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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1944     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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July 20, 1944 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS THE VALLEY hEWS cattle was the pastime J. E. Cook place Sunday. Wirtzfeld was a Sentinel and Beach visitor Tuesday. Allen was a caller at Geo. Wright home Monday. Mary Rathbun was a din= guest at~ the Ed Carney home Jandt, Jr, spent a r~seturning Beae2i huspltal, feeling considerably better. and Mrs. Geo. Wright visited J. A. Wright home near Butte Friday afternoon. Allen and Kenneth• and Stedman were callers in Monday, |~mmy Rathbun spent Sunday ~t witlt Jimmy Cook at the f~:~. Cook home. 3, . S ~nme Berg wa a Beach caller |:~ Thursday afternoon. Johnnle [~lght John Glair home from the L~ital. ~. win. F. Brown and Mrs. |)~E. Cook were Sentinel Butte ~ Beach Shoppers on Thursday [~rnoon. . , - ~s. A. H. Allen is spending me ~k at her hq~ne and will return ~er work in the hospital next [~s. Tom Wlrt~feld is at home and,~ showing improvement [~ her short stay at the Beach |W~Pitaital. " " ~dtn~ ;part of their summetr ~tion at the home of their aun While carrying out posts from the draw Sunday. July 9, A1 Allen was overcome with the heat and went to the hospital Monday, where :h~ remained until Wednesday. , ~oward Van Horn, Lawrence and p,~iph Kirkpatrick and Teddy Blue were in our community Wednesday a~rnoon. Howard is dealing to btiy Teddy's tractor. ~Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Cook and ~fldren drove in to Sentinel Butte ~lday evening ~ meet Marlyn, V'~o came from Dickinson on the in Week. Jim StOkers and Kamr~rer Teacher at- conven - evening, as did Carl and Web Allen, Johnnie and Clarence Berg, and Mary Rathbun. Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Odland. Jr. and dau~hter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and-children, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Houck and Mikey were a few that spent some of their time In duneberry patches in this corn- reunify the past week. Mrs~2Sylor:C~ok received the sad l~£~t her brother Harley had been:~iously hurt inn car acci- dent: Jack~:Northrop left at once by bus tO be with Harley. All of Harley's old friends are wishing him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Dick Pendleton and girls were shoppers in Beach on Satur- 'day A. M. Gladys can handle that pickup pretty good, as they manag- ed to spend Saturday afternoon picking Juneberries over north. Who says women can't go to town without spending the whole day. Shoppers in Beach from this community Saturday evening were Mrs. Evans and Don, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stecker, Coleen and Ri{a Hoeck, Web Allen, Mary Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson, Mr. Mrs. John Berg and Marie, and A1 Allen. Win. F. Brown has two hay buckers made. Geo. Wright is hav- ing his new stacker mounted on A1 Allen's tractor. It will certainly be a haying crew worth watching when they all get into gear. There will certainly be no shortage of hay in the Westerheim community this winter. ~. l~lis Stecker. Quite a few visitors from W~h- |r~o,:Wright ,?and Dqn_ ate din- ington and Oregon were visiting in |i~ w~th the shearers at the Rath- the community this week. Mr. and ~hm~e Thursday while cutting Mrs. Raleigh Harvey of Portland |~ for :A1 Allen on section 7. visited at the Wendell Youelis and !