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.. i¥ i[ The Chester Gasho
family re.
Ji r{}111[~,]~ [~ida~,w~ ~1 turned last week from a trip to
i .............. | ] southern and eastern points
i o l where'they visited the Glen 0i-
mmmmmmnnmmmsmmmmmmmnmmm~amuuI sons in Arkansas and relatives
Another July 4th has come[in Ohio.
mad gone. Some of the folks of Webbs Willing Workers met
this commuinty attended rodeos
at nearby towns while others
enjoyed neighbarhood picnics.
We understand the Sperrys put
Trotters on the map again, when
Shirley Mae won first and Mar-
gie thk'd place as queen, at the
Sidney rodeo.
[Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and
Doris returned week before last
from a trip which took them
through the southwestern states
and back by way of Yellowstone
at the church parlors Thursday,
a week ago. when .Mrs. Norman
Nellermoe and Mrs. J. F. Crook
wore hostesses. It was a work
day, and quite a bit of work
was accomplished. Lunch was
served afterward:
The Norman Nellermoes and
,P. V. Moores attended church
! see'vices and the meeting of the
Scandia Aid, ~unday.
Mrs. W. B. Campbell is con-
valescing at her parental home
Mothers--Have a Vacation!
Treat yourself to a vacation, mothers,
from liaper laundry with any of the fol-
lowing excellent products:
at Fryburg, after getting a collar
bone broken and a ~'ib cracked
when their car overttLrned near
the Ray Tasker home.
The Boyces, P. V. Moores, Lola
Snow and J. F. Crooks were
Wed. eve. visitors at the Nel-
l~rmoe home, when John Nel-
lermoe entertained the group
with a fireworks display. Lunch
was served by Mrs. N. E. Nel-
A marriage of much interest
to the folks of this community
took place recently in Fargo,
when Myrtle Nellermoe was
married. We extend congratu-
lations to the happy couple.
Gene Gunkel and Ricky, A1-
Franzen, Del Tharp and Eddie
Crook gathered at the J. F.
Crook home Sunday to brand
and vaccinate cattle.
Connie and Karen Lindbo of
Belfield have been visiting at
the Gunkel home since July 4th.
Mony of us are on ,R. E. A.
now and are ~'eally enjoying
its conveniences.
The recent rains are making
vegetation look greener, and
giving all of us encouragement.
O. K. Omley spent a few days
"Chux disposable diapers, 25, large, size,
only $1.69.
Kleinerts pad pants, 4 doz., $1.30.
Apinless diaper panties, $I.
Chix diaper liners, 6 doz., 98c
day evening visitors at the P.
V. Moore home.
WIr. and Mrs. Con Simonsen
and Larry and the ~Francts Boyce
family were Sunday dinner
guests at the P. V. Moore home.
Percy McClenahen, Chris Hau-
sen and J. D. Clark were sup-
per guests, and the J. F. Crooks
were evening visitors.
We undorstand that Mr. Town.
ley had the misfortune to get
a bone in his leg cracked re.
cently. He had the other leg
broken a year or more ago, in a
car accident. This time he was
driving a tractor.
The date for the ice cream
social at Trotters church has
been set fox July 21. Everybody
Mrs. A1 Franzen and Doro-
thy Gorrell were hostesses at
a pink and blue shower at the
Gor~ell home for Mrs. Clarence
Smith. Since the day was rainy,
some were unable to attend. The
honored guest received many
lovely gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore and
Doris, Olaf Abraham and sons
and the Chester Gasho family
Fire Hydrant CasualtT---
The fire hydrant bordering
Mayor and Mrs. John Keohane's
lawn was broken off last Thurs-
day morning when it was struck
by Paul Thomas' car. He is said
to have temporarily ,lost control
of t.he vehicle as ,he lit a cig-
arette. Employees of the Beach
water department next day re-
moved the damaged hyd~'ant,
which will be replaced soon.
Meanwhile, that section of town
is without a fire hydrant, which
could be serious in case of fire
in t.hat block.
Beach, N. Dak.
Crop Not So Good--=
Sam Wilson of the Sentinel
Butte rural area is one of the
few in this county whose grain
crop "is not so good" this year.
