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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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July 21, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 8 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1938 BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS! Cloverdale Quality Ice Cream Banana Split ........... 10c Peach Sundae ............ 10c All other Sundaes ......... 10c Big Double Buddy Cone... 05c Heavy Malted Milk ......... 15c COZY CAFE AIR- CONDITIONED " "THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN" { Monday O. Eldon Longstreth drove LOCAL~ ,to Dickinson to take the following boys l down for enrollment in the CCC: Louis Miss Marvel Erbele and Miss Loma~Fasehing' Lewis White of Golva and dinner ' s Clark were Monaay evening }Thoma Vanvig of Sentinel Butte and Lillian Oraham Orr of Beach. All passed their guests at the home of Miss tests successfully and were admitted. Thill, it being t~er birthday. Saturday evening Mr and Mrs. Friendship Snaps 50¢ per doz, 3 poses no groups, balance of July Only. Wel- Victor arrived back home from their eh Studio, Beach. recent trip to Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Satre are the parents of a baby boy, born to them July 19 at the home of Halvor Olson, north of Sentinel Butte. Mother and child are doing well. CLASSIFIED ADS ~ R SALE AT A RgRGglN new Dodge truck, with dual wheels. Inquire Farmers & Merchants WHO WOU~,DN'r IA]gE A GOOI~ JOB? You can have it if you attend1 Mankato Commercial College, Man- I kSto, Minn. t binder. Inquire of P. $. F~dms, Beach.I Go to the PARK CAFE, the ¢~lest and most comfortable place in town. The best In meals, lunches, beer. pop ice cream, candy, cigars, cigarettes. It's the "friendly care." FOR SALE OR TRADE--12-ft. Bald- win. Max Beggar, Wibaux. 40-4tp ]FOR SALE OR TRADE--Several rolls ~heep and hog fence also some barb wire. Call at the f~rm. C.J. HalJsman, Beach. 40-3tp FOR RENT~2 furnished rooms, with gas stoves. C. H. Clark. 34-1tp FOR SALE--Used .gas range in very good condition. Priced low, month- ly. Payments if wanted. Montana- Dakota Utllltie~ Co. 39-tf :BARGAIN DAY SPECIALS!..~.~ The Rexall l~ug For the lowest prices in town 50c Forhan' Tooth Paste 31c 50e Iodent Tooth Paste _31c 60c Alka Seltzer ............... 49c 100 iHnkles Cascara Tab- lets .................................. 09c 100 Aspirin Tablets. 5 grain ................................ 19c 2-oz Caster Oil ..................... 09e I Pt. Mineral Oil ......... 29c 1 lb. Pabulum ....................... 43c 5 lb. Evsom Salts .............. 31c Colgates Soars, 6 bars .... 29c FILLIING PESCRIPTIONS Is Our Snecialtv At Lowest Prices WOODWARD DRUG CO. Mrs. Addle Brown of Hurley, S.D., Mrs. J. O. ~Ramstad arrived home Maurlce Van Dewater and June Mcbee Thursday night from Parkland, Wash., of Parker S. D., arrived Monday even- where she has lived the past six ing to visit at the J. M. Still home. months. On her way home she visited Mr. Van Dewater will be remembered her daughter Mrs. Elma Indergaard as formerly having managed the Far- who ls attending summer school at m~rs Elevator in Sentinel Butte. lIissoula. HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW Beach Loaf It Tastes Better - - - Toasts Better OUR PASTRY OF ALL KINDS IS MADE WITH MILK AND EGGS Our Rolls Are Delicious OURBARGAIN DAY SPECIAL! 2 Doz. Large Cookies .......... 25c All Kinds TiiE SUN LIGHT BAKERY .... .... For Bargains on Tires, Tubes and Used Cars on BARGAIN DAY July 23rd Leonard Beeghley reports that he Tuesday when he cut some barley for combined what is believed to be the lDominic Kukowski. It went 12 bushels first grain in this county Monday and lto the acre, he says. NEW~FUEL~FREEDOM AL LONGBOTTOM Beach, No. Dak. i MILK 18-K .......... 4 lge cans 25c i MATCHES IGA ....... 6 boxes 1% i i i lit , ". . .~ . , ~ohawk V~liey Mild Tasty ,%mc~can Apricots, lug box (can no~,) .. 78c | CHEES~ ' 2~,="~9~' " ~ ¢ .IHOI PSON'S [00D ~R~[I NewPotat~*,10.1b. bag .: .... 20c S.u, mrner*Sausage • ~,,~, • ,-,~.21' +omato, s, , smi, , rs, e,.,. 'Y P - " BLACKBERRIES e.large .. 10c ~ ~,~"~ WheatC°rn Flakes.. ....... 33 lgelge pkgsPkgs 25c25C Cucumbers, hothous. FRESH PRUNES ~,,~ 9¢e~.~.9 Puffs .... .... Apples, new, fine for pies, 3 lbs. 21c ~- Tomato Juice.... lge 50.oz. can 23c Peaches, goodeating, dozen '... 23c I CIDER ! BAKED i RIPPLED { Bi~eC~Pcnot[aeeer.~REE !i.t~. pc't" lb.25c Watermelon, Texasgrown, lb.21/~c i Vine~ar ! Beans I Wheat ! o....., ,,, Salmon, pink ....... 2 lge cans 25c ~a]mon, nam)y s fcy., 2 l-lb. cans 25c I i u Matches, 6 box carton, only ... 19c No. 10 fcy Pineapple, graded .. 69c BROOM'S good quality., each 65c N0.10 Fcy PRUNES, per can... 38c BARGAIN DAY sPECIALS ONLY No. !0 Fcy CATSUP, per can...53c ~jl~ ~,J[~ u'*'~""~'~ ~~I~~ ". _'~'l'f'~'r~ SYRUP Go!den ..... 10 lbo Pail 51c CRACKER JACKS, 3 pkgs. .... ~0e ~s4~lF~ ~.,.,.,o, - ¢ COFFEE B-K ....... :. lb. tin 29c HONEY, New 1938 Crop, 5 lb..55¢ . , "~" 5 -- 17 ...... rip s. Bana~z, firm ripe ..... 4 Ibs. 25c Sc "hilling's, or Nash Coffee, lb..28c Bananas, firm e, 4 lb for... 2~~_ ..... " ' juicy dozen APRiCO'IS, for eannmg, crate ~ Occident Flour, 98 lb. sack... $3.09 Lemons,.. ~ large. , ..... _ i ILL I I / I I i i LEMONS, fancy SurAist.. doz. 35c SUGAR, Holly 10 lb. bag ...... 58c s, or les, gh ............ Binder Twine, 100 lbs. ....... $8.85 Tomatoes, just ri t for slicing, Phone~75 3 lb~ for .............. Summer Sausage, ~und .. ...... 21c II WALDORF* 10.-4S¢,. W. C. SCHULZ MACARONI I • Re ynolds Co. Where You Buy Better Merchan- I ~.~~f~s HEADLIGHT 2 lbs. for 5lc