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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 20, 1944     Golden Valley News
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July 20, 1944
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Mention the Ads to Our Advertisers It Will Pay! THE GOLDEN VALLEY N ! NUMBER 8 of Local w BEACH, GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA, THURSDAY," THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1944 It~-~, Bake, Rel~rt~ Mrs. Mert Buckley spent several the hospital at Baker last week but is much improved now. Mr. and Mrs. John SUper were dinner guests at the Carl Sliper home Sunday. H. Rickdail of Seattle, Wash. is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Elliott Plummer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and family were supper guests at the Wetzel home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose and daughters visited at the Elmer Raisler home Wednesday. Mrs. Fay Shepherd, Fern, Run- hie and Lavern were dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Paul Theemke and ~family of Beach were Sunday din- ner guests at the Elmer Wang home. Mrs. Thoemke and chil- dren remained at Wangs to visit for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. L G. Wetzel and Rev. Howland of Great Falls were dinner guests at the Rev. Kenney home at Beach Tuesday. In the afternoon Rev. Howland accom- panied Wetseis home and was a supper guest at their home. That evening they, and members of the official church and Sunday school board attended the quarterly con- ference held at Carl~e. ~V News o.f'Interest From the. Sentinel Butte Community ] CARLYLE L Acclaimed Newsweek Editor's Note: Although Beach is a long distance from the scenes and battle grounds of the World War and where many of us have our sons, brothers and other dear rela- tives and friends waging the fight for freedom and human- ity, Mrs. T. L. Dickinson Of this city has a brother, William Hlpple who is a war correspon- dent and of whom she can Justly feel proud. Bill Hippie, while not actually taking a killo lug part in the great world con- fltct, has been in the thick of the fight since the beginning, risking his life daily that you and I and the res~ of the world might know what is actually taking place. The following little story taken from the Jiffy 17 issue of Newsweek, briefly tells us what Mrs. Dick- lnson's reporter brother is truing: '~Wflllam Hipple, Newsweek's Cen- Pacific correspondent, has been out there since the beginning. He was there when the advancing horde seemed invincible. He our men slowly learn new better techniques of war by error. He watched stemming Of the tide--and the Of the tide. has been a newspaper ~came a copy boy ~e of 15. He has worked Seattle, New York, London, Paris and He was in HswaU, an naval correspondent, I war came suddenly from the ~tll~l almost immediately aircraft carrier and since that day his reads like a history of the war: Australia, New Guinea, Bougainville, Tarawa, Eniwetok, and Pala~ has covered almost every, n~or the flight deck of the from the cockpits of barges, fox- a~id stinking island Jungles. ~ One night last November Bill hit the beach with the second wave of storming ashore for hand- to-hand combat on ~Tarawa--and one of four men to reach shore a landtug barge carrying 33. to be the blood- t the long history of ~5~rines, about the l-hiking" on warships, vessels, and airplanes, and on general progress. ~Four after the Battle of Tal-awa r~turned to the island which become an American shrine, wrote '~rarawa Revisited" March 27), a piece so that the L~laud commander It reprinted for his men to home. His latest major coverage was a carrier in the largest Pa- task force we had yet as- reaching within 600 miles the Philippines to bomb the Islands. "On a carrier," Bill "you always feel like a bull's- in a shooting gallery"--ethingsom Hippie has become than a good reporter. He has his beat so long and so that he probably knows much about the Pacific war as staff officers. A trained, observer ~ a skillful, wrlter~he is also one of the correspondents in the Bill was commended by the Army Corps for daring the Battle of At Tarawa the Sec- Division, which will be in our history for its heroic on this island, honored brave and efficient service extraordinary conditions of • , a devotion toyour duty the press and public that was Implement Here Workmen have completed the for the new "implement which is being crested b~ Dakota Implement CO,, on the corne~ of the Texaco serv~ The new ~Ud~r~ wm~ and brick construction a~a only be an Im~roveme~at.m of Be_~h, .but will> also more ~uate q ua~r~.