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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 25, 2013     Golden Valley News
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July 25, 2013
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Page 4 Golden Valley News w July 25, 2013 Notice ORDER FIXING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA; IN DISTRICT COURT; COUNTY OF BILLINGS; SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT Probate No. 04-2013-PR00035 In the Matter of the Estate of STEVE . W. BASARABA, Deceased. The petition of Eleanor Basaraba, for formal probate of will and appoint- ment of Personal Representative hav- ing come before the Court; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the 22nd day of August, 2013, at 8:30 a.m. at the Courtroom of said Court at the County Courthouse in Medora, Billings County, North Dakota, be, and the same hereby is, appointed the time and place for the hearing of said Petition, and any person interested may appear and contest the Will and may object to the appointment of Petitioner as Per- sonal Representative. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the Petitioner give notice of said hear- ing as required by N.D.C.C. § 30.1-15- 03(1) in the manner prescribed by N.D.C.C. § 30.1-03-01 to.all persons entitled to notice pursuant to N.D,C.C. § 30.1-15-03 and to all persons who have filed a demand for notice pursuant to N.D.C.C. § 30.1-13-04. Dated this 26th day of June, 2013. Dann Greenwood Judge of the District Court EBELTOFT. SICKLER. LAWYERS Office and Post Office Address: • 46,West Second Street, P.O. Box 1598 Dickinson, North Dakota 58602- 1"598 Telephone Number: (701) 225-5297 Email: By: Jennifer Grosz, Lawyer #06130 Lawyers for:' Personal Representa- tive (July.11, 18 and 25) Notice to Creditors MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM Office Address: 38 Second Avenue East Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 By: Charles J. Peterson, Attorney #04009 Email: Attorneys for: Personal Representa- tive STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY SOUTHWEST JUDICIAL DISTRICT " In theMatter of the Estate of Robert Lee MemBer, Deceased. - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Committee Report: Marman expressed concerns of skateboarders using the streets and not wearing reflective clothing at night. Mar- man asked the Police Committee make the Sheriff Department aware of this safety issue. Gerving mentioned Van Guard assessors started re-appraising the whole county today. Gerving stated the Fire Department will be testing fire hydrants later in the month. Unfinished Business: Engineer Wilczek informed the Council that no more than 60% of En- ergy Infrastructure Impact Office grant for new lagoon construction can be spent in any one fiscal year. Gerving "recommended 50% of the grant be spent in 2013 and the remaining 50% in 2014. Nunberg mentioned she has been in contact with the property owner • to discuss the land purchase and obtain permission to conduct testing on the land. Marman suggests calling for cre- dentials on engineering design/con- struction of the project and advertise for bid in January or February 2014. Con- sensus was after an agreement has been reached on the purchase of the land, the project can moved forward. New Business: Nunberg presented Renaissance Zone Project 28-Bea at 494 Central Ave N. Discussion. Benes moved to ap- prove the project, second by Larson. Gerving abstained. Motion carried unanimously. Nunberg presented Ren- aissance Zone Project 29-Bea at 27 Central Ave S. Discussion. Marman moved to approve the project contin- gent on receiving the Certificate of Good Standing, second by Benes. Gerving abstained. Motion carried unanimously. No other business was brought for- ward• Gerving moved to adjourn, sec- ond by Larson. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. ATTEST: Wade Walworth, President Kimberly Nunberg, City Auditor (July 25) Meeting Notice Golden Valley County Zoning Meeting Notice against the said deceased are required to present their claims within three months after the date of the first publi- cation of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be pre- sented to Teresa Cox, Personal Repre- sentatives of the Estate, or filed with the Court. Dated this 9th day of July, 2013. Teresa Cox 9812 E. Peralta Ave. • Mesa, AZ 85212 (July 18, 25 and August 1) Meeting Notice The quarterly meeting of the South- western District Board of Health will be held Thursday july 25, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will be held-at the Elks Lodge/Armstrong I meeting rooro located at 501 Elks Dr., Dickinson, ND.. The meeting is open to the public. (July 18 and 25) t Billings County Commission- BILLINGS COUNTY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SOUTHWESTERN DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT BUDGET A hearing to obtain public com- ment/input for the Southwestern District Health Unit budget for the year 2014 will be Held August 6, 2013 at 9:15 A.M. MDT in the meeting room in the Billirigs County Courthouse in Medora. Dated at Medora, ND this 8th day of July, 2013 by Order of the Billings County Commissioners. Marcia Lamb ' Billings County Auditor/Treasurer (July 18 and 25) Beach City Council Cl:rY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING BODY'S REVIEW AND REVISION Ask how to of savings. SAVE $30/mo. in 1st year AND $1O/mo. in 2nd & 3rd years with CH01CETM Package or above. ,29 FA~rlONmHnms OVER 140 CHANNELS ENTERTAINMENT Package Does not qualify tar 2rid & 3rd year savings. After Instant Savings CALL FOR DETAILS NEW TV ACTIVATIONS ALL DIRECTV OFFERS REQUIRE 24-MONTH AGREEMENT. (8881 612-9183 Offer ends 7/31/13. New approved customers only [iease required]. Other conditions apply. @20!3 DIRECTV. A regular meeting Of the Beach City Council was called to order by Presi- Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 29, at 3:00.p.m. in the Commissioners' Room at the court- house. city of Golva - Review a possible update to sec- tion 4.6.2 of the.Zoning Ordinance re- garding waste management as it applies to energy interests. The pro- posal suggests including the regula- tions of North Dakota Administrative Code in addition to specific definitions of types of waste and the facilities thereof. (July 25) ' WILLIAMS Cos Location: WESTERN NORTH DAKOTA Bids will be received via the Bid Ex- press on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, August 16, 2013. Bids will be opened at that time in the NDDOT building in Bis- marck, ND and the bid results will be distributed and posted online at ap- proximately 30 minutes after bids are oPened. All bidders are required to be pre- qualified at least seven (7) days before the date of the bid opening. The. proposal forms, plans, and specifications are available on the NDDOT website at and may be in- spected at the Construction Services Division, NDDOT, Room 333, 608 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota, 58505-0700. NDDOT reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive technical- ities, or "to accept such as may be de- termined in the best interests of the state. Requested by: Grant Levi, P.E., Director North Dakota Department of Trans- portation (July 25) Lone Tree School District Minutes of Lone Tree School District #6, June 12, 2013 Presentwere Gene Weinreis, Jason Bosserman, Brad Maus, Paul Schlitz, Kim Plummer, and Leah Zook. Absent was Susan Sarsland Visitors were Beth Justesen The regular school board meeting of Lone Tree School Districf#6 was called to order Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 7:02 p.m. by President Gene Weinreis. On a motion by Boss~rman and sec- ond by Schlitz, the agenda was ap- proved unanimously with one addition: Swing Set Area. Motion by Bosserman and second by Schlitz to approve agenda with the one addition. Unani- mous. Minutes of the May 13 regular school board meeting, May 13, 2013 negotiations meeting: May 17, 2013 ne- gotiations meeting'; and May 30, 2013 1. New Business committee meeting; were approved - Review new zoning map for.the " unanimously with a motion by Schmitz and second by Bosserman. Discussion of Shumway family transportation. Motion was made to ap- prove payment of the June 2013 district bills by Maus and second by Bosser- man. Mbtion passed unanimously. Results of the school election were gone over. Weinreis received 14 votes; Bosserman - 23 votes; write-in votes - 7; publish minutes; yes vote - 7; no vote -16. • Motion was made by Maus and sec- Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the construction of the following project(s): Job No.: 2 Project No(s).: HRR-9-999(304) Length: 165.920 • Type: SIGNING, PAVEMENT MARKINGS, AND RUMBLE STRIPS County(s): GOLDEN VALLEY, BILLINGS, BOTTINEAU, BURKE, DI- VIDE, DUNN, MCHENRY, MCKENZlE, MCLEAN, MERCER, MOUNTRAIL, RENVlLLE, STARK, WARD, & WILLIAMS Cos Location: WESTERN NORTH DAKOTA Bids will be received via the Bid Ex- press on-line