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Page 2 Golden Valley News July 25, 2013
Chol rol: Some of what you n
What is cholesterol? 20. If you have heart disease in
Ronello Melzar "Mel" Davis Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like your family, screenings arerecom-
substance made in the liver. The mended more frequently. Men age
YUMA, Ariz. - Ronello Melzar County in the mid-1950s, body's cell walls need cholesterol 45 and older and women 55 and
"Mel" Davis passed away on June Internment will be at the North to produce hormones, vitamin D older should be screened annually
23, 2013, at his home in Yuma, Ariz. Dakota Veterans Cemetery, Mandan, and bile acids that help digest fat. because cholesterol levels tend to
He was born in Ambrose, N.D., on at the convenience of the family, Cholesterol is also found in certain rise with age and for women, after
April 2, 1927, to Ronello and Edith with a memorial to be held at Gloria foods, such as dairy products, eggs menopause.
(Lahlum) Davis. de Cristo in Yuma in November. Mel and meat. Why is it important to control
Mel spent three years teaching is survived by his wife, Marilyn; son, What is the difference be- cholesterol levels?
vocational agriculture, and the next Run Davis of Yuma; daughter, Dawn tween good and bad cholesterol? When too much cholesterol is
30 years working for the U.S. Soil (Jack) Gregerson of San Diego, Cholesterol travels through the present, plaque (a thick, hard de-
Conservation Service, where he rose Calif.; sister-in-law, Stella (Mel- blood attached to a protein. This posit) may form in the body's ar-
through the ranks, retiring as admix- gaard) Davis of Bremerton, Wash.; cholesterol-protein package is teries. This narrows the space for
istrator of the SCS. He was a soil four grandchildren, and five great- called a lipoprotein. Low-density blood to flow to the heart and
conservationist in Golden Valley grandchildren, lipoproteins (LDL), also called causes hardening of the arteries,
"bad" cholesterol, can cause plaque which leads to heart disease and
buildup on the walls of arteries.
USDA nds producer High-density lipoproteins (HDL), medical conditions can contribute heart attacks. High cholesterol canalso contribute to narrowing ofthe
known as "good" cholesterol, help to increased risk. Being overweight blood vessels, which impedes flow
and smoking are also risk factors.
deadline to Aug 2 the body get rid of bad cholesterol How wouldlknowifcholes- to the brain and can cause strokes.
in the blood. Triglycerides are an- What can I do to lower bad
• other type of fat carried in the terol is a problem for me? cholesterol?
USDA Farm Service Agency porting deadlines, blood by low-density lipoproteins. Unless cholesterol levels have Making wise eating choices and
(FSA) Administrator Juan M. Gar- While FSA is able to extend its Excess calories, alcohol and sugar become very elevated, you proba- exercising regularly can signifi-
cia says there has been an extension deadline, Risk Management Agency in the body are converted into bly won't experience noticeable cantly reduce cholesterol levels.
of the FSA acreage reporting dead- (RMA) Administrator Brandon triglycerides and stored in fat cells symptoms. Because it's impor-Reduce the amount of saturated fat
line. Willis emphasized that RMA'sthroughout the body. taut--and easier to lower choles- and cholesterolin your diet. Try to
Farmers and landowners have an acreage reporting date remained What causes high cholesterol tyrol before levels are high, you be physically active for 30 minutes
additional 18 calendar days to sub- July 15, for most spring planted levels? should be screened at least once on most days. Youmay want toask
mit their annual report of acreage to crops in the country. Farmers are re- Heredity, diabetes and other every five years beginning at age your doctor or a dietitian for assis-
their local FSA county office with minded to report any loss within 72
the deadline extended from Monday, hours of discovery to their insurance i g
July 15, to Friday, Aug. 2, 2013. company. Farmers must reportpre- Public invited to submitIo9o des ns for state's 1 25th
Only the FSA reporting deadline has vented planting acreage to their in-
been extended. The acreage report- surance company, in writing, within BISMARCK - Lt. Gov. Drew help design a logo that will depict our when President Benjamin Harrison
ing requirement for crop insurance 15 calendar days after the final Wrigley and members of the North state's storied history and bright fu- signed the Proclamation of Admis-
• has not changed and remained at planting date. Losses must be re- Dakota 125th Anniversary Commit- ture." sion. South Dakota was also admit-
July 15. ported and an insurance adjuster tee are calling on North Dakotans to To be eligible to win, contestants ted on that day. The process towards
"We want to ensure our produc- must view and release the crop be- submit design ideas for the official must submit their original design to statehood began on February 22,
ers maintain their program benefits fore the crop is destroyed. Farmers logo for the state's 125th anniversary by Monday, 1889, when President Grower Clove-
by filing their reports accurately and are also reminded to contact their in- celebration to be held next year. Aug. 12. with the subject line "Logo land signed the Enabling Act. On Oc-
in a timely manner for all crops and surance agent if they have any ques- Nov. 2, 2014, marks the 125th an- Contest." Multiple entries are al- tuber 1 of that year, North Dakota's
land uses, including prevented and tions about coverage, prevented niversary of North Dakota's state- lowed, but must be submitted indi- voters approved the state's new con-
failed acreage," said Administrator planting, or for reporting and pro- hood. vidually. All entries must be stitution.
