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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1950
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I ~h%lce Nelson of Bismarck, which 'Was first published in 1946. 'l~he usual best seiler is doing Well to maintain a lead for a ]p~l~d of several weeks follow- [I~ publication. I*A SIX . Of Dac*o s Midget Teams Tied On Bestseller List For First Place North Dakotans apparently The Diamond Sluggers and ~fer the local product in their the Cozy Cubs are in a tie for ~leetion of reading ma~er. TheMidget League top spot as both ~t seller in Bismarck is now teams came through with two has been, for the past four wins each, last week. Our Owns ]~Oars, a book wri,tten by a Da- dropped from the leaders as ~tan about Dakota. Thiswork they lost a game to the Cubs. "Land of the Dacotahs ', by They stil hold a firm grip on edge third place and are not com. pletely out of the running for the season's first place. Super Values and Hardy's,Hot Rods are tied'for fourth place, while the Lumber Jacks were dropped to the ,bottom by a de- Nelson is a newspaper man THE GOI E V :A!J Z prompt. N. : The Miltenbergers and Troups Wi x * left Mon mornin thet,Ibau Post Office Ranger Club Grand Y g , , homes; 'it was the first timelIn New Quarters Opening July 21 they had ever visited in C#olden! Valley Count.v M.r and Mrs.] New qua~ers., were occupied. The Ranger Club, formerly Stult and family came here in]bY the WflY~tux post office last known as the Corner ,Bar, now 1917 from Napanee, Ind. ~ weeK, when' it. was. moved into owned and operated by Ken- --- ]~he new bmldmg constructed neth Summers, is to hold their • ~ r " by John Dobrowski, two doors grand opening this Friday, July .. T_ansportation ] . . ..s Grant^ , aw y from its old location. 21, when they will serve free L--~ llllt ~U ~etter .lighting, an enlarged beer from 2 to 4 p. m. Three Beach applicationsto bulletin board and a long writ- The bar has been completely the state public service commis- ing table are some at the ad- sion were approved by that of- varrta,ges of the new office. rice last week. Others are separate mail slots One was a special certificate, for city and out-going mail, with awarded to Joe Johnstone, doing an additional one ordered for business as the Johnstone Con- a~r mail. U. S. postal notes can struetion Co. it approves trans- be issued, according to post- feat at the hands of the Hot portation of general commodi- master Albert Nix. T I DA¥, J-GLY Fire Truck Moved--- t Beach, N. D., Girl July 14. ~ The city's new fire truck was]Stogie/: " " moved this week to what n,~ayi Fa e Orr Beach N D Elliot y , , . ., be its permanent home. The [ Plummer, Ollie, Mont., ,~ shed especially built for it has[ George Wright, Beach, N. 1), been electrically wired, and is tDor0thy Gorrell, Trotters, N. I). now all set to house the truck, General: serving the area north of theMrs. W. O. Jandt; Mrs. Allell N. P. tracks. Sehaal; Orval Ross; Mrs. ArcI~. ~ ~ * Holms; " M. F. Miller; Fr~ I Hospital Notes I Reece; Howard Kammerer; 1~ redecorated, and many other ira. BirU~: Robert CareT; Mrs. Elizabet~ provements have been made to Mr..and Mrs. Ray Kukowski, Roth; Lawrence Lee; Gilbe~ the building, including new re- Beach, N. D., Boy, July 12. Mr. Quade. ~. ment entrance steps, and repairs and Mrs. Stanley Woods, .Wi- to the roof. The interior of the baux. Mont., boy, ~-nJly 13. Dr. tt ~a~"-~~ ~_n tl~ bar is very attractive and color- and Mrs. Clarence A. Bush, Golde~ VMley l~ews. ful with vivid wallpaper, and new window draperies. the staff of the Bismarck Rods. ties, livestock and heavy con- Regulations governing lobby . ,.~-..~ ~~_ ~.~ ~%..~~,, Leader. His book, the resuR of 'So, this far into the season, it struction equipment between hours are the same as else- ~,. ~.~ 4 tight years of research, traces looks like three teams wilt be Golden Valley county and other where: from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m., Rev. Peals Feted ...... .... ,,, ...... the authentic history of the up- battling for first place and three places in the state, with no window service from At Farewell Party ~ , ~ :~' ~:,: Saturd*ay noon to 8 a. m. Men- per Missouri Valley--North andfor the cellar. Earnest Schmit was also auth- day. Friends gathered last Friday Sou'th Dakota and Montana. The Top scorers in the League are arized to sell to Cliff Wagner a ttory begins in the .time of the evening in the clubhouse at Wi. ames DOG RESearCH CENTe~ French explorers and extends Dick Tobias and Paul Thomas, special certificate for passenger Pastor A-n--d F~Iy baux. Mont.. where a farewell 11 runs each; and Jimmie l~ais- service between Beach and other tight up to the present, ler, Leonard Alguire, Donaldpoints in ~he state. Return From Trip party was given for Rev. and A~RIr, AN KING LOSfNGULA PAID 200 ]]~'~P Of ~'~. , ~ Mrs. Richard Beals of the Christ- ~]'r/~" [:OR ,~ SIN~LF ffA/]AN .... Kautzmann and Bob Tobias with .... The Rev. E. J. Bott and fami- fan Fundamental church, who • B IRTHDAYSU NDAY 10 runs in each. MR S...SLOC OMB L~r~//I//~ The Dick Pendleton home was Next are Leo Bares, Larry GUEST AT SHOWER ly returned Tuesday evening ofleft this Monday for Minneap,- ~-~,, ,~,~\6R~'YHO~/V~ .