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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 14, 1938     Golden Valley News
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July 14, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1938 LOCALS I'IiE GOLDEN VALI,Eg NEWS Thursday night Robert and Ronald, Miss ~£argaret Tasker is in from Maurice "Bing" Beckley was a Miles Jones, and Henry Tornow peturned! rrotters and is visiting at the home of Mayor H. H. Halstead, Aldermen R. W. Jchnson and M. P. Lovgren, Street COmmissioner M. L. Lovell and City AUditor Halvorson drove to Miles City SUnday to inspect a road maintainer 0Ifered for sale at that place. SUnday Mr. and Mrs. Bauss and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Witzig drove to Sid- ~.:Y Where they visited with the Wit- gs' daughter Mrs Frank Healow and family. ' ' home from their recent vacation trip [ her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. to Chicago and points in Missouri. They :Lute Hodgins. ! report an enjoyable trip, bu; ran into Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith were Bis- i some heavy rains, and Bob had the ~,arck visitors on Wednesday. misfortune to get a severe case of poi- son ivy on his arms, which, however is coming along nicely now. "Jonesy" is once more back in the News office fold and seems none the worse for the wear. Miss Adeline Molte of Bowman ar- rived in the city from Bowman about a week ago 'and is now employed in the local Farm Security office, replac- ing Miss Ida Dachtler, who has gone to her home at Elgin, N. Dak. Tuesday morning harris Gilman and ~a'nest Helm left by car for Los An- ~2es, Where they have been the past ~ar Or so. Miss Bern~-~ ,~ ..... Friday mornig Miss Edith Sumers visitor p- ,.,-= ~uman was a ~mmarcK!left for California where she will re- ale ~,.,~e :[lrs~ part of the week where i side with her mother. • ,~,~cu Will1 Mrs. Omar Nelson ior] Miss Alice Geving on Monday began ~e~ran~.days: . !employment at the Beach Bake,',,. datlg~-~xy mr. and Mrs. Art Chase ana! Don't forget the Florsheim shoe sale Ir0ra ~, Were m town while enroutelnow going on at the Knezevich and wIDaux to Dickinson where Mr. ~n~, ...... tore Sonic real bar ains Uh~e's N. p. crew will nov,' be located, i ;r;"a'~;~l:bl:~. ' g Georgia Zielsdorf of Black River i Falls, Wisconsin, is a guest at the Zielsdorf homes north of Beach. She arrived last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skaalen and family of Boyd, Minnesotsa are guests at the Strum and Erickson homes. The Dwight Snow family is home again after spending a week visiting at Rhame, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott and daughter of Wibaux were Beach shop- pers Tuesday morning. The Scott family has just returned from a fine three weeks vacation to westen~ points which they enjoyed very much. C. E. Carlson from northeast of town was a business visitor in the city on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sofus Holthe and g~r.~?d~:2ihe Wolf and,John AI:I Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lardy and son Mrs. Glen Wyckoff attended the Sentinel swimming altStPlCmcKea, ana en.!oyea [Philip of the Sentinel Butte country Mrs H "~ --. e_poo)~.n Glen(live. iwere shoppers in Beach Saturday T. Mclnt;.~e' ~/Ku~~ oi c,~lcago ant, ~:' morning. here las* - • ~gstes', iowa. arrives Mr and Mrs. John Bury of Algoma, v~.. ~ weekend to snend a month ,.,:~ ",,,~,o " nolnln fox ~Sltln~, ~, .... "- t wl .... r.'..~d here Friday 1 • g " Mrs i~2.~.)ne ~ay hathaway home.!a visist with his brother H. A. Bury _ • -uu~ is a sister of Mrs Hatha- ~f .' .' ' , ~s their fnst ~'ay an . • ,,, the Alpha ~mlmts. This s o~. d Mr. Mclntvre is her uncle ~,; ...... , .. m .... nd the first time Cit-- Y Gordon Fish v`'ent to Miles sisn~,, then *he brothers have seen Dla~iWhere he ,viii spend this week ¢~a~,Fo,her ~" " I • ,gin a - " ~ "" ~ ' ' Gr- n orchestra for the Madri ~,~ ^~ c~ roeder f mil was down t~e?g Celebration that is being held ~ ~,,c _.