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July 16, 2009
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A tip of the hat to
all the volunteers
Writing this on a Monday morn-
ing as a beautiful rain once again
falls on my freshly cut hay.
Everyone was warning me that rain
was in the forecast, but alas, I used
my own judgment and cut anyway.
But I would much rather wait for
hay to dry out, than wait for mois-
ture. Although it is hard to get put
up, the hay crop is fantastic!
I'd like to thank everyone for the
concerned calls after the tornado in
south Dickinson last week. It was
just north of us. We received over
an inch of rain and some wind, but
no damage. Our neighbors to the
north were really whacked.
There were storm warnings com-
ing over the TV and radio pretty
steady. A neighbor called and invit-
ed us over to their basement to sit
out the storm. 1 resisted until the
sirens began blowing and I learned
they had beer in the basement! Then
Shirley and I headed for shelter. We
could watch the wind and rain out a
window in the basement, but the
tornado was two miles north of our
vantage point.
In the morning, we had to drive
across town. The devastation was
shocking. Homes, garages, busi-
nesses destroyed. Hundreds of
beautiful trees, many planted sever-
al decades ago were uprooted• I was
expecting to see some shingles and
Hat Tips
By Dean Meyer
A neighbor called
and invited us over
to their basement
to sit out the storm.
I resisted until the
sirens began blow-
ing and I learned
they hadbeer in the
maybe a roof or two gone, and it
was devastating to see tile path of
But you know what? That's what
I always ask my grandson Evan.
"You know what?" And he will
always reply, "Yes!" And I guess
maybe that he does. But you know
what? By mid afternoon hundreds
of people were out cleaning up.
Many jobs had to wait on insurance
adjusters, but people were there,
volunteering their time and equip-
ment to get things straightened out.
The Guard was in town directing
traffic as the street lights were all
out. They stood watch on corners to
keep the congestion to a minimum.
The city and county workers were
putting in long days and people
were delivering sandwiches and
drinks to workers all over tile south
end of Dickinson. By this morning,
a big part of the debris has been
hauled out and people are strug-
gling in a pouring rain to the
point where rebuilding will begin.
My hat is tipped to all of you.
In the Dakotas we face many
storms. Dust, snow, wind, and
rain..,you name it. I remember one
time when I was a kid up at
Berthold. We were out riding in the
spring and a blizzard struck. A
friend, Gary. was tiding for us and
got lost in the blizzard. Up at
Berthold, you can't .just follow the
draw home. It is a land of rolling
hills and potholes. Anyway, Gary
got lost, and started following these
tracks he was sure would lead him
home. Pretty soon he could see
where a couple riders had gone
ahead of him. Then he was follow+
ing three. By the time Grandpa
found him, Gary was pretty sure he
was following a whole bunch of
guys out looking for him. He had
been riding in circles for a couple
hours. I believe if Grandpa hadn't
found him, he would have starved
to death before he figured it out.
That's me. Lost again.
Later, Dean
1939 and 1959 reunions
The class of 1939 celebrated their 75th high school anniversary, along with the class of
1959, which was celebrating their 50th anniversary recently. Some of the former students
included: (in the front row, from left to right), Noel Neudeck, Anna Mogul, Diane Bruskie,
Frances Kress, Gloria Ueckert, unidentified, Jean Stull, Lida Lahomer, Bill Lardy; and (back
row, left to right), Rosemary Jones, Myrna Ueckert, unidentified, Earl Bares, and unidentified.
(Courtesy Photo)
Fulon awarded
Mandy Jo Fulon. daughter" of
Vickie Hood of Golva, was recently
awarded the Edward O. Nesheim
Scholarship of $500.
Mandy is a 2009 graduate of
Beach High School and plans to
attend Dawson Community College
to initiate her studies in nursing and
The Nesheim Scholarship is
awarded by the North Dakota
American Legion. Foundation and is
funded by a scholarship started by
Sonja Adahl, daughter of the late
Edward O. Nesheim. Students who
plan a career in medicine or agricul-
ture are eligible.
This is the first time the scholar-
ship has been awarded.
