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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 11, 1935     Golden Valley News
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July 11, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I THE BEACH REVIEW 1 Page 5 ANCE Evergreen Park, Beach, Friday, July 12th Music By THE MINNESOTANS Don't miss this return engagement of one of the season's most popular bands 'H SPECIALS Friday and Saturday STEAKS, T-bone, round and sirloin, any cut t'ORK CHOPS, or .cut Y ~ . ~¢EAL, an cu . 20c lb. any 20c lb. 20c lb. 15c lb. FRESH BOLOGNA LIVER SAUSAGE 12 1-2c lb. LARD, home rendered 18c lb. ~ANAN AS, 3 lbs. 20c HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for 17c was EVERYTHING GUARANTEED PERFECT- LY FRESH OR YOUR MONEY BACK CASH AND CARRY MARKET & GROCERY Your Quality Once and Always T. J. Vukelic, Prop. Mrs. J. Clayton Russell was host- ess to a number of friends last Wednesday afternoon. After a tasty luncheon served at 1:30, four tables of bridge were in play during the re- mainder of the afternoon. Mrs. Stub Noyes won high prize, a beautiful bou- quet of peonies. Again on Friday afternoon Mrs Russell entertained an- other group of ladies with the diver- sion on this occasion being 'various games and contets, Each guest at hoth parties received a peony as a favor. Clarence Knezevich has been ill with a throat infection. Mrs. John Bartley of Glendive is visiting at the Peter Bartley home in Beach. She is now much improved in health after a long serious illness. Mrs. Ella Thompson of California is a guest at the A. R. Thompson home here. Rev. and Mrs. F. Fraizer and son V¢ilfred, of Hartford, Conn. and Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Babbitt and son Dick, of Riverside, Ill,. stopped off in Beach to spend the weekend at the Rev. Ellinger home, enroute to Idaho. Rev Frazier, who is state superintendent of Congregational churches in Con- necticut, spoke Sunday morning at the local Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs.-Francis Harrington and baby last Thursday moved into the apartment in the McClellan building formerlS: occupied b~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, xv,6 that day left for Mandan. Mr. Sanders, who has managed the Buttrey store? here for several weeks w:s trans ferred to the Mandan store and Mr Harrington was moved frow glendive to take charge of the Beach store (;ash paid for junked farm maehin cry. Dakota--Montana Hide and Met- al fFo., Beach and Sidney. It County Agent Russelll informs us that grasshopper poison is now being mixed in Beach and is ready to be ....... spread. ' Randal Thompson and Howard En- ~~C.~al~ ]I[ Mr. and Mrs Tony Sehmitz anti derle returned Monday evening from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wenberg left a short vacation trip. Sunday on a vacation trip to Gla.ier -- --Illl~- National Park. EXPERT PIANO TUNING Otto Saylor was a Belfield visitor Frank Huber and F. D. Spieg- families returned on Sunday a peasant vacation trip through Black Hills over the Fourth. They a very pleasant time all aroUnd h.l~0R SALE Used Baldwin ('ore 0~es With Model A or Coniinel moc- k-uP. L. Evje, Beach. J-11-4tp kIt You have anything for sale, list ~¢lth us. We have buyers. If you ~,~at anything, tell us. Beach AUtO 'vr~eklng. Jun el3-tf I l~lr and Mrs ltarry Harpster left ,~% Points west on Monday after m~eadin 'about a week visiting here. g ~rs 4 ~1~' • John Kukowski ;was taken ha~t~ seriously il last week Tuesday, ~t is now showing improvement. l~, rs Harry Kukow.~ki acted as spec- I atlrse for her until yesterday. ~l~lrs. p. T. Birmingham and Mrs. a~ 0. Wallace returned on Saturday 't~r a vacation trip of nearly three ~eeks. The ladies went by Mrs. ear, i, allace stopping off to visit relatives ;~0~Iinneuota. and Mrs. Birmingham ~g on to her former home in Iowa. ~he Misses P,o,]en and Dorotl, y I~ I~ehe Hollister of Belfield arrived t~ t]eacl' on Tues,!