~ s~mer school g~is, with Ellis Stecker homes. Mrs• Ray [:~. e~tton of Barbara Allen, Stecker and baby Judy visited at :~t the weekend at their re- the Ellis Stecker home and Mr. ~tive ~es.. and Mrs. Olie Thorenson at the [~ell, t~ee Aliens are in the Ellis Stecker home. They accom- ~atroopers: =~keF; who is now re- panled Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoeck. from wounds received in Things started happening fast |~rating invasion, is: now in the state |~lowa, Charles, AI's soft, in Camp ~rts, and Henry, Web's son, at t:~ Benning, Ga. But Stanley ~s he 11 take the Navy next, spring, and furious at the Rathbun ranch this .week. Vivian was taken to the hospital Monday night, and brought kome Tuesday night. John Clair was taken in with a broken arm Wednesday evening and brought home Thursday. Vivian went back to the hospital Friday afternoon and will come home Monday eve- nln~ - and in betwee~t~meg ~he shearers were there. SO- anyone 8 looking for gooseberries they or- dered from May will know now why to date they haven't bee~ delivered. S@ Some way an item slipped lnt~ the Westerheirh that we were no guilty of writing. It was the one that read something like this: "There are people driving cars that be practicing on a wheel- barrow." NOW, if I was a real good ONE DAY driver I wouldn't "mind claiming that item, but I am one of the poorest drivers in the commtmJty, ,ONLY CIRCUS GROUNDS GROUND BUD tER$0N 25 Big Acts STARRING RODEO RANGER "JUMBO" World Famous Elephant FUNN CLOV4NS BEAUTIFUL GIRLS C-co. Wright l~as that power mower at work, and we mean work. He also draws the hayrake, and that is Jay's job. Jay is doing a fine job, and says he hasn't fallen asleep on the job yet. =V~ FIRE AT MAHLON STECKER FARM SATURDAY AFTERNOON , befbre the men said their job was I done. A good sized crowd stayed Moyer and family. to watch the burning hay, so as ~V • to be there ready in ease the wind CARD OF THAleS ,shouid shift and blow sparks on RING any of the out buildings. Although ~ B IN THAT CASE the loss of hay was considerable, May we take this means of ex- Mahlon was thankful that all the pressing our heartfelt appreciation of Beer Bottles, and you buildings and live~tock were spared, for the many kind acts rendered during the illness and death of our ge Miss Millie Baxth, who has been MOther. ;,, employed at the Red Owl store, left The Logan Yam~y. PA~ WINE ' for Mott on Monday, where she V~ !. will work In the Red Owl store. Pearl" Harp eetur~ed from Miss Margaret Noonan of Wibaux Seattle, Wash.,' where she ha~ been has accepted a position in the local employed at defense work for the 'store and began her work there past ~wo montl~, Monday. Miss Tuesday. Harp will be employed at the Cozy i V Gale. People ask how they can 8~quire personal magnetism• One way to - ' ' ' ~' ': get it is to be constantly ~¥~t~t~t4t~~~a~~~~~~~~~~ 'era up. : ( :- A hay stack was discovered all ablaze at noon by Mrs. Stecker. Mr. an¢~ Mrs. Stecker and a few neighbors fought the fire until about 4 P. M., not making much headway, so a general alarm was put in over the. phone and friends and rielghbors from near and far soon arrived on the scene to help. Water was hauled from Beach and also from dams near by, and Mah- lon's pump was kept going steady but still it was impossible to pu~ the fire out, so a couple of buck rakes were put into service and the burning stack was moved out into the pasture. Mahlon wets lucky to have the wind. what little there was. in his favor, so all buildings were saved. CoMMUNITI[$. 6500,,,, YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE ALONG GREYHOUND LINES They're a familiar part of your North Dakota "sceaery"~thoae busy blue:and-whlte Greyhound buses. But did y~u realize that they can ta~l~ directly to more than 6,571tles and to:~~iO~ America? ~ • --- any~ere in~n~ great nation areas convenient to you as your ~earby~eyhoznd. bus depot. Greyhound brings business ~unity from the surrounding .country- side. Whe]~ ~'artime work, furlough, or emergency, calls, U",reyhoun~f~ ready to take you to any one of 6,$00 ~, far and n~Yar, ~**. And that is only part of the glctt/re. Greyhmmd schedules are closely coordinated with the se/~,ioes o~ coumecting bus lines, enabling