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v "i
Pu ,:iN: ,:'. every Thursday at Beach, North Dakota
H. E. ENDEF, LE and D. A. WALLACE, Editors and Publishers
Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance
~tered as second class matter September 18, 1931, at the postoffice at
Beach, North Dakota, under the Ket of March 3, 1879.
Advertialng rates fu'nished urea request.
• . O~,cial paper of the City of Beach and ot Golden Valley county
Fargo Forum--This urging North Dakota people to view
Dakota scenery in vacation time is probably an old
Story to a number of us.
This year we have a new talking point.
The Badlands, North Dakota's outstanding scenic won-
der, are the most beautiful in years. Old timers in the
area declare they can't recall when the region was so alive
With color, so marvelous in contrasts as this season.
For a year, too, CCC workers have been busy improv.
roads in the two park areas in the territory. Shelters
vacationists have been erected, bridle paths to the
petrified forests and other wonders of the region, con-
With the exception of a very few miles at the north en-
trance of the Roosevelt North Park, all-surfaced highways
lead into the area.
Perhaps their very nearness discourages North Dako-
tans frctn inspecting the Badlands. We'll just quote a
Westerner who recently viewed the territory:
"Why. if these formations were in California they'd be
added to the wonders of the world."
Industrial News Bureau During 1934, accidents of
kinds caused 101,000 deaths the highest total on rec-
ordain addition to almost 10,000,000 non-fatal injuries.
The total cost of those acciden, ts, including wage loss,
expense and property damage, amounted to
Accidents are responsible for more deaths to persons
between the ages of five and nineteen than any other
Cause. Among persons of all ages, only three diseases re-
Sult in more deaths than do accidents.
These facts that should make the public pause, think
and remember. The wast of accidents, both in lives and
~aterials, is complete and irrevocable. It cannot be repair-
ed. And it is almost entirely unnecessary.
Of all forms of accident s, those caused by the auto-
~obile are of course the most serious. Between 1913 and
1034 motor vehicle deaths increased from 4.227 to 36,000
year, while other kinds of accidents dropped from 78,-
to 65.000. That is largely due to the increased n, umber
of cars in use--but the fact remains that at present motor
accidents per thousand gallons of gasoline consumed, are
~;' the rise. The reckless driver is becoming more reck-
ess~the incompetent driver is becoming still more of a
~enace to all who use the streets and highways. The
~Utomobile accident record is in striking contrast to that
o.f industry, which has made magnificent progress in _re-
~Ueing both the severity and frequency of accidents in
even the most hazardous factory operations.
The war on accidents is every citizen:s war, and every
citizen should "join. the colors." Thousands of lives, to
nothing of billions of dollars, are at stake--and your
trod your dollars are among them.
.. "Under the act creating the TVA that agency is author-
IZed to .... do almost anything except coin, money and
war." R.L. Duffus.
June 3, 1935
]ity Council met in regular sea-
on Monday. June 3rd 1935 at
P. M. Members present were:
H. It. Halstead. Aldermen
Cook, C. O. Halverson. D.
H. R. Thompson and ~,V.
minute's of the regular meet-
May 6th were read. and upon
by Halverson seconded by
were approved as read.
The following bills were presented
to I)e considered: Beach Review.
printing council proceedings, $13.23:
j. P. Sorenson, lahor and material
on tractor and grader.. $20.90:
I,:euffel and Esser Co.. material for
surveying. $9.74: A. R. Thompson,
lumber. $1.27: Beach Volunteer Fire
I )ept., fire at City I~ump House
$24.00; Daniel Loon. labor on streets.
$5.50; ~,V. C. Schulz. gasoline and
hast. $2."0: Ed. ~vek. htl,or and
truck, hauling gravel, cleaning streets
.,M culberts. $57.20: Montana-Dakota
Power Co.. street lights for May
; Showing Them How He Gets the Gold
fair motorists pausing near Auburn, Calif,, to watch Peter Volss,
years eld, as he ekes a living from the mother 10de district, They
know that old Peter once owned several bonanza mines and was
wealthy, For the past fifty years he has been prospecting, and he
about $2 worth of gold a day, enough to support himself and his
$I19.70; lights and gas at Fire Hall,
$2.94; lights at pmnp House, $I.52;
K. H. Alton, salary for May, $40.00;
Beach Advance, printing supplies,
$12.50; Claus Rishovd. repairing gar-
bage cans, $7.50: Frank Huber, la-
bor and material on tractor and
fresno. $12.30; Guerdon Alguire, in-
her and tractor, $2.00; O. R. Hughes,
hauling gravel, $2.50; :~1. l,. Lovell,
salary for May, $125.00; Texas Co.,
gasoline and grease, $:/2.50; Stand-
ard Oil Co., stanolex fuel oil, $31.0t;
