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im,~.,,.~ A
] neapolis have been visiting his sis'terS'ina--'~ ,Mr. . and Mrs. W. L. Hammond I Misses Jane .and Virginia. Miller' left [ Buford-- Young" of LaMoure, No. I
Mrs. Low Drewniak and Mrs. Rozi were dinner guests at the J. E. Mar- [ Monday morning for a trip through ] Dak. arrived m Beach Wednesday I
........... I F~sching. They left again early Sun-I tin home Sunday. ]Yellowstone Park and from there will lmorning of bhis week and will be, Closing of R~
was party neia a? me we sternem~. I day morning for Oregon to visit a sis- / Mr Ed Pederson Hattie Pederson I go on to Camp Warren, Wyoming, I employed at the City Drug store. ! conducted by tl
~n~l house in honor oz ~ar. ann ter of Mrs Stroh !~i,~n~ Evenso-- -rid Walter K~er where they will visit friends for a/ D K Blue and 2 sons Jorry and Family of Na~
MI~. Harold Cook and sons last ..Fr-t Lorraine and Erma Knopp were at lwere auests a+ the John Hartsp home!few days. /Gaylord arrived here the first of the last four weeks,
~y was well attenaed by reiauves ! the Beach hosnital Wednesda and I e...~.~ .... i Ted Kurkowski and Miss Alice / week from their home ~t Ne oft Phili's SundaY,
ni h .- Y ~,,uay. ~ " 1 wp . ~ p
and friends. Music was fur sed bY[had t'heir tonsils removed On Friday t ...... , _ . ~h, i Gunderson accompanied bv several Beach Calif for a visit with rela-[As in former ye~
John Johnson and Wm Brown ' . .~ Das~et olnner was sel'~ea at t. ~ , ~ ! ' "' I
A son was born to ~ and" Mrs !Er~. a had to be ~ken in ag~m_ ....I uB church in Ollie Sunday for Rev. ~rieyd~l of BflhnpgS, spent the Fourth/~ves and friends. At one time. l~Ir. cl~. axed wi)t~h ~
• " ~~ar. ana a~rs. ~ooert ~onneK, ~:m~n ........ , "-e e owsmne arK. Blue residea sou'n ol ~eacn Du~ ior '. wn, cn wm De
June 29 at the one ~rs. ~ann WhO are reaving tn ' , < ' *
Gee. Wright Sunday, I C'~arew and A1 Irons returned from ....... i "" f "~ th as+ Vernon Thompson county agen~ of the past 18 years has been located tin the new pall
Beach hospital . . I ome-t;amym c rcult or ~ne nor e ~- E - v ' .... ~ " s
•. . _ ] their Black Hills trip. i ............... , ........ k ..... Bfl,mgs Cotmty, was a Beach ws]tor m Newport Beach where he is the consmts of song,
I1(1 ns ~rli IJar5 Oi o, Ju~i ~a~i)~ ~u ur~ c ~ . 1
Mr. and Mrs. ~arold Coot a so Mr and Mrs Glen Olson and chil- _ ......... Monday afternoon of this week Chevrole~ dealer ,the pupils of
• r ~ ' " new cnarge. Tne ~anns mace many • -
Mr. and Mrs. N~ck Lardy, Ben Be g dren were Sunday dinner guests a~ I ......... ! Word has been received from Leon-~- ~n-~ ~ ...... r- ~^"~ --+ .... school. The publ~
and Charlotte Bohn lef~ Sunday for I the Olaf Orstad home. !Irmnas nero wno regret ~o see mere lard Thill who recently left for Los ~ff~xr~n~'~:~:= ~ ~:?~,=~,~' ;to a:tend this a~
At~ken, Minn. where ~ne ~ormer reI Mr and Mrs. Aud Nunn were over " I Angeles Calif, that he has emplgy- t~n .... + i"~ yoll~ws~ ...... ~
sides. Miss Bohn will spend the sum- [night guests at the Harold Zieba.r:h i Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Fmkeand Mr .. ment and likes it Ene. Mrs. Thill, who ---rla- "~-o'- ;-'" 1 .............. [ Mr and Mrs,
me at the Nick Lar.~y home an? in-l home Thursday and accompanied the IMeiwn. rmr~se an? .~augn~er ~ean i has been wit~ her paren•s in Glen- _.~'~,~,~ ~..~_ ~e~_~ ~=~_..~;~ :Y~: I turned last weei
t~ads to return a~ me opening oI the Zieb~rths to Sidne- and Fairview on ~ were runner guests at me ~rnest ~an- ' dive is s~'~ndin~ this week at the gu~ ran~. ~v~m,., wnwe ne wm ~penu .......