~,._~,tl ~.-._!a. ~Y'ad Monda~ e. Irom .iJllllilgS on ~tl y~ Butte Lutheran ladies aid picnic at ti~e Murphy grove last Sunday afternoon. Mlas for a shorL visit with friends. Nelle Morris and friend, Miss 01ge- the __,melly of Sioux City, Iowa spent N0~eek of the fourth at the D. L. *~me'"~--Blackn°mettills.Thevo returned home via To make along Tale ~o~, u ay Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whomp- ~eft on a tri to Far o and Mlnn Short ea~._ . P g - ~eel~'~, Planning to be gone about a has. been received here from 8chroeder, local agriculture that he is now attending summer school at the A. C. in and likes it fine there. ancl Mrs. Roddie Kimball gave ecloCk dinner on Sunday for the Nelle Morris and Jo Kennelly. Present wee Mr. and Mrs. Aug- Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Morris Mrs. Maybelle Kregness Nan, Frank Morris, Ed and son Bob, of LoveR, Wy. Kregness and Mrs. D. L. gave a dinner on Wednesdsay the departure of Miss Morris Kennelly for their home in City, Iowa. Guests were Mrs. and daughter, Mrs. morning a car of people of Douglas Evans, Dan Koe- W. H. Woodhull, and Mass left on a two weeks points in the west. Mrs. planned to go to Bellinham, to visit relatives and fri- the rest of the party went on Points in Oregon to see and friends. m~nager F. H. Waldo, of th~ Bell Telephone Co. was in the city from Bismarck last He was accompanied by GUrmess. I morning Dr. L. a. Forby, Johnson Motor Co. by James Smith, left on a trip that will take him to Pho~ 10 ~ N~. D~ i Vancovuer. He pl~ gone about two weeks. there's a question in our mind as to whether Eve would have eaten the apple in the Garden of Eden, if there had been a hot dog stand near by. We are listing exceptional values on the cars below, each one priced on its individual merit. DON'T WALK--WHY NOT RIDE 1935 FORD V-8 DELUXE TUDOR Radio equipped. Guaranteed. Ready to go .............. $415.00 1932 FORD V-8 SEDAN. Renew- new and guarapteed ...... $225.00 19~9 CHEVROLET CO~ Good condition. A bargain at . .$95.00 SEVERAL OTHER TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM They report the Lutheran aid as be- ing royal entertainers. Mr. and Mrs. Fxtgar Johnston mo- tored to Baker Sunday where the af- ternoon was spent visiting. Donald Enderle returned Friday nite from Tacoma and other Washington )oint,s, where he spent the Fourth. Enroute home he saw the big freight train wreck at Missoula. City caller Saturday night. Jim Hardy, Bill Kippley and Monte Austin motored to Sidney on Sunday afternoon, returning that same even- ing. Mrs. A. M. Doerner entertained the members of the Social Hour club at the Hotel Beach Wednesday after- noon. The Henry Marman family were Dickinson visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olson returned Thursday Irom Dagmar, Montana, whee they had spent several days vis- iting. Saturday night Dr. George John- stone was driven to Billings by Barney Piesik where he expected to catch the plane for Los Angeles but arriving there too late he was compelled to go to Butte were he caught the south bound passenger plane. NOTICE FOR BIDS On July 21, 1938 the Board of Valley School District No. 4 will receive and open bids for shingling 3 school houses, the Oech, Chandler and Murry. Lay shingles on old ones, 4!