~y afternoon to ~d the week ot the H. ~r Blair ~e. ~liss Boden is a niece of Mr. 1''8, ~State Examiner Schneider and an xalstant came to Beach Tuesday ~waiag to make his periodical audit ~t~_ he county offices at the court Ull~e. l~~rs A. M. Kuhfeld was hostess t[ OVer 20 lady guests at a handLer- ef Shower at the Kuhfeld home on ~1`day evening in honor of Mrs. R ~illoy. Games were played, und ~, aaJor Bowes amatuer Program on Wednesday morning, t Prof. Arthur Ericson. former In- Rev. C. G. Ellinger and Russell! structor of music, in Conservatory, returned last week Wednesday from Berlin, Germany, will be in Beach the Congregational Young People's about July 16--17. Tuning $3.00 no Camp at Lake Metigoshe. They re- money accepted untill work is up- port a splendid time, and nearly 200 proved and satisfactory. Leave yore. young people in attendance, names for tuning at Review office. ...................................... For Sale Or Trade MODEL T FORD COUPE 1929 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN Beach Auto Wrecking FRANK SPISLA, Proprietor Gleaner Baldwin , ~------ Combine Parts ~, cor~ducted in which Mrs. Hudson ~1 t the prize. Mrs. Milloy was then ~ered with hankies followin~ eh a dainty hmch was enjoyed. ¢~!ssm_ Henrietta Kukowski, who" is h ~.'UYed in the telephone exchange ~,~l:lSmarck, arrived In Beach Friday 15~r~ing for a two weeks vaeatio~'a! :e hcmle of 'her parents. Chect¢ your Combines now and order from I AM NOw I Uying Wool Tractor & Equipment ~°,,,~ ..ow M,, ,,.,~,,,.,,E Co. y'N .,OHE~T. ~ ~ *R,,~ .... Sidney, Mont. M~ ~EFORE YOU BELL. Martin I)ON'T~WAIT-DO IT NOW BUTTE, N, DAK. =] n • FREE PAMPHLET IS GUIDE TO FARMING PLANNINGS Farmers who plan on making any type of |ml,rovement about the far-, stead should send for the free 'Farm Building and Equipment List" now available from lhe Extension Service of the North Dakota Agricultural CoTlege. This list contains a descript on of available blue print plans and bulletins on all types of farm build. ings and related equipment. It in- etudes houses; all types of livestock shelters; storage buildings for farm products; ice houses; water and sewage facilities; various types of equipment used in buildings, and de- scribes the ar~'angement and plan- ning of the farmstead. BASEBALL At Sentinel Butte Sun. July 14 At 2:30 P. M. Sharp Sentinel Butte vs. Medora C. C. C. Miss Thorsness of Audubon, Minn. ] Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sebold ~nd is maklng her aunt, Mrs. Glen Cook, [young son, of Glendive were Beach a pleasant visit. [callers the evening of the Fourth. Miss Lucille Morris, he is nursing I Mr. Sebold, former publisher of the in Glendive, spent the weekend here I Voice of Eastern Montana, was last ]week appointed Relief Administrator Mrsat thev.homeG. Morris. of her parents, Dr. and [for Dawson County. ,i u Beer Parlor Open For Business V l am now open and ready for business in the former Vince Wicka parlor and will be glad to greet all old and new friends and customers. I am remodelling the place and will have a clean, up-to- "date beer parlor that I hope will merit your patronage V Clint Taylor FAMOUS FOR BIG CAPACITY NEARLY A ,~ OWNERS will SEE IT- SEE IT. Save You TI M E, Tell You that itg a and dudq,e, for 6RAINandMONEY" Proven Machine" Yourself! New low cost, dependable combining with the speed and easy handling that the HARVESTOR gives you is the result of over fifty years of thresher and combine building experience--backed up by the O.K. of owners on scores of HARVES- TORS which have suecassfully combined their crops for the last five years in all parts of the country. Only on the HARVESTOR, the modern combine, do you get the patented, money- saving features that have made the HARVESTOR the talk of the combine country. Let us give you complete tacts on these: Single Unit Construction --the feat- ure which cuts nearly a ton of weight out of this 12-foot machine and makes the HARVESTOR extra strong, yet light and easy to pull, saving fuel on every round,- The Auger Platjform Conveyor Combined with a Modern Cylinder Feed that eliminates canvas expense and bother, yet makes sure that unthreshed grain is delivered the full width of the cylinder for capacity threshing,~ The Full Width Rasp Cylinder measuring 31 inches in width, just as big capacity as it can be made and fit inside the thresher; there is no bottle neck at the HARVESTOR cylinder, the HARVES- TOR is built for big capacity through. out,~ The Any Angle 4-Section, All.Steel Straw Racks with a cranksha/t on each end, an exclusive HARVESTOR Feature. These racks are built to do a dean job of separating forty or fifty bushel crops at field speeds that cut days off the harvest. Built completely of gal- vanized steel. Keep grain everdy spread OUt,~ The Patented Selj.Leveling Shoe" ~an improvement that's been needed for years. Notice the extra quality separat- ing and cleaning you get out of the HAR- VESTOR either in level or sloping fields. See this big capacity, econo- my combine--get the facts and judge for yourself. i ¢I ~ Avoid > Place Your Order Now ~~ the Rush! , Golden Valley Harvester C. C. Clark, Manager Co,