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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TEN MUSICAL MESSENGERS TO APPEAR HERE The "Musical Messengers" a quartette of trumpeteers, will hold services sponsored by the Christian Fundamental and Methodist churches of Wibaux. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. " " THURSDAY, JULY 20, I --: : ....... ?. ....... =-:--~JJohn Nellermoe, Burneal Neller. rell and Mrs J F. Crook were park. , They will remain here I| ~'q Iv |Imoe, and Joyce Crook gave in. [hostesses. Election of officers The Bert S-err-s have been another week, visiting the t ! "rratters News ! i te Ung repo ot their nd-l was the main busin be ] enlovin~, com ) v from eastern Hollands, Mrs. Latterell's b: ] | -----T .......... | ~ ance of Bible Camp at Luccock I transacted. The following off!- I No'r{h I~akotar " er, and the Joe Strietz's of I | ...... ! [ Park. ] cers were eleoted: President--i ~ .~ ." . . . tinel Butte, before returning U ~rL J. r. L;r~.o- uor Joyce ~rooK Is now employeo • • • { | | ~ The da,te for Bible School at ~ Mrs. Henry Olson; Vice-pres --- { " t ...... their home m Bilhngs. , • ., ~ ........... • ~ at ne [gene t~unKei nome ] *: ---: =---- .....- ..... [ Trotters has been set for July 31/lvirs. ~yivla lvtaulson; ecre[ary--] Ceor-e Tasker made a tri to ] A large crowd attended Will-[ through August 4. All children~ Mrs. riazel Gorrell. [._ _ g.~ ..... P . THE C theclocmr on Jrrlaay rortreaz- ling Workers on Saturday eve-I of s hool age or near school ageI After the business me~tlng, l ~e-* -ha ~ ,.h.~u,,. ~rlt~lt~,~ U,II~,, I nlng, when Mrs. Ray Tusker was| are In ,ted to ~ttend. Rev. and I lunch was served• Mrs. OlafI M~ Ro,, P~.~.~ ~on .~,~ ~l, tJlU~:)ll Ydll~:;~ I hostess, assisted by Mrs Phlllln [ Mrs. Butt with helpers will have I Folkvord and Mrs. Tim Madison .......... • * ~" char ' wi m,sior~une to nave ner rooz I Moore and Mrs Norman Neller-~ ge of ~t. / 11 entertain at the Folkvord ste ed on b ..... ~,azo • ~ 0 v pp y a norse• Tne zmsn I~9~D [ moe. During the business meet- I Mrs Eugene Russell is en- / home on August 1 ~. E erybody wa t n r o- ~--~ ~,a • . . • . . s or f om h ....... , _.._ ling plans were made for ouran-I]oylng..a v,sit from her mother[ welcome., ..... stitches had tobe, taken. She l~.terecl as S~as, matter | nuai lee cream social. "Yne uaxe ] ano omer retazives zrom Texas. I fne ~kyie ~perry zamiiy reany ronorts that tho ho~] ~ h~,~ling the Po~offJce at ~ach North Dk~O~. ] was set for July 22, Sat. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Con Simonsen put Trotters on the map, on July n~lcelv now, however .......... ~"October 7, 1938: urider _the Act $ / A~ter the business meeting a I and son and the elder Simonsens I 4th, when Shirley Mae took sec- Don't forget th~ ic~ cr~ar~ ~r4 ~aron ;$, *~ .~ { aencmus luncn was served. The i were Sunday dinner guests at l ond prize as rodeo queen, Mar- I al at the church parlors on Sat-A Weekly Published Every / next meeting will be held atI the P. V. Moore home, in honor t gie won second prize in a horse urdav evening, J'ulv 22 Every- Thursday | the church parlors, on Wed !of Mrs Con Simonsen's birthday r'~ce and Buddy won second ,.-.-~.." .... ,^---~° " " -" WALTER R. nl~'~Om ", ' ~" ' . ~,~uy w~*~. Editor - l~ul~lt~n~ Aug. 2, with Mrs. Phillip MooreDoris Moore accompanied them prize in the parade, at Sidney, SUBSCRIPTION RATE~ _.