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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1944     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1944
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BUY NOW AND SAVE PAGE EIGHT j ii i ii ii i i i iiii Howard of Golva was on Monday. will hold af~ter- ~th. left for SpO- kane. Wash. Iast Week to visit With friends mad relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Pete Weinrels were t Beth on F~day of-the THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Harvest Dance Beach Hall- Friday, July 21 by the New Golva Orchestral Everyone Cordially Invitedv. Good Time for Young and {ii ill ill i iii i i i WAR BONDS . . . buy them and Join America's victory marchf Mr. and Mrs. John Willdns of Alpha were Beach shoppers on Sat- urday. T. L. Dickinson and nephew, Billie Dickinson. were Trotters visitors on Sunday. Miss AVis Lm~lle has accepted a posttlon at the Woodward Bros. drug store. i il ..... I ,i J ..... i l i Farmers and Ranchers! SAVE MONEY ON YOUR REPAIRS FOR large of Repairs to fit practically makes of machines! and. Canvas Twin6Etc. Make Our Store Your Headquarters for all kinds of Harvest Supplies A. OVERSTAD & SON BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA III I I III iii i i all I I WATER GLASSES 6 for Flow~ Pattern ~0¢ SOAP ::a "~ in ,n o LADIES' GOWNS Rayon and Cotton .... ~.00 PLASTIC FASTENERS Assorted Lengths ........ IO¢ RAYON DICKIES Assorted Colors ............ Men's NECKTIES Plain, floral and Colorful Stripes ........... ............... Z$¢ $1~ Just about the thne you think you can make both ends meet, someone moves the ends. Mrs. Robert Oqmtts returned Sat- urday from Minneapolis, where she had spent the past week on a com- bined business and pleasure trip. Miss Ruth Johnson, who has been visiting in Beach with her sister, Mxs. R. E. Arnold, left for her home at .Madi~n, Wis. Tuesday morning. Mrs. Eugene Will returned Friday f~0qO ,Bismar~. New I.~ and Mort,~ where sheand the children spent a short vacation. Malcolm Eita, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Efta of Carlyle, is a patient at the Johnstone Memor- ial hospital in Beach. INSURE your growing crops against fire with the Farmers & Merchants Bank Agency. Rates reaSonable: 43-2tc There axe two ways of getting through the world-,one is to stop thinking, and the other is to stop and think. Rev. N. Middleton will hold ser- vices at the St. Mathews Episcopal church in Beach Sunday, June ZJrd, at 8P. M Miss Vera Helm, who recently resigned her position at Plattsvllle, Wis. has accepted a position with Keohane & Kuhfeld. Mrs. Chas. King and daughters, Ilia and Jean of Glendive, spent Thursday at the Mrs. J. R. Gifford home. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kirst left' the fore part of the week for Boise, Idaho, where they will visit with their daughter and family. H. E. Algulre of Linden, Wash. is visiting with friends and relatives and attending to business matters ~,~Beach and WtbaUx this past Theron Odenbaush arrived here Wednesday morning from Wash- ington where he has been employ- 'ed, for a short visit enroute to His home in Fargo. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Thoreson of Pasco, Wash. are hero visiting with r~ ~an_d friends. They are t~ouse gues~ -tW- ttm ~ Mrs. A~rrm Moyer home. Mrs.~Anna Moyer, who was called to Beach bY the death of her sister- in-law, Mrs. Ed Jtmtesen, returned to Fallon, Mont. to ~sume~her Wo~IL, Mrs~.Kathe~Tde~almem:~--"~ and f~ma- fly slant the past week in Befell visiting with relatives. They left for their home in Olendive Monday evening. Pvt. Kenneth Sill of Spenpe Field, Moultrie, Ga. arrived Monday eve- ning to spend a furlough visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sill. Mr. and Mrs. Randal Thompson, who spent the past week at Bill- ings and Mlssoula, Mont. with friends and relatives, returned to their home here the forepart of the week. ii i i i I Reduced! Girl's SUMMER COATS Plaids and Plain colors 5 O0 Broken Sizes ............................................................... " Must Go! LADLES' HATS FELTS 50' $1.00 _ I J I I MEN'S ALL, WOOL SUITS SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS LARGE SELECTION in Dark Blues, 22 00 Greys and Browns. Don't overlook = this opportunity. MEN'S AND BOY'S Dress Straws 77¢ MEN'S COTTON TROUSERS INCREASED VALUES call for additional insurance. Let us go over your policy and determine Water Repellant for hard wear .................... whether you have sufficient coyer- age. Farmers & Merchants Bank Agency. 