next regular.City.Council Me e.t-,
ing will be August 6 at 7:00 pm.
Slauter moved to adjourn, Sexton
seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:34
Attest: Todd Corneil, Mayor
Attest: Gary Ridenhower, City Audi-
(July 25)
will return on Monday, Oct. 21, at
7:50 p.m. Approximately 90 veter-
ans will be on board.
The organization continues to
take all applications from veterans
who have served up through
1959. Veterans regardless of whether
they served overseas or stateside are
welcome to apply.
Applications can be found at vet-
eransh n rflight fndmn' rg' or send
an e-mail to veteranshonor-, or call
(218) 284-6667 with questions.
In a new, easy to sea rc
inner tabl
tested formula and processed ac- Storage tips
cording to current recommendations. Light may cause food in glass jars
"If you have a favorite salsa to chan~c color and lose nutrients.
recipe that has not been research- Temperatures above 100 F also can
tested, it's safest to freeze it rather cause food to spoil. The acid in
than can it," Garden-Robinson says. foods such as tomatoes and fruit
"If you use a commercial salsa mix, juices can cause commercial cans to
follow the directions closely. Do not corrode.
add extra onions and peppers be- Here is some advice for storing
cause those ingredients will affect canned foods, including home- and
the acidity and the safety of the commercially canned foods:
canned food." * Store canned foods in a cool,
Prepare canning lids clean, dry place where temperatures
Garden-Robinson also recom- are below 85 degrees. Temperatures
mends home canners be sure to fol- in the 60- to 70-degree range are
low the manufacturer's directions for ideal.
preparing the canning lids. Boiling * Use home-canned foods within
the lids when they are not meant to one year for best quality.
be boiled can result in jars that un- * Store commercially canned
seal in your cupboard, low-acid foods (such as green beans
Food containing the botulism and peas) in a cupboard for up to five
toxin generally doesn't taste or look years, according to the USDA.
unusual, although the lids on com= * Use high-acid commercially
mercial cans may provide a clue that canned foods (such as tomato-based
the food is contaminated. Garden- products) within 12 to 18 months.
Robinson recommends throwing Foods stored longer will be safe to
away any commercial cans that are eat if they show no signs of spoilage
swollen or bulging and food from and the cans don't appear to be dam-
glass jars with bulging lids. You also aged, but the food's color, flavor and
shouldn't taste food from swollen nutritive value may have deterio-
containers or food that is foamy or rated.
smells bad. Visit NDSU Extension's newly
But even properly processed updated food preservation website at
canned foods won't last forever. For for
example, cans and metal lids on the latest guidelines on canning,
glass jars can rust. Remove the metal freezing, drying and pickling foods.
lids from home-canned foods after Contact your local Extension office
the jars have sealed and cooled at for more information about safely
least 24 hours before storing them. preserving a variety of foods.
h, to read format.
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