~ the scene 1,ast Sunday of a birth- Bares and Jimmie T~hompson, A number of friends and rela- lastthreeWeekweeks.afterTheybeingattendedaWay overAn_ ailment,lb:' Minn.Rev.(BecauSeBeals Ofdoctora tl~roatad_ , '/~~/~~ .... day celebration in honor of. each claiming 8 runs. tires gathered this.Monday after- nual Conference at Big Timber, vised him ~o quit the ministry n°°n at the Fayne Kannenberg M°nt., where Bish°ps Ira D' for awhile.) A program was giv- , ~/'//~ Wayne Pendleton, when a largeI Games July 20 home for a surprise pink and W.arner and E. W. Praetorius en, followed by the guests of number of friends and relative= ] Sluggers vs. Hot Rods blue shower honoring Mrs. Ha~-were the principal speakers. Fol- honor being presented with a =--'-:-" ----:-" - ~1[~ arrived for the occasion, among I Super Values vs. Cubs old Slocomb. After a period oflowing this they drove to Spo-substantial gift. Games followed;~ ,--~,,'"Q~, them being Buddy, Eugenia, and a Our Owns vs. Lumber Jacks games, the guest of honor open- Darlene Kunick, John Clair and Games July 25 ed the gifts, which had been kane, Wn., to visit Mrs. Bott's and an appetizing luncheon o ' " ""- mother, Mrs. Ida D. Coyle. Onclosed the evening's festiviHes. "~"-~ William P~thbun, Jim Ra~hbun Cubs vs. Lumber Jacks placed in a centerpiece made up their return trip they attended! ~ number of other t~rewell "~"- ""-" and family and Tommy, Super Values vs. Hot Rods of a huge pair of pi~k and blue " "~---.~4~ ~Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tescher and Our Owns vs. Sluggers bootees. Lunch was served, with a Bible Conference at Bozeman, parties were given in their hen- . _ _- _ --. . family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom John- the baby motif reappearing in Mont., where Rev. Theodore Epp or, including a handkerchief Son and family, Mr. and Mrs. GUESTS AT STULL°S nut cups, fastened with a safety of the Back To The Bible broad- shower for Mrs. Peals at the last Tony Tescher and family, ,Mr. Guests at the Gee. Stull home pin to resemble a diaper. Mrs.cast, and Rev. Elmer Thompson, ,rid Mrs. Roland Walth and. last week were Mrs. Stull's sis- A1 Carlson and Mrs. Fayne Kan-mission,ary to the West Indies, ladies aid meeting. Rev. Peals ~.~^,~;"e~:~it~,~ T; WITHSTAND A T~HpFRATDRE OP family, Alice Tescher, Merdytheter and brother-in-law, two bro- nenberg were hostesses, were principal speakers. The last Cities; he served as pastor of the I week was spent at Luec°ek Park' Wibaux c°ngregati°n f°r three [ ~~~ Cook, Red H,arlow and Larry thers and one sister-in-law, Mr. near Livingston, Mont., in' the years, and was active in the l d--'- ' - Kukowski s employee, Bill. and Mrs. Irvin Troup, Mrs. Ed. Shower Honors Annual Summer Assembly. Miltenberger, all from Indiana, "Youth For Christ" movement, I and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Milten- Gladys Richmond During their absence the Rev.and also helped each year at the ! " " Sisa M. Sager, a ~ative of India, young people's Bible camp ati berger of North Carolina, the A small-scale covered wagon spoke the first Sunday, and the Ekalaka, Mont., where Mrs. I l.atter whom she had not seen was the unusual carrier of gifts Rev. Harold R. Brown, formerly for 35 years. On Saturday the at a bridal shower given for of Beach. and now of Gary, lad., Beats was also kept busy. He~ /£~:j~~~_,~~~~ group were supper guests at the Gladys Richmond Friday night, spoke the second and third Sun- ~ave his last sermon in Wibaux home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr- Opening of the wagonload of days. Rev. and Mrs. Don. E. Ken- Sunday, July 16, with the choirSHALL DOeS CAN H£ARH[GHE/ - Manigal, and Sunday they gath- presents and several others eli- hey, home on furlough from singing special selections at both PIFCHE SOUNI THAN L~e PeGs ercd at the John Stull home for maxed an e~ening spent in vis- Africa, spoke to a full house, a picnic dinner. Guests there Hing and making small items and were greeted by their many the morning and evening servi- ®7950, Gatneg Dog Research Center, N.y.C. AT YOUR DEALER Rohan were Mr. and Mrs. John Stull and children. Mr. and Mrs. (;corge Stull. Ted and George, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Troup, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Miltenberger, Ed Miltenberger. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stull and family of Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stull, Wi- baux, Mont., Mr. and Mrs. F. L. MeMani~al and daughter and F. R. MeMandgal of Minneapolis, Minn. All the Stull children were present except Cecil. who is in Minneapolis. The afternoon was spent informally, some play- ing horse-shoe, the children having a ball game, wi~h some of the adult guests joining in. for the bride-to-be. Lunch was served at midnight. Hostesses for the affair, at which about 40 friends and relatives were pre- sent, were Frances Zook, Doris Ballard, Lyla Neudeck, Mary El- ten Sehaal. Mrs. A. M. Doerner, at whose home the shower was held, and Kathleen Snow. DANCE AT CARLYLE THIS SATURDAY Good music is promised for the dance to be held at Carlyle this Saturday evening, July 22, with the proceeds going for the benefit of the Ropers Club of Cabin Creek. BEACH~ N. DP.~ :-.,. +: : i:::?:: '•-:'. .......... . .