~ inches to the weather with a tin ridge. Bidder to furnish all material and must be 1st grade shingles. The Board reserves i the right to reject any and all bids. Send bids to the clerk. EMMA KETTNER Beach, No. Dak. July 14 For longer Motor Life and Oil Saving, Install a FRAM OIL and MOTOR CLEANER On Your Tractor. See the Fram at SORENSEN MACHINE SHOP Beach, North Dakota The Golden Valley Mutual Aid Society of Beach, N. D. Is now incorporated under the laws of North Dakota, and is licensed to do business under the North Dakota Insurance laws. It is under the supervision of the State Department of Insurance and its books will from time to time be aud- ited by State officers, l ': This society has been operating over seven years at an averag cost per member of $3.50 ~ year. It has paid 27 claims, most of them being in or~ near Beach. All agents of the organization are licensed through the State Insurance Department. i The Golden Valley Mutual Aid Society affords the cheapest and most satisfactory protection you can obtain. For particulars see the Secretary or one of its agents. NINA KIRST Secretary-Treasurer FOR SALE CHEAP ~el5-foot Holt Combine I 11-16 McCormick-Peering Combine These combines are in good condition and will require but a small cash outlay. STANDARD MERCANTILE CO. Glendive, Montana JULY CLEARANCE OF TRAVEL AIR SUITS Formerly $2.00 and $3.00 On Sale For $1.49 Chic two-piece suits in airplane cloth and slub crash. All the smart skyway colors including Cloud White, Sky Blue, Dawn Pink, Natural and Aqua. Sizes 12 to 20. ~$~I~$~I~uI~l~II~$I~u~IIIu~IIN$n~I~$}$III~Iu$u$~I~ SENTINEL BUTTE ~t3$$1UII$$1$$1$1$11111WIIII$II$1$$$1$$$$~$1$1$1$$$$11~$$$11~U$ During the Severe electrical storm of Sunday night, lightning struck the res- idence occupied by the Margaret La- Mere family. The bolt followed the lead in wire of the radio, burning out the instrument and doing other minor damage. The ocupa~ts of the house were uninjured. ,~ ~S ~r ~ De~psey 'r~tt~rned Wednes- Lester Vin~uist, who has been in day from Estavan, Ca,bade, where he California the past year, is making a participated in a traqk meet. Lester visit at the home of his parents, Mr. again achieved distinction in the field and Mrs. John Vinquist-. of sport~ by being awarded first in pole vaulting. Ben Hess returned Saturday from. Fargo where he spent a few days re- ceiving medical treatment at the vet- erans hospital. Members of the Trinity Lutheran church held their annual otttdoor pipl nic at the Murphy ~rove Sudsy ............. A large throng of p~le attended the ~ ....... enjoyable affair .and" a neat sum,-.~w~lg~" added to the treasury of the church. Allis-Chalmers All Crop Harvester $625.00 On Rubber F. O. B. FACTORY You can step out and harvest from 20 to 30 acres a day at less than half the cost of the old heavy cumbersome com- . hines. All have pickup attachment Come in and let us tell you about the "All Crop" NOBEN & JOHNSON Beach, North Dakota Ladies White Gloves Reduced to Clear pr.33c Entire Stock LADIES WHITE PURSES Marked Down 12 Pair Chidren's White Oxfords Reduced For Immediate Selling 93c Pr. 37 Pr. LADIES WHITE SHOES A Large Group Repriced To Make Room For New Fall Shoes Pr. $1.66 WHITE HATS US[D ! CIORS Felts andStraws--theseas°n'snewest'StYrleS" Val- Grand Bargains! ues to $3.00. Prjced for quick clearance at only PANTIES , .00 " FOR SALE CHEAP BLOUSES ' o "e ty knit rayon panties Frilly, feminine styles in Chiffon, Net and C epe. for women. Nicely made-- Former Price $2.00. Now Only prettily trimmed. Medium or brief lengths. Corn- Twin City 4-Plow and 3-Plow ENGINES PRISON TWINE ON HAND See Me Before Buying Elsewhere (~OLDEN VALLEY HARVESTER COMPANY {2. C. Clark, Prop. $1.49 On Sale for Beach, N. D. WHITE PURSES Soft, washable leather. Formerly $1.00. 75¢ BUYATTHE GIRL'S SUMMER $ Coats. ,Reduced For Quick Sale. Don't Wait! Come Early! T & T Dress Shop AND SAVE "Every Cust~er a Booster!" fortable for summer! Cool! Sheer! GOWNS Made From Printed Ratiste. A Bargain at 33c ea. MANY Big Savings! SLIPS 66c Fine Qaulity Rayon Satin Sips. Bias cut for smooth fit. Smartly tailored. Come Early For Yours CURTAINS Panels That Are Really A Value ! OTHER BARGAINS NOT LISTED ; ~4~-~.~"