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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 14, 1938     Golden Valley News
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July 14, 1938
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 4 :tHE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS _ : _ - - - - : - 7 - - sex Oris, C}~o Hammond, Albert ~tilt, AN APPRECIATION NOTICE CARLYLE and children. Azalla, Donald and¢' Ri- This is to express whomY wentgratefulneSSto the enzi Hammond and Mr H P @ro~s- to the many voters ~= The Sadde Butte Homemakers club man of Be~ct.. Visltmg an¢~ car,1¢. effort of placing my name on the pri- Mr .and Mrs. Leo Rising, Mrs. Ru- were enjoyed ~uring the af:ernCon and mary election ballot as a candidate will be entertained at the home of dolph Rising, Mrs. Otto Hanson and ice crea an=t c~uke w~s serx~ a; five for the office of county auditor, as Mrs. P. O. Peterson on Thursday,[ children, Mrs. Alfred Scheffer, Mrs. o'clock. : a result of which my name will ap- July 21. The meeting will be called I~uie Fa$chtng and Verna Scheffer ~,,~, m,,,~,~o~ v~,-~ -qcheff-~ pear on the general election ballot in were visitors in Dic~n Thursday. _~l~_ti_''~lal~;"~,ulto~ s--~ November. ,at 1:30 p. m. The Golva Sunshine society met on ~en~..~a,nM "or and " lbaux I~ ~,,~rs. Laura ~trahon~me ~n ~ ea a w . Especially do I appreciate the con- No. 323 Wednesday with THE INTERSTATE BANK fidence expressed in these votes, arid Report of trie Condition of ~d fine canner Was enjoyed K a~ ~ ~~ I wish to announce at this time that at Sentinel Butte, in the State of No. no~a. The ~x~ meeting will ~0e wi~jh[ ....... m'~Al~,~lh'~ JT will be an active candidate for the Dakota• at the close of business ~ t~ June 30, 1938. Mrs. 2m01Dn ~.leDar . ~ / I _ ---_- ..... T- - l office of county auditor at the Noveln- RESOURCES ~. ~ __~. 2 ~ ~ ' = -' ~ - - - - Loans and Discounts ...... 35.143.64 Mr. ~na Mrs.~ Pete W ear, ls ~pen~i ...... A M"ber election. Overdrafts. secured and the Fourth wtthiMr. ~1• Ml~./#rankl Mrs. ,l~aura ~ranon and ~rs. . . W.L. WANDKE Warrants.Unsecuredstocks. ......................... tax cer- 74.28 Susa and family. Peterson were Beach visitors Friday, tificates, claims, etc ......... 6,215.60 ~ club will Mrs. Henrietta Shoen is visiting her THANK YOU Government issues ............ 23,250.00 The Golva H°memak'r- sn Ed and family, and fixtures .................... 3.$40.9b meet Thursday with MrS. L. E. Curl May I express my appreciation of ~anking house furniture inst~xl of Mrs. Geo. ~k~arey as was Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Shoen, son Geo. the fine support accorded me in the Other Real Estate ................ 10.350.00 Current expenses, taxes and Mrs. Henrietta Shoen visited re- recent primary election, paid. over undivided l~'evJously announced,]" latlves ate Israay: Sunday and also met profits ............................... 1.556.93 Mr. and Mrs. A. ~. Sceffer en- and" visffed wit~ M~s. ~oen)[ aunt, CIY~T STLL. Checks and otl~- er cash items .... 54.17 Cash and due from ~ed at ¢~nner Sunday the fol- Mrs, Arva Foster from Sio~tx Falls, I lowing guests: Messrs. and Mesdames S. DRk. ~ ~ / NOTICE other banks .... 28.8S9.42 28,943.59 TOm Wosepka, Andrew Peterson, F. Joe Diet~ h~r~a~ d nderwood Total .................... $109,374.99 SchoUboe and daughters, Bert Covert, -r,--- ~t r I am agent for the new Parmah El- LIABILITIES Jll~tt~ I~k~on and d%ughter, Albert brand calves F~May. / ectric Fencer. Charges 30 miles of capital Stock paid in ........ $15,000.00 " 10.000.00 te~-~' "~oe Capital debentures ................ Johnson of Beach, George Gearey and Rodney and Kerm n visited Surplus fund .......................... 7,500.00 ~'~ay. fening. See or write C, E. Carlson, Individual de- friends in Wibaux on Beach. 41-1tp posits subject Tom Wosepka was ¢ business visitor to check ........ 41.$68.53 Time certificates in Sentinel Butte and/Beach Thursday. CARD OF THANKS of deposit ~_ 35.006.46 76.$74.99 PROFESSIONAL Mr. and M~. A. ~I. Peterson were "total ...................,109.374.99 DIRECTORY dluner guests at the Sheller home on We wish to take this means of ex- State of North Dakota. Sunday. pressing our gratitude to the many County of Golden Valley ss. I, J. P. Jordan, Cashier of the ==========__=__==_===_=_ Leo. Nistler enjoyed a visit from his friends who contributed their help and above named bank, do solemnly parents from Eden, Minn., over the sympathy during the illness and swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge DR. V. G. MORRIS Fourth. death of our husba~ld and father, and belief. Mrs. O. C. Land J" P" Jordan Cashier BF~G'~I, NOETH DAKOTA st[ I ] I[ I I _ Mr. and Mrs. S. Halvorson Subscribed and sworn to before SADDLE BUTTE Mr. and ~. Z. L~an ,he ~his 9,h day of ~uis~)9~L" Flames Notary Public ]~[M[I~F.e-~ Ol~F~=-4@ I Mr. and Mrs. C. Ltmd Golden Valley County. