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'BURNINfi DAYLlfillT" 18
France, and tells you that there was
one of the finest collections of arts,
draperies, rugs and household furn-
ishing, that he has ever seen any place
in the country.
When the Spanish American war
broke out, being acquainted with the
far¢~us "Teddy" Roosevelt previously,
Lloyd rushed half way around the
world and joined forces with the fam-
ous R~ugh Riderss to go to Cuba with the meeting, of the South Side Aid
the ever[asting leader of the outfit, and at the Frank Nehls home on Wednes-
tells you that "Teddy" was just as!day. After a brief business meeting
common when a Lieutenant Col. as he lMrs. Nehls served a very delicious
was when just the bos~ hand out at the l lunch. It was decided to meet in the
Maltese Ranch. t ehurch parlors in August for a picnic.
Wl~en "Teddy" was in.augrated asI LesSer Vmquist returned to Trotters
president of tile United States Lloyd is on Sunday for a short visit with his
in the line of March, the l~ough PAders I family. He has been employed with a
being given the place of honor in the'construction company in Santa Monica,
parade. !California for some time and will con-
The aged veteran tells you that he!tinue his work wizen he returns.
beleives that better things arc in store! Mrs. Mary Johnson ks keeping house
for this section of the country, and!at Trotters now for H. H. Burhette and
tells us that this still is one of the !Walt Grunewald, while Miss Corn
"garden spots" of the world, i Grunewald is in tile Beach hospital.
Beach is a real typical Dakota town Size is under treatment for neuritis.
said the veteran, and he also added Trotter folks hope she will b: home
, !;that the to~;n showed quite a bit 0[iSOOll"
progress with its many modern fac-i Omitted Last Week
iliti(5. The community was simck,,d and
] IL was alger the colorful life Of!grieved. to hear of the untimeh, death
i Llo;d in and ~around Circle City,! of Rus.,ell Adamson. who passed away
' Normto, Fairbanks, Steward, Dawson I suddenly at ti~e Be.zch hospit21 last
md oth,.~r camps, that tile late Jack lweek, tic had been suflering with can-
London wrote his famous novel "Burn-cer about a year, but his passing was
ing D~:.ylieht." a story of the Nortiz a shock anyhow. Quite a number of
~n~B~u~U$I~[~W~$~$$~$~ff$~I~u~m~I~IiI~$~$~uIM l last week at the Crook home while
TROTTERS , her dad was working on the dam.
IIIII~II$11$I$11111~U~$1~IUI$$I~IIII~fl~IIU~$WIIIL~IIIIIIIttSUn! Mrs. Ralph Mosser was 'a Sunday
visitor at the Campbell home.
Some of the Trotters folks spent Mrs. A. M. Flanagan called on Miss
July 4th in Wibaux, others at Medora Corn Grunewald Sunday.
and a few in Beach. while others had Miss Alice Sperry went to Beach on
a picnic in Nelson's grove. Sunday 'and plans to attend the camp
A large crowd of people attended at Luccock Park near Livingston.
col~:z[ry tlmt will live tore~cr for as Trotte,:,. folks went to Beach Saturfiay
(;~ })rl':~ t N JA(l([.l,())([) th( old sourdoughs still say*~oda~ -" i to atte,.:d the funeral.
• . . S •" . 1
Captain Jack Lk),(i, 70 i;ear oi,~',v...~ .~'.:,, \,',i otis ilerc iilc;t slid the :hi., wa.~ onh, one "Daviight". I Genoese O,n%v spent .e,e~a, c"ayS
soldier of l:ortunc, a(t',,entur~r, v~?te:'anle(u:~Ir,' x;:::~ ju.-.t being .~,cttled, even . i of tile ~reatest camps ,21' ii~c o!iI .............
~L)~[ In~tny wars and 1;evolutions. ilea(:i-[[l~,; ;t!'~(?;~ l&wlls tike ]~,JSlllaFck, Mall- v,-e ' " " " Lloyd, and he recalls the
till(~ hunt£r de luxc, kllOWl~ the ~orht i d_,n, Dicki~:,~a~, ¢}tt11!eh[~./~vi~ were just~ i~'5~ : t:-(:?- F ~" ~'l?~?! 5OU h% ::tOy:,'; }
.over as "Burning Daylight" and haiied i~,~i(ic s!)o~~. h~ ihc road." Ai one time in Montana he was around Butte and[
by the editors o; the world as the most!:,; I,!:)c? ,.li~ i. thc':e was a late In-:Virginia City in Utah tie was with the}
traveled globetrott:er at tim da:,', was a ',, d?all..~(!art? the st:ige du(:. to head south crowds at Park City. and Bmgham i
visitor in Beaci~ Last Saturday Sunday i 1ram !Sism:ck a~,.d Maud:u~ to the Canyon; Wyoming saw hiln at Lusk;
~.nd Monday, wi~ile in town the veteran i Blaci.: If b, ~ au'~ty had quite a valuable ,)regon at Gold Hill: in Idaho he made !
