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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 11, 1935     Golden Valley News
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July 11, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Garner News Mr, and Mrs. Joe Dietz o, nd family and A1 Dletz, Bill and Leslie wassman Were s0pper guests at the Glen Allstot kome Sunday. Mr. a~d Mrs. Fred Wassman and two children were dinner guests at the H. A. Bury home ~[unday. Rev. Lobb of ellis was a caller in this commuhlty Saturday. Dick Stull axriv~ home Sunday to his brother John who was in the hompltal. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Krause and girls ~lled at the Glen AllStOt home Mon~ day night. Many attended the celebration at Oolva the 3rd and 4th. Bill and Glen Hallenbeck, Mr Nick L~ndin and son John called the the ]?red Wassman home Saturday. and Mrs. Harry Wassman and Wa.msn were dinner and sup- i at Andrew Kohleers on V |ms Babcock called at the Fred B~il y home Tuesday. M , a~d Mrs, Harry Wassman and Wasaman were visitors at Glen )Is Friday evening. neighbors and friends of Agnes se and Dorothy Hallenbeck who n the hospital for an operation Ippendicitts, and all hope for a y recovery. ~. and Mrs. H. L. Babc~.k an~ family were visitm's at the H. Olson home Sunda~v. LIoYd Wassman and Bill Hallenbeck eall~l at the Fred W~-.sman~ l[ome on Sunday evening. Lo~ Ella Howard was a visitor at the ,Joe Dietz home for a few days. P~ed Wassmann, Joe Dietz, Tom Bet~n, Ray Harmon, Leslie Howard and]~us Burke were branding cattle in ~e hllls Monday. ~lterWassmann is vlsitln~ dt the] Andrew Kohler home this week. M~ny attended the carnival in Beach Monday night. amel's Hump Evans and Don motored to ful rains since our hail storm, no [fields are beginning to look nice and green, which is encouraging to those that were hit. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Frank Nehls made a business to St. Philip Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Dobbler were dinner guests at the Chan Woolworth home Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beelet anti sons came up from the Powder River country for a vtst at the Gee. Beeler home. Mrs. Leo Tobias and Je.annette are making an indefinite stay at fife home of Mrs. Roof before moving into their new home at Beach. Hank Beeler is seriously ill witb an attack of rheumatism, II r Square Butte -Dr. Hanson, who is the agriculture man from Fargo, returned Friday after spending a few days there. Donald Waldal is visiting John and George Klein a few days this week. Pearl Yates was a caller ant J. V. Klein's S~turday. Harmon Olstad, Ted Hanson, and warren Whitman were Sentinel Butte visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Dempsey and son Lester were visitors at Bill Barzers on Saturday. Mr. and MrS. E. G. Sheen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz and family, and Alice Olsen were visit- ors at Einor Olstad's Sunday. ~ill Ihrzel has been helping J. V. Klein cultivate corn a couple of days this week. J. V, Klein and sons. and Donald Waldal were business callers at Seniine! Butte Friday. Mrs. Lloyd Yates and Angel•he and Johnny Schumacher were among those who attended the rodeo at Golva the Fourth of July. Alice Olsen and Russell Swingle wer~ callers at J. V. Klein's on Friday evening. Einor O]stad, son Harmon, and Ted Hanson were callers at Howard Wenberg's a,nd also at Beach and Sentinel Butte on Monday. II11 Mr. and Mrs Lyle Martin and faro. The congregatonal Ladies Aid are ily and Mrs. A. L. Martin St. spent the Murth in Sidney, Mont. The W'm. Burns family left the 5th of July for a vacation in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Win. BUrhans Jr. and Polly Burhans left Tuesday morn ing for a weeks vacation at the lakes in Minnesota. They plan to spend one night on the way at GT,'ann ]~'orks with Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Mason From the lakes they will be returning to Omaha, Nebraska, and Polly will accompany them to spend some weks in Omaha.. holding their monthly work aid'at the Burhans home today. Anne Burhans-is working at the Court House in Beach for Co. Agent Russell. There will be a dance at the Opera House on Saturday night with Brown Rythm Ramblers furnishing music. The party of campers from the Con- gregational Camp at Lake Metigoshe returned on Wednesday reporting a very pleasant and profitable vaca- tion. Ray Zinsli sponsored a dance at Sunset Sentinel THI N **************************** Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Treater and We Deliver or Pay the family and Mrs. Jennie Treater left for Frazee, Minn., last Wednesday morning to spend the fourth of July with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bub]~z a:~(! Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lund. William and Alfred Ueckert and Mrs. Jennie Treater were shoppers in sentinel Butte TUesday mornng. t Mr. George Johnstone and fa~fi~y were supper guests at the home of Chas• Smith Wednesday morning. Mr and Mrs. Bob Kramer and daugh ter Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lyle Martin Jeanne and Nor ma, Meredith, and Mrs. Clarance Overstad are leaving this week for a vacation at the lakes near Crosby in Minnesota. Mrs. A. L. Martin, ~r will accompany them as far as James town and will spend some time mith her sister. Mrs. ~Vadeson. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. HcD~nald,Pat- rica Ann, Margaret, and Kath]een Boisen returned from Gv~a** FAIN, Montana, on Tuesday. The Fred Smith family spent the 4th at Golva. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Haugse have moved into the house ]us~ vacated by the Aud ?hm~: family. The Mason and I'.-.-rson families have v~urcnased new Grcnow electrlic refrigerators. Mrs. Guy Hall is getting along nicely after her recent operation at Reach on Sunday, June 30. Mrs. Glaumm from Aberdeen is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Englund. Desmond Honnold spent the 4th ~:er with his wife at the Evaa'ts home. Mr• and Mrs. Kenneth Abliter spent ~he 4th with Mrs. Abliter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reed. Verde Smith is spending several weeks at the Mike Zinsli home south of town. Alex McClain and Burkett Huey of Bismarck spent the 4th a~ Sentinel Butte. A communtiy picnic was held at Murpheys grove on July 4th and in. the evening swimming races were held in town. Billy Burns came out first in the race, and also first in th-e the OPera House July 4th with the, Fank Zook and family spent the 4th Adams orchestra furnishing music, of Jul at Glendive. A good crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. William Ueckert and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith entertain- taking care of the chores nt the Leon,. ed at a 6 o'clock dinner on Saturday supper guests at the home of Mr. and night, the guests were, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Martin Ueckert Sunday. W,. E, Burhans, Mr. and Mrs. "xV. Mr. and Mrs. William Wantke are S. Burhans and PoHf Burhans. taking care pith e chores at the Leon- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fogarty, Mr. ard Treater farm during Trester's and Mrs. T. H. McDonald and Mrs. absence ,May McDonald from Great Falls, Mr. Ernest Feldmann a~d son Montana, spent several days here with were callers at the William Ueckert Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDonald as the farm Sunday morning. guests of ~Vm. Follis at the ranch. Mr. George Johnstone, Mrs• Ken- J. P. McDonald's father was here neth Eennenberg, and Mrs. Cfii-t'~ also and accompanied the party hack were S~day afternoon vistors a,t the to Great Falls. home of Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Smith. Mrs, ~V- T. Pederson