~._~r :ota Imiflement C o.,~ operated by wirour ~.~ ~arlyle and Frank Ha~gn HEAD CATTLE Ross and son, local stock~ at the Earl Stark home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wang and Mrs. Ferguson made a business family and Shirley Ovens of Baker i trip to Glendive on Thursday. were dinner guests at the Emil Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clarin were Rustad home Thursday. Beach shoppers on Friday after- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wang and!n°°n of last week. family and Shirley Ovens of Baker• Pete Jesok of Alpha was in Golva were overnight guests at the Elmer shopping on Friday morning of the Wang home Wednesday. past week. Martin Rustad and son Glen of Rev. and Mrs. V. H. Dissen and Dale, Minn. came Friday to visit family of Beach were callers at h~ brothers Emil and George the A. E. Kirkpatrick home on ~ustau----": aria" "---qies~am~ I Wednesday evening of last week - ' -- " n of Mr and Mrs I Mrs. Robert Clarin visited with Harvey ~r~os~, so • "t Carl Rust, left Tuesday evening~ her brother, Roman Flnneman, in for Butte for induction into the the Beach hospital ~n Thursday afternoon. Army. The Norman Rust, Arnold Beach and Fay Shepherd families enjoyed a picnic Stmday at the Ooodsaw Mr. and Mrs. Pliesner and Mr. and Mrs. Kreukenburg of Baker called at the Cloud Lurid home on Sunday evening. Stanley Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Dan COx had ;upper at the Roy McClain home ,~t Baker Sunday, • .?- Mrs. Mervin Rustad and'children • isited at the Mike O'Donnel home -e~r Baker from Thu~sday~until "tmday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lulls and ~amily and Mr. and Mrs. Grove Lulls and Laura attended the ~mers Union picnic at Baker FridaY, ........... Mrs, Jack McLean, nee Flora Rose, arrived Tuesday at the Carl Rose home after spending the past ~wo weeks with her husband, who is in the Navy, at San Francisco. The Bert Hudson and Grove Lutts families spent Sunday at the Rudolph Lutts home. Miss Laura Lulls accompanied Hudsons home to spend the week with them. The Big Hill Home Demonstra- tion club families had a picnic Sunday at the June . Blilington home. A large number ,attended and l~ad an enjoyable time. Martin Rnstad and Glen, and George Rustad motored to Miles City to visit Gilbert Rustad in the hospital there. He is feeling some- what improved at present. Mrs. Henning Steen entertained the Womens Missionary society at her home Thursday afternoon. At the close of the meeting she served a delicious lunch. • Mrs. Ellenbaum spent the past two days visiting at the home of Mrs. Narum. She is leaving this Monday morning for Princeton, Minn. to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rust and family ~and Yvonne Seaman were dinner guests at the Tommy Ferrel home at Baker on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wang, Mr. md Mrs. Fay Shepherd and fam- ily, the Tommy Ferrel.famtly, and Swede Hanely were runner guests at the Norman Posts Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Corbitt and family of Baker and Mr. and Mrs. charlie Shepherd and Larry, and Mrs. Randolph Perry and children were supper guests at the Fay Shepherd home Thursday. Pfc. charles Plummer, of the U. S. Marine COrpS, who has recently been stationed in Santa Anna, Calif., •arrived at the Everett Plum- met home Tuesday to spend his furlough. - Mrs. Henning ~teen and Donald, Alan Wang, and Rev. L. G. Wetze. 