Greyhound to speed your travels to every other bqs line point in the nation. For complete travel information, anywhere in America, u# your Greyhound agent. DOERNER'S CAFE Phone 70 Beach, N. D. so have no right to criticize other driving. Also, the Sentinel O U N El rural items were in witl~ the Westerheim items and we don't want anyone thinking we are try-1 ~l~~ ing to make Westerheimers out" of them. --: " ' " THE OLD JUDGE SAYS.. "I don't blame the fellows gettin' all her up over it, Judge. For the likes of me I can't see what's all the hunt about holdin' these local prohibition dec- tions while they're .away." "I agree with you, Sfeve. Time after t~eir letters, in articles, in polls taken to get the views of our'fighting men... they have irzlicated in unmistakable terms don't want any action taken on prohibition, either local or national, until they get back." "Too bad there isn't a law or s0methin' to he sure their wishes are carried out, Judge." "There is in one state I know of, Steve. just recently it passed a law prohibiting • the calling of any prohibition election until a year aRer the peace is declared." , "That really makes sense to me, Jt~dge." PAGE FIVE [ It's at a time like that, that CARD OF THANKS I Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Berg and Gilman. neighbors and friends~ prove their ~ ~ .. ,daughter Beverly of Golva were[ V - worth• The ladies of the commun- We wish to thank our Irmnds and l ~ests at the Tom G"---n ~'ome on t ~ ........ ~ ~ ~ • ~- ~,~ a~ xne people wn0 are ~t~v ~ ~te~- ity all pooled their bread, cakes, neighbors for their kind words and .~,ma~, rt hoin~ ~,~ ....... a} rolls, etc. and 'brought It to the offerings in our sorrow. I b~l~da~, ~she~ne"~--~Be~."toltingt° work may show upl)romptly scene of action to feed the fire Ed. Justesen and faro-en o ~ ' da ...... j y a birthday cake With Grandpa ~m ,pay y. • fighters. It was about 9:30 P.M. uy; rmns auszesen ana : fnrntlv. ~l're A ~ I " , r ' I g g : "THE SPIRIT OF THE WEST" : "~ As we drive over the prairies that make u~ rewards of success or failure. the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming, on Today, it can be caHed't'Fr~om of Enter- modern hard surfaced roads, we are likely prise, Business Managem~r Freedom of to forget that ]hst a few generations ago, the Opportunity," but re~j~@'dless of what w~ call only means of transportation was~he covered it, it is the ~pir~Y~ericanism. ff we con- . wagon. If it had not been for the~ourage and tinue m e~t~" it as we have for the past 1 ~ 0 foresight of our forefa~ers, the~est would y6ar~,,~me~ca will retain its leadership in stall beast a wilderness inhabi~[d by Indians. fl~Vworld, If we abandon it, as some people Did you ever stop to wond/r what it wa~ thi~ America will lose l~ place - that ins ed the curly pioneqs to ,'. the =n. " ,' in a covered~agon? It wa~l what~ nc~w llke to refer to as "The Sp~it o~/~ffe ~; c,¢:.'" It was the desire to ex~o~qo di~c¢,~: ". and to develop, and it w~inspir,.~ ~', ~ :.~. T~/~~ ~ by C~4tv, m~ e/Alu~l~ Bon~ In4u~ri~ In~. knowledge that, in America, under the :- ; :~, guaranteed us by our Constitution, e~'. ,~ .. ~ can work out his Own destiny and rc;,f, ~.. ~: II i l l i . _ World's l EV~Y HOME F~om SHORTAGE stems from the Forces... now in to fight~ around the world. • Symbol of out , G. I.Joe is the world s deserving, As evidence ofhls ffact that Let the . 6o, ooo,ooo Nowondet there is'con- cern gesgfvef~ With the same mttmuve nd energy, which prompted itslong peacetime re. search for new and better things from ~s well as f:om At eveq~ well, in every refinery, 'm. " !~' eve~ l~toduction unit the irk is ' " ~ve nothing undone wh~cl~ might , ~: :~ contribute to an e~lier victory." Twentyffour hours a day, PhiU'ips best e/F0rts are devoted to the ituction of the war fuel other synthet/c chemicals. That is wh Beach, N. D. BEACH Golva, N. D.