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July 17, 1941 |
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, AT SAM'S NEW ARCADE Dance Next Saturday Night Sponsored By MUSIC BY CHET GRIFFIN A
~ ~ i /~~Tuesday.--They took John to to the~ h~nd took Barthel, Raymond a~l'~
~l - I [] | i, I ~lr01va i'Wibaux at request of the draft boardd~u d "Janeanother team home with them :ching and Jane ~0L~ VROL
I | [ ! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Groff and chil~lstor~ ~t the F. :~.~_
Mrs C Madison returned Tuesday I a ni Mlnne • " : EVRO]
I ~r~n • Tr~f~ t I, • ". ........ ,dren of C ledo a, sota, a~nday. :~I~VI(O]
t IR'h'VAI~ 1 [.rc= a ~:Lslt m .the awm umes ann looking after business interests and ~e crowd atten~
| Lu_JarXlatO l eas[ern proms. .. ," . .. calling on old friends this week. : M~ay bet~R O]
I ~ I rr. Lac~ ::as oeen a pa:ie..~ m me Dallas Blue and sons Gaylord and"4a~sulted ~~
t l"ff ] * ~ | 9, • ,*l |l D!ekinson. hospital !he [)ast week. He Jerry of Newport Beach, Cal.. we~~L GO(
I II VOl] Nee{] repairs. (1011 [ wall: Ilnl:ll i re:u,*.e home nc ay. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. FTank Weinreis Sunday~ Mrs. John Reynolds ~ -~$~,G~A]
............. 7 r nd M hn ,Sch efer r .~
l J l |[ M. a . rs. ?o . a e- ,~cl/ouboe Tuesday• ~~
_1 i . * . | I turnedhome weanesaay evening a:- The Hammervold Bros• sold a fine l family, Helen Christine and Dorothv'A. E Scheffer Monde'
] [hP |fl¢[- $lrllll'P __ | ]ter taking their annual vacation to T-l~rPf~rd hull tn Fol:x Wicka Tuesdav [ ...... ' ................. 1~---' --" --- .....
] """ I Ithe Park. They drove by way of P ca- forget"the- "REE coffee and [ ~-- -~ - - "_ - I I
1 " t tteno, Idaho and report a very pleas- cookie demonstration at S~hwagel'si ...... ~
| ~l'~l~g~. I~ "liTter |t ant trip. Store this Saturday. t ~ m ~ A ~ ~ I
I ~ I~i IE]~ I~ ~ ~/ |1 Don't forget the FREE coffee and Mr. and 54rs. Jake Bofferding, I ~ ~ n 11 l 1 1
I ~U,"~.JLI .L , ~ ,, |!cookie demonstration at Sohwagel's daughter Geralda and so,: James of ~I~ [ ~ ~ I I I
t | Store this Saturday. Minenapolis arrived Tuesday af,ernoon l~.~. ~ ~ ~ i I 1
w ~a~T,~,:r, v,~,T~ a .l EDV READY T GO MEANS t i Friends are pleased to hear Jimmie for a short visit at the home of Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
a,±~,,~ .v~ ~,.,-~,.~, ~ ,-* v I iEremers is recovering nicely from his and Mrs. Ed F~scher. Mrs. Boffer-
" ................ ''r REPAIRS , irecent operation, ding and Mrs Fischer are sisters. ~) 17['~TTI'~ r~1-~a~'~r~T~ a'~TI-~ 1"~
~d~YllN~ IIN 111¥112~ /~I~17 lVlU 1~1 -- 2tlltl
I~ Rev. Beffa of Beach and Mrs. H. Mrs. Joe Moen and Mrs. Alfred ~)l-t, l~l.)lDlL lJ~k~.~lK)J~ /-KilL7 ~.~
| _ _ . y ..... I ~Shoen of Oolva were dinner guests of Scheffer weer guests of Mrs. Mabel .......
] " 11 •g Y" Golden Thursday afte:noon when sh_ MOTOK~
l i Mrs. R. Jacobs and friend of San-entertained the Oarl31e ladies aid.
t . i,~nmmnl~r | ger, N. D., came Saturday for a visit Mr. and Mrs. Anion Erickson and Fl~ll',-,~-r~ -Irc, i C'ITTI~'I'~rl~ nAlT,m T
l ALl i~l I'l"i'l I]~/I i here with relatives and friends. They son of Fort Ransom N. D. Mrs. laiYll% 1~ ~l-lq,)l~l -- I)UIN I JL
| /'i,] ¢U~U~IIUi¥1 | returned to their home Tuesday. The Clifford Lynch and daughters 'of P~o-
| / Jacobs are moving to Hazen, N. D. gers. N• D. visited a few days at the Motor Sleeves Pistons Rin, s
6-- ~ mmmmm~ and after Aug. 1 will have charge of Hammervold and Moen home, then " "
~ an elevator there, journeyed on to points in South Do- ~ , . T~ ~', *. ~ ~. .