1 left Monday morning with people from Beach for the U. B. church camP rrcar Livingston. Mrs. Wetzel is takin~ care of Gloria Steen dur- lug her mother's absence. ~t. F~le o~ Mrs_ Roy Mc- and Judy~ ana ~ Fdien ~roung of Baker visited at the George Cox:" heine Friday evenh~. Mrs. Dan Cox accompanied mere up from Baker and visited at the Joe Baker home. " Mr. and Mrs. Everett Plummer and family,~ Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Plummer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Plummet ~.d Dou~, and H. Rlckdall were runner guests at the '~Hennlng Steen home on ~day: •. Mrs :Mr. anu • mined at of supper Corbitt home have decided to build herd, and wi~h this in Mr ~I MrS. Everett Plummet have Just purchased seve~n]ente~l 'Sl~day at.a. flau~tJy [ purebred registered Here~'] ~er ~[n honor of CharleS. The lfers and a bull from l~tlt~l f~oBowtng-, people were ~nt~ Mr. r well known rsneher loca ] ~d Mrs Pat Plummet a ~Joug- the Beaver north ofBeae~ [~ Mr. "and MrS. Elliott Plummer, ~e~u; ~r. ~nd Mrs. V " -' l~fii Holmes,~ and Mrs. Lee ,s to see fat people ~1~ planer and Obr~t of seems to be so much u~ good :time. , Baker. Quite a number of people, from this community attended the Fa~m- cr.~. Union meeting in Sentinel Butte on 'Wednesday of last week. Lots of cattle and hogs were shipped from Golva on Friday. Guess that will make some more food for the army. The Farmers elevator of (~olva held a meeting in the town hall on Wednesday of last week. Ltmch was served to t~ose who attended. Mrs. Mat Susa of Wis¢0nsIfl ~r~-. rived here on Sunday to spend some time visiting at the home of her son, Frank Susa. Mrs. Marie Kannenberg and fam- ily, Mrs. Mabel Smith and Mrs. Haistead were visitors at the Geo. Oldis home on Sahlrday afternoon of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clarin were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karnes Johnson on SUnday afternoon. Mrs. Mabel Smith and Miss Pearl Klrkpatrick were callers at the O. M. Clarln home on Monday afternoon. Ronnie Ntstler left for Wibaux Friday. Ronnie has been visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fasching, of Oolva. Joe Maus SIc of the U. S. Navy left Wednesday for Minnesota to visit relatives there, before return- lug to his naval base at Camp Parks, Calif. Roman Finneman underwent an appendicitis operation at the Beach hospital on Tuesday morning. He is improving nicely and hopes to be up and around again soon. Mrs. Frank Schouboe and Dolores, Mrs. L. E. Curl and Miss Fannie Muller left Thursday on a vacation, which they will spend visiting relatives in Chicago for a while. Such wonderful crops as we have this year. Wouldn't it be a shame if something happened to them? I guess most of us watch each cloud that comes up in hopes that it doesn't hail. Mrs. A1 Fasching and family re- turned to their home in Dickinson on Saturday of last week. Miss Mary Lou Krettinger accompanied Mrs. Fasching and plans to spend a short time visiting there. Miss Oladys Granat left Saturday for Glendlve, where she plans to spend some time working. Miss Oranat has been visiting her par- cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oranat, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Popiel and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bares, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bares and Mrs. Hugo Kreitinger were guests at the Frank Bares home on Sunday of this week. Stub Lurid of Billings arrived here the past week. He is a former resident of the south community and plans to spend the summer here helping his father, Melvin Lurid, farm- Mrs. Bert Covert and Mrs. H~m- round left Friday morning by bus for a few days vacation at western points. M~ Clara S~ is .U~.. care of the telephone office wmm ~ .covert is gone. HOW about a ring, £~xa? -M~.-Mabel Smith of Glendale, Calif. arrived at the home of her ~a~r, Mrs. A. E. E~rkpatrlck, y ~mom,. of t~ ~ :. Mrs. Smith is a former reslaen~ of near S~,~t~l Butte. She plans to spend tt~ mmmmer,y~isit~, lwaere.