43-2te Mr. and Mrs. Albert Severson and family of Oungre, Sask. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Severson last week. Albert Sever- son and Theo. Severson are brothers. Ronald Douglas is the name given to the son who arrlved to make his home wlth Cpl. and Mrs. Douglas Evans at Rapid City, S. D. on Mon- day at nine P. M. Cpl. Evans is now in England. Mrs. John L. Olieve (Olive ~Moyer~ who came to attend funeral services for her aunt. Mrs. Ed Jus- tesen, returned to Minneapolis on Monday. She arrived in Beach on Wednesday. Miss Clara Kippley returned to her home and her position at the 2.00 EVERY ]Penney store Monday evening after a week spen~ with friends and relatives in the Twin Cities and Fargo. INCREASED VALUES call for additional insurance. Let us go over your policy and determine whether you have sufficient cover- age. Farmers & Merchants Bunk Agency. 43-2tc Mrs. Minnie Sorenson entertained at dinner on S:t~day, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Soren~ ~d three children of Watervliet. N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs Ernest Sorenson and daughter of Beach. Miss Doris Erickson of Los An- geles, Calif. and Mrs. Ivah Carrillo of Downey, Calif. arrived in Beach July 7th and are visiting at the Victor Renstrom home. Miss Erick- son is a niece of Mr. RenJstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Stutsman and son Billy, who have spent the past several weeks with relatives tn Mandan and Grand Forks and en- A black cat following you is re-i garded as bad luck. It may be-- all depends on whether you are a man or a mouse. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Justesen and daughter Esther of Litchville re- turned to their home on Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Justensen attended the funeral services held for Mrs. Ed Justensen. V-- FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH O. L. Oisrud. pastor Tel. 154 Beach: Services at II A. M, Ser- mon theme: "Finding Pleasure inI Doing. Good." [ ASen'tinelM- Butte: Services at 9:30 ~A closing vacation Bible school program will be held at the QuaaleT schoolhouse this Friday at 8 P. M, j / Carlyle: Sunday school , at the ) Crackerbox schoolhouse at 10 A. M.t with Mrs. William Quaale in charge, i Instruction for adult membership! will be given at the church in Car-I lyle this Saturday at 2 P. M. All persons interested are invited to attend. Garner: Services at 3 P. M. with the pupils of the Golva vacation Bible school having a part in the service. --% METHODIST CHURCH Ray McClure, minister A friendly church with a gospel message. Sunday school 10 A. M. Worship service 11:15 A. M. Junior Choir rehearsal Wednes- day 7:30 P. M. Senior Choir rehearsal Wednes, ! day 8 P. M. You are cordially invited to wor- ship with us. -V ) CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH L John R. Roberts, pastor JoYing an outing at a lake near Beach:~ -----'~'~''~ Wahpeton, arrived 1~h~ae on Sunday l S unda~_achool. I0 A.M. -7 e~bnlng~ : ...... : ....... L" ~.~r.vJce II A. M~"~ - . ~Mr.._ ~Dd o-..~4~ 'Win::: -~xe'~, :Jr., " Pflgl~r~ Yellowshlp 7:30 P. M. ~fid baby son, William III, are l Choir practice Wednesday at 8 visitS.rig with Mr, Burn's parents, ~P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Burns. St. at Sentinel Butte: Wlbaux this week. Win. Burns, Jr. '.s enjoying a brief furlough from ~. ~rmy duties at Ogden, • -~|S~.Lol .~.~, a Jprmer resi- dent of B~a~h E~mr-~a~ster of Mrs. J._~....