"~ " --- lunch selved b-" Mrs Olson Mesdames George Hammond Frank kota and Minnesota baskets - van elis - In
• .y . • . , , ' • . .
~F, NTINEI, Mr ~nd Mrs ~rl ]~d[~n ~v-~ir~ ~-r~ ~houboe. Rlenzl Ha~ond, Louis Bernard Majerus and Frank Krel- . • . •
~a.~ ~.~, ~'~ Jordan. ................... Montana, where they attended Pasching and Delores Schouboe were tinger who are employed by the state tO put your motor in
Mr. and Mrs. Ray ZinsU and the funeral of a relative, pleasant callers at .the A• Scheffer highway department at Dickinson,
home Friday afternoon, spent the weekend with their parents
family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith was hostess to the The Golva bridge club met Thurs- ~n Golva.
l~rs. Leonard Trester on Sunday. ladies of the Homemakers club at day afternoon with Mrs. Tony Kreit- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Scheffer drove
Mrs. Eric Busch and son Donald
returned home on Wednesday after a her home on Friday afternoon. See- :nger. Two tables and several games to Glasgow Sunday to get Verna who
eral games of bridge were played were played. Prizes were awarded t~ just returned from a 'vacation trip of
tWOMr, month,SBuseh motherVaCati°nan~iSpentfamllyViSiting with the honor prize going to Mrs. Mrs. Homer Madison first, Mrs. Men- 7000 miles in the south and west. On
Reed and the deuce to Mrs• Jordan. ke, Sr. second and Mrs. Louie Hoe- the return trip home from Glasgow
in lAfter the games the hostess served, traveling. ,Mrs. L. Fasching and they visited the Fort Peck dam.
Bud Lardy returned home Thurs-ilunch.
Mrs. Mike Schwagel were guests. Re- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fasching made
clay Prom Los Angeles, Calif., where1 Mrs. Bert Fasehing and children freshments were served and a pleas- a business trip to Dickinson Sunday
he spent the past month visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nlstler and children of ant afternoon spent, and on their return motored to Wi-
and Mrs. Sam Waldal. 1Wibaux were dinner guests of Mr. and ,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fasching were baux and were overnight visitors at
Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom spent~Mrs. Paul Wagner on Sunday eve- pleaxa:)tly surprised last Saturdaythe Ed Nistler home. Donna Marie
~unday afternoon ~t Alpha visiting nlng.
~{r. 1~1o Hogoboom. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ziebarth ~.hen they reveived a telephone call came home with them for a visit.
from their son Louie in Los Angeles.Albert Still, Just Oswood and Jack
John Boisen spe~t Sunday visiting spent Thursday evening visiting Mr. Mrs. Ralph Sloan and babe left onCallahan trucked some horses down
his mother and family, and Mrs. Bert W~ldal. :~ci~:,, for M-~nneapolis where she
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Llevens drove to Mac Lou Trester arrived home las~ "; eet her husbard and from there _.~M~ke fhe ~l~ by It
ltAehurdton Monday where they visit-week to spend a couple months ~th they expect to go to Chicago for a '.~, ~ R~ ~U
ed friends, her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ,-:sit with Mr. Sloan's parents. ~;~ {]reyhonnd's ready tO tak~
.Mrs. Mike Theisen and Eddie and Trester. H. DeBerry of Dickinson came to "" I1[$| I
you to more ~ational Parks
Mrs. Kate Gandyra were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and son are Dickinson the first part cf the week ~ SA~*" | than any othex travel sy~
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bares. spending a few days in Yellowstone to oversee work at the airport. ~ tam--at only 1/3 the cost
and family on Sunday. lPark. S.W. Stevens came Monday and ~--------------~o~drivtng. For ,~
~._akL.~"-~ extra savings, ex- ~'2":~'~
~tra fun. ta~e , /~J ~
Mr. Henry Lehmann returned Sun-l Orville Petersilie accompanied the I spent the week at Golva cheekiag ~ Greyhound E x. _ff~ ~.~
day from Glendive where he spent]Alvin Petersilie's to Dee Lodge last over the bank. ~ ~..~/
Mrs. Lloyd Grfffibh and daughter ~'~ pensv-Paid__ Tottr.~]'~-~,~IL.#f~~• .=:~
theMr.PaStandweekMrs.attendingHermantODietzbUSineSS.and weekmer, where he will spend the stun- ot Living~on, Montana were railers ~ . -