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CHAPTER IX--Continued
]But though he crossed many a horse
[lack, he accepted none of them as the
trail of the horse he sought. All after-
mmn he worked through the long lone-
llnesses, covering many a weary mlle.
'lNventy riders besides himself might
working the West Cuts for all Ken-
tucky knew; the West Cuts could have
hidden a thousand more. Their illimit-
able emptlnesses made a man on a
horse seem to crawl like an ant, de-
8cendlng deep hour-long declivities,
only to climb again eternally.
He was a long way t~'om home by
the time that he decided he must have
Copyright by Alan LeM&y
WNU Set vlc~
up to the upper end, where that little
drift of timber is."
"Kentucky, I've been to the upper
end, and they're not up there, nor
any place between. And If they'd gone
np them slde trails rd have seen them.
You can see a rider two miles as he
goes up them long slants."
"Seems klnd of peculiar," said Ken-
"You're d--n tootln' it's peculiar,"
said Lee Bishop. "I'm plumb con.
fused. And likewise I'm disgusted,
Still keeping eonstanl: lookout, he
~repared for the night. Bishop ao-
peared to be too seriously hnr~ to be
noved without ald.
Already the light was uncertain ; the
molten gold of the last sun still
touched the upper peaks of the Mart-
copas, but the wide reaches of Trap
canyon were pooled In blue dark.
Dragging Bishop's rifle with hlm, Ken-
tucky Jones went out to his dead
horse and got his saddle blanket, and
the saddle itself to prop Lee's head.
He shucked off his sheepskin coat and
used it with the blanket to make
Bishop a bed in a snow-drifted angle.
Working along tl~ llp of the coulee
he collected greasewood and broken
overshot. Once he had seen two rid-
eus, whom he recognized as 88 men,
working 88 stock; but Bill McCord
was neither one of them. Lee Bishop
continued to elude him, lost in the
The sun was s*~ttlng; above Wolf
Bench the wrinkled peaks of the Marl-
eolm~ seemed to float detached from
the earth, vast delicate traceries of
pale blue shadow, set off with crooked
red-gold tracings where the westerlng
sun poured golden light upon the
Jmow. Across Wolf Bench, already In
the shadow, a dark bitter-cold breeze
began to blow, smelling of frost and
blown snow. Kentucky Jones set his
horse upon g high point, and wondered
if Lee Bishop were dead.
The frozen wind, forecasting the
~Ight, always brought to his mind the
things to which a range rider has a
right to look forward al: that hour:
the gleam of a little golden light at
a cook-house .window, far across the
snowy reaches, winking and almost
lost in the twilight purple; and the
things that the light' seen far off.
meant to the rider coming in on his
tired horse--the warmth of stove heat,
friendly yellow lamp light' the crowd-
ing in of red-faced hungry riders, very
merry over being done with work ; the
smell of frying meat and hot fresh
bread, and the steam of coffee; and
afterward an hour or two of drowsy
loafing in the warmth, wise-cracking
the day's work, spinning lies--maybe
a game of seven-up, and somebody
making music for a littlp w~Jl~e with
banjo, mouth orga9, or J~s harp.
And at the Bar Hook the cold long
twilight, which always made the slm~
ple realities of food and snug warmth
meem so good, and so well worth liv-
ing-at the Bar Hook these things
BhoUld also have meant seeing Jean
Ragland again, this girl who, even in
adversity, was like no other girL As
Kentucky ~onea set his horse, letting
It blow a little from a long climb be-
fore putting It upon the long round-
about trail home, he was thinking that
this range could have been a great
range for cattle, and a great range for
linen, and that maybe having ridden
it he never would have wanted to ride
another, had things broken as they
should. R was a hidden malignauce,
working underhandedly In the dark,
that spoL1~d this range.
