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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1950
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j ? t PAGE EIGHT ............... Baker Gountrv Club -- Old and new time THE GOLDEN VAL Y NEWS, BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 21 Dance Begins at 10 Mr. and ~Mrs. Sam Walda] and family of Los Angeles. Calif.. ar- mother here. Mrs. ~Byron Hogoboom and Mrs. Russell Brown attended a Women's Missionary Retreat a'~ the Bible camp near Medora Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Waldal en- tertained at cards at their home t~ved last week to spend two Saturday evening in honor of Weeks visiting their mothers, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Waldal. Those Mrs. Bertha Waldal and Mrs. [present included Mr. and Mrs. OIga Lardy and other relatives se Pl~illips, Mr. and Mrs. Einar and friends. I Paul Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Jes- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cook and]Waldal, Mrs. Bud Lardy, Mrs. baby of Glendive spent the week Olga Lardy and Mrs. Cecil Tan- end at the parental Mike Zinsli gen. home. Mrs. Peggy Pullens was host- 'MJrs. J. H. Sheehan and CarolI ess to the Sentinel Homemaker's arrived from Mobridge, S. Dak.~[ Club at her home Tuesday, with Sunday to visit her mother Mrs. a delicious chicken dinner at Bertha Waldal and her sister Mrs. noon. Election of officers was Davis of Bozeman and her bro. held with Mrs. Ervin Ueckert tilers, Sam and family of Los re-elected as president. Mrs. Wm. Angeles who are visiting here, Hasselstrom, vice-pres., Mrs. and Einar and Bert and families. John Sanders, sec., and Mrs. Emil Scherle of Bismarck Carl Johnson, Treasurer. spent ,the week end with his The Vic Carlson family left by car Tuesday for Le Seur, Minn., where they will spend about 10 days visiting Mrs. Carl- son's dad, LouSe Tungsvik, and her sister and brothers and their families. They also stopped en- route in S. Dak., to visit other relatives. Cecil Tangen left Salurday for Marmarth, where he will be em- ployed on construction work. Mrs. Edna Sanders was host- ess to the Get-Together Club at her home Friday afternoon. Prizes at bridge were won by Mrs. Clara Wagner, Mrs. Agnes Hogoboom. Mrs. Olga Lardy and Mrs. Evelyn Waldal. The Lutheran Ladies Aid has been postponed until the last Thursday of the month. Mrs. Ei- nar Waldal will be hostess. ~VIr. and Mrs. John Sanders had as their guests at Sunday dinner, John's brother Ted and family of Belfield. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Waldal and children were supper guests at the Nick Uetz home Friday. Double Birthday Party-- George Michels and daughter, Dona Mac were dual guests ofI honor at a surprise birthday par-I ty given for them at their home Sunday night. About 25 friends and relatives gathered to spend, the evening playing cards. Trade For New Pontiacs Finishes Iniernship-- Burness Wenberg arrived Sun- day from Hines, Ill., where she had just finished a year's in- ternship as dietician. She will remain home for a week before going to Los Angeles to take up dietician's duties a~t the V. A. hospit, al there. We have an stock of used cars, and would like to have more. * ~ To Air Show--- Bob, Dick, and Gerald Hardy amaz,n [ '- low and Keith Dykins flew to Bill- ings, Mont., Sunday, where they Come in and see us Soon. saw the air show, returning home early Monday. ATHLETES FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, your 40c back at any drug store. T-4-L, a STRON£ fungicide, contains 90 per cent alcohol. IT PENETRATES Reaches MORE germs to KILL the itch. Today at WOODWARD DRUG 42-~tc Ballard Bros., props. Beach, N. Dak. FOR SALE-- Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Sepedc Tanks. Just un- loaded a carload. Right Prices. Hanson Lumber Co., Beach and Golv~. 