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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1950
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PAGE TWELVE OCAL NEWS ~ ]Mew Gmndson-- ~lrs. Theo Kuniek left this "lN~sday for Katispell, Mont., to Theatre BLACH. NORTH DAKOTA $ • Q 11 $ FrL - Sat Saturday Matinee "'Whirlpool" TIERNEY, KICHAR~ A slick, expertly made film • avlth a theme that combines love~ murder, blackmail and the ~t o! hypnosis. A "very good" Snn. - Mon.. Tu~, Sunny Matinee "'Adam's Rib" ~fl~/ENCER TRACY, KATHE- I~EPBURN. A Iopnotch comedy tha,t will meally ~tckle your funny bone! Given an "excellent" rating. News Wed.. Thurs. "The Doctor And The Girl" FOttD, JANET LEIGH. A drama with a little heart-tugging, clever ]humor and a stirring story of ~m-d]icting emotions. Sho~ visit her daughter and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Son- nek, and to see her new grand- son, who was born there July 14. Visit Hospital Patient-- Mr. 'and Mrs. Leo Tobias and daughter Jeanette visited Mrs. Herbert Tobias last Sunday; she is a patient ,at St. Joseph's hos- pital in Dickinson. Back To Wn~-- Mrs. J. O. Eamstad, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Art Nellermoe and family, and her son Rudy Ramstad. and family, left last Wednesday for her home in Seattle. Wn. She was accompanied by Mrs. E. C. Nelson. who went as far as Spo- kane with her, where she is visiting her sons. Burton and Omer. First Communion-- Last S~ln6ay a class of five pupils of the Vacation School at St. PhiHps parish received their first solemn communion; they were Rosal~ne Efta, Joan Dombroski, Dorothy Watembach. Miekey Efta, and Raymond Gor- oski. Guests Fro~ Wis.-- .Mr. and :Mrs. Ted Mark and Mr. and Mrs~ Kenrieth Close and dau,ghter, all of Ellsworth, Wts., were week end guests of Mrs. Thco Tobias; Mr. ,Mark is her nephew. At Yellowsfmle--- Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sleight, and Mrs. Sleights sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Jor- genson of Lisbon, who arrived here last week .end, are spend- ing a few days in Yellowstone National Park, but expect to re- turn home over the week end. Sister Improvee--- Beach l~once Chief Tex Goyne and family returned home from Texas the first of the week, where he had gone to see a sis- ter who was very ill, but Jhe m now much improved after surgery for removal of a tumo~ which was feared ¢o be cancer- ous, but which wins discovered to be benign. Flier Hem-- Bud Lardy, who has been do- ing airplane spraying this sum- mer out of Hardin, Mont., spent the past week end here with his wife Marion. and with his mother, Mrs. Olga Lardy, in Sen- tinel Butte. He received a call from his employers the first of the week, and le~t for that area this Tuesday, M GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, JULY 20, week, To Mandan-- Stanley Raisler of the Raisler Electric Co., attended a Youngs- town Steel Kitchen sales meet- ing in Mandan last Friday, re- turning home that same eve. To New Job-- Mrs. Cecilia Lynch left this Tuesday morning for Billings, where she will be employed for ~, couple of months. Mrs. Lynch has worked for sometime at the Park Care here. Temporary Employee--- James DeSchneau of Sentinel Butte started this week as temp- orary employee with the Bell Telephone service here in Beach, assisting in various duties. Guests From Japan-- Guests last Saturday at the Barney Piesik home were Way- rant Officer and Mrs, Alvin Myerderk and three children, who arrived in the states re- cently after being stationed in Japan. They were on the ocean when the trouble broke out in Korea; they are here on a 60. day leave before being reassign- ed. Mrs. Meyerderk and Rt~by Kipp were employed at the Bank of North Dakota, ,at Bismarck, and were roommates, for several years. Visiting At Schulz Home-- Mr. and Mrs. John W. Atkin- son of Springfield, Mo., arrived here Monday of this week for a visit at the W. D. Schulz home. Tomorrow, Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Schulz and Mr. and Mrs. Atkin- son plan to leave for a trip through Yellowstone Park. Mr, Atkinson is a brother of Mrs. Sehulz. Fargo Btmin~ Trip--- George and Clinton Seeley of the Seeley Electric Co., spent three days in Fargo last week, on a buying trip to get materi- als from the wholesale houses tha~ are beginning to be some- what scarce; they returned home Friday evening. and family, and other relatives, returning to his home bhts Tuesday morning. To Yellowstone Pork--- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Raisler and chil4ren left this Thurs- day morning for a two-week va- ca.tion in Yellowstone National Park ,and will have a cottage Now Living Here--- at Silvergate. Mont., for their stay there. The Lee Rice family accompanied them. From Gorrison-- I Mr. and Mrs. Willard Parker and baby arrived here last Sun- Sweet of this city .and Emil Peterson and Tony Kreitinger of Golva. returned