T. A. Gilman, draying, $2.50.
Moved by Cook, seconded by
Thompson i'l-]at the bills be allowe9
alto vcarrants drawn on tile several
funds for their payment. Roll being
called, tile vote was as follows:
('uok, yes; IIalverson, yes; Gogan,
yes; Thompson, yes; ~'oodhull, yes.
The report for May, submitted bY
I/r. V. i;. Morris. City Health Of-
ricer, was read.
Moved by Logan, seconded by
Thompson that tile Auditor be in-
structed to advertise in two publi-
cations for scaled tdds on cleaning
c:lteh basins and septic tank to be
entered on seperate bids, to be op-
ened ~tt the regular meeting of July
1st, 1935. Upon roll call all members
voted Aye. Nays none. Motion car-
Application of 11. A. Thompson for
license to sell beer during the year
beg,raring July 1st. 1935, was read.
Moved by Cook, seconded by Halver-
son that tt. A. Tllomson be granted
a license to sell beer upon the pay-
nlent of the required fee of $100.00.
Upon roll call all melnbers present
voted Aye. Nays none. Motion car-
Moved by IIatverson, seconded t)y
V¢oodhnll that any water users de-
posits, where parties have moved out
tll~tt said meter deposits be applied
oil delinquent accounts. UI)on roll
call. all members present voted Aye.
Nays none. Motion carried
Moved by Cook. seconded I)y Hal-
vet'son, that tile meeting he ad-
journed until tlle ('oancil sleets
June 11. 1933 when it will also meet
as a Board of Equalization. Motion
It, /m[. AI,TON
City Auditor
The City council met in Adjourned
session at 8100 1~. ~1. O11 June llth.
t935 Members present being, Mayor
Halstead. Alderman Alguire, Cook.
Halverson. Logajl, Thompson and
Application of P, oy A. Noyes for
license to sell beer during the year
beginning July 1st. 1935, was read
Moved by Logan, seconded by Al-
guire, that Roy A. Noyes be grant-
ed a license to sell beer upon Pay-
ment of tile required fee of $100.00
Cl)on roll call, all members present
voted Aye. Nays nolle. Motion car-
Moved by Cook. seconded by Logan
that C. C. Heath be granted a per-
mit to erect a building 24 ft x 40 ft
on lot N 5o ft. in Block 7 of Hunters
First Addition. All members present
voted Aye. Nays none..Motion carried
Moved by Halverson. seconded by
Cook that the poor fund amoultting
to $74.42 lie transferred to the Con-
tingent fun. Upon roll call. all mem-
])el'S presellt vote(T Aye. NaYs none.
Motion carried.
Moved by ~Voodhull. seconded by
Cook that application be made to
the Federal Set-up for the Con-
strut,ion of a City well and new
resevoir. Upon roll call. all mem-
bers present voted Aye. Nays none.
Motion carried.
Moved by Cook. seconded by A1-
guire that mebting be adjourned.
Motion carried
The City Co,,neil met as a Board
of Equalization at 9:45 I% M. June
I lth. 1935. Members present being
Mayor H. tI. Halstead, Aldermen
Bobert Alguire, p. A. Cook, C. O.
Halverson, D. 1,. Logan. H. lt.
Thompson and W. H. Woodhull.
The Board met to review the real
estate assessments as returned bY
the City assessor, A. H. Beckley,
Batt Connell appeared before the
Board m regard to having the val-
uation of his building, now the Beach
Hospital attd lots II and 12 in Block
3. Original Townsite. reduced.
Moved by Cook, seconded t)y Al-
guire, that tile ~hluation of the build-
ing be reduced from $8000 to $6000,
l,ot l1 reduced from $500 to $425,
Lot 12 reduced from $500 to $485.