Edward O. Nesheim Scholarship
Earl Peterson, chair of the N.D. American Legion
Foundation, awards the Nesheim Scholarship to Mandy Jo
Fulton while her mother, Vickie Hood, looks on. (Courtesy
It's time to end water war Dorgan continues support for REAP zones
N.D. Matters
By Lloyd Omdahl
Dorgan, D-N.D., announced that a
rural economic development and
job creation program he created in
1995 has received continued sup-
port in an appropriations bill mak-
ing its way through the Senate:
Dorgan, a senior member of the
Senate Appropriations Committee,
included $250,000 in the FY 2010
Financial Services Appropriations
bill for the Rural Economic Area
Partnership (REAP) zones, which
benefit 14 rural North Dakota coun-
ties and three Native American
Reservations. Dorgan created the
program in 1995 when he secured a
commitment tor the project during
negotiations wih then-President
Bill Clinton over features of a budg-
et bill. The program has been suc-
cesslhl in North Dakota by creating
.jobs and spurring economic devel-
North Dakota has two REAP
The Southwest Zone includes
Dunn, Stark, Hettinger, Adams,
Bowman, Slope, Golden Valley and
Billings counties, and part of the
Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.
The Center of North America
Coalition for Rural Development,
or CONAC, Zone includes Towner,
Benson, Pierce, Bottineau, Rolette
and McHenry Counties, and the
Spirit Lake and Turtle Mountain
Indian reservations.
The bill was approved by the
Senate Appropriations Committee
and awaits consideration by the full
WIBAUX, Mont. - Here are the
results of the 2nd Annual Kevin
Quade/Tim Dschaak Memo'ial
Bump-N-Run that was held on July
5 in Wibaux.
The race was sponsored by the
Wibaux Civic Club. Over 700 peo-
ple attended.
Limited Division
(23 cars registered)
Winner of A Main - Car #54 -
Shay Beyer - Ekalaka
2rid place in A Main - Car #161
- Max Blanchard - Hathaway
3rd place in A Main - Car #34 -
Bob Jones - Glendive
4th place in A Main - Car #177 -
Bump-N-Run winners
Doyle Becker - Plentywood
5th place in AMain - Car #167 -
Brett Johnson - Glendive
6th place in A Main - Car #313 -
Duane Woodring - Lewistown
Winner of B Main - Car #34 -
Bob Jones - Glendive
Winner of C Main - Car #34 -
Bob Jones - Glendive
Winner of Heat #1 - Car #42 -
Bryan Badley - Glendive
Winner of Heat #2 - Car #54 -
Shay Beyer - Ekalaka
Winner of Heat #3 - Car #16t -
• Max Blanchard - Hathaway
Modified Division
(13 cars registered)
Winner of A Main - Car #451 -
CJ Yochum - Billings
2nd place in A Main - Car #310
- Rodney Price - Plentywood
3rd place in A Main - Car #336 -
Brad Johnson - Homestead
4th place in A Main - Car #7 -
Monty Beeler - Wibaux
Winner of B Main - Car #5 -
Shane Martin - Lewistown
Winner of Heat #1 - Car #573 -
Perry Stratton - Plentywood
Winner of Heat #2 - Car #451 -
CJ Yochum - Billings
Friends and relatives of
Fiddlin' Bill Johnson and
Luella (Hollenbeck) May
are invited to come visit at the
Golden Valley, Manor, 2-4p.m., Sunday, July 19.
Also visiting will be
Karen and Lyle Whitcomb'and Bill and Carol May.
The Taking of Pelham 123
Mary Ann Ulfers Black
$500 Jack
Friday & Saturday
Hours: Mon-Fri. 3pm-lam Sat. lpm-lam
Happy Hour: Mon.-Thurs. 5:30-6:30pm
Golden Valley News
P•O. Box 156, Beach, ND 58621
(U.S.ES. Pub.
No. 221-280)
Staff: .Richard Volesky,
editor, reporter, advertising
and office manager; Jane
Cook, office and news assis-
tant; Ellen Feuerhelm, news
and office assistant.