Garcia. cessing a claim. The contest is open to all North submitted in their finished form and
Accurate acreage reports are nec- Crop insurance is sold and deliv- Dakotans, amateurs and profession- meet all submission guidelines,
essary to determine and maintain el- ered solely through private crop in- als alike, and the winning logo will which can be found on the State His- Put )/our i~0ne)f
igibility for various programs, such surance agents. Contact a local crop be used on promotional materials and torical Society of North Dakota's Where )/ouP/"louse X$I.
as the Direct and Counter-cyclical insurance agent for more informa- merchandise developed for the year- website at
Program (DCP); the Average Crop tion about the program. A list of long quasquicentennial celebration. Questions regarding the contest can ~at,nae~nt0o~n~esa,e qt~ s~r~t~0urcomm~n,ry
Revenue Election Program (ACRE); crop insurance agents is available at Logo designs should feature images be directed to Janean Rambough at jouroosr,lue anoouc~
the Conservation Reserve Program all USDA Service Centers or on the representative of North Dakota's rich 701-328-1430. ~ ........
(CRP); and the Non-insured Crop RMA web site at history and heritage, as well as up- The North Dakota 125thAnniver-
Disaster Assistant Program (NAP)., portunities for the future, sary Committee. chaired by Wrigley,
Acreage reports for FSA are con- Producers also should visit their "North Dakota is gearing up for a is working with agencies, organiza-
sidered timely this year when filed USDA Service Center to complete fun-filled, year-long celebration tions and communities across the
at the county office by the new ap- acreage reporting for FSA. For marking the 125th anniversary of our state to coordinate events and activi-
statehood, and involving the public ties to commemorate the state's mile-
plicable final crop reporting dead- questions on this or any FSA pro- 9
line of Aug. 2, 2013. Producers gram, producers should contact their in designing the observance's official stone anniversary. More information OW •
should contact their county FSA of- FSA county office or seek informa- logo is a great way to kick things will be provided regarding the cele-
rice if they are uncertain about re- tion online at, off," Wrigley said. "We look forward brations as plans are confirmed.
to seeing the creativity and ingenuity On November 2. 1889. North The Billings County
of our fellow North Dakotans as they # Dakota was admitted to the Union Pioneer and Golden Valley
Fatal ATV accident in Killdeer haveshared
A 47-year-old man was fatally in- dead. • advertising, and have been
jured Sunday, July 21, when he hit The accident remains under in- AUGUST sharing the news for some
the rear end of a parked car in vestigation by the North Dakota of their inside pagesfor
Killdeer. Highway Patrol. 3 - 4, 2013
Lyn Peters, of Killdeer was trav- on the North Dakota about 40 years.
eling south on 5th Ave. NW in Capitol Grounds
Killdeer on a 2007 Polaris ATV at ap- This means the coverage of
proximately 4:20 a.m. For reasons your ad isn "t limited to just
unknown, Peters failed to maintain
his lane of travel, struck the rear end either county/Ourprimary
of a parked vehicle and was thrown coverage area is western
from the ATV, according to a report your Ideal Stark County and west to
from the N.D. Highway Patrol. A
Killdeer ambulance transported the the Montana borden lt pays
victim to St. Joseph's Hospital in to advertise/
RDO Equipment Co. ~s looking for talented and ambitious people ~~.
