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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 21, 1938     Golden Valley News
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July 21, 1938
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~PAGE 6 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1938 CONGRATULATIONS FROM STANLEY RAISLER o ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR To The OVERSTAD'S FUNERAL HOME FERGUS FALLS CASKET WORKS Fergus Falls, Minnesota WISHES TO EXTEND THEIR = HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OVERSTAD'S FUNERAL HOME On the completion of their fine new building in Beach. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 41OVERSTAD'S FUNERAL HOME I On the completion of their fine new i mortuary building. I am sincerely pleased to have had the contract for this work. F. D. SPIEGELBERG Gen.erat Contractor Beach, North Dakota LOCALS Thursday Gordon Fish and Hector Cameron went to Miles City to take in the Water Conservation celebration and where Gordon drummed in a dance band for two nights. Monday night Emil Peterson left for points in Minnesota where he will spend about a month vacationing, dur- ing which time he says he intends to do a lot of fishing. Social Hour will meet with Mrs. Stanley Raisler on Tuesday, July 26th. Miss Esther Stnnson of Minneapolis is spending her vacation with Mrs Chas. Doubles. She arrived in Beach Sunday afternoon. Misses Marian Rohde and Mary Van Drachek of Valley City were over night guests here of Mrs. Alma Snydal and Evelyn Beadle. The ladies are telephone operators at Valley City and were on their way to the park for their vaca- tion. I A Case pick-up hay bailer was pur- chased by T. E. Hudson this week from the local dealer, A1 Longbottom. The machine was assembled on Tuesday of this week and taken out Wednesday. Jens Worst of Carlyle purchased a new John Deere tractor this week. Melvin Hartse came up by truck Tues- 'ay to takke it down. A new power binder was purchased by Lawrence Lamire from the local John Deere agent the first of the week. Mr3. H. A. Thompson returned to Beach from a visit at Lefor last week. :,Ir. Thompson went down to get her. Mike Moran who has been stationed mt in Montana where he was employ- ~d by the N, P. railroad, returned to Beach last week and wlll spend some time here. The interior of the Thompson IGA 2Tocery has been undergoing a con- siderable change the past week with insullte board being put on the walls and ceiling, and the shelving being rearranged and repainted. Ole Thorson has been doing the work. The Hammervold Bros. of Carlyle purchased a new Moline combine dur- ing the past week from C. C. Clark. Mrs. Glen Hathaway's twin sister, Mrs. LaLura. Shea of Emmetsburg, Iowa, arrived here last Friday for a few days visit at the Hathaway home, leaving again on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Harold Smith is helping out at the Cozy Care for a few days. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH W .&. Smith, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Worship at 11 a, m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. This will be an out-door Vesper ser- vice. Meet at the church at 7 p. m. Sentinel Butte Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship at 9:55. Ern Dalley stopped at J. C. Butter- field's Sunday morning to show his catch, a large live rattlesnake which he caught on the road not far from his buildings. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Butterfield called at the Herm Brown home on Monday morning and left Zona to play with her little sister for the day. Mrs. Buttrefleld and son Ward took Miss Meredith Fuller to Beach Sun- day afternoon, where she joined a l party of friends leaving with Mlsc Car- rie Wltzig for Dickinson and Bismarck. Mr. Julius Hogstad of Black River Falls, Wisconsin, passed away sudden- ly Saturday. He formerly owned and lived on the farm where Glen Hath- away lives now. Mr. Hogstad was a brother-in-law of the Zlvlsdorf bro- them here. CONGRATULATIONS To the, OVERsTAD'S FUNERAL HOME From AT THE METHODIST Cq[IURCH land Nell of Beach visited at the home] Robert H. Jongewaard, Pastor !of Mrs. Koshney's father, B. J. Mc-l --h " v "------ ........ I Danold Friday and Saturday. 'r ursaay e enmg as 't:i~ ~ne cnotr, E will rehearse at the church. All who! Tony Kryszko was a Sunday visitor] are interesetd are cordially invited, fat the Alby Rollins home. July 24th. At 8 p. m. the regular midweek pray- Albert Meyer was a caller at the. Services at 10:30 a xn. er and Bible study will be held. We Joe Schauer home Sunday. nic after services. are centering our attention on the general theme of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Come and bring a Bible and a pencil. Sunday services are at 11 a. m. with Sunday school at 10 a. m. Epworth league meets at 6:30 p. m. Miss Virginia Miller is presenting the second in a series of discussions on the life of John Wesley. All are invited. This Friday evening at 8 o'clock the ladies aid presents the play "Neigh- bors." Ice cream and cake served. Try the Want Ads - ~~ .~ I i ~IIIIIIIB BONNIE VIEW Alvin Feragen of Beach was a bus- iness caller in Bonnie View on Wed- nesday. The school board met at the home of the clerk, A. F. Doblar, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reeve and Miss Florence Helmstetler accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Piper of Minot, drove from there last Saturday, and spent the weekend at the home of the former in this vicinity. Mrs. Richard Weber of Bismarck has been visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Braden. Mr. and Mrs. L~o Tobias and ;'aughter Jeanette of Beach were call- ers in Bonnie View Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nlelson and fam- ily were callers in Wlbaux and Beach Saturday. Mrs. Ed Koshney and sons Wesley ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN V. H. Dlssen, Pastor Divine services at Wibaux Sunday, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OVERSTAD'S FUNERAL the completion of their mortuary building On This is a real improvement to FARMERS & MERCHANTS Beach, North Dakota Church pie- HOME fine new our city. BANK Congratulations II A. Overstad #z Son UPON THE COMPLETION OF THEIR 4 ~ V NEW FtNERAL HOME The Bulding Material We Are Pleased To Have Been Chosen To Supply Golden Valley Lumber Co. HAS A 200% MARGIN OF SAFETY :;.Here is PROOF! MOTOR OIL quality is not proven by laboratory tests---nor it is proven by advertising claims of quality. There is only one way to test a motor oil and that is in actual service. We asked Captain Roy A. Good, former U. S. Airways mechanician to put Phillips 55 to the most uncom- promising test he could devise to prove its lubricating value and its stamina. Captain Good took the radiator oH a stock mode{ car, punched holes in the water block so the car had no water cooling of any sort, then drove the test car 20,000 miles through all sorts of weather, over all sorts of roads. Motor conditions were terrific-.- temperatures went as high as 700°.-. fram two to three times the tempera- tures encountered under normal driv- ing conditions. But not once did Phillips 66 motor oil fail to provide protection, The motor performed perfectly through- out the 20,000 miles. AND inspection by authorized me- chanics at the end of the trip showed that the motor had suffered only NORMAL WEAR. You pay no premium when you buy Phillips 66 Motor OiL It costs only 26c per quart in bulk, 30c in refinery sealed cans. Stop at the Orange and Black Phillips~ 66 shield and fill your crm~kr~e with the oil that has the 200% margin of salty| ii i i Economy @hampion I II I GILMAN OIL CO. Beach -- Golva Beach, N. I~ Golva, N. D.