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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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July 21, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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It~RSDAY, JUI,Y 2]. 1.t..,8 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS PAGE 7 ~1~A~i$l~M~$~u~j~Iul~u~$~m1~il~u;~$H~[~1~$~W~H~l~$1~1I1~uI~j~lW~j ReicherL home and cal]e¢l on the J. TROTTERS i R Andre family. PLEASANT VALLEY ' II~IX$11ulSHtlI$111IlIIIIlulIII]IIlllIIIHp.IIIII$1111ulI!IffiII~IIIIIISp, luRI Mrs. Rex Campbell and daughter ~$i~uliiii~l~iii~1$~1l~i~ii~H~$lliluill~l~l1~l~l~H~l~uiu~$~u$~1$~$~i$~$~ were out in this vicinity Saturday evening. A fair sized crowd attended the iVirginia are visiting this week at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson andi Vick l%enstrom and Bill Wassmann Union Aid at the John Robertson home W. A. Campbell home. son were dinner guests at the George called at Herman and Fred Wasmann on Wednesday. Only a few membersI The P. V. Moores write that they Richmond home Sunday. Saturday evening. Were able to attend but all had a:are now in Washington. They have Austin Slocomb and Buddy Zellar Mrs. Fred Wassmann returned home Very nice time and enjoyed a delic-iseen many beautiful sights on their called at Charles Slocomb's Saturday Wednesday night after a ten day stay tous lunch, l journey but they still think Trotters Little Marvin Brettin had the miS-lwith her daughter Mrs. Falker, who Mrs. Ray Tasker received the sad is best. fortune of throwing his hip out Of ihas been moving into their new home. Word on Saturday that her brother, l Mr and Mrs Los Crook and Iamilylj°nt and had to be taken to Dickinson Herman Gilbraa had passed away very i visited the J. "F. Crooks last week. tf°r treatment. 4;OLDENOffleeVAi'LEYof COITNTY SUddenly of a heart attack. He was laid IThey were enroute to Red Lodge, inI Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davldson and .~IPEH1NTEND[~;NT OF NCHOOL~ to rest in the Wibaux cemetery on lMontana where they will again take I family, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Richmond Beach, N. Dak. Monday. We wish to express our sin-iup their residence. Thev spent the land family took in the celebration at core sympathy to the bereaved. I past ten months in St. ~Paul, Minn. Medora on the fourth . We are all sorry to hear of the Miss Cora Grunewald left the Beach death of Mr. Lund, last week. He made j hospital Thursday and went to Roch- ~¢$~l$1[~]~m£~lllEIllll~l[E$111,Dietz, Geo. Stull and Aldolph Johnson.' Board (i~:cid(d to give thirtb days Mr. and Mrs. Alen Chaffce and son! n,)tiee t,f a further bearing and di- r(,gt(td lh~-! L:ounly Sui:)elqll t endent July 14, 193~4 S(hool officers Se]lthiel Butte No. 2 and pearl No. 15. Golden Valley Couuty, North 1)a- khta. Sirs: A petiti,n signed by residents of Town~hip 143-103 and 144-103 has been filed with Minnie b2. Smith, Ci~unty Auditor Golden Valley C(,unty, requesting that Townships 143-103 and 144-103 he separated from Sentinel Butte Scimol District No. '2 and anilexed II~ [)earl School Districl No. 15. You are hereby notlfied that at 1:31) t'. 51. Oil .k U ~.llS[ 2:~, 10:~N the t:h*ard of Counly Commissioners will hold a l)u/)iie hearing hi iH'der to detol'nline whether of not the above reel] t iolle(l cilan ge shall be nlade. Said hearing will be held in the (~ourt ttouso in Beach, Norttl Da- lit~l tl. This notice i.s in cotlllili;tnee v, ith s~ etion 1148. 