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tance in making appropriate
lifestyle changes.
Is medication necessary to
lower cholesterol levels?
Your doctor will help you make
that decision. You may need a cho-
lesterol-lowering medication, de-
pending on how high your
cholesterol levels are. Statins, the
most commonly used cholesterol
drugs, have been shown to reduce
"bad" cholesterol by up to 50 per-
cent or more and increase "good"
cholesterol by up to 15 percent.
This also reduces your risk of heart
attack, stroke and cardiovascular
Heather Martin, DO, a board
certified family medicine physi-
cian, sees patients at Sanford
Health Dickinson Clinic. Dr. Mar-
tin completed her medical degree
at Lake Erie College of Osteo-
pathic Medicine in Bradenton,
Fla., and then did her residency at
The Medical Center in Columbus,
Ga. To request an appointment,
call (701) 456-6144.
A public notice is information
infoming citizens of government
activities that may affect the
citizens' everday lives.
Public notices have been printed
in local newspapers, the
trusted sources for community
information, for more than
200 years.
Golden Valley News
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
(U.S.P.S. Pub.
No. 221-280)
Staff: Richard Volesky, editod
reporter, and Jane Cook, office
and news assistant.
The Golden Valley News is pub-
lished each Thursday, 22 Central
Ave., Suite 1, Beach, ND 58621 by
Nordmark Publishing. Periodicals
postage paid at Beach, ND and addi-
tional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to: Golden Valley News,
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621.
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Contact Information
• Phone: 701-872-3755
• Fax: 701-872-3756
Email: goldenandbillings@
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• 1 year: $38 elsewhere in
North Dakota
• 1 year: $42 out-of-state and
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The Golden Valley News is a proud
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866-483-7900 or 701-483-7900
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thy that you'd like to share or submit to
the Golden Valley News or the Billings
County Pioneer?
We won't know about it unless you tell
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It's easy. Just give us a call, e-mail your
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photo and the text that goes along with
Golden Valley News/Billings County Pio-
P.O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
(701) 872-3755;
Public Works Director l
Position in Historic Medora
The Medora Public Works Director is responsible for planning,
directing, and coordinating the departmental and personnel activities of
the Public Works Department to ensure the provision of quality and
reliable service to the citizens of Medora. Duties include: supervising and
directing personnel in the Public Works Department and dealing with
personnel issues; handling inquiries from the general public; managing
departments and performing administrative tasks; reviewing operating
reports regarding overtime, vehicle maintenance, and fund reports for the
Public Works Department; managing City street, underground, sidewalk,
sewer, water, cable TV, pool, and solid waste projects; and, preparing
departmental budgets for all areas in the Public Works Department.
Certification requirements include: Pool Operator, Water Treatment &
Distribution, and Wastewater Treatment & Collection. Candidate must
have initiative to strive for and accomplish tasks with little supervision.
Starting salary is $45,000--neg0tiable, based on experience. Outstanding
benefits package includes retirement, health, dental, vision, and life
insurance. For the complete job description, please contact Carrie via
phone at (701) 623-4828 or email Please mail
your resume to: City of Medora, ATTN: Carrie Law, PO Box 418A Medora,
ND 58645 or email to Deadline for resumes to
be received is Friday, July 26th.
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Weather Trivia
~ ENE~
Farmers Union Oil Co.
Interstate Cenex
HOT STUFF I Hot Stuff Pizza
Do hurricanes develop
over the equator? •
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ":luatudol0AOp J!oq!t
Mostly Sunny Mostly Sunny Sunny Mostly Sunny Sunny Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy A~Olle o~ ~e0A~ 00~ St O0aO:t
84/61 82/58 81/55 82/58 86/61 85/62 84/65 S!lO.UOD aq~L "oN :aaAtsuv
Pt~cip Chance: 5% Prccip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 0% Precip Chance: 5% Precip Chance: 10%