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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 12, 1951     Golden Valley News
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July 12, 1951
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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JULY 12, 1951 THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N.D. PAGE F|VIg uIimalnmNllnm,Ji[iHllnnmnNnilnllulll 'mm~u,,m.~3..,,.,,,,t~.ll,,i:!:.,m expected. Another pleasant part Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Wospeka ..... AJ,.,,m¢.,o,~ ~~~. " i C i o l the trip was the company of and Mrs. Tom W osepka return- ~ A , | alva News ve~,~. Huber of Beach on~her eci theforepartoftheweekfrom round the Dakotas wlmn trip f, rom her vacation in a fine trip to Seattle, Wash, ----~~ ~/~~, ..... ~i~~,!/[ :@::: !').! i i: ~ mu.'niillllimite'i!u!lmutnm!luiluica'liiuliuit'liuulililitii` 'Mrs. RudvRisingmo,ored+oBudlg[aigh, Mrs. John FieIdof , N. Dak. whc,:'e they visitea =r. M,s., wit..h.,lee......,Mar,h . ~r~ .... ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gec~rge Weinreis i3ismarek tlae past week takit~g Lemmon, S. D., a sister of Mrs. T. of Mellette, S. 17)., have been en- Mr. Amen Rising to the hospital Wosepka accompanied them tr, ,. _ i_i 'dying a pleasant vacation visit for a checkup. Spokane to see Mrs. F. E. Law, at" the Weinreis homes in and Mrs. Paul Weh,rman left Sat. :,nether sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ha-- "wP., IIF Fish Story in Reverse! E ,i around Golva. Mr. and MrF urday on a trip to Rochester, ley Coufrtney and Mr. Field o! Frank Young of Aberdeen, S. D.. Minn., and will visit with a sis- Lemmon, S. D., arrived at Golva Kind of took us by surprise "What I said about women and drove out Thu,rsday to get theml ter there. 1o spend the 4th of July togeth- whe~ Fiz Walker's wife went fishing still goes," Fiz growled. I --• and Mrs. Eva Weinreis returned Yvonne Still of Billings, Mont., ' er. along, on one of. his annual fish- "I eaug,'ht the two httle" ones on with them. is making her parents Mr. and ,Mrs. Mae Anthony left Sat•- mg trips. Fiz ~s what you'd call the m~d. My wife caught the Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Susa, new-M,rs. Albert Still a pleasant vie- day for Fergus Falls, ealle,X a "fishing fool"--- but he always rest?" i !vweds of Mount Angle, Or(,.. it and attending their silverthere by the illnessof her maintained a woman in a boat Well Fiz ha a ri h " n visited at the Rudy Rising homewedding anniversary, mothe¢, just naturally scares the fish , . ,- 's g t to ms Tuesday on thei,r honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bostyan and away. . ~ opinion. Wight really counts, is. I tri~ to Canada and ot.her places, and children left Saturday on Mr. and Mrs, John Se,hmeling ~mn'tseemtoanectrnz'sm,,: , , . . .......... , respect for our neighbor's rights ' I " " ' ........ , .. ax a taeas -- whether nt s about 1 ~rlr. and Mrs. Bert Covert left a ceturn trip home to Scottfield, and family motored down to the tnts trnp mougn,cause tr. ...... i • • . •stung--or a temperate glass _• Saturday morning by train f~r a II1., after a two, weeks visit at river Sunday and had a picn% came back wnth as race a strn. B few weeks vacation trip to Gr,and the parental home of Mr. and dinner there. -- to°t" see.~lleyes" "'But FizaS didn'tY°U a" ever nope" Ofrealbeer after. . work. That s the Rapids, Michigan. Mrs. Edna Mrs. Chas. Hayden. ~gOOd neighbor" policy. Hammond is telephone operator A bridal shower was given an Visit In Bi.llings--------'-'-- seem to be p IAt Kip taking his usual pride in the Dro n .__ 9s ,_~_u,., n at Golva during thei,r absence. Thursday, June 28, at the C.G. Mr. and Mrs. Harotd Langand catch. We found out why when fT}. tt~J .., _i Rienzi Hammond took Stua~ Huffman home in honor of Don. family, visited in Billings last Hub Thomas kidded him about f;'(]O~ -I~ Gustafson' to Glendive 'fhursd~,,'. na Mae Fulton. A large orowd week, spending some time with the "jinx." (J And Have . where he entered the hospita!, attended, bringing many beau- lhe Earl Gilman family and Dakota D~v~,~,o~. Umt~d St~tes Bteu ,:r~ Fo~ndatt,.'. Frank or Jim Fill Your • be home soon. by a fine lunch and display of • M,:', and Mrs. Johnny Gorost