The Golden Valley News is
published each Thursday, 22
Central Ave., Suite 1, Beach,
ND 58621 by Nordmark
Publishing, Rolla, ND.
Periodicals postage paid at
Beach, ND and additional mail-
ing offices.
address changes to: Golden
Valley News, P.O. Box 156,
Beach, ND 58621.
Please allow two to three
weeks for new subscriptions,
renewal of expired subscrip-
tions and for address changes.
Contact Information
• Phone: 701-872-3755
• Fax: 701-872-3756
• 1 year: $31 Golden Valley
and Wibaux counties
• 1 year: $34 elsewhere in
North Dakota
• 1 year: $37 out-of-state
• 9 months: $19 In-state
college rate
The Golden Valley News is a proud
member of the North Dakota
Newspaper Association.
Looking at the
'iss fromi the
Candia slde,
Premier Doer will
have a challenge
when he tries to get
the farmers on his
side of the border
to let the dammed
up water flow into
their fields.
Manitoba. "The result," he wrote,
"would be not just a 'win-win,' but
'win-win,win-win-win' plus a few
other 'wins,' once the results were
tallied up."
His suggestion seems to have
fallen on deaf ears. The North
Dakota attitude seems to be "my
way or no way," Secretary of State
Hillai'y Clinton has been called
upon to intervene on North Dakota's
behalf on the basis of the Boundary
Waters Treaty.
North Dakota may end up being
legally right but diplomatically
wrong. When we deal with
Canadians, we are not dealing with
some foreign antagonists but with
friends. In fact, they are more than
just friends - they are kin. Not only
do we share a common civil culture
that goes back to England, but
Can&dians have been on our side of
inteational disputes when we
were wrong and they had ample
excuse to walk away.
In the context of a $7 billion
biennial state budget, $15 million is
a pretty paltry sum to invest in a
cordial relationship with a good
neighbor. Instead of thumbing our
noses, we should be building sup-
port for the compromise - and the
money - in the 2011 legislative ses-
Looking at the issues from the
Canadian side, Premier Doer will
have a challenge when he tries to
get the farmers on his side of the
border to let the dammed up water
flow into their fields. Any flatland
landowner knows that drainage dis-
putes can generate bitter hatred and
destroy neighborly good will.
Nobody wants the water on his/her
If Doer is willing to take that
kind of political heat, it seems that
we ought to take another look at our
intransigence on the filter issue.
How can we expect to see a
Mideast peace when we can't even
deal civilly with a good our
own backyard?
Adopting a highway
It's time for North Dakota and
Manitoba to give up re-enacting the
Hatfields and McCoys and resolve
their disputes over the Devils Lake
outlet and the 30-mile dam along
the Manitoba border. These differ-
ences have lasted so long they are
becoming intergenerational.
Over objections articulatedl by'
Manitoba, North Dakota now is
planning to increase the flow of
Devils Lake water even though the
sulfate level has risen since the orig-
inal outlet permit was issued by the
Health Department's environmental
health section. Manitoba is con-
cerned and wants North Dakota to
install a $15 million filter.
While Canada has been objecting
to Devils Lake water, North Dakota
farmers have been struggling with
water being held back by a road
dike on the Manitoba side of the
border. The impasse between the
State and the Province has caught
farmers in the middle of the dispute.
In May, Manitoba Premier G a
Doer offered to negotiate both con-
troversies in a tit-for-tat deal - you
add ,the filter and we'll take care of
the dike. But Governor John
Hoeven, chair of the State Water
Commission, said "no deal - the: two
are unrelated."
Even so, Grand Forks Herald
Editorial Editor Tom Dennis pro-
posed that both problems be
addressed with the total cost being
split between North Dakota and
Home On The Range residents pick up trash in a ditch along Interstate 94. For 19 years,
HOTR has been responsible for cleaning the trash in the highway ditches, from mile marker
#1 to mile marker #15 through the Adopt-A-Highway Progam. Each spring, residents and staff
put on their work clothes and protective clothing and pick up the waste. This not only helps
the environment and improves the appearance of the highway, but teaches the children to
take care of the land and have a sense of pride in their accomplishments and hard work.
(Courtesy Photo)
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