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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1950
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JULY 20, 1950 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH,-N. D. ........ PAGE SANISH . VAN HOOK TO ] fare. But behind the parkways HAY AND LIVESTOCK GET NEW TOWNSITE I will be sub-streets, providing for, FEED PLENTIFUL NO Blueprints or the new town-/ ~affic and parlcing by shoppers. ! According ,to the expel~l, site to replace Van Hook and~ Extra parking space will also be there is more hay and plentiftt! provided behind each business range feed in this part of thO Sanish, when the two twin towns] place and for truck delivery and c~untry, than since 1947, ,and it are inundated by waters from1 for the larger semi.trailers,made an exceptionally go0~ CAST AT THE the Garrison reservoir, are in/ Zoning will be carried out in growth during June and so fU 27th, 1950 t"e two town~, calls f~r four filling stations-- be good all over the state, with The new townsite will be about two at each end of main street, the exception of scattered areu By the Voters of Golden Valley County, North Dakota a mile and a half east of Sanish and about seven and a half miles Plenty of space will be allow- in the southeast section of the west of Van Hook. ed for residences, school grounds state, where rainfall has not and parks, athletic fields, etc. been adequate recently for sa, tltl, The new city, if present plans ........... factory growth at range feed. .......... St Tne boo line, iI; is unaersmoa, are lOliOWe(l, Will De [ne me W ..... i" "r c-- - • III ex[eno [s ~ a KS t0 a pro- Moisture, sunshine and grow- up to date town In the north- ........ 1 w I 1 in posed stockyard near the brldge ing conditions in general haw west. i[ wnl zoz o~ c~ose y,. f over the Missouri river to handle been excellen% and promisel many respec[s, me i your o . r w " Riv rd le "he Garri n -am con livestock f am est of the river, good summer feed, at the san~ • " Abstract of, votes cast by the Voters eat Billings County, North Dakota, at the Prl- tr~ecltia~,ttown so a " Army engineers have already se- time, haying is in full swh~, T hereby certify that the within and folio.wing .... ,,,~ ........ o,*~ ~ .... f June 1950 is a true and correct copy of the original S . • lected a site for the bridge, with yields said to be more thaZt mary Election held at tile vamou .... -P--'---'~ U~ard of Canvassers as required by law .......... v ¢~T~-T The See line will run along ..... tintw r "he :~atisfactory. Abstract thereof made by T~ne regummy u~a,,~?~J~ne A D 1950 - ~LU~L~ .......... . , , Witness my hand and seal this 30th any o~ .... County Auditor. its south edge, flaankedd bYriea: wotrlkan:f at~ae ~Ur~P Li~Sol~ er~y Livestock have been makll~ (SEAL) area for emvamrs a u . . ' good gains during the last few • ---~ North of this area will be the engineers. business district and main street, weeks, and the heavy damage State highway 23 will run thru From Florida--- done to them during ~he winter STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ~zm W the center of the main street, t Mrs. Betty Dickerson and two and long, cold spring, has now C°u~tYe~isG~l~:nd,v~leyman at)the ~°ardc~fun(~t.~U~YmCm°i~temeiSSi?nl~?~i ~n %UYdLe~ctCh~'~a~:Yf ~:e.R~pUb~yCa~lC~unty t~%~t~t~ut~ CI°uoFfr:t~h~ Special attention has been / children, Donnie and Beverly, been entirely overcome. ~°ucik~ Ac~tCy~ru~y u ed r ! en Ls i et rat h: Lu s pp t¢hemC n i taut n f fd d m e a u f t er °n o nfo°r the given the plans for parking and I arrived here this past Saturday Dakota ano ero traffic. Toward either side of] evening from their home in Mia- To Visi! Sister-- state of North P ......... *- ...... *~ ¢27th~ claV of June 1950 so help me God Primary Election held in sam uoun~y on ~ne ~w~*,~$ ........... ' LEWIS ODLAND the main" street area parkways] mi, Fla., and are visiting Mrs. Clarice and Bud Anderson left Chairman, Board of County Commissioners will be provided in order to[ Dlckerson's parents, Mr. and Saturday evening to visit a sl~ F. W. HOUCK keep the middle of the street] Mrs. Marshall Miller, and other ter and her family, Mr. and (Acting) Chairman, Democratic County Committee GUY LEE a