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krettinger InLde a trip to Dlcktll~n on busi- -~ngl~t the Mimm ~ ~,eltin~eri Conni~ Carew~~. I~ and Do~thy Sma from college to spend the weekend ~t their respective homes. • • : Miss Alice Knutson was an over- night guest at the Vic Johnson home on Friday eventDg. MiSS Knutson and Miss Stadem, who have been visiting there the past week while teaching Bible school in Golva, spent the weekend visit- lug in Beach. Mrs. Thompson of Indiana ar- rived here the past week to visit with her sister, Mrs. Stromeyer, but Mrs. Stromeyer at the same time had gone to visit her sister, Mrs. Mary Lehmann and Dale Hess were Wlbaux callers Friday. Miss Ramona Meyers of Medora visited Joan Teacher Sunday. Mrs. Reed enjoyed company from Bismarck a week ago Friday. Milo Hogoboom visited at the home of his son Neff Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wagner were Sunday visitors at the Albert Wo- sepka home near ~ulllon Butte. Jimmy Johnstone, son Gene, and Emil Nothnagle called at the Satre home a week ago Wednesday. ! Ed Carney and Pete Wirtzfeldi were business callers in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Satre en- Joyed a visit last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Llndstrom and son Allen of Crosby. Mrs. Cordia Wallace and son Stanley of Beach spent from Mon- day to Thursday visiting Mrs. Fred Stecker and Mrs. MYrtle Blcknell. The Mesdames Vic Carlson. Carl Carlson, Inga Carlson and Wally Varberg were Tuesday afternoon guests of Mrs. Ernst Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Math Dletz, A&mes and A~na were, visitors at .~the Math Decker home on wednesday William Conneil spent Sunday in Medora. Bill Mc~arty called in town Sat- urday on business. Mrs. Fred SteeRer and Mrs. Myr- tle Blcknell called on Mrs. Otto Petersliie ~nursday afternoon. Jimmy Tescher had a wart re- moved at the hospital In Beach on Thursday. Mary and Katherine Uetz of Beach were Sunday visitors at the Nick Uetz hbme. Junior Hall and Eddy Turnqulst and brother of Wibaux called at the Bob Hall home on Wednesday evening. Johnny Clair Rathbun had the misfortune of breaking his arm last week when he was thrown from a horse. Mrs. Frank Bares and daughter Margaret returned from Dickinson Friday, where Margaret spent a couple days in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wischow and sons and Mrs. Betty Carlson were Friday evening visitors at the Vic- tor Carlson home. John Haugen spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of hls daughter, Mrs. Theo. Kunick Jim O'Conner and Ray Still took a load of cattle to Billings Sunday. Richard Bryce left for the army Thursday of last week. M2ss Hllma AndeVrson is on the sick list. Miss Adele Lurid arrived from Billings last Thursday, where she has been visiting her sister. Bill Kramer left Saturday to go back to the South Pacific, where he has seen service. Mrs. Jim O'Conner acted as sub- stitute carrier for Tom Fulton during his absence. Mrs. Bill Neary arrived home from Glendive Friday. The celebration in Carlyle for the Farmers Elevator was held July 10 as scheduled. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Stewart re- turned from the west coa~ last Thursday. Mrs. Claude Lund and Mrs, Jim O'Conner have been assisting with the work at the Bill Neary home. Harney Higby is helpin~ with the chores at the Fred Howe place near Baker. Mrs. Harney Fiske accompanied Mrs. Jim Cannon to the Jim Can- non farm Tuesday of last week. The two beauty parlors that are operating in Beach have been evening, in Beach. o closed for a short tJ~ne. He was married to Ida: Wagner Mrs. Goodwin Thompson and _Mi~. Leo na Schumacher s_pent Mr and Mrs. Jack Ballard were on March 15, at Sioux Falls, baby of Beach visited at the ~etl ~esuay evertmg a¢ me ~oy_a.xa~es dinner ~uest~ at the Martin home S.D..To this :~ sons were Hogoboom home Saturday after-hgnw, She left W e~le~l~y for Monday~ born, Kermit o Paud.. In noon .... B~ck. ~ ~' ' 1 ttend spring of 19~ ~ W~ hl~ .... Quite a few from Car yl~ a - Mrs. Victor J~hns~, Mrs. Neff Mrs. Ous Timboe entertained the ~ tho a.... ~. ~lli~ ~turdav f~ to V~ :~Y~' ~'~t~ ~,~n~l~ ~'le ~r~)w In /seacll ~tmuayj•i~z~rnu~m ,un~n m me enurun. ~.n~, ~oo.,. ,.~ +~ ~,#~o.t ........ me ........................... for the past $ afternoon. I base ~ Thin, day afterngon. ~-~-e a ~,~h~, ~ ~r- ~"~- time he made ~rs. George De, an and childrent ~ohn Hau~en returned last week Bo'~--bin'-ev is-v~i't~-~s" s'ister'and ~on~ ..... of ~l~. ~d ~. ~pen~.. several/ ~rom _North~_~, ~., .whe? I~: family." -"~ ~ay~ ~.