He pU~ the zebra dun Into a can-
yon and out again, and to the rim of
another; and there, long after he had
let all hope slide, he sighted Bishop
at las~. He put his pony down Into the
canyon, then upward through the can-
yon'S notch; and a furlong Into the
widening valley hailed Lee Bishop
across the snow.
~Lee," he demanded as they came
~What's FunnyY'
together, "what's all this? You gone
4~dzy, man ?"
"I dunno, Kentucky," said Lee Bishop
wearily. "Sometimes I think I am.
I'm plumb mystified, that's sure."
"You d~n fool. you think you can--"
& queer look In the other's face
stopped him. "What's the matter, Lee?
What happened?"
"Well, nothing much; only it's dog-
gone funny !"
*'What's funny?"
Lee Bishop pulled up hls horse and
turned in the saddle to look back
"You see t~nis canyon, Kentucky? It's
called Trap canyon, because you can't
get out the upper end. Over there--
and there--and there--" he pointed-
"you can get out all right. But the
upper end you can't get out. I saw
two riders come in here. I'm pretty
sure one of 'era was Bill McCord.
swear. I followed
and likewise I'm sore. Let's get home."
He kicked his ~orse ahead.
"Wait a minute l" said Kentucky. He
held his voice low. "In G--d'a name,
Lee--stop your horse." "What's the matter?"
"Do what I say," said Kentucky
Without raising his voice, *'and don't
ask why. Turn your horse and come
back ¢o me." Kentucky Jones turned
his own horse so that it was headed
back the way Lee Bishop had come.
"Now bring your horse alongside of
mine, easy." he said. "Walk your
horse slow alongside of me."
"Where the devil we going?" Lee
Bishop demanded.
*'You see that coulee up ahead of us
there, about fifty yards? Lee, how
deep is that ceulee?'
The drainage feature which Ken.
tucky indicated was a shallow twisting
cuc that wound its way across the floor
of the mile-wide canyon, a creek dur-
Ing'the rains, a dry wash in time of
"Maybe five or six foot deep," said
Bishop. "Why?"
"Walk with me slow and easy until
we get 1:o the edge of that coulee,"
Kentucky said. "Then slap hooks to
your horse and Jump him Into it. Soon
drift' and with thls built a tiny fire to
warm the wounded man's feet' and
another fire ac Bishop's side.
Lee Bishop opened his eyes long
enough to say faintly, ~fhat'll only be
a mark for gunfire, Kentuck."
-rll take care oC that, Lee. It's
near dark enough to flee at the flash of
the guns."
When these thing~ were done t~era
was nothlng mere ta do but wait' keel~
watch, and maintain their store of
fuel. He built a third flre--a signal
fire on the edge of the coulee, a hun-
dred yards from their forlorn bivouac.
When Camps Ragland and Harry Wil-
son returned to t~e Bar Hook It was
reasonable to suppose that they would
make some effort to find Bishop, who
had gone out looking for trouble with
every probability of finding it If they
came to look, the signal fire would be
visible a long way off. If they did
noc come to look, Kentucky 3"ones had
a long wait ahead, a wait perhaps
equal to the remainder of Lee Bishop's
Slowly the hours passed, cold with
a bone-piercing cold, and marked only
by the imperceptible turn of the stars.
After an hour or two Lee Bishop he-
At the inquest into the ~death of .Tohn Mason, banker, J'ean, daughter of"
Camps Bagland, owner of the Bar Hook ranch, where Mason met death, sur-
reptitiously passes to Kentucky Jones the bullet which had killed Mason. Ken-
tucky goes to work on the Bar Hook ranch. The Mason verdict is accidental
death. Bob Elliot, owner of the adjoining range, drives his cattle on the Bar
Hook land. L~e Bishop, l:tag|and's ranch boss, expostulates, and Bill McCord.