Roy Davis appeared before the
Board asking for a reduction in the
:,ssessrnent of the elevator of the
Heath Co-Operative GrMn Co.
Moved by Cook, seconded bY
Tltompson. that the assessment ell
tile main elevntor of the Iteaeh Co-
OI,eratlve Grain CO. l)e reduced fronl
$7700 to $6000.
Mr. Davis notified tile Board that
he wouhl alll)e:ll to tile County
Board of I~qualizatiofl for a further
reduetion in the assesslflent ill order
to equalize it with that of ofher el-
evators in tile County.
A. H. Beckley appeared before the
Board asking for a reduotion on the
Elevator known as the Beach Grain
Moved hy Cook. seconded by A1-
guire, that the said elevator be re-
duced from $5000 to $4000.
Moved by Logan. seconded bY
VVoodhull, that 1,ot g in Block 4.
Original Townsite. be reducod from
$150 to $75.
Roll heing called on tile ~tbove ad-
justments, the vote was as follows:
Alguire, yes; Cook. yes; H~klverson.
Yes; Logan. yeS: Thompsoli. yes;
Woodhull, yes.
Moved by Logan, scconded by Cool{,
that the meeting of the Roard oi
Equalization adjourn until June 12th.
Motion carried.
1(. H. ALTON
TO be continued next week,
(Installments Only)
.... !!-
Notice is hereby given -hat that
certain lnoFtgage executcd and deliV-
ered by Carence N. llangse ahd Gthel
}latugse, husband aud v, lit: lnortgag-
ors to the h~a;!ager of 'J'he lgank of
North Dakota, luortgagce dated the
]st day of May. • Vl0, and filed for
record Ill tile office of tile Register
of Deeds of the County of Ooldeu
Valle), and State of North Dakota on
the 2~;th day of August 1930 and re-
corded in t']ook "18" of Mortgages at
l'age 113 anti duly assigned by sai~lf
tn(~rtgagce to the State Treasurer o
North Dakota. arid his succesors in
oI|h-e, ill trust, will be fore]cosed by
a sale of tile premises ill such mort
~at,'e anti hereinafter described, ~,tt the
front door of the Court House . the
City of Llea(.h. in tile Connty of Gold-
en Valley, and .qtate of North I)akota,
ut the hour of 2 o'clOck P. M., on
the 20th day of Au~'ust. 1935, to
satisfy the amounf due uuon advanC-
es and the past due installments of
such mortgage oil the day of sale.
The premises described in such mort-
gage and which will be sold to sat-
tsfy the instMlments and advances
due under the same are described
as follows:
Lots One (1) and TwO (2), the
East Half of the N, vthwest
Quarter (E~NWrA) of Section
Nineteen - (19), Township One
Hundred Forty-one (141) North,
of Route One Hundred Three
(103) West, and the Northeast
Quarter _(NEK) of Section Twen-
ty, four ~21), TownshtM One Hun-
dred Forty-one (141) North of
Range One Hundred Four (104)
West, in Go,den Valley County,
North Dakota.
There will be due on such mort-
gage at the date of sale the sum
of $792.62, which includes insurance
premium advanced by the holder of
said morLgage in the sum of $54.00
and interest, together with the st:t-
tutory costs of foreclosure. The lien
of tile portion of such mortgage here-
I,y foreclosed is ioferior to the lien
thereof for the residue of the amount
secured by such mortgage. Dated July 6, 1935.
State Treasurer of North Dakota, as
Trustee, Assignee of Mortgagee,
I¢.obert Birdzell, Attorney for Agent
of Assignee, Bismarck, N. D.