29-tfc SALES FORMER RESIDENT TO SPEAK TONIGI[T Rev. Carl S. Jordan. wife and four friends arrived this week at the home of Mr. Jordan's sister. Mrs. Earl Baker. after visiting in Mo., Iowa. and Minn. They will also visit Mrs. Jordan's bro- ther. Clifford Bartholomew and family and other relatives and old friends. REV. JORDAN They lived near Beach for sev- eral years, before going to Calif.. where Mr. Jordan entered the Los Angeles Bible Institute. After graduating he was en- gaged as gospel soloist and song leader in Evangelistic worl for some time, later taking the position of Supt. of the Beacon Light Mission in San Pedro, where he is doing a fine Christi- an work among the sailors. Mr. Jordan will be guest speaker and soloist at the Con. gregational church on Thursday, July 20th, at 8 p. m. He appeared last evening at the Christian Fundamental church in Wibaux. YLIP YOUR i~ISG|E--OU| [ILICR$ • CIGAR|T|| SLEIGHT'S Beach, N. Dak. Legals CITATION HEARING PETITION FOR LETTERS OF AD- MINISTRATION State of North Dakota, County of Golden Valley, In County Court Before Hon. Guy Lee, Judge. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM F. ERDMANN, DE- CEASED. Theodore Erdmann, Gustave Erdmann and Otto Erdmann Petitioners VS. Paul Erdmann Fm~il Erd- mann. Martha Essig, Amanda Cobb. Fred Reichenback. Min- me Forrester, Elsie Reiehen- back. Emma Wojahn, Rudolph Reichenback. Edward l~eichen- back. Charles Rcichen back. William Reichenback Rose Arndt Doris Erdmann Arlene Erdmann, Donm~ Mac Erd- lnalln. Raymond Erdmann, Vi- detErdmann David Erdmann andAlvin E Cheadlc. as Spe- cial Guardian for Doris Erd- !~l~ll]n -A~I'|CIle Erdmann. Don- l]a M,~e Erdmann. Raymond ETdnlanI]. Violet Erdmann and David Erdmann. minors. Respondents THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA TO THE ABOVE NAMED RESPON* DENTS : You, and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear before the County Court of the County of Gblden Valley in said s~ate, at the officeof the County Judge of said County, at the Court House in theCity of Beach. in said County and State on the 14th day of August A. D'ni 1950. at the hour of ten o'clock the forenoon of that day, to show cause, if a~y you l~ave, why the petition of Theodore Erdmann Gustave Erd- mann and Otto Erdmann praying [or the appoiutment of Emma Wo- jahn of Beach. North Dakota. as Administratrix of the Estate of William F. Erdmann. Deceased, should not be granted, and you are hereby notified that the residence of said decedent at the time of his .n~.~lth was is the viicnity of Sent- Butte. Golden Valley County, North Dakota. Let service be made of this Citation as required by law. Dated this 14th day of July A. D 1950. By the Court: GUY LEE Judge of the County Court. ~Seal of County Court) HOWARD A. MOUM. Attorney for the Petitioners, Beach. North Dakota {July 20-27~ Cousin Calls,-- Mr. and Mrs. Gunde Hansom of Grafton were guests of the Adolph Quade's of the Wibau~ Mont.. community, this p~ week, enroute to Billings, Monf, Mrs. Hanson is Mrs Quade'$ cousin. Sisiers Arrive--- Arriving Wed., July 19, to visit Rev. and Mrs. Boggs were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hudgins and daughters. Janice and Jackie of Birmingham, Alabama, and al~O Rev. and Mrs. Oren D. Schaffer, of Wilmore. Kentucky. The Schaf- fers will assist Rev. Boggs In special services in the local Methodist church, and also at the Wibaux Methodist church. Mrs. Hudgins and Mrs. Schaffer are sisters of Rev. Boggs. m New and used combines, large assortment to choose from, including McCormick-Deering 10 ft., Baldwin 12 ft., "69" harvester, Minor-Moline 12 ft. Buicks, Two '47 models, with radio, heater, good tire& one a sedan, the other a 2-door torpedo body sedan. '41 Oldsmobile---radio, and heater. '47 Buick 2-door sedan, in excellent shape, fully equipped. 12 ft Combine, and self-propelled types. SELL! Full line of new and used farm machinery, at money-saving price& "Slim" Clark, prop. Beach, N. Dak. @ @ C1 N~ 1 iile East of Wibaux, on Highway 10 Our business increased 25% over last year although there are less cattle in this terri. tory in 1950 than in 1949. Experienced livestock men and expert sales- man handle your cattle. Water and hay in pens pay two commissions. A large number of buyers attend every sale. All these above facts assure you the best °*- possible prices every Tuesday at the 23 IN DICKINSON SALE STARTS AT 10 We are a new sales perience. A. M. but old in ex- MUSIC BY (Hear this talented musician play your favorite numbers.) "For the Best in the West go Western"-- Every Tuesday. We have reduced pricea on 811 our dinnas--dJne wUh us in our comfo ablo and a:t:trsctivo dining room--Tou am sure to enjoy the superb food we IwvL Ope every day from noou to .. m.