strictly main-line thorough-" relatives here. Jack Warlis, in Haynes, N. D. Chairman, Republican County Committee Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of July, 1950. (SEAL) MARION LARDY (Acting) Clerk of the District Court MINN'IE E. SMITH County Auditor HOWARD A. MOUM Notary Public Golden Valley County, North Dakota My Commission Expires June 5, 1951 NAME OF PRECINCT . O rq t~ > > t3 i | Total Number of Votes Cast 41 63 16 17 39 169 301 282 93 235 49 1305 Judge of fho Supreme Cou~-- (Regular Term) 26 123 210 217 59 134 26 899 GRIMSON 32 50 8 14 Judge of /he Supreme C~t~--- (Unexpired Term) 2~ ~5 207 197 57 125 34 829 MILLER 2645 9 9 234 SATHRE 9 12 3 8 7 43 53 40 15 38 6 Judge of Distrtc~ Court, 6/h DIstriCt-- 209 5~ 136 28 878 BRODERICK~ 3() 49 8 IS 26 109 215 Superintendent of Public Instruction-- " 57 67 20 73 17 392 FEIDLER ............................................. 13 23 ~ 8 13 25 ~# ~ 745 NORDRUM ............................. 25 $7 5 8 19 121. 191 162 51 104 Sheriff-- 19 100 139 98 40 99 ~ 570 RAY L. ZINSI.~ I1 24 $ 8 390 CURTIS SILL 3 15 $ ~/ 9 39 86 108 30 83 HOWARD STOCKWEI-J~ .......... 9 6 § 0 9 22 58 58 19 32 9 227 JOHN H. KALK~AN ............... 0 $ 4 $ ~ 5 9 6 I II I 44 MTKE GOODALE .................... 18 14 I 0 0 2 5 I0 3 5 3 61 County Auaitor-- MINNIE E. sMITH ................ KRIEDEMAN HOUCK LILLIAN KREITINGER 35 60 11 13 $3 148 269 246 73 178 37 1101 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Count7 Trea,urer-- A. A. ABEL ..................................... LYDIA BRUNSVOLD ............ EVELY~N NELSON ............................. NELLERMOE .......................... • ..... ~TDE~LE .................................... ~(:RIEDEI~AN ............................... WF, N~ERG .................................... F. HOUCK ........................................ MRS. ARNOLD =~-~ ........................ ~N'rON KR_E*'r~ ................ JAS. OD~N-~AUt*n ~5 1 1 52 11 12 29 129 234 231 67 153 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 § 34 98"/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 5 Reg~ter of Deeds-- C~erk of Court, and County Judg~ GUY LEE .----_- ....... ==---= ................ A.NTON KR]EKTINC~-Jfit~ . F. HoUCK 34 0 I1 15 83 151 246 230 69 144 0 0 0 0 4 1 ~ 0 B1 1 1017 S~ 10 ~0 ~/ ~ 8 ~0 97 129 125 45 133 33 9 9 18 64 I~ 143 47 08 N U 14 29 l~t- 1 6 1 1 m 63O 101~ 1 8 1 | 1 Public Admlni.~a~or--" W. L. ECKES R. HANSE~ LOVELL ...................................... GEO. WOSEPKA KEOHANE ............................ ------'--'-- HALSTEAD MOUM 1 ~ 1 1 ~. 1 1 1 9 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 Couu~ Surveyor--- M. L, LoV~LL LEWIS ODLAND, 3R. ----------- -- 1 1 1 35 16 53 1 Corone[~z~EL~CY R. WI S. SLEIGHT ................................ DR. BUSH RoIIAN ...................................... DTLszgi : '"'Z: ..... s.--~om~o~ LOGAN M. GILMAN ERICKSON 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 B 1 4~ 4 1B 1§ ~ I S 1 IS II I ~" I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $O6 1~ 78 08 4bl ~38 LEO A~ NIELSEN ...... ~ ~ 114 County Commi.S~O_n_ey£o Sad ~ IS IB0 FLOYD B~ "--"'-- ROMAN .... 1 Courtly" Jusflc~ of tho p~e-- o w , ,1 11 3P~ BERG ~N TOM GILMAN 1~ t ~" ~~--'::::: I MILLER 1 R.H .-- I Continued New Massey.Harris 12 Foot, Self Com.plete with 24 Speeds Forward, Electric Lift, and Straw Spreader. At ! each $41.50..0.0 . " US.ED COMBINES . MasseylHarrls 14', with pickup and dual tires. $2500.00. Mpls.-Mohne, Self Propelled, 14 ft., with pick- up.-- $1700.00. John Deere. No. 9,12', pull type, pickup, electric lift. -- $950,00. Case"K": 12 ft., p,ll type, with pickup -- $725.00. International No. 122, two yrs. old, 12' pull -- Mpls.-Molinc Model G-3, rubber, pickup -- $1000.00. Mpls..Moline Model G-4, 3 yrs. old, on rubber -- $130o.00. Oliver Model "30", perfect, with pickup -- .$1350.00. , ]s.Chalmers, Mlcrop "60", with pickup -- $400.00. John Deere 6 foot, with pickup, engine -- $450.00. Mpls.-Moline G3, on steel new engine, pickup - $875.00. John Deere 6 foot, P. T. 0., with pickup -- $150.00. Massey-Harris 12'. S. P., with new engine- $1950.00. Gleaner Baldwin, 12 ft., electric lift, on rubber -- $900.00. Mpls.-Moline, 8 ft,, with pickup, on rubber -- $500.00. Beach, North Dakota /