entertained William and Alfred Ueckert mad the W. B. A. business meeting on a bff~ines~ trip to Sidney. Montana~ Wednesday. Monday returning that evening. lfll- W'illiam Wantke and family were age on ALL CASH Mail Orders KENNEDY'S SENTINEL BUTTE, N. DAK. MI on Saturday. Augusta FYanzen Is employed the Charlie Pereell home. at Mr, and Mrs. John Honnold St. and Guy, Maude, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Honnold, Jr., Peggy and Ken meth and Frank Morris, Mr. and Mrs. George Franz.en and family were vis- itorsjn Beach Saturday evening. Matilda Decker is home for a visit to the Black Hills, Jess Hanik, Severt Tweet, lear Ness ~r. m~d, Mrs. Walter Dickson, Mrs, C. Van Horn and Ray Brier and c~ild~en were Beach Visitors Wednes- day. Nettle Waldal l~ft Saturday June 30th for a visit with her sister Emma who l~ ,~pioyed at Bismarck. She expect~ to be gone about a meek. Mike Olson w'as a caller at Charlie Percells on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Art Engiebretson wereSlladay visitors at Oscar Olsotm. Ernest Nelson's 'bull got run over bY a train last week. "l~hose from out this way that got permanents the past week were, Mrs. John Honnold and Maude. Ray Brier and Alger were callers a~t John ~rva~s Stinday morning. A large crowd attended the 'Friend- lY Neighbors' club picnic at Mr Lars Ness' grove Sunday; Baseball wa played, the score being 10 to 13 in f~vor of the Twin Butte team. Muriel Ness who is staying with her sharer, Mrs. Ross Johnson visited at &er home Friday. Those from around here who attend- ed the Rodeo and dance at Golva the ~d a~d 4th mere: Mr. and Mrs John f~e.~meling, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde My- ers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Myers and family, Marie, Celia. Peter Ben Maus and Mr. Moore and family. the chores ['or Bud was gone. Weinreis and Gordon axe visiting at the John~ home. pan Riles was a caller at Mat on Friday• I111 Bonnie View k We are glad to report that Mr. :Browr~ is gaining strength each day and we hope he will be ~ble to be o:~t ~mong his friends, again. J. S. Schauer has been appoiatc(] man on highway 16 to succeed la, te George Gordon, accompanied by Mls? Brieske and children, from ~se, Wis.. were callers in our Saturday. Miss Brleske to look over her land i~ter- In Saddle accompal TOOK OFF 17 LBS. OF gQLY FAT HEEDED DOCTOR'S ADVICE Mrs. ~obert Hiekey, Roseville, Calif., writes: "My doctor prescribe& Kruschen Salts for me---he said they wouldn't hurt me In the least. I've lost 17 lbs. in 6 weeks. Kruschen iS worth its weight tn gold.'" Mrs. Hlckey paid no attention to gossipers who said' there was no safe way to reduce. She wisely fol- lowed her doctor's advice. ~ny don't YOU? Get a jar of Krusehen to-day (lastg: 4 weeks and costs but a trifle). Simply take half teaspoonful in cup of hot water every mornlnff..A~ drugglsts. TIRED, WORN OUT~ NO AMBITIOH • Many f h~ ta|k~l thi~ v| |n|~fv', " ~tte~ded°at'i~icn]c--a~nCha~,lie-C'~ohn" barrel race. Lester Dempsey came in horse cultivator, 2-row, Good as new. ........ ' ............. : .......... sec°nd In the b°at race Mr Higlin $75"00" W' L" Caxls°n' Beach• Cool Clean ~u. ~ t,~ vuu~. .~ oa~y. ~v~ryun~ "" .... ' " x, VANTED--Brood sow which is go- . • came ]n first ann ~uday Boisen sec- enjoyed themselves, w~th plenty of . .. . ..... ' one ~v~any or me town people are b(c-mino excellent sw ling to farrow. M. E. Paddock, Sen- • • • good things to eat a~d visiting. g immers t ,, [ .... ~ DAd ~ Di~t Those who attended were- Mr. andi ~ " . tinel Butte. Mrs Aud Nunn was in town o~lI ~virs Charlie Johnson and son Ar- ~ : " ~- ' - --- • - •- ~aturaay. 0 nold, Mr and Mrs. Saturn., ~uc~le~ _ . : .. .. 