foreman, insults him. Bishop and Jones are astounded at l:ts~g-land'a in-
difference to Elliot's action, Bishop urges Kentucky to try to influence Jean to
arouse her father. Ha does so, unwillingly, and her reaction mystifies him. Zack
Sanders, Bar Hook cook, ts found dead, murdered. Sheriff Hopper announces his
knowledge that Mason also was murdered. Jones seeks to trace the ownership
of a gun found on ZLck Sanders, as baying a bearing on the mystery. Jean
sells him her share in the Bar Hook ranch, thus giving him a free hand with
Elliot. In a gun fight with riders of the ~8" ranch .Tim Humphreys, Bar Hook
cowboy, is killed, and his partner wounded. Jones sends for fighting cowmen,
but Ragland countermands the order. Jones finds proof that Scan has concealed
evidence connected with Mason's death. A gunsmith whom hs had engaged to
trace Sanders' gun says he sold the weapon to • Bar Hook cowboy, Joe St. Marie.
Jonas queJtiona St. Marie, but lm can throw no light on the mystery.
as he's In, duck out of the saddle and
get down."
Lee Bishop half drew up his horse
as if be would stop. "What's got into
you, Kentucky Y"
"Come on, you fool l"
"See something?"
"I'm not dead sure I did. But, Lee.
I'm not going to bet your life I didn't
Lee Bishop brought his horse along
reluctantlY. '~hen what the devil was
it?" he demanded irritably.
"Don't look back," said Kentucky.
"I'm not right sure, Lee. but what I saw
a tied horse up there; and If it is
a horse, he's gOt his head snaked low
to the ground, such as will stop the
average horse from whinnying when
another one comes along."
Lee Bishop swung in his saddle to
stare back at the canyon wall three
hundred yards away. Kentucky snarled
at him, "Don't turn, you---"
Suddenly Bishop gave a queer gag-
ging cry and snatched at his saddle
.scabbard. A rifle had spoken from
the upper rocks,
The gun above spoke a second time,
and a third; Bishop's horse started
abruptly. The rider, his gun clutched
across his breast with both hands,
toppled sidewise and pitched headlong
into the snow.
Kentucky Jones dropped out of the
saddle, lifted Lee Bishop, and got the
foreman over his shoulders. Running
diagonally to keep tile pony between
ilimself and the ambushed rifle, he
tried for the lip of the coulee.
A fourth time the rifle in the rocks
spoke, and this time Kentucky's horse
Jerking free the reins, and
we~t to its knees. Bishop's rifle fell to
:he snow ~nd Kentucky turned back
two paces to snatch it up. The edge
of the coulee was ten paces beyond.
As he ran, chest to the ground, the rifle
chopped at them once more from the
ledges of the notch, and Kentucky
felt Lee Bishop's body Jerk. Then he
lowered Bishop over the edge by the
arms, and leaped in after him.
"I,ee! Lee, where are you hit?'
Lee Bishop's eyes were squinted shut,
and he groaned through set teeth as
Kentucky tried to stralght:en him out
upon the bottom of the arroyo. "They
got me, Kentucky," he managed to get
out at last
"The h--l they have! You going to
please that hunch by making a die?"
But when he had examined Lee
Bishop he did not know. The first shot
Lee Bishop had received had been an
angling one. in the back; he could not
tell whether the bullet had lodged at
the bottom of the lung or some place
Catching uP Bishop's rifle. Kentucky
threw a shot into the general vicinity
of the ambush, and instantly drew fire
in return, Apparently their attackers
were not attempting to close.
Kentucky immediately
gan to mumble from the depths of g
delirious stupor.
It must have been nearly midnight
when the wounded man's mind cleared.
"Kentucky," he said.
~Right here, Lee."
~I don't know but what I've got my
comeuppance, Kentuck. I got some-
thing I gel to tell you."
"You better wait untll~"
"Shut up ! I ought to have told some-
body this before; I don't know as it'll
do you much good, telling you now.
But you ought to know It."