1 ated at Beach, North Dakota this 14th day of July, 1938. til':RMAN F. I)IbTl'Z, (?o. SUpt. of Schools. July2]-2b Aug. 4-11 NOTICE TO CIIEI}ITOR~ ester where she hopes to find help for her ailment. Richard Moore returned to Trotters on Wednesday after having visited in Nebraska, where he lived before he came to North Dakota. Geneese Omley spent last week vis- iting her friend Nora Belle Sperry. Mrs. George Tasker was surprised when her sister and brother in law, the Adolph Huseths caleld on her and her famiy. Locked in a Tower to 1M[ake Sure He'll Wed a Princess. One of the Many Interesting Articles in THE AMERI- CAN WEEKLY, the Magazine Distrib- uted With NEXT SLrNDAY'S CHICA-I GO HERALD AND EXAMINER. his home near Skaar for many years, and for several years carried the mail ~rom Trotters to Skaar. He was well and favorably known here and had a host of friends who morn his passing. We extend heartfelt sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. Mrs. George Tasker is a patient in the Beach hospital under treat- ~nent for a severe cold. Mrs. W. A. Campbell and daughtter Avis Kink, visited Alice Moore and the Jim Goldsberrys' last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Birmingham were SUnday visitors at the A. M. Flana- gan home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nellermoe re- turned last week from a trip to Minn- esota. While there they visited at the For longer Motor Life and Oil Saving, Install a FRAM OiL and MOTOR CLEANER On Your Tractor. See the Fram at SORENSEN MACHINE SHOP Beach, North Dakota Case outfit for sale 2345 Engine and 32 Thresher COMPLETE! ! This is priced at a REAL BARGAIN. Come in quick if you want to see it. Your Case Machinery Dealer AI L0ngbottom BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF Olaf T. "~Vinger, Deceas- ed. Notice is hereby given by the un- dcrsigned, Harry Hill, as Admin- istrator with the "~VIll Annexed of the Estate of Olaf T. Winger, also known as Olaf ~,Vinger late of the Township of Elmwood in the Coun- ty of Golden Valley amI State of North Dakota, deceased, to the cred- i(:~f~o~s of, and all persons having ms against said deceased, to ex- hibit them with the necessary vouch- ers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to Said Harry Hill at the office of Keohane ~ Kuhfeld in the City of Beach in said Golden Valley Coun- ty, or to the Judge of the County Court of Golden Valley County, at his office in the Court House in the City of Reach, Golden Valley Coun- ty. North Dakota. You are hereby further notified that Hon. A. E. Kastien, Judge of the County Court within and for the County of Golden Valley, and State of North Dakota, has fixed the 18th day of January A. D. 1939, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court Rooms, In the Court House in the City of Beach in said County and State, as the time and place for hearing and adjusting all claims against the es- tate of the said Olaf T. Winger, De- ceased, which have been duly and regularly presented an hereinbefore provided. Dated this 5th day of July, A. D. 1938. HARRY HILL, Administrator with the Will Annexed of the Estate of Olaf T. Winger, Deceased. First publication on the 7th day of July A. D. 1938. Keohane & Kuhfeld, Attorneys for Administrator, Beach, North Dakota. July 7-14-21 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slocomb and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kanennberg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lievens :and daughters spent the fourth at Wi- baux. Mrs. G. E. Schallock and children visited at the G. E. Richmond home Tuesday. Rev. Jongeward called at Chas Slo- comb's Tuesday. Mrs. O. H. Moo and daughter Myr~.le attended Homemakers Club at H. Feld- husen's Tuesday. Miss Erma Slocomb visited Miss Myrtle Moe Wednesday. Mr. Everett Redgers of Circle, Mont. arrived at the home of Chas. Sloconzb Friday p. m. for a short visit, leaving. that evening for Malta, Mont. where he has employment. Mr. W. Wallace and Mr. J. Rafferty was calling in this community Friday. Miss Myrtle Moo was an overnight guests of Miss Pauline Peterson on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Davidson called at G. E. Richmond's Monday. Clyde and Carl Waldahl are attend- ing Bible school in Sentinel Butte. Charles Davldson was a Sen,tinel Butte caller Thursday. F. D. Waldahl called at G. E. Rich- monds Sunday. Sunday callers at the J. D. Davidson home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank David- son of Golva, Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Dou- bles, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thoml~on of Beach, Miss Ester Stanson of Minn- eapolis and Mrs. Tennyson of Blair, Wisc. E1mo Fisher of Sentinel Butte helped F. D. Waldahl make hay last week. i _ GARNER Mrs. Joe Dietz and children, and Ethel Wassmann visted at the Herman Wassmann home on Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Laura Strahon branded her cattle Sunday, Leo Nistler, Maurice Wassmann, Harold Mathson, Olaf] Oestad, Henry Huse and Jack Leuis helped with the branding. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stull and son Paul visited at the Cole Mattie home [COMMi$1ON[$' PR0- Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Orstal and child- theren wereunderwoodSUndaYhome.eVening callers atI State of _ Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Babeock and fam- ily were visitors in this vicinty Sunday. Msses Ethel and Agnes Krause cal- North /oakota~ ss led at F. Wassmann home on Sunday County of Golden Valley) July 13, 1938, 9:00 A. M. The Board of County Commissioners met pur- suant to adjournment with all mere- afternoon. Ethel went back to Dick- inson to attend school there. Those in Beach from this vicinity on Saturday were Orstad family, Art Underwood, Henry Huse, Joe and A1 NOTICE FOR BIDS At 2:00 o'clock P. M. July 29th 1938, The Board of County Com- missioners, of Golden Valley Coun- ty, North Dakota will receive and open bids for a carload of bridge plank and timbers consisting of 2~,000 ft. The above to be No. 1 common in the rough, full sawed and priced F. O. B. cars at Beach, North Da- kota. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Mall bids to the County Auditor. MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor. June 30th July 7-14-21 AMERICA'S LOWEST PRICED SEDAN-BY FAR! The bi , new five-passenger Willys CHpper is ideally built for the American g lmost $100 less than any other Sedan- Family... It's SENSATIONAL in price--a IT'S BIG--14 feet long! Room for five-and lots of luggage spac~ for the whole family's luggage. Wide doors. Fl/pover front seat for easy entrance. The im- portant features found in $1000 cars...Its economy is unequaled ANYWHERE. Up to 35 miles per gallon is what owners throughout the country say. Don't buy any car--not even a used wx--till you see the new Willys Clipper. WILLYS CLIPPER $549" ~ 15¢ Family $e~s; F#dcrol, State a~ locdl taxrt and tr~sspor~giow abdu,ges /rms the Paaer$ at T~l~o, Obi~ i#t i~ GOLDEN VALLEY HARVESTER COMPANY bers present. Resident taxpayers and members of the Boards of Beach Civil Township and the City of Beach appeared before the Board relative to grading the road from the City directly south. The Township and City of Beach must l)rocure right of way and certify same to the County Board when grading of the road will be considered. A petition was presented to the Board which had been signed by taxpayers and voters of Golden Valley county, petitioning the Board to proceed to get the State High- way department to rebuild and maintain Highway 16 on present site of right of way and to pur- chase any necessary additional land required for road. Members of Lone Tree Townshsip Board and taxpayers appeared and asked that the County Board co- operate with the State Highway Department in the reconstruction of Highway 16. The following resolution was adopted relative to the improve- ment of Highway 16. IIESOLUTION Commissioner ~,Vosepka presented the following resolution and moved its adoption: Be It Resolved by the Board of C.unty Commissioners in a regular session this 13th day of July, 1.938: That Golden Valley county and the State Highway Department co- operate in the improvement of State Highway No. 16, beginning at junction with highway No. I0, north nine miles and beginning at the corner of First street and Simpson street of the City of Beact] along a new alignment on the south side of the Northern Pa- cific tracks to Highway 16, thence south on highway No. 16 to the village of Golva, N. Dak. That Golden Valley county will pay the State Highway Departmnt a flat rate of $500.00 per mile for reshaping. Coun'ty eqtl:i~}ment will be used to the greatest possible extent at the established state highway rental rates; the county being given credit for the amount earned by the county equipment. The Stat(~ Highway department