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Eriekson My Commission expires Ginger, the famous well known Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pollard August 29, 1940 .... -" =--==-=----= ..... - 4erfl~ld saddle mare, is dead. She Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LUrid Correct. Attest:- - Signed: a loved favorite of all the family Lenora Lund E.R. Kennedy, GUY LEE friends who visited at the Clara Lund J' P' Jordan Directors A~ years. ] AIlmrt Jepso~ was ~ visitor at ~ntt~l l~tte, N. ~ ~Butterfl~eld's/St~ay.~ I sisters, Misses Agnes\ and ......... $pecia DR. LORNE R. FORBES Schauer were callers at @~e~t~ field's Tuesday. ~l$~q AND 8E~M~ 8ome oz the Ted I ~ staying ~dth their ~,iMrs. Ellls Omflnememt CaNs Stecker, this week. One of the Hoeck ~lFtwleeae V__.w,m~ girls Were operated on t~turday for CLOVERALE ICE CREAM Mr. and M~s. V. Volesky and two -=::==--:-:- =====: ::== sons were dinner guests at the Dom- ~ ,n,o ~.~ ~o~ ~=~,. Thursday . Friday - Saturday ~HANE & KUHFELD ~s Meredith Puller has changed : her plans and will visit the Butter- ,, A'I~ORNEYS AT LAW field family the lat.ter part of this ~W.21. North D~ota Week, being at Hettinger now. Banana Splits Pop Floats ............. .... : .... L St wb y M p1 N DR. O. R. NIECE DANCE emon- ra err - a e ut Dentist ~,~ .o~= o=o~ Tuesday, July 19 Chocolate- Vanilla-~ • Orange Sherbet At Gem Theatre COZY CAFE FREE Beach, North Dakota Phone 61 Rum. 84-M Wibaux Music By Burns Orchestra TWINE PRICES ARE LOWER llcKets ~ We sell the well known .. PLYMOUTH TWINE t Noted for the following six points: We have installed a new STORM BORING BAR we are now equipped to give you rapid service on aHrebore jobs. Have Your ~mbine ~lotor Rebored SORENSEN MACRINE SHOP Beach, No. DaK. full length, .um~orm strength, special win{ling, evenness, insect repenlng and . mistake proof- Green Top (Standard) 500 feet Red Top (Manila) 600 feet PLYMOUTH BINDER TWINE insures a successful harvest OCCIDENT ELEVATORS At Beach, Golva, Thelen FARMERS ATTENTION! Case outfit are equipped to rebec your cam- for sale 2345 Engine and 32 Thresher COMPLETE!! This is priced at a REAL BARGAIN. Come in quick if you want to see it. Your Case Machinery Dealer AI L0ngbottom BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA ~he Tractor Motors up to 4b~ in. dl- ~eter..~ FIRST CLASS WORK ~AN ALSO FURNISH PARTS FOR SAME We Do General Car and Truck Repairing PORTABLE GAS ELECTRIC WELDING John Deere Repairs Carried In Stock H. & A "STAR BRAND" Twine, Distrib- ed by Deere & Webber and sold here COMMUNITY GARAGE THURSDAY, JULY 14, ISaturday night Miss Frances Knut-~cation with her mother and sister son left by train for a two weeks ca-I Kalispel, Montana. I HAVE COMBINES-NEW AND USED Any Size Reasonably Priced See Me For Details and Prices AL LONGBOTTOM BEACH, NO. DAK. H. B. LOVELL IMP. CO. BEACH, NO. DAK. The New McCormick.Deering Pow- er Binder with Enclosed Working Parts is really the greatest step for- ward in the past thirty years in the construction of grain binding ma- chines. We have them coming in and will have this binder on display within a few~days. THE BEST BINDER TWINE IS THE CHEAPEST We have McCormick-Deering Twine. That's All That Need Be Said About Twine i| i i t Bargain.' WE HAVE ONE 10-20 McCormick-Deering Tractor Completely overhauled and priced low low to sell quick H. B. LOVELL IMP. CO Beach, North Dakota Statement of The Bank of North Dak~ Bismarck, North Dakota JUNE 30, 1938 RESOURCES U. $. Treesuz~. Notes (par value) ........ $ ~J0@,00@.~ Honle O*vners Loan Corporation Notes (liar value) ............................... ~.6~7,525.0@ Federal National Mortgage Corporation N'ote~ (par valse) .............................. I,@00,000.0@ U. S. Treasu~. Federal l~arm Mortf~age Corporation nod Home Owners Loam Corporation Bonds (~ar value) ....... ~3,250.00 Cash and Due from Reserve BanI~ & Truat Companies f,00~413.94 State of North Dakota Bonds -~ Certificates t Real Estate Series Bonds (par value)~ Mill and Elevator Bonds (par value)_. State CertlAeates of Indebtedness (par value ) Capitol B~Llldlml~ Certlaeat ea (Imr - "Yalue) CertlReates of Indebtedness ~ Political Subdly~ns (par value} ............... ~'10,125.~ Munleil~l Bomda ~ Warrants (Par value) L426,7[~.~ Other ~o~fleui S~kbdivislom War.nil n,l,, a,;/iv.Vle,*~ Loans to Open Banks Other Collateral Loss Homebutlder8 Cou~-uet~ l~ede~li HowduE Adlll~loIt Title U Loans ......................... S~t,18~.~l 1~16.000.00 461.000.00 1124,000.00 2SO,O00.O0 8,000.00 $,T~O,O00.O@