.called on the t)ubii;,h,.r:; of fill: GoIrteu i ~:a:ga. nCbc)dy ~-e~med to know tile con- i the rush to tile famous Couer i' Alone i
Valley News. strawed his lnor¢ titan a}u,nts oi ~ile :~aie. well. Lloyd as well country Then he tells of tile daysI
thousand clippings gleaned from the[.,s another old timer was given spee-laround Tombstone in old Arizona. In
leading papers of the world, gave us}ial pay *.e ~;:ake that round trip, and 5,ew Mexico he was at Sih, er City;
the higll lights of his colorful life. then[as he tells it ttney just .-~.issed the Iud- Nevada saw him mingling with the
announced that he was he~Ming for i ians by a shoe string, i crowds at Goldfield, Ely, Carson City
the old west, where he hopes to Lake! One of tile things tilat makes the; and Tonapah: in the Black Hills he
part m several of the annual celebra-io!d timer feel "bad" about this section}was around Hill City, Keystone, Mystic
tions that are held each year m the l of the country, is tile fact that the[ cud Custer, also Deadwood. Colorado
pioneer tov,'zLs of tile Plains aud Moun- great packing industry was planned ] knew him in ~he early nineties when
~lns. land started by a French Marquis Leadvllle was the greatest camp in
Lloyd stopped here in Beach, because * ffell under", of course Lloyd tells you i :he world.
as he stated, it is the closest publi-t~hat m the beginning things lookedI
,cation town to the old famous Maltese lgood, but somehow or another the i
Cross I~anch of the late Theodore ' moneY of the french men behind the!
~oosevelt, who established the famous' 9reject ran out, 'and it was never!
~h back in the early eighties, and as complete as to original plans, yet for
,lloyd wa~ one of his ramblings after years he tells you that there was a
Mrs. Bert Sperry enjoyed a visit
last week from three cousins from:
eastern North Dakota. Two of them
went on to the park but Miss Annie
Nelson remained for a longer visit.
George McClellan has been improving
the sidewalk around his property.
Mr. and Mrs. Delo Logan and daugh-
ter were Glendive visitors Sunday.
The City Council will receive bids
up to eight o'clock P. M. Friday, July
15th for cleaning the catch basins i~
the city and removing the refuse to a
designated place•
Bids should state the amount per
basin and must sbe filed with the un-
dersigned not later than the hoUr
above stated.
By order of the City Council.
City Auditor.
$1.00 AND UP
Community Dividend
Prescription Specialists
: Phone 31 Beach, No. Dak.
~Soft ground or rank growth
doesn't stop this modern bind-
er. It steps right along ... no
traction troubles., pitman crank
is right on shaft direct from tractor
power take-off. High speed roller
chains transmit positive power to
other parts.., slip clutches for reel
and binder head permit SPEED with
SAFETY. Special heavy-duty high-
speed knotter ... pressure lubrica-
tion . . . safety bearings. See the
Case before you buy a binder.
May we express our sincere thanks
to the voters of Golden Valley County
for the flne support which we received
• he ranch was being "l~id out" he rode small plant at Medora. ,:'z the recent primary election.
the bounds for several weeks, to get The veteran tells you of the old cas-t'" . H. W• BROWN
road stake. ~tle that stands in the Medora vicinity, L K. MalLARD
As the veteran b~t tells it, things that was built by this Nobility of C.H. ENSION
AI Longbottorn, Beach
::::::::.~. ::.:'.~(%%!:×:i$~,~'.'>::wS~8~.~:k~:."::.''. ,::~..'..~:~x.E~,, .,:~ •
The lowest price, the largest va-
riety, the greatest values in yoorsl
Cool ventilatecls and genuine white
bucks for now and next Summer
.. blacks and browns for Falil
Knezevich & Thompson
The Smart Men's Store
Hollingsworth, ace pitcher for the Collegians
The Collegians are a fast colored team that boasts
victories over the House of David and many other
strong teams. Plan to see them in action here.