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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 12, 1951     Golden Valley News
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July 12, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE TWELVE THE GOLDEN VALLEY S. BEACH, N: D. , THURSDAY. JULY 12, VS. 17th 8:00 M." -- VS. I:a..J NEWS JLtoms of interest ptcked up he, re lind there by our Howl; ropolqNnm. Wo ture alwltys glad to get youlr aeq~ items. PHONE U Sewing Mach. Rep. Her ~e;.- C. M. Kent, a sewing machine lactory representative, will be at the Rohan Bros. hardware and furniture store 12 to 14, inclusive, when he will of. few several services to local sewing machine owners. He asks that those desiring repair work please bring the machine heads in not later than Saturday, July 14. See his ad elsewhere in this edition, for further details. Meeting Ends At Trotters--- The xevival meeting at the Hall ranch on Beaver Creek has closed, and the Evangelistic group have returned to their re- spective homes. Rev. and M~rs. Holiday Trip-- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Keh~r are at their temporary home in Beach, afte,r spe.ding July 4th with their ~ daughters, Mrs. Orville L. ~Bechtel and Ruth Jean Kehr, at Lewistown, Mont. They also were guests of Mrs. Kehr's fathe,r, brothers aud grandpar- ents. From Lewi~town, they mo- tored to Havre to see a few for- mer school,mates of Mr. Fe'hr's that he last saw in 1926. Holiday At Sidney-- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark and daughter Sharon, Mr. and Mr3. Rube Clark and Mrs. Emma Mil- le,r spent July 4 in Sidney, Mont., where they took in the rodeo, afterward visiting with friends in that cLty. Ueckert To Attend Insurance Meet To celebrate the attainment of a billion dollars of insurance in force Franklin ,Life agency leaders and their families, to- gethe~r with home office offici- Carwell, Rothsville, ,Pa., Miss als, will attend one of two corn- Esther (Murry, student in God's pany conventions in July. The Bible School Cincinnati. Ohio, (Miss Marjorie Wilgus. steno- grapher in the same school in Cincinnati. Ohio. The g¢oup en- deared themselves to those who met them. If you did nol at- tend the services, you missed something very worthwhile. Fishing Trip--- Martin Kamstra. Jesse Phil- lips and James Rolando of Sen- tinel Butte and Hollis Dietz of Beach plan ~o leave this week end for Ely, on a fishing expe- dition. It is Rolando's home ]:own. Advertise In the Golden Valley Newl company reaehe~l the billion- dollar mark early this year, which places the company in the enviable position of rank- ing among the top companies in strength and size. Three hundred and fifty mem- bers of the Fcanklin agency or- ganization qualified for these celebrations on the basis of out- standing production. From this area. General Agent Al. Ueck- art and wife. leave this week to join 6 other ~gents from Noa~th Dakc~ta at Sun Valley on July 16. To quo~ify for these conven- tions, each man must produce Canning Cherries From Idaho lb. lug $4.75 Season is short - can now J California Kiondyke 5c Good Folks -- Drip or Regular Coffee, lk bag 79c 3 lb. bag $2.35 Cinch -- All Varieties Cake Mixes, pkg. . 35c 3 pkgs. $1.00 Stokely's Finest Pineapple Juice, 46 oz, can 3 $1.00 Golden Valley -- In Heavy Syrup Fruit Cocktail, No. Can 3 cans $l.00 II I Our Frozen Food .Case. a certain volume of new busi- ness, and is also judged on the class of business written over a two year period. FFA Group Returns From Fargo Meet Eight FFA boys and their in- stru,ctor, Richard Schroede¢, re- turned last week from t.he state FFA convention at 'Fargo, where Gene Johnstone and Wade Adams were the official dela. gates, helping to plan the new state work p~og~am. ,Forty-five state chapters were represented. Bob Schaal was presented a gold award for the secretary's book and a silvor award in live- stock judging; Earl Peterson, Darret Ueckert and Dean Helm played in'the 60-piece state FFA band and Ed Crook and Bob Abernethy were l.ncI, uded in the chorus. The chapter achievement awaa'd, which was explained by Earl Peterson, Darrell Ueckert and Ed Crook, rated a silver award. The southwest district, whose offi~'ers are all Beach boys, rated a silver award in the district parliamentary procedure demon- stration. Medora Rancher Buys Cedar Canyon Carl Olsen. a rancher from nocth of Medora and former op- erator of the Peaceful Valley ranch.'recenfly purchased the Cedar Canyon curio shop from } Hospital Notes [ Hospital Notes-- Births: Mr. and Mrs. -Roy Houck, Beaoh, N. Dak.. Boy July 5. Mr. and M~s. Richard Dietz, Senti- nel Butte. N. Dak.. Girl. July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher. Car- lyle. Montana, Girl, July 7. Surgery: ¢~Esthe~ Zinda, Wibaux, l~ont. General: (Mrs. Clarence ~Hendrieks; A,1. bert Streitz; (Mrs. Mike Zinsli Miss Josepha Sielicka; Dan Beg- ger; Miss F~'ances WJrtzfeld ,George Pavlish; Mrs. Dina San- ders; James Kelly7 Mrs. Louise Larson. Last Reminder- that July 16 is the last day that you may apply for a State Hai,l Insurance policy this season (July 16 is the last day when july 15 Calla on Sunday). ' Other Things to Remember 1 -- Regular insurance on basis of $8.00 ox $I2.00 per acre. 2 -- Risk terminating dates extended on late stand- ing grain crops. 