.... July 11-18-25, Aug. 1-8-15
(Iustallments Only)
Notice is hereby given that that
certain mortgage executed and de-
livered by Benjamin F. Brown and
Elizabeth A. Brown Ills wife, mort-
gagors, to the Manager of the Bank
of North Dakota. mortgagee, dated
the 9th day of May, 1922, and filed
for record in the office of the Reg-
ister of Deeds of the County of Gold-
en Valley, and State of North Dako-
ta, on the 17th day of June, 1922,
and recorded in Book "15" of Mort-
gages at page 20-21-22 and duly
assigned by said mortl~agee to the
State Treasurer of North Dakota,
and his successors in 6fflce, in trust,
will be foreclosed by a sale of the
premises in such mortgage and here-
inafter described, at the front door
of the Court House in the City oI
Beach. in the County of Golden Val-
ley, and State of Nortth Dakota, at
tile hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. on the
6th day of August, ]935. to satisfy
the amount due upon the past due
installments of such mortgage on the
day of sale. The premises described
in such mortgage and which will be
sold to satisfy the Installments due
under the same are described as
South Half (SI&) of Section
Three (3), TownS~nip One Hun-
dred Forty-One (141) North. of
Rnn~e One Hundred Five (105)
West. in Golden Valley County,
North Dakota.
There will be due on such mort-
gage at the date of sale the sum of
$],874.27. together with the statutory
costs of foreclosure. The lien of the
portion of such mortgage herehy
foreclosed is in,~2rior to the lien
thereof for the residue of the amount
secured by such mortgage. Dated ffune 22. 1935.
State Treasurer of North Dakota. as
Trustee. Assignee of Mortgagee,
Robert Birdzell. Attorney for Agent
of Assignee. Bismarck. N. D.
June 27. July 4-11-18-25. Aug. 1
by virtue of a judgment and decree
of foreclosure rendered and given by
the District Court In and for the
County of Golden Valley and State
of North Dakota, and entered and
docketed in the office of the Clerk of
said Court on the 12th d~y of June,
1935, in an action wherein
Security-First National Bank of
Los Angeles, as trustee, a na-
tional banking association, was
plaintiff, and William Cass and
Julia Cass. husband and wife:
Avatina Foley Towle and Harris
Richardson. as trustees under th~
Last Will and Testament of O~-
tavie Foley. deceased; and Gold-
en Valley County. North Dakota.
a municipal corporation.
were defendants, adjudging that
there is due and ~ayable on the real
estate mortgage described in the
plaintiff's complaint the sum of
Eight hundred fifty-nine and $0-
100 ($859.20)
Dollars, which Judgment and decree,
among other things, directed the
sale by me of the real estate here-
inafter described, to satisfy the
amount of said Judgment with inter-
est thereon, and the costs and ex~
penses of such sale. or so much
as the proceeds of such sale aDPlic-
able thereto will satisfy. And by
virtue of a writ to me issued out
of the office of said Clerk. and under
the seal of said Court directing" me
to sell said real property, P~w~agnt to
said judgmeut and decree. I, Howard
Stockwell, and the person appointed
by said Court to make said sale. will
sell the hereinafter described real
estate to the highest bidder for cash
at Dub]it auction nt the front (!oor
of the Courthouse in the City of
Beach. in the County of Golden Val-
ley, and State of North Dakota, on
the 30th day of July, 19.25, at the
hour of ~wo o'clock in the afternoon
of that day. to satisfy the amount
declared doe and payahle in said
Judgment with interest and costg
~ereon. and tile oo:~t,~ :~n,1 (,xpens~s
of SUCh sale. or SO lnuch thereof as
the proceeds of mwb ~ale :~o,'licnb]e
thereto will ~atlsfy. The premises tn
be sold as aforesaid pursuant to said
judgment and decree, to sold writ.
.and to this notice are located in
Golden Valley County, North Dakota.
and are described In said Judgment.
decree and writ as follows, to-wit:
Section Twenty-five (25), in Town.-
ship One hundred thirty-nine
(139) North. of Range One hun-
dred four (104) West of the Fifth
Princlpal Meridian.
Dated this 17th day of June. 1935
As the person appointed to
hold such sale. and as the
Sheriff of Golden Valley
County. North Dakota.
Nilles. Oehlert & Nilles.
Attorneys for Plalnttff.
504 Black Building,
Fargo. North Dakota.
June 20-27. July 4-11-18-25
on Monday, July 15th, 1935, in the
County of Golden Valley, North Da-
kota, a Special Election will be held
for the purpose of voting on the
Referred Measure known as the
Sales Tax Act, Senate Bill 313 of
the 1935 Legislative assembly, which
was approved by the Governor March
11, 1935, as an Emergency Measure.
Said Election will be held In the
usual polling places in the County.