Bishop's voice was very faint but
he seemed to speak with little effort,
as long as he did not try to raise his
"Lee," said Kentucky. "I don't
want to encourage you to i:alk, but if
you can tell me why Bill McCord wants
to kill you, it sure might help in what's
going to come after this."
"Kentucky, I ain't got any more
idea than you," Lee said. "I don't
know as I care a whole darn. What
I'm worrying about is the way you're
getting dragged into this killing of
Mason. What time did you leave the
Bar Hook the day Mason was killed?"
"I can prove I was in Waterman by
half past one."
"Then," said Bishop, "you couldn't
possibly have killed John Mason."
"I never claimed I did, Lee."
"There's others will claim you did,"
Bishop mumbled. "You couldn't have
killed Mason," he repeated, "because
Mason was still alive when you got
back to Waterman. I know he was
alive because I saw him alive. He
was sitting his horse Just below a knob
about a quarter tulle from the Bar
Hook ranch house. I saw him plain."
*'But when you found hlm," Ken-
tucky pointed out, "there was no snow
under him ; proving he was killed be-
fore the snow began to fall."
"I can't account for t:hat Maybe
the snow under him melted, or stone-
This seemed unlikely to Kentucky,
but he did not interrupt.
"I was a couple furlol~gs away,"
Bishop admitted, contl~fl:~g. "But
don't you tell me I made a ~.Is~ake. I
mind how John Mason used to nit, king
of half crooked in the saddle: and I
mind the round of his shouHc~.~ as he
sat his horse, aud the tilt o~. h'~ hal
I'd know him any distance, ~lt of a
thousand men."
There was something peculltcly fa-
miliar about Lee Bishop's cl~'~u o~
recognition. Suddenly Kentucky knew
why. He had beard Joe St. Marie use
almost the same words In explaining
to Jean Ragland, the night fhey found
Zack Sanders, that he had seen a
isn't hardly =likely," Kentucky
Sl~Culatively, ~'that~ you'd mls-
horse Mason rode that
pinto horse. He was riding a little
blood bay peny--an 88 pony they call
Three Spot."
"Tell me one more thing," Kentucky
said. "Did this--did Mason see you?"
"Ile ought to have seen me. I was
in plain sight. But he didn't answer
to my wave."
Kentucky rose and went about his
work of keeping up the fire". By the
signal fire he stood listening for a long
time, suspicious of small sounds far
away; but he could make certain of no
indication of nearby human life. He
went back to Lee Bishop.
"Are you tbere, Kentucky?'
"Right here. Lee."
"Kentucky, I'm sorry I never [old
that. If only I'd told some people
about it, it would clear you. But--use
it any way you can."
"You never told anybody at all?"
"Just one person in the world. Ken-
tucky; and that isn't liable to do you
much good."
"Who was that?"
"Jean Ragland .... She'll back up
your word if you tell 'era what I said.
But I don't know as it will carry much
weight Anybody can see that she's
dead gone on you, Kentuck, Most
llkely they'll discount: what she seya
in your favor, on that account."
Kentucky Jones said gently, "You're
wrong there, Lee."
"You're a fool if you think I am.
I told her about seeing Mason, and she
made me promise not to tell anybody
else. I disremember what I thought
was her reason for that; it seemed
a reasonable thing to ask, at the time."
Kentucky ~Iones sucked In his breath
through his teeth. "Lee," he said slow-
ly, '~you sure you got this st~aight~'
"Sure, Kentucky. I wouldn'~ disree-
ognlse Old Iron--"
"I don't mean that, Lee. I mean--
you told Jean abou~ seeing this, and
she told you not to tell anyone?'
"You beat me, Kentucky. How the
h--i would a man ge~: a thing like that
mixed up?"
"All right, Lee."
*'What's the matter with you, Ken-
tuck ?"
"There's a link or two missing yet,
Lee," Kentucky said. "But I'm dead
sure In my own mind, now."
"What are you talking about?"