~_tL1L sub.mitted to an opera- Yidn for appefidicitis at St. Joseph's hospital in neUtngham, Wash. on Monday. Last reports stated Miss Alton was getttr~ along fine. J. G. Johnson arrived Wednesday morning from Seattle and expects to spend the next couple of months visiting and assisting with the harvest in Golden Valley county. Mr..Johnson is s brother of Christ, Oscar and Nic Johnson of the Oolv~,community. Mrs. T. M. I#verson and children, who have spent several weeks in Fargo with M#, Leverson and other relatives, ret~n]ed to Beach the latter part of- the week. Mr. Lever- son also spent several days in Beach this week. He is now em- ployed in Fargo with the North- western Bell Telephone Co. Mrs. T. L Dickinson went to Minneapolis on Friday, where she wlll visit with her daughter, Helen and with other relatives. Miss Dickinson Is a cadet nurse at Northwestern and will be "'capped" this. week. "After the capping ser- vices she ls to have a vacation of several weeks and will accompany her mother to Beach to visit at her home .here, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Sorenson and children, Sandra Jean, Dale Jr. and Donald of Watervliet, N. Y. arrived here Frlday morning for a visit with Mr. Sorensdn's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sorenson, and Mrs. Soren- son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L Lovell. Mrs. Sorenson is the for- mer Dorothy Lovell and they are house guests at the Lovell home. This is Mr. Sorenson's first visit in Beach for the past four years. Services ac 2 P. M. Medorg: -., ,~. Sunday school at 3 P M._ Worship service at 4 P. M. ~V = UNITED BRETHREN CH~ D. E. Kenney, pastor Sunday, July 23: Because of summer camp there will be no ser- vices in our church this Sunday. We urge all of our people who are not at camp ~o attend one of the other churches of the city. ~V ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dlssen, pastor Divine services I0 A. M. Sunday school 11 A. M. i FOR SALE- Red River Special,28" Se h_ Thursday, July 20, 1 In good shape, and ready to turn out your 1944 economically. Complete'with all belts except belt. 1928 International Truck Need a good truck for harvest? Here is a truck good condition, with good rubber and box. Motor good condition. INQUIRE AT GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS -.,2 39 LUG -- 1 15¢ ICEBERGS TOMATOES red ripe slicers lb. 19¢ IIILL'$ nOSe FOLDER'S or MAXWELL HOUSE ][-LB. JAR MUSTARD.. lrLAVOREE.--~ K II~rD~ K00L.MD. 6 ASST'D FLAVORS FOR A COOl DOZ. FRUIT JARS PINT J~S-..DOZ.f 59c NOW CHEESE "'"°" e~ST~n • o0 mi~La> ~'.J:t:ll,1'.1:l:~ll'IJ'l'#:ll,tli S~SW~T m~m>-~ Pox.~ ~ Do it yourself at home. a,l~r -: DICED BEETS 10, ~'~ manent Wave Solution, a~j shampoo, curlers and VV $~'~'°~Q ~ ~'~rl ~t" ~~--~~''~b''~--" LAXEI.,AND BRAND g} ~20.oz. ¢ PAlM WOODWARD BUTTER KERNEL~WHOLE KERNEL l DIAMOND EWRMILK3' °:27, VAN c~s-=3 ~z. calm 14c a The MINNESOTA WOOLEN CO. Duluth. Minn, Cordially invites you TO VISIT THEIR DISPLAY IN BEACH Loested In the Schrader Bldg, across the street from the hospital FOR TEN DAYS ONLY FRESH MADE 28c , , / , / PURE LARD ,.,,. s~o~rEm~d Lard SUG~t~ FINE GRANULATED AND 40 VALID $ LB~. EACH. OEY YOUR C.ANNIb1G ~GAR m~ ~PPLIC~TION FROM US, • POST TOASTIES m~RICHRD wgrH PKG. B BP.]tAKFAST CEREAL PItU IS, • • PKG. SUNSWEET--MEDIUM Sl~ FOR BABY, BATH OR DISHI~ LIIZBUOY 3 OR LUX TOILET SOAP PURF C~mm--Dm~oW LARGE • P/~O. ¢ HERE YOU WILL FIND The Finest Line of Snow Suits in the Northwest A Complete Line of ~w~, Rever~lble Hunting C~ts, Ladies and Me~ Lamb Lined Jaeket~ S~rs, Shirts, Trou~mm, Sox and Mittens, (~berdine Jaeke~s m~d ]L~es Ski S|dt& Ge~ze • F.e~al~Uon Riding Pants. B, oya Lamb Lined Mackinaw Oo~ts. WE HAVE GENUINE ~IME BLANKETS--Yo~ Know Them Do Not Wait Until Winter to Prepare Remember Last Fall Order Your Needs NOW! Be on the Safe Side! YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY! floe W~g~tt~ iqNE;Tmi4Ga We Guarantee Delivery~When You Want it MINNESOTA WOOLEN CO. 25 years of Quality and Honest Dealing PINT 23¢ L. L. RUDRUD (Bonded Representative)