The following are the names of
the precincts in said County of Gold-
en Valley, State of North Dakota,
Territory included in each precinct
and the location of the polling place
iu each precinct.
P o w e i l precinct -- Comprising
Township 143-144, Rouge 103. The
polling place to be held at the res-
idence of Ralph Mosser on the E½-
E~ of Section 22, T. 144, R. 103.
H e n r y Precinct -- Comprising
Townships 143-144, Range 105. The
polling place to be at the Guy School
t~house on tile Northeast corner of
~W¼ of See. 2, T. 143, R. 105.
Pearl Precinct -- Comprising Town-
shlps li3-144, ltango 105. The pol-
ling place to he at the Hoot Owl
School ttouse on the SE~ Sec. 4,
T. 143, R. 104.
Elmwood Precinct -- Comprising
Township 142, Range 105. The pol-
ling place to be at tile Bonnie View
School House on the NW¼ See. 28,
T. 142, 1¢.. 105.
Elk Creek Precinct -- Comprising
Township 142. Range 104. The polling
place to be at the T. D. School
House on the SE~ Sec. 29, T. 142.
R. 104.
Divide Precinct Comprising
Township 142, Runge 103. The pol-
ling phtce to be a[ the Wanagan
Creek School House on the NW~/k
Sec. 28. T. 142. 17,. 103.
Saddle Butte Precinct -- Compris-
ing Township 141, Range 105. The
polling place to be at the Ltttle
Beaver School House on the SWaA
Sec. 23, T. 141, R 105.
Delhi Precinct -- Comprising Town-
ship 141, Range 104• The Polling
place to be at the Plain View School
House on the Northeast .corner of
Sec. 22. T, 141. R. 104.
Wanagan Precinct -- Comprising
Township 141, Range 103. The polling
place to be at the Twin Butte
School ttouso on the Southwest cor-
ner of Sec. 21, T. 141. R. 103.
City of Beach Precinct --
Comprising all the territory within
the Hmits of the City of Beac~h in
Township 140, Range 106. The polling
place to i,e in the Court ltoom on
the second floor of the Court House
Building located on Lots 3-4-5-6.
Bloek 6, Original Townslte of the
City of Beach.
Beach Civil Township Precinct --
Comprising Townships 139 and 140
Range 105. and Townships 139 and
140. Range 100. The polling place to
be In the Commissoners' Room on the
first floor of the Court House
Building Ioonted on Lots 3-4-5-6
Block 6. Original Towns,re of the
City of Beach.
Village of Sentinel Butte Precinct
-- Comprislng all land within the
limits of the Village of Sentinel"
Butte. The polling place to be in the
Village Hall in the Village of Sent-
Inel Butte.
Sentinel Precinct Comprising,
Townships 139 and 14"~. Ranges 103
and 104. The polling place to be In
the Sentinel Township Building lo-
cated on lots 4-5-6-7. ~lock 2, Hunt-
er's Second Addition to the Village
of Sentinel Butte.
Lone Tree Precinct -- Comprtsin~
Townships 137 and 138. Ranges 105
and 106. The polling place to be in
the Town Hall in the Original Town-
site of Golva.
Garner Precinct Comprising
Townshlp 138. Range 104. The pol-
ling place to be in the Randash
School House located on the SW¼
Sec. 30, T. 138. R. 104.
Bullion Preelnet Comprlsing
Township 137, Range ~4. The pol-
ling place to be in the Carew School
House on the Northeast Corner of
Sec. 19, T. 137. R. 104.
Williams - Bull Run - Stoddard
Precinct -- Comprising Townshtp 136,
Ranges 105 and 106, and Townships
137 and 138, Range /03 The polltng
place to be at the W. O. W. hall
located on the NE~A Sec. 2. Township
136. Range 10G North of the Alpha
The foregoing is a true and correct
list of precincts of Golden Valley
County and the boundaries and vot-
ing places thereof as designated by
the Board of County Commissioners.
I~wltness whereof i hereunto Set
my l~and and affixed the seal of Gol-
den Valley Count)" this 18th day of
June, 1935.
Auditor ~olden Valley Coun'ty
North Dakota.
(June 20-27. ffuly 4-11)
G1a~es fitted--Any broken lens
duplicated; --Frames rePalred.
Beaoh, N. D,, First door east
of Overstad's Hardware store.