home last week end from a fishing trip to points in Minnesota. The men report a very fine outing and also some good fishing. day, and are guests at the home Week End Gueat~- ~f his sister and husband, Mr. Visitors from Friday to Mort- and Mrs. Roy Miller and family, day of this week at the C. C. Hollste4n home were Rev. and Home From Fishing-- Mrs. Henry Strong and family A1 Flannigan, and Ral, ph of Oshkosh, Wis., and his bro- ther and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Strong of Beloit, Wis. The Strongs planned to tour Yellow- stone Park, and then move on to the Teton Mts., for a two weeks vacation. Now living with the C. C. ttoll~eins is Grandma Hollstein. who has been staying with another son in Forman, N. D. She arrived here a few weeks ago, and plans ~o remain indefi- ni rely. Relatives Visi! Here-- Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strzywski and niece Kay of Portland, Ore., arrived here this week to visit l their son and family, the EdI Strzyw, skis. They will be aecom-t panied home by Miss Victoria1 Strzywski, an aunt from Minne-[ sofa who has also been visiting here. Gets New Paint-- The stucco front of Diek'n Dave's Super Valu this week re- ceived a new gleaming sum- mer coat of white paint. Jacg Lindt did the work. Visits Niece--- Mrs. John Skipworth and dau- ghter of Conrad, M~nt., visited this Saturday and Sunday with her niece. Mrs. Melvin Nelson and family. With her was her daughter and son-in-,law, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McFarland. Trotters Picnic--- A large group of Trotters peo- ple gathered Sunday afternoon at the Lions Den on Beaver Creek to picnic and play soft. bail. News Want Ads Bring Resultsl Continued From Page 11 NO Couuaty Conale.bles--- HAMLIN L. ODLAN,D:'"JR. ................................ ~T SII.~ ................................................. ~D. ENDERLE .......... : ............................... JACK LINDT ........................................ TEX GOYNE ................................ H. STOCKWELL ................................... J. KALKMA2~ ............................................ R. DC~NER ED. LOR]~NZ .." ~.".~.,-.. ".. i,~ ~....'.~: H. H. HUBBL,E ....................................... WM. HOLLAR ..................................... JOE JOHNSTONE .................... P. RADUNS ................................................ H. REIDER ................................ R. ZINSLI ......................... GLEN COOK ................................ l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 $ 5 2 2 2 2 1 I 1 " 1 I 1 1 I t 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Official New~paper-- GOLDEN VALLEY NEJVS ................30 ~p0 9 13 30 113 233 210 6~ 139 28 918 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ~ Beach, Nerth DaMota ) June 30th. 1950 County of Golden Valley ) We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the within and fore going Abstract of V~tes cast at the Primary Election held at the various election precincts in this County, is a true and cq~rect abstraet according to the returns made by the Election Boards of the variotm precincts. Witness our hands, a21d the seal of said County, the day and year first above written. LEWIS ODLAND Chairman. Board of County Commissioner~ F. W. HOUCK (Acting) Chairman, Democratic County Committee GUY LEE Chairman, Republican county Committee 12LA-RION LARDY (Acting) Clerk of the District court MINNIE E. SMITH County Auditor "Ropi~" Laid UP--= "Ropie" Reece, barber at the Oden, baugh Barber Shop, has been laid up the past few days wi~h a foot ailment that has caused him considerable p~in. "Ropie's" doctor advised him to remain at home for a few days and to stay off his feet. 3 lb. can ........ 83c VALLEY HOME -- RE-CAN FOR SAUCE !10. can 49c GARDEN HALVES IN SYRUP no. call .... , . . 49C ~'rJd~DBY XHISPY-- BY SUNSHINE 2 VELVEETA • e~. .• • • • :JET SOFT TI}IL] TISSUE, . . . 25c HEAVY --- TRANSPARENT W AX[',D WER, ..... 19c ROBB ROSS --- ALL FLAVORS DESSERT 6 pkgs.. 25c TO ARRIVE THURSDAY Carton pints.. $3.75 Quality Merchandise For Le l PHONE 75 Free Delivery A. M. and P.M. --- Open Till 9 p.m. Sat. I I I I [ IIII ItJ J III ii TKSTC~DOD PASTEURIZED CheeSe Food 2 lb. box 5% i Super Volu fo l stores are recognized throughout the Northwest for friendly owner-operated service and economical evecyday low prices. Good Value Quart Salad Dressing 39c i ii SCHOOL GIRL 4 cans 89e NEPTGNE CALIF. SUNKIST g FOR Lemons, . . 27c Carnation Milk 25e VAUF. VALENCIA Oranges, 2 CAI IF. GREEN TOP Carrots, 2 Heinz 12 CANS 49e Baby Food $1.00 FLKV -O- lUTE tomatoes, 33c Quart Dill Pickles 25c 2 cans 25c , , , ,. ,o, ,,- Shafters, 10 35c Native Pie Mix ] , ' SWlFT'-S-P~ -- -- CHERRY -- BLUEBERRY ! • BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE, . lb... 49c US SE,aY ~C~.D HAM, ,, ......... 39~ No. 2 ~ge. Doz. uarts -- -- Wr LmS SKINLESS WEINERS, lb ..... 47c , sw-WT SLAB BACON, lb ........... 53c