bidding exchange at until 09:30AM, August 161 2013. Bids will be opened at tfiat time in the NDDOT building in Bis- marck, ND and the bid results will be distributed and posted online at ap- proximately 30 minutes after bids are opened. All bidders are required tO be pre- qualified at least seven (7) days before the date of the bid opening. The proposal' forms, plans, and specifications are available on the NDDOT website at http:l/ and may be in- spected at the Construction Services Division, NDDOT, Room 333, 608 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, North Dakota, 58505-0700. NDDOT reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive technical- flies, or to accept such as may be de- termined in the best interests of the state. Requested by: Grant Levi, P.E., Director North Dakota Department of Trans- portation (July 25) Notice NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Th~ North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) will receive bids for the cOnstruction of the following project(s): Job No.: 2 Project No(s)..: HRR-9-999(304) Length: 165.920 dent Wade Walworth at 7:00 pm July Type: SIGNING, • PAVEMENT 15, 2013. Present when the meeting MARKINGS, AND RUMBLE STRIPS was called to order was Council Henry - County(s): BILLINGS, BOTTINEAU, Gerving, Tim Marman, Mark Benes, BURKE, DIVIDE, DUNN, GOLDEN Jeanne Larson, PWSDell Beach, City VALLEY," MCHENRY, MCKENZlE, Auditor Kimberly Nunberg, City Engi- MCLEAN, MERCER, MOUNTRAIL, neer Jon Wilczek and guest Jo Kimery. RENVILLE, STARK, WARD, & Public Participation: None onded by Schmitz to approve the 2013- 14 Lone Tree District Negotiated Agreement. Unanimous• All teacher contracts have been signed and turned in for the 2013-14 school year• Principal Plummer recommended hiring Deb Dietz for the open teaching position. Personnel committee also rec- ommended hiring Deb Dietz. Motion made by Schlitz and sec- ond by Bosserman to offer Dietz a teaching contract. Unanimous. Discussion. Motion by Bosserman to offer Janine Olson the principal position at $300 per day; $2,400 contributed to flexible spending and $5,000 for ex- penses with a minimum of 110 clays worked with extra days as needed after the 110 day minimum. Board offered 7.5 sick dgys and 2 personal days. Maus seconded the motion and motion passed unanimously. Contract will be due June 23, 2013. Discussion. Business manager in- formed board approximately $52,000 needed to be spent by the end of June. Board will be purchasing a bus this fis- cal year. Bus bidswill be called for with a no- tice published in the Golden Valley News. Bid opening to be June 24, 2013 - 7:30 p.m. 2013-14 Lone Tree School District Preliminary Budget was dis- cussed. Discussion of support staff wage in- creases. Motion by Bosserman and secDnd bY Maus to offer support staff $1.50/hour increase; all support staff subs - $1.50/hour increase; business manager - $2.00/hour increase; tech- nology coordinator $50/month; and hall custodian $325/month. Bus driver in- creases Will be discussed at the July 2013 meeting. Motion passed unani- mously. Next board meeting date/time: June 24, 2013 - special meeting - school bus bid opening - 7:30 p.m.; July 10, 2013 - regular meeting.- 6 p.m. Correspondence: Thank you from 31455 Schmeling, D'arrel 101.40 31456 Schmitz, Paul 21.47 31457 Schulte, Jim 21.47 31458 Shumway, Zane 660.00 31459 Soehren, Denise 82.49 31408 State Disbursement 714.00 31460 Stoveland, Fredrick 68.80 31461 Tangen, Melinda 254.00 31462 Tescher, Jill 132.21 31416 US Postal Serv. 64.40 31463 US Postal Serv. 106.00 31464 Weinreis, Gene 162.72 31465 Weinreis, Jim 1272.00 Larry Schulte was shared with the 31466 .Weinreis, Shawn 692.00 board; Thank you from Christine Finne- 31467 West River man was shared with board; letter from Student Serv. 2393.78 Billy Schneider can(:eling open enroll- 31468 "Wilwand, Kelly337.87 ment to Golva was shared with board. 