~ ] and Mrs. J. F. Crook as hostesses, home to spend a week with her Mont. Here For W,~din- One ~ear - ....... Th • I , • ~--. =--" ~,x ~onms ....... ~, ere vcill be elechon of officers, i s]s[er and family• Mr. and Mrs• E. Omley and In Beach last week for the To.,,~ wli~., No~a Everybod welcome anu wIDaUX ann ~'al on uoun~e$ . / ~- . y . " I The Union Aid met at the son, left on Monday for their 3ohnson-Holland wedding were Monta,~: Services will be" in the ~aetho- [ ~;nurcn services were well at- i church parlors on Thursday home in Oklahoma City• Theyre-Mrs. Robert Latterell and child- ro adage,e, ou~a. o~ No,ih Dai~_~ dist church on Thursday, Friday,] ~ended last Sunday. Rev. Butt, I afternoon, when Mrs. Hazel C~or- turned by way of Yellowstone ren Sherry, Fayette and Marilyn. one Year ........ and Saturday evenings. On Sun- -- day morning and evening the services will be held in the Christian Fundamental church• Rev. Burt Phelps will be the speaker. Everyone invited. ht Southern Minn.-- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wentland and daughter Joan left this Saturday for their vacation with relatives in southern Minnesota; they planned to be gone about a week. Sentinel Butte, N. D. "43-~tc , Surprise Birthdc~/ Pazi¥--- About 50 friends and relatives gathered at her home last Tues- day evening ~o surprise Mrs. Laurence Barthel on her birth- day. After visiting a few hours, Mrs. Barthel opened her pre. sents, and lunch was served. To Black Hlll~--- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest" Johnson left last Thursday for the Black Hills of S. D., and returned home the first of ~he week .... .... ,,, - .. Leave For Ore.--- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dickinson left this week for Oregon, plan- ning to be gone from two to three weeks. They will visit her father in Hillsbor0, and a brother in Seattle. ? Kill Weeds Use-- WEEDICIDE 40% BUTYL ESTER The High Activity of Weedicide 40% Butyl Ester has been proven on thous- ands of acres• To Kill Grasshoppers and Other Insects "6" "4" each -- Golva -- Wibaux B TIME 1 P. M. SHARP ~m POWER WOOD WORKING MACHINES: Bench Saw, Tilting Arber on Stand Large Joiner or Planer with 6 in• Cutter Thickness Planer, 6 in., with cutter. Band Saw on Stand Belt Sander on Stand Medium Size Press Drill, just the size for anyone Power Hack Saw, for pipe, iron, etc. Power Tool Grinder, two emery wheels Power 10 in. Wet Grindstone• OTHER TOOLS: New Toledo Pipe Threader, 1, 1¼, 1½, 2 in• Alladin Tool, the genie of a thousand and olte uses Machine Wrenches, Open Ends, Pipe Wrenches 300 ft 7-8 Manila Rope in one coil 2 New Block and Tackle for 7-8 and I in. m TERMS CASH MISCELLANEOUS: Refrigerant Carrier Portable Summer air conditioners, just the thing for home or office Large Slush Pump, just right for pumping out cess pools, etc, can be used by hand or power takeoff 2 Gov't-Built Granaries in good shape, 12 x 16 x 11, can be moved assembled or in sections, save yourself money on lumber 6 Inner Spring Mattresses, new and used oil and Coal Stoves Various other Household Items RESTAURANT DISHES: Plates, Platters, Saucers, Cups, etc. MACHINERY: Follow the exampIe of wise buyers. Se- lect the car or truck with the O.K. that counts. At your Chevrolet dealer. rope Blacksmith Forge, 4 Tongs CARPENTER TOOLS: Hand Saws, Hammers, Squares, Levels, Planes, Hatchets, Wood Chisels, Hollow Chisels and Bits ¼, 3-8, ½ sizes Set of 28 Letterings Tools, ¼ in., for stamping iron New Set ¼ in. Figures for Iron Stamping 1948 Ford Tractor, used very little One high-speed Mouldboard Plow, new Heavy Duty Loader, one of the best, front scoop, used very little. New Back Scoop, blade terracer, used very little New Cord Wood Saw, new Power Pully New Belt for Cord Wood Saw All equipment listed above is either new o r used very little, and is all hydraulic, made by the Dearborn Ford Motor Co. The price is right if the entire equipment is t ken. Also No. 5 Road Plow in A-1 shape, 2 log chains and tightener Sehulz Beach, N. °Auctioneer--JACK O'BRIEN Clerk -CARL INDERGARI) $