3 -~ Additional $5.00 or $10.- 00 special cash |nsur- ance. (From your Coun- ty Auditor only~. See yo~ac County Auditor on or before July 16 fo get protection. S te Hail Insurance Dept. A. J. J~ensen, Cemmlsslcmer R. O. Lageson, Manager. Bismarck N. Dak. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hafstrom, who opened Cedar Canyon fc~r scenic tours about 20 years ago. The H,afstroms, former Fry- burg residents, will move to Bis- marck where ,they have ptur- chased a home; Mr. and Mrs. Olsen assumed charge of the shop two weeks ago. CARD OF THANKS We are taking this means of thanking the Golva fire dept., friends and neighbors for the help given us du~ing the fire It was greatly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schmeling and sons. CARD OF THANKS Our deepest thanks is extend- ed to our neighbors and friends for their comforting words and kind deeds during the loss of our infant son recently. Mr. an Mrs. Ernle Sehmitz of Golva. CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank all our neighbors and friends for their many kindnesses to us during the loss of our mother re- cently. Ray H.amlin The Houck family It pays to Advertise in the Golden Valley News I ] Theatre BEACH. NORTH DAKOTA Fri. - Saturday Ma/in~ "He's A Cockeyed t¢ Wgnder" MICKEY ROONEY. TER RY MOOR]~: A delightful comedy the whole family will enjoy. Shorts~News Sun. - Mon. - Tues. ~ Sunday Matinee " i ration Pacific" JC)HI WAYNE, PATRICIA NEAL. A/grim, sensitive, highly dra- matic story of men in the sub- ma~in'e s~rvice. Given a "very good" rating. News Wed. - Thurs. "Gasoline Alley" SCOTTY B~CKETT, JIMMY LYDON, Your favorite comic strip--- now a hilarious movie. Comedy -- This Is America \ I will now be starting my second '" ip Sunshine--Fresh Frozen with Sugar ,.., tr•, over my territory with Raw- Strawberries, 12 oz. pkg. 39c Fresh Frozen CornJ)n-Cob 3 ears 25c Complete line of fresh frozen, fish and sea-foods- ready for the pan. I leigh products. I wish to thankthe many folks for the fine patronage lhave received. This trip [will trundle. the Du.fold mop, waxi arid Cle:: er. an item shouldbe in home. QUAUTYMER ISE FOR LESS ] ree m. & p. m.- Phone 75 THURSDAY -- TONITE 8:00 CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportuni- ty to express my sincere th, anks to everyone who ,remembered me so thoughtfully with cards. flowers and well wishes while I was a patient at the Johnstone Memorial hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Bush and his ef. ficient staff of nurses and to Father Lack. Mrs. Mary Ohremba FOR SALE---Side delivery rake. Will sell chap. Howard Wen- berg, Beach. 43-1tp LOST---one agate boot ear.ring at Sentinel Butte hall. Finder please leave w~h (Mrs. Eddie Cook, Sdntinel Butte, N. Dak. Rev¢o~vd. 43-1tp FOR SALE--one 12-fL swv~hor, in very good shape, and a 10 ft. tandem disc. A. J. Beier Beach. 43-1tp FOR SALE--'49 Mercury, with overdrive, seat covers, visor. radio and heater. In A-1 con- dition, $1495. Beach Hide and Fur Co. 43-1tc FOR SALE--Coronado electric refrigerator and Monarch elec- tric range, $50 each. Phone 138 Beach. 43-1tc LOST--one 650 x 16 tire and rim, on road east of Golva.-Harold Mathison, Sentinel Butte. 43.2tc FOR SALE--- for the frozen food containers, ping paper, plastic bags, see Wolt and Preszler plant. LOST--Sat. a. m.o between house and news office, a Ripon all wool slipper green and vchite, size S, white leather sole. leave at News office, ~r • Mrs. E. O. Waldal at nel Butte. IRON Will pay highest 6rices for WANTED--light . housekeeping room. Margaret Gerrnann, Phone 160,R. Beach, 43-1tp WANTED-- clerical or other work. experienced. Margaret Ge~rmann, Beach. Phone 160-.R. 43-lip in next two weeks. Beach, N. LUCIOUS RED RIPE c Phone 31-W GOLDEN-MEAI & Place Your Orders With Us For EACI] FROM ! -LB. ALASKA CAN LE 248. PKG. Canning C, herries RED OWL GRAPE JAM 41¢ VAN CAMP'S SARDINES 21¢ STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 30¢ MELROSE SLICED BACON 49¢ FLA-VOR-AID O ,,os RED OWL CANDY I-LB. ~1~ 40-50 SIZE __ ~ .. CELLO " LARGE PRUNES SPICE DROPS, FAI~DALE GEE . A ~ |9-OZ. ~1~-. BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS 12 OZ. ~1~¢ CANS, I[ PK~., CUT BEANS L @@ WHEATIES ". ar.o NEEDS NO REFRIOERATION 3-te. N,S,sco ItS JLt _ BOX " ARMOUR STAR LARD CA. 7r RITZ CRACKERS " @U "CAKE BUY" OF THE WEEK EACH HARVEST QUEEN SLICED WHOLE BEAN COFFEES 1 .p-M-~ DRIFT" M~J)ER ~KIS CIOTH~ SPAEUI