2. ..... I Mr John Strong left here SundaY~i KODAK FILM DEVELOPED l] anti family, mr. and mrs. Bill t~aro- "~ ......... .......................... inight for tne Twin ~mes ann Urovelt,= hen :~ p,'i,its II and beautiful fl [~ ll ~" e " f m ....... ,PACK a Fore seaan for mr ~narles uls~n ann a uy, mr. ana ira's. ~ ....... _ . " • k • /.~|;oil painted enlargement,l.']|I iJ rlonsuen of ~eacn, and a Fed plc Merritt Paddock and family Mr and l . .f "• • fixl0:~VVAlS°hand valuablepainted couponenlargement.On--~ giRl • ' " up for himset, MYs..-Walt Dixon. and family, Mr. I .... . ..... • Quick Service. Guaranteed Work, l] and Mrs Ne]u "t~mal Law-e-,,o[ A parlsh P~tc W~s held at ~ent i ~CliD this ad and mail it with ~l .................. ' - v • . your film to ~l Russell ............. Swindle Alice Olsen end~plcmc° ]reel Butte p~cnic grounds on Tuesda • JANESViLLE FILM SERVIC'~E el# , UOermu US~2ar J)llrga, ~7iDllr Pranz n,/ . . _ L. _ ~' grouncls on Tuesuay, peol.e • Janesville, Wis. l~ 1 Individual attention to each i "~,la(~Ys ....... tuem.° ..... !coming from Medora, Sentinel Butte i (aS) picture, l[ • :a~d Beach to picinic together. [ . , I II It Harmon Olstad, Pearl Yates, Tedi Hanson and Warren Whitman at-J .... ' - ...... tended the rodeo at Golva July 3-4. lilt--- Save $ $ $ on auto parts. Ring gears, bearings, axles, springs, wheels parts for all cars and Fordson trac- ttots. BeaCh Auto wrecking, tf WANTET)--2000 cedar posts. Beach Auto Wrecking JUnl3-tf MEN WANTED for Rawleigh routes in Billings and Slope counties. Write today. R~wleigh Co., Dept. NDPr-- 12--SB, Minneapolis Minn. Ju14-25. lit i i i ii Sunday visitors at the Fred Bublitz Farmers Free Ex- home Mr. Henry Freronke of New E~g- ~ ~.~OW m any chan e . Columnhhailland lossesWaS inthisthiSweek.Community adjusting ~ ju~dragglngthem-'~a~ women ar. ~l selves around, all. -- Mrs. Hattie Johnson of Lewistown, ~l tired out with peri? I have just completed a new batc Montana is visiting her parents, Mr. /~l~' .odicweaknessand of Stoddard's Salve. It is excellent and Mrs. Fred Bublitz. ~:.~-~ pain? They should for pulling out slivers or for treating ~, ~'-~ know that, Lyd~ infection. A. M. Stoddard, Beach. ~.:.'~ E. PinkhamsTab- FOR SALE--Good Monarch range.[ ~.~r lets relieve peri- Mrs. Albert Thein. fix ] a s comfort. Small size only 25 cents. FOR SALE--Cedar Posts. Clifford I . . ~qulck- Mrs. Dorsie Williams of Danvilk~ Wagner. Gorham, N. Dak. fix[ ~ [y .relieves gas bloating, cleans Illinois, says, "I had no ambkio~ WANT TO BUY Used grain bind- I OUt ~U upper and lower and was terribly nervous. Your Tal~ er in good condition• Ross V. John-] 10owels, allows you to eat and lets helped my periods and built me stone. Sentinel Butte N. Dak. - ~ .and entirely safe• .~.eep good. Quick, thorough ~- up." TrF them next month; - ~on yet gentle ,Would like to hear from anyone . ~ ~ - . " having a Waterloo 2-horse engine for sale• Charles Wilson, Sentinel Butte Drug and Jewelry Co. Butte. FOR SALE -- McCormick-Deering L ........... , , , ._2, m CAS The Compl.tdy Air-Conditioned E . Machinery NORTH.. COAST LIMITED Now you can ride in utmost comfort in Before buying look these over: New 10-ft. Combine Second Hand and Rebuilt Combines-- 12 to 16-ft. cut L Tractor, and others Hay Tools, Mowers and Sulky Rakes Service and parts availabh at all times rOY any car on the North Coast Limited... from the new, de hxe coaches to the splendid observation-club car. Complete air-conditioning brings to this famous train the "last word" in travel luxury. Do you realize how inexpensively you can travel by train? There are low everyday fares, 2 cents a mile and less, and special round-trip summer excursion fares to points East and West. We welcome inquiries about trips te any destination. No obligation on your part. Consult your Northern Pacific Agent Go by Train--In Comfort and Safety" AL LONGBOTTOM DANCE /~ A" • Sentinel Butte Hall Sat. July 13 i , ii , , i, By Richard MUSIC BY" BROWN'S RYTHM RAMBLERS ADMISSION 40¢ DETECTIVE RILEY ,o y•