~lting Mr. aria Mrs. John|wa~ caueu oy me uea~n ol ms A| .~trr~r~l~ l~z~n l'm~ ' ' ' t er re s th .................... "~ ..... "~'~ work ~der~t~M~ ~ I~h is ,Mrs. San-[mothe~. Sin~e ym. pa..~ y is ex- been visiting thelr father and his ability, o i . oer's sister. ,:'-~ .... ttenoea a~r. #~au~a m wns loss. broth~ Vic ~era~en the -ast tw~ He lsav~ to mourn his de parttt~ • S-S~ : _d Mrs. ~trl Carlson an~ ~r& ~¢rtll. Wal~al entertaned weeks, his w~de, ~and two ~, Paul at oattghter, Mr. and Mrs. Vlc Carl- members of the Altar Society and Wilbur Hammond and Earl Higbyl home, aud Kermlt of 'Beach, on~ son ana son, Mrs. Wally Varberg several guests at her home Thurs- started pouring the concrete f~Ibrother, J. M. Still of Beach, two and son and Mrs~ Alma Rink and day afternoon. After the business the foundation of W21bur's new ~ndchildren, and numerous niem~ children called at the Norman meeting a delicious.lunch was serv- implement house in Beach. I nephews. His parents, one ~laugee home we~esday even~._*' ed ~by Mrs. WaldaL ~ Harney Fiske, Ed Martin, Chas. sister and four brother and two ._:Mr..s..May. ::~ ~ot_ Seattle, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Carlson, I Fulton, Dud Fulton and Rev Wet-[half brothers have preceded him wash. vm,~tl her aunt, Mrs. Mary S t I o Le .... nn .......... -Sg. and Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs. I ze are doing s me carpenter work I in death. Two nieces of Sioux Falls, ~vmn~ , several- .aays~ la~'~wee~." Wally Varberg and family and Mrs. I at the U. B. church, I Out of town relatives present fc~ rn~.~ay. Mrs: LeD.ma_l~_ .accon~- Inga Carlson were guests of Mr. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse and lthe services Were Mrs. Victoria pamea her niece to Meaora to .......... ~e, and Mrs. Bill Waldal on Tuesday IClifford Hartse have gone back to!Tesoh 'and Mrs. Isabel Denbow of vm~ rmauves mere. . evening [Fort Peck. They will .soon be lSioux Falls, S. D., nieces of the S-Sgt. and Mrs. Carl Cartoon • ' throu h wt h el rz deceased. ~ .,a...,.,^. ,^.. =...._~, ...... Rmhard Zinsli son of Mr. and g t th r wo tnere, i -.,.. ~. ,,s..,~ ,~.~ ~.,~u~# .,u.- . ......... 7 ..... . The Ed Martins wish to t.h~tnk~ ~~ nin- "or *"o'- ~ .... ~ ~1~^;,4 Mrs. ~.IKo ~.lnsll, nau Lne mlslor ....... -- ~.....~.., __~,, ,,o __., tune to have a deep gash cut in ry.body ho flame and helped~ U.L~'~O""~'y lt$~ L]~'ors ~o"we~'~ "~'i~z'%'iatlv~ ~ his forehead on Wednesday, when ~o .pu~ out the nre that started in ..... ~ somebod,~ turned on the windmill their hay field. They aren't sureEl ed "ect '" as !f-ame znenns here. .: ~ what started it. It burned quite a while he was up oiling it Mr. and Mrs. Jt~¢r ~Hali were " ~t t~fo~ it was finally put out. rs overnlght g~.a~e- Bob I~ll! Mr. and Mrs. Patti :W~ner,~-Mn~ Mr. and'Mrs.~ Tom~ l~Iton left home Thursday: FrMay eventng~nd Mrs. Victor Carlson, M~. W ally Mr. and Mrs; Bob Hall were 6:30 Varberg, S-Sgt. and Mrs. Carl dinner guests at the OtW Hall Carlson, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill home in Wibaux in honor of Jun-i lor Hall's birthday. i Mrs. Wm. Franzen and Clara ! returned Tuesday morning from Mettee~le, WYo., wi~ere they spent the past two weeks visiting the Andrew Carlson family. Johnny and Joy Carlson returned with their grandmother to spend the summer vacation. I Mr, and Mrs. Herman Dietz en- tertained Sunday evenit~g the Joe Dletz family, the Peter Lardy faro- fly, the Tony Barthel family of Wibaux, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fin-1 neman of Oolva, Mr. and Mrs. Math Dletz, Ann, Agnes and Aloysius. Mr. and Mrs..Ol~de MeTers and Johnny and Dorothy Sechrist and Mr. and Mrs. Math Tescher and family helped brand at the Page MeTers ranch at Medora Wednes, day. Hugh Armstrong and children were also there helping. The many friends of Page Meyers will be sorry to learn that his health is poor. and wish him a speedy re- covery. ,~11 NUMBER 43 " lW 11 " e.r- ces nelo m W Sunday i For Siill Funeral services were conduete~ at the Christian Fundamental church in Wlbaux Sunday f~ George Still, old time resident of Wlbaux county, with Rev. Edwi~ ~