I lIi! Y D O"!D
Dyeing lho hoir .~un¢ts like a desperate
me, osuro . . • why nol Cloirol it... lhe
modem way oF tr~ling boil? C~irol i~
a scientific shampoo oil tint that cleonses as it
reconditions as it tints. Jt does not leave the
hair stiff or.:{ bdttle us do ordinory dyes. A
Clairol treatment takes but 20 minu~es.
Clairol will be a revelation to you in hair
t0eautification. Make an early appointment.
NOTICE 'S ~E~--~--~--GIVEN that
by virtue of a Judgment and deeree
of foreclosure rendered and gLven by
the District Court in and for the
County of Golden' Valley and State
of North Dakota. and entered and
docketed in the ofllee of the Clerk of
said Court on the 12th day of Juna,
1935. in an action wherein
' Security-First National Bank of
Los Angeles, as trustee, a na-
tional banking association, was
plaintiff, and Hans Anderson;
Magnus Anderson, Avalina Foley
Towle and Harris Richardson, as
trustees unde~ the Last Will and
Testament of Octavle Foley, de-
ceased; and Golden Valley Coun-
ty, North Dakota, a municipal
were defendants, adjudging that
there is due and l,ayahle on the real
estate mortgage described in the
plaintiff's complaint the aura of
Twenty-three hundred sixteen
and 20-100 ($2316.20)
Dollars, wlfleh Judgment and decree,
among other things, directed the
sale by me of the real estate here-
inafter descrlhed, to satisfy the
amount of said Judgment with inter-
est thereon, and the costs and ex-
penses of such sale, or so much
as the proceeds of such sale applic-
able thereto will satisfy. And by
virtue of a writ to me issued out
of the office of satd ('tlet'lG an¢l under
the seal of said Court directing me
to sell said real property, purmts~t to
said Judgment and decree. I. Howard
Stockwell. and the person appointed
by said Court to make said sale, will
sell the hereinafter described real
estate to the highest bidder for cash
at public auction at tile front door
of the Courttlouse in the City of
Beach. in the County of Golden Val-
ley, and State of North Dakota, on
the 30th dnv of July, 1935. at the
hour of two o'clock in the afternoon
of that daY, to satisfy the amount
declared due nnd Imyat,le in said
Judgment with Interest and costs
thereon, and the costs and expenses
of such sale. or so much thereof as
the proceeds of sucil sale applicable
thereto will satisfy. The premises to
he sold ns afnresnid pursuant to sald
Judgment nnd decree, to said writ.
and to this notice, are located in
Golden Valley County, North Dakota.
and are described in snid Judgment.
decree and writ as follows, to-wit:
Section Nineteen (19), in Town-
ship one hundred thirty-nine (139)
Norttl. of Range One hun,,red
four (104 ~ West of" the Fifth
Princtpa 1 Meridian
Dated this 17th dny of ,Tune. 1935.
As the person appointed to
hold such sale, and as the
Sheriff of Golden Valley
County. North Dakota.
NiIles. Oehlert & Nilles,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
504 Bla.el¢ Buildinm
Fargo, North Dakota.
June 20-27. frilly 4-11-18-25
The filling of your
our most Important busineu,
Sentinel Butte, N Dak.
Dr. W. C Bradley
Office Phone 13 Resldence 185
Dr. O. R. Niece
Modern X-Ray Equipment
Dr. V. G. Morris
Kidneys Must
Clean Out Acids
The only way your body can clean OUt
Acids and poisonous wastes from yOUr
blood is thru 9 million tiny, delieato Kid-
ney tubes or flltera, but beware of eheap~
drastic. Irritating druge. If fanottongl
Kidney or Bladder disorders tnake yOU
suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervous-
ness, Leg Pains, Bac~acite, Circles Under
Eyes. Dizziness. Rheumatic Paine, Acld-
ity, Burning, Snlarting or Itching, don't.
take chances. Get the Doctor's guaran-
teed prescription c,Mled Cystex (Sies-
Tex). Works fast, safe and sur~. In ~8
hours it must bring new vitalny, and iS
guaranteed to fix YOU up in one week Or
money back on return of empty Packags,
Cystex costs only 9c a day at druggists
and tho guarantee protects you.