"You've got me the killer of Ma-
son," Kentucky said.
Lee Bishop started, winced, and set-
fled back again, more limp and more
still than before. "You mean," he said
at las~. "you know who killed MasonS"
"Don't you ?"
"I-- Listen l"
They were silent for a long moment
while Lee Bishop lay with closed eyes,
as if the life had gone out of him once
and for all.
"There's a herse coming," Bishop
said at last,
Kentucky listened, but could hear
nothing; It seemed to him that the
small purr and hiss of the fire over
which he crouched was preventing him
from distinguishing far off, fainter
sounds. He got up and walked down
the gully, past the signal fire, to a
place from which he could sight across
the flat snow to the canyon narrows.
Here the firelight was no longer In his
eyes, and the small whisper of the
embers could not confuse his ears;
and presently he was certain that he
dlktlngulshed the slow trample of a
walking horse. He listened for what
seemed a long fime, while the sound
came sometimes distinct and unmis-
takable, and again died away until he
was half convinced that the rider had
turned and drawn off.
Then the sound of the walking
hoofs suddenly became sharp and close
at hand. Three hundred yards away
Kentucky made out the movement of
a shadow In shadows, and knew tha~
the rider was sitting his horse In the
mouth of the notch. Kentucky Jones
freed his rifle's safety catch, carefully,
without any click of metal.
For nearly five minutes the rider In
the notch sat motionless, and Jones
znew that their visitor was watching
the signal fire, trying to make ou~
figures near it, or other slgn of what
the builders of the fire intended.
The rider moved out of the mouth of
the notch at last, turned uncertainly to
the right, and began to skirt the foot
of the canyon wall so slowly that for
a little while Kentucky Jones was in-
clined to think that there was no rider
there at all, but only an unridden horse
wandering about in search of its bunch.
Moving slow It circled the signal fire,
as if trying to pass at the greatest pos-
sible distance. Then the pony passed
before a drift of gullied snow which
stood like a panel of white set into
the gray rock; and against thls Ken-
tucky Jones saw the unmistakable sil-
houette of the figure in the saddle.
The rider turned now, cutt;ng back
to circle the signal fire mor~ closely;
and st last, as if suddenly hupatlent,
turned dlrect]y toward the ~re itself
and r(~de to the edge of lt~ circle of
light. At a distance of no n.~ore than
fifty fee*,, Kentncky Jones sl~d his rifle
over the lip of the coulee and brought
it to bear up0n the mounted ~gure.
Then the rider turned; amT the fire-
light showed him Jean Ragl~d's face.
"Hello, Jean," he said.
Her horse Jerked as if It would shy,
but its rider sat steady, leaning dow~
to peer into the shadows.
Avoided Word "Circus"
The first American circuses were
wiser than our early theaters in over-
coming the old rellglotm prejudice
against them as a form of entertain-
ment. They avoided the words '*cir-
cus" and "show" by using such a name
as "Great Moral and Educational Rx-
hlbltlon." Realizing, ~oo, that a pious
atmosphere would help to silence their
enemle~ they forced their troupes to
atteod church, made their barkers
quote the Scriptures ann painted their
wagons with Biblical pictm:eL--C~,
Ue~'a Weekly,
Your grandmother crocheted chair
~acks, and now this generation Is
~oing the same thing. Chair backs
~nd arm rests are strlctly modern.
When you enter a room the chair
with crocheted set attracts your at-
tention first. It Is distinctive and
really looks good. The wreath shown
above 'is made In the large filet
stitch ; shows up more lacy and~ the
work is completed In less time.
Other designs in chair backs have
been shown in past editions, and
Judging from the response for direc-
tions how to make them we feel
sure this design will bring equally
large requests. The home needle
workers know what to make to im-
prove home decorations.
Instructions and black and white
diagram how to make this set will
be mailed upon receipt of 10c. If
you want the complete package No.