will provide engineering supervision, ad- ditional equipment, culvert exten- sions and surface the improved sections with L000 cubic yards of gravel per mile.It is understood that these improved sections will be given a light oil treatment (luring the summer of 1939. That Golden Valley County and the State Highway department will acquire right Of w~y in accordance with plats to be prepared by the highway department, sharing the costs of right of way purchases equally. Upon being put to a vote, all members voted "aye" and the res- olution was declard ad~,pted, Signed: LEWIS ODLANI), Chairman of Board of County Commissioners. T. A. V~rOSEPKA, M. C. TESCHER. Attest: MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor. At 1,2:30 o'eock the Board ad- Journed and reconvened at 1:30 P. M. with all members present. At 2:00 P. M. a hearing had been called for the purpose of re- oonsidered the petition previous- ly presented which had been signed by residents of Townships 143 and 144, Range 103, asking that such territory be segregated from the Sentinel Butte School District No. 2 and annexed to School District No. 15. Beveral residentg of both scbool districts were heard. The C. C. Clark, Mgr. (,f Schools to give the required no- lit! t~, S(}IOOI offic(rs ~)f t'aeil dis- trhq and to 1)ui)lish the same in the.' (3olden Valley News. The pr(iposed hearing is set for August 23, 192,8. The Board sct July 29th. 19aS as thc date f-r tile budget heaFing and orde|'ed the following notice pub- lishe(l. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Ileuring Of County Budget Notice is hereby given that in conll)lianee with Senate bill No. 208 of the session htws of 1923 and H,mse bill No. 97. Session laws of 1929, the Board of County Com- missioners of Gohlen Valley county, North I)akota have designated July 29th. 1:)38, at 2:00 o'clock P, M. at the Court house in the City t.f I~each. North Dakota as the lime and place any taxpay- ers tnay appear and be in fttvor or against tile I)r,,posed CXl)enditures. The folh,wlng is an estinlate of the proposed expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1939: IAst and amount of each budget estimate t)aynlcllt frolii County (;eneral Fund. C~mnty Board .................... $ 1300.00 ('oust v Auditor . ................... 2360.00 Count~" Treasurer ............. 1050.00 ;~ssesst/l's ~lYl{1 assossment .... 200.00 State's Attnrney .............. 1274.00 Coroner - ......................... 100.00 STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUND LIA BILrFIEN Fstimated unll)ul|t require{I for fis- ('al vear ..................................... (;enerai i{eserve ............................... Estimated Liabilities for f i s c a 1 year • ....................................... II~ESOUR CES t ~ II eneun]bere{l cash baiuncc ........... Estimated colleeti(,ns from prior tax ]t~vies .............................................. T~,tal Rescmrces Gen(ral Fund ....... To He Raised by Taxes from (;en- eral f,'u ~d ...................................... Ntutement of Road Fund LIABILITIES IC:~timate(I amount reqaired for fis- cal year ................................................ General Reserve .................................... Estimated Liabilities .......................... ltF.SOURCES l;nir;cumbered cash balance Est imaled collections from prior year levies ........................................ Total Resources Road Fund ........... To Be Raised for Road Fund ..., ........ Stutement of Brldffe Fund LIABILITIES Estimated amount required for fis- cal year .................................................. General Reserw~ ................................... EstimatedLiabilities ............................ llE~OURCES Unineumbered cash bala~nce ................ Estimated collections from prior )ears taxes .......................................... Total Resources Bridge Fund ............ To Be Raised by Taxes for Bridge Fund ..................................................... Sfatement of Court House Fund, Sinking and Interest L|abilitles Estimated amount required for fts- cal year ............................................... General f{eserve ..................................... Estimated Liabilities for fiscal year .................................................... RE$OUliCES Unineumtlered cash balance ............ ._.. Estimated collections from prior year taxes ............................................ q', tal resources Court House Fund._ 'i., He Haised by Taxes for Court House Fund ...................................... .~tatement of Unurffnnized Township ltoud Fund L IA BILITikL~ Estimated amount required for fis- ('ai year .............................................. t;eneral Reserve ..................................... Estimated Liabilities for fiscal year ....................................................... II i~]~O UItCE8 Unincumbered cash balance ............. Estimated collections from prior y~ar taxes ............................................ Total resources unorganized Twp. road fund .............................................. To Be Raised by Taxes for Unor- ganized Twp. road fund .................... Stnfement ot Hopper Fund LIABILITIES Estimated amount required for fis- cal 3ear . ................................................. (;eneral Reserve ...................................... Estimated Liabilities for fiscal year ............................................... HESOUliCES l~nHleumbered cash balance ................. Estimated collections from prior year taxes ......................................... Total Resources Hopper Fund ........ To Be Raised by Taxes for Hopper Fu n d ....................................................... Total estimated taxes to be rais- ed far the fiscal year in this bud- gut ........................................................ \Vitness my hand and seal this 14th The Board adjourned as a Board of County Commissioners and recon- vened as a board of equalization to equalize as to taxing districts on personal prol)erty and raised or lowered assesslnen[s in such districts the percenlage vhown as follows.: TIVPS. 143-11gi and 144-103. No change, PEARL T~VP. Item 2 division A increased 3 per- cent, Item :2 division E increas- ed 30 per cent. ilENRY 'l' ~VP. Item 1 division E decreased 13 percent, Item 2 division G tn- ereased 35 percent. EI,M V¢OOi) TOWNSHIP Item 1 division 1) increased 6 percenl, Iteltl 1 division I~]. in- crt.a,~,:d 6 percent. Item 2 division A dL, ereased 11 I)ereent, Itenl 2 division E de- cre;tsed 25 t)ereent, item 2 division F decreased 20 l)erceNt. EL]K (:REEK TO~VNSHIP Item 1 division D increased 10 percent, Item 2 division F in- creased 9 percent. DIV |DI~] TO%VNSHIP Item 1 division C Increased 25 percent. ~VANA(;A N TOAVNSHIP Item 1 division C increased 19 percent, Item 1 division D in- creased 25 percent. ltep 2 division A deereased 15 per- cent, Item 2 division G increas- ed 53 percent. DELHI TO M,'N$ HIP Item 1 I)tvision D increased 30 percent. Item 2 division A de- creased 11 percent. Item 2, division F decreased 50 percent. SADiiI,E BUTTE T~I~. Item 1 division B decreased 16 per- cent, Item 1 division E decreas- ed 13 poreent. Item :2 division A decreased 3 per- cent, Item 2 division F decreased 27 Ilercent . BE:~('H T(t~VN'SH! P Item 1 division B d~'creased 25 percent. Item 1 divfsion C de- erea~ed S percent. Item 1 division E decreased 11 percent. Item 2 division A de- creased 11 percent. Item 2 (livisi~.n E incl'easod 40 per(:ent. ]t(.ln 2 division (I in- creased 23 pvreent, CITY OF BI~2A('tl Itcm 1 division E increased 30 percent, Item 2 diviMon A deo creased 3 percent. lt(m 2 divis (m A decreased 3 I)er- cent. Item 2 division E decreased 13 percent Item 11 division Oil stations increased 20 percent, Item 12 division Business furnl- tur'e and Fixtures increas,.d 20 per-,.nt. Item 13 division B ln- crea~ed 10 percent, Item 13 division C increased 10 percent. Item 14 d!v'.sion Professonal ~e'l):¥)'~eT)¢ I~crea~od 20 porcent, SENTINEL BUTTE VILLAGE Item i d'v!sion D decreased 20 percent. Item 2 division A de- creased 36 percent. Item 2 division w~ increased 38 per- I)ist rict Court ..................... 1000.00 Justice Courts ..................... 200.00 J uvt.nile Courts ................ 