31469 Zook, Shirley 64.00 Motion by Schmitz and second by Payroll 36477.10 Bosserman to approve their request for /{djourn: Board meeting was ad- child to attend school in Beach as they journed at 10:37 p.m. live in Beach School district. Unani- Attest: Leah Zook, business man- mous.; oath of 0ffice for school board ag~r member - Gene Weinreis, board president. Jason Bosserman read oath; oath of (July 25) office for school board member - Gene Weinreis oath. Notice Principal's report: Robert's bus-fog between panes on his bus door; chips NOTICE (~F EXPIRATION in front window. Randy Dietz will tryto fix; OF REDEMPTION Gary Rising is checking on price of six new bus tires. Larry's bus repairs - I, Cecilia Stedman, County Auditor G. Rising suggested sending in piece to of Golden Valley County, North Dakota, be fixed to Dickinson; Howard Stock- give notice that the real estate here- well will replace tileswhen he has time; ' inafter described has a lien for delin- Jim Schulte/Ron Barthel looked at quent taxes against it for the year 2010 the roof.;Twin City Roofing (Scott Harr) and unless the tax and special assess- was here also to look at the roof. He ments, with igterest, penalties, and cost gave suggestions on what the problem of foreclosure action are paid on or be- was; Greg Glass suggested putting fore October first, after the date of this splash guards under roof down spouts.; notice, tax deeds will be issued to the Rural REAP dollars - need to order one county, granting to and vesting in it, the printer and two computers. Science se- absolute title in fee to the real property, ries- $6,000. Board directed principal subject, however, to the lien for install- to order for 2013-14 school year. ments of special assessments certified Jim Schulte will order replacement or to be certified to the county auditor or ceiling tiles. Board will pay fo,,r interim which may become due subsequent'to teacher certificate for Deb Bosserman the time of service of this notice, and and Ben Baker.; Board approved pay- foreclosing all rights of the owner, mort- ing for the class on effective classroom gagees, lien holders, and other persons management for Tracy Brudwick to interested therein, as may appear from take.; Open enrollment on Steiner child the records of the recorder and clerk of is cancelled. Motion by Schlitz and the district court of the county. There is second by Bosserman to approve given herewith the description of the Steiner child to still attend school in parcels or real estate, and set opposite Golva. Unanimous. each description is the amount which Golva School has met AYP for the will be required to satisfy the tax lien for year.; Bus driver update-one person the year 2010. has expressed interest in the open pc- Dave Knappe Etux Lots 3 & 4 of Block sition. 8 Hunter's 1st 255 Swing set area: Board approved 3rdAve NE City of Beach 724.55 getting the swing set area in shape with mulch, rubber mats, etc. and digging Adam Gehring Part of Lot6 & the area out as needed. All of Lot 7 of Block 3 Lone Tree School District Bills as of Richard's Ist 18 4th ST' NW City of June 12, 2013: Beach 1297:16 31407 Aflac 153,27 31417 American Legion 20.00 Richard Melvin Lots 9, 10 & 11 of Block 31418 Beach Floral 12.95 5Hunter's3rd 254 4thAve NECityof 31419 Beach Food Center 37.57 Beach 527.21 31420 Beach Schools 100171.37 31393 Blue Cross 526.40 James Giggey Etux Lots 1-14 of Block 31394 Blue Cross 6624.64 4 Hunter's 1st Central Ave N Cityof 31421 Boss Office Supply 125,01 Beach 475.09 31422 Bosserman, Jason 99.44 31423 Brudwiclq Tracy 250:00 Yonder Window Prod. LLC Lots 10 & 11 31424 City of Golva 98.50 of Block 2 Original Beach 81 E Main ST 31425 Coca Cola 30.75 City of Beach 541.61 31426 Dakota Dust-Tex 61.60 31409 Discovery Benefits 800.00 Yonder Window Prod. LLC Lot 4-41/2 of 31428 Discovery Benefits 60.00 Block 2 Near's 1st 1st ST SW City of 31429 EduTech 20.00 Beach 14.12 31395 EFTPS 7462•70 31411 EFTPS 3060.44 Yonder Window Prod LLC Lots 1 31430 First State Bank-Golva 50.00 through 5 of Block 14 Nears 1st 105 31431 Fischer, Brian 202.80 3rd Ave. SW 261.90 31432 Food Services of Amer. 260.23 31433 Four Season Trophies 31.96 Daniel Walz Etux Lots 1,2 & 3 of Block 31434 Golden Valley News 241.70 10 Woodhull's 1st 202 8th ST NW City 31435 Goldenwest •469.90 of Beach 1158.11 31377 Golva Bar 50.00 31415 Golva Bar 300.00 Brian Mahlum Etux $1/2 of Lot 7 All of 8 31436 Golva Bar 25.75 Block 9 Woodhull's 2nd 684 6th Ave 31437 Golva Grocery 86•24 31438 Golva Repair 2272.73 31439 Heath,'Stefanie 504.00 31440 Howard, Loft 495.49 31441 Intuit 381.47 31442 Jerdee, Jill 1168.00 31443 Maus, Brad ' 27.12 31444 Maus, Sarah 190.97 31445 MDU 204.25 31446 Midstate Comm. 148.41 31412 MT Dept. of Revenue 46.00 31410 ND TFFR 3367.92 31414 ND TFFR 3713.32 31447 Nistler, Perry 272.00 31413 ND State Tax 355.00 31448 Norton, Bob 664.00 31449 Norton, Steve 514.80 31450 Pearce & Durick 3749.00 31451 Plummer, Kim 954.00 31452 Rohan's 4.29 31453 Sarsland, Susan 40.68 31454 SBM 88•55 Free Estimates • i ° Thousands of Satisfied .: Customers o Transferable Warranty Basement and Crawl