2505 containing sufficient cream
Mountain Craft cotton, crochet hook,
directions and diagram, send this de-
partmen~ 40c and you will receive It
t)y mail.
teenth and St. Louis avenue, St
Louis. Me.
Inclose a stamped addressed en-
velope for reply when writing for
~ny information.
Mind's Posslbilitiu
The mind Is invincible when she
/urns to herself, and relies upon her
own courage.... What then must
her strength be when she is fortified
with reason, and engages upon
thought and dellberatlon?--From the
writings of Marcus Aurelius.
. , .. ,
Figures Reveal Marke¢~
Decline in Birthrate
The United States is fast becom-
ing a nation of oldsters. Dr. O. E.
Baker of the bureau of agricultural
economics reports.
With fewer births every year and
immigration constantly lessened.
"there are now about 10 per cent
fewer young children in the coun-
Iry than there were five years ago
and about 17 per cent more persons
over sixty-five years of age," ~ccord-
ing to Doctor Baker.
Continuation of this trend will
bring about a decreased population
after the 10-year period ending in
1945, the doctor predicts.
"Decline in births has been from
nearly 3,000,000 in 1921 to about
2,300,000 in 1934," Doctor Baker
said, but added: "A temporary blos-
soming in 1933 of many marrl.ages
postponed because of the depression
might have caused more than the
average number of births in 19.2"3."
However, he said, weddings In 1934
were back to pre-depression numbers
and "births seem unlikely to increase
after 1935."
The birth decline Is greater In cit-
ies than in rural areas, the investi-
gator found, because of the greater
monetary outlay necessary to raise
a child in the city.
The most backward group about
having children Is the "so-called mid-
dle and upper classes." Doctor
] decides :
"FamUles of professional classes
have 5 to 10 per cent fewer children
than those of business men;
men about 25 per cent fewer than
skilled workmen and skilled work-
men 30 per cent fewer than un,
skilled laborers."
Monarchs o~ the Air
The G~'af Zeppelin is 776 feet
long. She has a diameter of 100
feet. Her lifting capacity ls 110
tons and her maximum speed is 80
miles an hour. The American Akron,
which crashed while over the ocean,
had almost twice her gas volume,
with a lift of 180 tons.
Week's Supply of Postum Free
Read the offer made by the Posture
Company in anothea" part of this pa-
per. They will send a full week's suP-
ply of health giving Posture free t~
anyone who writes for lt.~Adv.
Folly of Warfare
Much of the fighting end~ be,
cause both sides are fired. Neither
Is su bJuga ted.~Exchange.
atob of lmmm
Z nuf tu cl br powd. spe . rots
who make baktne pow ,--
unde~ supen4~on of expot.t ehemists.
ame m,M lrmAl
• S ommem |e~ ~se
• You ~u al~ buy
K £ull
g~ ommo onn fen' Ze~o
Imetu Alway, Dqe,,daS
Are Your Guides to Value
imllHlilllliimliilillmlmMllmllml lmfllmMIlmmmlUilllMHIillMmllii llltH ll
• Experts can rougMy estimate
the value of a product by looking at it. More accurately, by
handling and examining it. Its appearance, its texture,_ tl~e
"feel" and the balance st it, all mean something to thei~
lgained eyes and fingers.
But no one person can be an
expert on steel, brass, wood, leather, ioodshdls, labric~,,
and all el the material that makes up a list el per
purchases. And even experts aro b~oled, sometimes, bY
concealed flaws and imperfections.
4) There is a surer index of value
than the senses of sight and touch.., knowledge oi the
maker's name and/or what it stands. Here is the most cer-
rain method, except that of actual use, ior judging the value
o[ any ma~u~ed goods. I~ro is tho only guarantee
against ca:eleM workmanship, or use oi shoddy materials.
OThis is one
why it pays to read advertisements and to
goods.The advertised product is
Merchandise mus| k good or it couldn't