100.00 Court house maintcnance .... 400.00 Elect ions ..........................2000,00 Examinat ion fees .............. 190.00 Advertising and printing .... 2000.0~ Junitor . ........................ 7S0.04~ Undistrihuted expense ........ 2000.01) Watcr, light, fuel, etc ..... 800.00 Books, stationery, and sup- plies ......................... 1800.00 Teh~graph, telephone and cxpr'ess .......................... 1200.00 Sheriff ............................... 2960.00 Clerk of Court, itegister of Deeds and County Judge 2200.00 ~,Vork rnen's Compensatiou Insurance .................... 600.00 Vital Statist!es .................. 100.00 County Physician ................ "]00.00 Insanity Board .................. 50.00 Board of Health ................ 100.00 C¢)unt y Agent .................. 2000.00 Poor ~{elief ....................... 6000.00 Juvenile Officer ................... 300.00 Care of Counly insane in state asylum ....................... 4000.00 Care of county patients at state feeble minded in- stitution .................... 1500,00 Care of County patients in Tuberculosis sanatorium _. 200.00 County jail, (:are of in- males ...................... 200.00 County jail. betterments or outlays .......................... 50.00 County Superintendent of Sch( ols ...................... 1600.00 Total ........... $41,424.00 $ 5.440.00 25,769.00 $41,424.00 31,4)68.00 $72,492.00 31,209,00 $41,283.00 2,932.00 3.144.00 $5,000,00 3.750.00 8,750.00 6,076.00 2,674.00 $2,655.60 3,571.00 $5,000.00 3,750.00 8,756.00 6,226.00 $2,524.0~ $1,161.00 1,653.00 $3,000.00 2,250.00 5,250.00 $2,814.00 $2.436.0O $ 120.00 150.00 $ 3OO.O0 225.00 525.00 $ 270,00 $ 255.00 $4,000.00 3,000.00 7,000.00 $1,727.00 2,491.00 4,218.00 $2,782.00 "$51,954.00 day of July A. D. 1938. MINNIE E. SMITH, County Auditor Golden Valley County, North Dakota cent, lte]n 12 division Business furn- iture and fixtures increased 35 percent, Item 15 divislun Ele- vators increased 10 percent. SENTINI~2L TWP. lt*-m 2 division A decreased 10 percent LONE 'rltEE TWP. Item 1 division C decreased 5 per- cent, Item I division 1) lncreaa- od 12 percent. Item l divlsioa E increased I0 percent, Item 2 division A de-. creased 3 percent. Item 2 division B increased 15 percent, Item 2 division F de- creased 22 percent. Item 2 division (; inercased 5I t)ercent. GARNER TOWNSHIP No change III~I, LION TIVP. Item 1 division (J increased 5 per- cent, Item 2 divisioa B Increas- e(I 8; i)ercenl. Item 2 (livision (} increased 19, percent. TOW N,~ttl IP 138- ! ~1 Item 1 division l,." decreased 24 percent, Ittyru 2 division G in- creased 20 l)ercent. TOkeN Sill P 13fl- I 0,% It('m 1 division ],] decreased 17 I)erccnt. 'I'ON¥ N S HIp 137-10.'1 Item 1 division E decreased 22 percent. 'i' ~I,V P. 13N-10~d Item I division I!] decreased 38 l)erc, ent. The Board adjourned an a board of equalization and reconvened as a Board of County Commissioners. Tl~e following hills were audited, al)l)roved and ordered paid by the t)oard of cou¢Ity commissioners sub- jeet to personal properly taxes due and (lelinquenl, J. (:layt on f{usseil. Salary and exl)enses for June $186.12 J. Clayton Bussell. ,~Hary and expens,:s for May . 204.49 Vl,d~:t Anthony. Clerk in Aud H o)"s office ........... 10.00 Ernest Sehmtdt, Clork in Auditor's office ......... 12.00 A. Ovc-stad & Son, Supplies for ()(lland darn ............. 20,08 Alvin l,'eragetl, Hepalr work 1.60 Alvin b'er;lgen, (}as and re- pairs ................... 5.08 (~l~aN. i)urvls hy order of D'r:lnk Theisen. hauling sawdust ..................... 13.52 Frank Thetsen, tIauling saxvdu~t ............... 10.23 T. tk Lassell, Repair work on grader ..................... 5.00 Stark County, Telei)hone service ..................................... 1.54 Lewis Odland, Commission- er's service ...................... 11.6S M. C. Tescher, Commission- er's ~erv]ee ...................... 14.76 "!" A. \V.s~,oka, (~olr!ullss!on- er's - rv:ce ............... 15,88 6:00 t'. M the Beard adjourned to m~,et .tuh, 29th. 1938. Slgv,,d LEW I,q ODLAND. Chairman of the Board of Pou-ty C'omrrds~i()ners. Gnlden Valley County, North Dakota. Attest: Minnie Smith0 [ County Auditor.