Space Problems Solved Leaky basements made di'y, Drain tile & baseboard systems~ Buckling walls corrected Foundation repair & wall crack repair : - Licensed-Insured Egress window installation i MN License #20542636 i ND License #38488 | Basement Water Controlled : 800 348 6247 I ProvidingService Since 1967 .: • " - ' Safe : w~ safedr base - ~ ~/f~re [ ~0LD-RIGHT'WALLANCHORS i • " y lent.corn ~/~I~I~(~W~ STABIL-LO£ FOUNDATION PIERS Employees Meeting: ,, PWS Beach reported the new sweeper will be delivered the first wffek of August. The city crew has been Idusy hauling trees/branches from the/ecent storm, patching pot holes and chip seal- ing will start next week. Beach re- quested consideration be given to purchasing a new bobcat, sprayer and mower. Discussion. Beach will notify property owners with leafy spurge that it needs to be sprayed. Nunberg re- viewed her written report. Nunberg re- viewed the quarterly financial statement and the financial statement for the month of June. Benes moved to ap- prove the financial statements, second Original Medicare supplement plan F provides the most complete coverage you can buy. The rate you pay with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota is also among the lowest in the state• Call me today for a quote. Greg Lefor I Lefor Insurance Services 701-483-4255 I 800-867-4255 448 21st St. W, Suite A I Dickinson, ND 58601 Compare premiums at http://www nd bovlndinslconsumedmedicare/premium- comparison. The rate information was filed with the North Dakota Insurance Department, which does not endorse or recommend a particular company or plan. Factors such as age. bender, tobacco status, and others, may impact the actual premium amount *Be out of pocket costs for Medicare eligible services N0 ~etwork restrictions for pr0vide~s partio~patin~ln Medicare P00cy form number is 29313079 Or4gina[ Medicare suppJement filans A, C L N and h~gh deductible plan F are also available. See www BCBSND corn for more information Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2009 Medicare Supplement fief0r Insurance Services is a~ independent agency for B~e'Cross Blue Shield ef B0rth Dakota BILge Cross Blue Shield of No~fi~ Dakota bs an independent licer~see of the Blue Cross & Blue Shldd dss0oag0n N~r,d,a. Mulua~ Ir,~urance C~apa~ NW City of Beach 895.31 Charlene Mackinnon E1/2SE1/4 less Tracts of Scetion 30-140-104 Tract in Sentinel Twp. 284.94 Ronda Kudrna Tract A in NWl/4 of Sec- tion 140-104 , Tract in Sentinel Twp. 1061.18 Richard Melvin• E1/2E1/2 of Section 2- 138-10~ Lone Tree Twp. 737.95 Richard Melvin Parcel in NEll4 of Sec- tion 11-138-106 Lone Tree Twp. 4.49 Les Ferderer SEll4SEll4NEll4 of Section 12-141-105 10 Acre Tract in Saddle Butte Twp. 235.19 Kenneth Johnson $1/2 of Section 35- 144-103 Un- organized Twp. 353.01 Kenneth Johnson $1/2,NEl/4 of Sec-' tion 36-144-103 Unorganized Twp. 440.76 Kenneth Johnson All of Section 5-143- 105 Henry Twp. 1159.45 Kenneth Johnson All of Sect on 6-143- 105 Henry Twp. 894.09 Kenneth Johnson All of Section 7-143- 105 Henry Twp. 850.26 Kenneth Johnson N112,NE114SE114 of Section 18-143-105 Henry Twp. 519.22 Kenneth Johnson All of Section 29-1 44- 105 Henry Twp. 1354.93 Kenneth Johnson All of Section 31-1 44- 105 Henry Twp. 1003.47 Kenneth Johnson W1/2NW1/4, SEI/4NWI/4, SE1/4, SWI/4NEI/4 Section 32-144-105 • Henry Twp. Given pursuant to authority94"/aw 785 of this 19th day of July, 2013. Cecilia Stedman Auditor, Golden Valley County (July 25) Belfield Public School has an opening for a dishwasher/custodi an. Approximately 4 hours a day. Contact Supt. Northrop at the Belfield School, 701-575-4275, or stop by the school for an application. 2012 NORTH DAKOTA EXPORTER OF THE YEAR START BUILDING YOUR LEGACY TODAY 1-800-237-9620 / Important Notice to Beach School District Taxpayers A public hearing to consider increas- ing the 2013-14 Beach School Dis- trict property tax levy by 12% and possibly a three mill special reserve levy will be held at the Beach High School on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 12:00 noon in Room #11. Note: Property taxes for our school was 91.16 mills for 2012-13. The North Dakota State Legislature approved a decrease in property taxes and we are able to levy 60 mills plus a maximum of 12%. Thus if the taxable valuation remained the same, the total mills would be 67.2 , mills and up to 3 additional mills for a special reserve levy. Citizens will have an opportunity to present oral or written comments . regarding the property tax levy.