The ~'eason, he says, is that he
seeded it early in April, and it
headed out during the dry wea-
ther, making the heads smaller
than they would have been, had
there been more moistt~re at that
period; however, he is not un-
happy about it, as he says may-
[ On 30.Day Furlough-= i To Yellowstcme-=
Sgt. Melvin "Buck" Taylor andI Among those observing the
wife are visiting his brother Fourth by touring Yellowstoae
here, Bob Taylor and wife, and
other relatives in :Medora, Dick-
inson, and Glendive, on a 30-
day ft~rlough from Ft. Riley,
l~a Vaca'tton---
Mr. and ,Mrs. Don :Brengle va-
cationed at Park Rapids, Minn.,
and Clearbrook, whece they vis.
ited friends of ,Don's, after he at-
tended a Ford company meet'rag
in Fargo, June 29. They return-
ed home July 4.
Entertain Relatives==..
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cadwell
entertained at supper Thursday
night, a week ago, visiting rela-
tives. Guests were B. J. ,Mc-
Danold of Dickinson, M, rs. Grace
I~aisler of Fargo and the R. N.
McDanold family of Bellingham,
Park were the Bubli1:z,
son, 22"ester and Stedman
Business Caller---
,R~y Towne, a representatiVS
of Harris, Upham and Co. d
IVlinneapolis, called on several
businessmen in Beach and Sen.
tinel Butte Saturday.
To Watertown--
,IVLr. and Mrs. O. W.
returned Monday from Water'
town, S. D., where they
ed the 25th wedding
sary celebration of their son
and wife.
See Circus--
Mr. and Mcs. Bill Schulz
their two grandchildren to
Shrine circus at Glendive,
2ast Saturday afternoon.
were Sunday evening guests at
last week at the home of his the Lloyd Metcalf home. be he will strike it just right ][]~ ~" ~r[
daughter, lVLrs. Crook, and call- Mrs. Gorrell and Mrs. Crook[ next year! JL Ji_J
ed on friends, will entertain the Union Aid at ITo Minnes--- ta-- "- -
While Peggy Gunkel, Connie
!Lindbo and Timmy Franzen the chttrch parlors on Thurs-
were taking a little horseback day, July 13. Everybody wel- Sid Woodward of Wibaux re- Lto
ride, at Crooks on Sum, the come. ~ turned last week from a trip to
Clearwater, [Minn., where he vis-
horse suddenly decided to buck It pays to Advertise in the i~ed his father who is in poor 8 ft. $575.00
a little and then ~un. He thre~, Golden Valley News. health.
all three children off. The girls --
had minor bruises and weref" 10 ft. $650.00
shaken up and frightened, but
little Timmy ~as O. K.
The Moores and Crooks were
Saturday evening c~lers at the
Nellermoe home, to see pictures
which Phillip Moore took on
their recent t~ip.
The Shrine Circus Committee
hereby express their appreciation for
the assistance of those business and
professional people of Beach who so
generously contributed toward making
the Circus a treat for the children and
a successful benefit for the Crippled
Children's Hospitals.
Oliver, 3- 16
Oliver, 5- 14
-- $425.00
- $500.00
- $6OO.OO
General Chairman
Beach, North Dakota
"T'S EASY TO SEE why almost
everybody admires a new Pon-
tiac and so many thousands wish
they owned one:
Pontiac is a thoroughly good car,
built to give you years of depend-
able, enjoyable service, and it's a
sweetheart on the road--eager,
smooth and tireless.
Pontiac is distinctively bea,-'
--and its reputation for goo n
is second to none.
And don't forget that Pontiac is
very low priced--and we caa
promise you a deal that will
quickly convince you that you'll
be wise indeed to stop wishing
and order one. Drop in tdday.
AsmerleaSs Lowest=Prleed Straight Eight
Equipment, accessories and trim illustrated are subjoct to change without notlt~
Lowest-Priced Car with GM Hydra-,~latle Drive
(OpaonM at extra co~)
Your Choice of SHyer Stroak Engines--
Straight Eight or Six
'g'Jke Most Beautiful Thing on ~'heels
Unistoei ~ by lqsher
you ~t beat a
Mr. and Mrs. ,Milton Bruz~s-
vold and Marlene were Tht~rs-
, " 9
America s Finest Sewing Machine Since 1860
Beach, North Dakota~
A gracious modern desk in hand rubbed walnut
veneer. Spacious drawers for correspondence or
sewing, approved by Housekeeping and
commended by Parents Magazine.
for 20 yearn
Beach, North Dakota