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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JULY 20, 1950 Keep Your Hair Beautiful, by Keeping the Lustro In| LIQUID CREME SHAMPOO Contains LUSTRIN keeps the Lustre in! This new shampoo really cleans your hair, freeing it from film that hides its natural sparkle, and leaving it soft, easy to manage, bewitchingly lustrous... Quick.actlng, soapless, requires no special rinse... Unique, refreshing green color. enerou,-tize botfl,, tl.00 Sleight's City Drug BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. .... OllieNews I | Mrs. Byron Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Fisher and family entertained at din- her and fireworks Tuesday eve- ning. Guests included: Mrs. C. S. Hanks and Nancy; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher and Sandra; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher and Sharon; Mrs. Karl Blake, Victor Sylvia and Jimmy. Miss Betty O'Donnell visited this week at the Bob O'Donnell and Mervin Rustad Domes. The Ollie schoolhouse is re- ceiving a new coat of paint. Roy Melcher and Hans Goroski are doing the work. CAST WELL $ $ $ $ $ Mrs. Bert Hudson and Myrtle were supper guests at the Ru- dolph Lutts home Friday eve- ning. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Wang and Arlene Thoemke left Wednesday to visit relatives at Dale, Minn. Mrs. Coleman Kmkker, Jr., and Kermit spent Monday afternoon at the Randolph Perry horse. George and Kenneth Rustad motored to the cattle sale at Dickinson Thursday. ~ev. and Mrs. G. R. Auer, Carol Rose, Gloria Steen and Bet- ty Lou Woodsend returned home Monday evening from Camp ~.,ueeek, near Livingston, Mont. The Auers remained over nite aL the Itcnning Steen home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sliper and ~ons; Mr, and Mrs. John Sliper; ;Cir, and Mrs. Ray Foster; Mr. Deep or Shallow. 6 inch Screw or Welded Casing BUD KUNICK Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. 30-tfc AT THE 27th, By the Voters of Golden Valley County, North Dakota anti Mrs. Robison enjoyed a picnic last Sunday near Medora, and toured Roosevelt Park and visited the Chateau De Mores. Charlie Nelson spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Grandy and Mrs. Conner. The 4-H girls held their regu- lar meeting at the Alvin Wood- send home Thursday. Glen Walker and John Coch- run of Alzada, visited from Thursday till Saturday at ,the Art "Murphy home. Mrs. Walker accompanied them home after spending a couple weeks here. Mrs. Victor Berg; Mrs. Ralph Shepherd and Scott visited at the Fay Shepherd home on Cab- in Creek Tuesday. ~acI hereby cerfl~ that the within and following Abstract of votes c ast by the Voters of Golden Valley County, ~orth Dakota, at the Prt- Election held at the various election precincts of said County on the 27th day of June, 1950, is a true and eorrect copy o£ the ~1 t thereof made bY the regularly organized Board of Convassers as required by law. (___. Witnea~lSt~) my hand and seal this 3rd day of July, A. D. 1960~....,, ~County E.Audltor.SMIT~ STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) V~ ss ~OUNTY OF GOLD]~I ~ I 1 t t ~- I, Lewts Odiand, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, I, Guy Lee, .Ch~_ of the Repub.ioan .Cottony .Con~. ~ L F. W. Acting Chairman of the Dmnocratlc County Committing, I~..Marion Lardy, acung ..~or ~uy l~ee., ..~o.unw. t:aerK o:. me ~asu~c~ i.~u~;.l, _.Minnie E. SmLth. County Auditor, do aolenmly rwear that we will support the Constitu~on.oz me um.~ea ~m~ aria me ~m~mmuonf~rZ tttate of North Dakota and perform the duttes as members of the t~ottaty ~anvalmmg ~oaraloz ~omen vaitey t~ountT, ~m-m ~J~a~om ~rlmary ~-lection held In said County on the twenty-~eventh (27th) day of June, 1950, so ne p me ~oa. LEWIS ODLAND • Chairman, Board of County Com_,nlsslone~ F. W. HOUCK (Acting) Chairman, Democratic County Committee OUY LEE Chairman, Republican County Cornmtttee MARION LARDY (Acting) Clerk of the District Court MINI~IE E. SMITH County Auditor 1(~ 1,1 Mr. and Mrs. Terr Cameron were supper guests at the Bert Hudson home Sund~y. Elliott Plummer underwen~ an appendectomy at the Beach hospital Saturday evening, and ts convalescing satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berg mo- tored to Miles City and back on Friday. Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Auer were supper guests at the Percy Bry- son home Wednesday evening. The W. S. C. S. met Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pat Plummer. After the business session, Mrs. Plummer was in charge of the program on "The United Nations". Re- freshments were served at the close of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shep- herd motored to Glendive I:ri- day afternoon. Mrs. Rudolph Perry attended to the postal du- ties during their absence. OLLIE CHURCH NEWS: Rev. G. R. Auer will hold worship service at Alpha Sun- day morning at 10 o'clock. Evening Servicee at Ollie a~ 8 o'clock. Bible Club meets Wednesday. afternoon, 3:30 o'clock. D. V. B. S. will start at Ollie Aug. 7th. Stranger ZXPECT WHEAT, FEED PRICES TO GO UP Althoug,h the local P. M. A. office in Beach has not received "their new 1950 price support in- formation on wheat and other grains, they expect that it will be higher this year than last0 in line with other price support levels that have been announced recently by neighboring states. The national average price support rate for wheat has been set at $1.99 a bushel, with the comparable rate for 1949 being $1.95 a bushel. This year's rate is based on a July 1 parity price of $2.21 a bushel, with the same date last year finding the parity a~ $2.17 per bushel. Details of the support pro- ~rams have not been received in the Golden Valley County of- PAGE Has 7~th Ri~.hd~--- Felix Wicka celebrated 74th birthday last week, several of his children and t~ families present. They were t~ Herbert Wick,a family, the H0mo er Madison family, Mr. a~ Mrs. Jack Ferrian of Minnea~ lis, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wicka Wibaux, Mrs. Krraur and eh~ ren and Albert Wicka. ~t pays te Advertise in Golden Valley News. 1~1 i ~oyal efri. eration epmr Once )O HAULING MILK FROM THE FARM " For speedy, economical delivery into town und for a hundred other hauling Jobs/no |rock can compare with this Ford F-I $~-fL Pickup w th its thdfty, 95-h.p._ Six engine I It's easy On upkeep light on and 0tl because R's Economy I;nglneered. 'q'est Drive" it ut ~ur Ford ~ler's this week I HURTS WHY AMIERICA'E NO. 1 TRUCK VALUE DOeS MORI FOR YOUR DOLLAR C.h fo, " ',,r onmm tam Ford Trucking Costs I ss Becauso-- latest rogletaratioa data on 4,,Sg~b0GG ~ lifo I~ oxparts parovo IPocd lrnNdka~ IoN Ik•nqlesl .t~_~. We. ~e , (aepubU~) 8TAT~ O2e NORT~ DAKOTA I ~".nty of Golden VaU~ (Democrat~) V-INQ~ li------- N,,mher of V~-'~- C~ co -- ~o | I S 114 For tough, heavy jobs you need a tough, heavy truckl Like this Ford F-5 ~atfom with Stock Racks. It has a Bonus Built bridge-type platform frame ... sloe rmm am riveted to steel cross girders. And tor flashing power plus top aconom~/ Ford offers you a power choice el V-8 or "Six"! Wibaux, Mont. HAULING STIllS TO THE STOCKYARDS Lawrence Hoffman, prop. At 5 p. m,--9 p. m., and 12:00 Midnight On Monday and Friday Night. Ask us about service J~me esL 15~ ~ Narm Dat~a eS al, eS I) S i S | 8 es 108 Door Prizes of $5.00 -- $5.00 & $10.00 . ::*:: lice, yet, but it is expected loans contracting. and purchase agreements will again be the methods of sup- port avaUable to producers Electric. Motor Other details of the programs Service. are also expected to be about the same as last year's. Visits Sistez-- Mrs. Frances Wallace of Bis- marck came ~ast Wednesday It, week with her sister, visit a I Mrs. R. E. Zook. Willy Whitaker Reuben Tschaekofske 114 l~t Ave., E Dickinsoa. N. D. --- Phomo 10~ I THE NORTHWEST THE FINEST IN ,