,,~,N,~ ,o,..~ I --- .. ~ :~ ford hom~ Sunda~, i ....... ~. s .... I his vacation with an aunt and uncle ] trzp wmcn ~o~
~"~" ~'"'. l J~Tlaay. i ~ ~" I JIITI "l'fllll nome nere in ~eacn ano .... . .... I y,qlo~,st,~e r~rl
Art Brown killed a large rat.tlesnake I R.L. Johnstons were Sunday din- I ,Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Moline and I plans to leave for the wes~ as soon ]a~ ~ne~r summer home on Lon.g LaKe.I ......
near their door step one day las~ I ner ~uests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hay- ~ children and Faye and Dorothy Ham- I as her husband is settled, i ~wLss nerona ~onrer oI ~smarc~ I ~aL~
week. I den." I mond were Dickinson callers Thurs- I A1 Feragen left lust Thursday for I was out over the weekend to spena I ~"~--,
Geo. Wright, John Will and Matt A F Irons and son Warren Edith',daY. Mandan where he took in the Rodo0 several days here visiting friends. , ........ v~.
~rown were Sentinel Butte and Beach Carew "and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car-!Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen of Plenty- and spent the remainder of the week Mr. and Mrs. "Happy" Ayres of Ii~:~::~+horit7
ahopper Wednesday. . _ - I ew were Sunday dinner guests at the I wood arrived Thursday where they ] there on business, i Dickinson were weekend visitors in I :r~:n;~a'~ "~.he ]
M.E. N01an and Tea t~.z were]Wm. Oarew home. ] visited the Hammond home and with ] John Peplinski arrived home Mon- I Beaeh. Mrs. Ayers who has been I t~i'~n--~n':,d~e -of
~ntinel Butte, Me~ora ann ~emet I Ed Scherman and his boys have!o~her friends. I day morning from Fort ....~,wm, Wash- quite fll recently ]s now feehng muCh lof the count!
~dlers ~numday. I been busy the past week building an I ~ ,,~ ~ ~ .... er^ Carl~,le i ing.ton for a short visit wi,.h his folks• I better but still taking life a little i ~^. ,~ **,~
Mrs. J¢~m S. Ra~b~n rece ved addition to the barn on th,~ Burke I ^.,,...,~ ~,htla x~r W,~ wont nn to I John is a sergeant now in the army I eas|er than USual. I t-,,+o a~*,~,~ the
~rkn~ ~m-Y to. her knee. when .the I farm, ~ i~v: for'"busin~;~and "Mrs. -Howe ! Tuesday Miss Helen Lewis motored I A1 Tornow has been confined to ]A~'D "1~1, "tl~
~ar sheu.~ drivingetUrne~near the°VerFelixm I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Zlobarth, Harold ,~ visited the Swanbro home. i to Carlyle were she will stay at the his home the past few days with an I Guardian" ' of tl~
dlt~ an the cure ! and Annanelle drove to Ollle Sunday I .... ~,,.-~ ~o~,-,,~ ,,~ ~o~, r~*,~,l~ i Herman S~orkel home for a few weeks I attack of the flu and a bad cold. ] M Kreitin~er
Mrs Rathbun ~. ~ .......................... I .....
farm July th. . . ] and enjoyed the farewell dinner given I .............. , I The Park Cafe had a new neon. ~-~,~ r'a---~, wh, h,~ ~ ..... ~,~ I ,¢ -~'~-~fi~ld in
~t .............. a~ut 10 ~allons of cream, ~ut.,/m .................. ~e ~,t~-vn ~a~emen~ for ..... r~ev. an.d talWaSthls°pera~e~" week Onfor De~, ,,,~*" I flasher, s--n~g ptlt up tins ...... wee~ wmon [ed~ .............................. as a brakeman by the N. P. raft-'" land' -" o~..-.~State -of
~ve ~e ear home a~vr a ~w ~ i Mrs. Rahn who are leaving this week I .... - .... ] was msta21ed by J. W. Bacon ol [ r~d the r~gt fpw m-nth~ ~g a I nriv~t~ sale tO,
n l~elen l~es ...... ~- ........... , -.-- ~-- ---
were made. I for their new home at Sisseton, South ! Gwenaolyn Fuko and ..... ] Minot, No. Dak. I Bo.~..,~,^. • ......... ~ ~. ..... ~ i • .... ~ ~.hi~
,. - ' let arrived Thursday zrom innings t Robert le
~'~ - I Dakota. Floyd Richert will finish out ...... I co of the Lerom Air I Sunday Johnnv likes ~ilroadin~r and i the Ju&ze of I
.... I 1 • I the veer at ollie spend the 4th wl~n tywenaotvn pa Sales of Far~,o was a Beach business ! ......... I ...... -~
• . mllIIi~i I - -- " I^.,.~ a-- and Mrs Charles Fulton .... o . . says ne ieeis much oe~$er aomg ou~-I iOllowmg nest=
~IIIUL(tr~ " t ~ ........ .: I ca~er w eanes~ay morning of this ~,ia~ ~,-..~. I a. -ndtv~
,*- ~_•-| ~ • ~re. . IThey returned Sunday with Ellto~ Iweek enroute back to l~ar~o froml -- . - I ~.,..~
M~'~l~n Ada~ and two da~-1~ ~g~l~a Wl~m? I Plummer. iBm'batik CallfWhile here-~r Cole] Mr. ~'emie ~ngesser and his mobherl ...... ~
• -~- -~ ~--,,~*le W~--~n,, who h~ve! U,L~--XXaI~U v~w I I ' . " " ]of Sca,,,,,-,~e O,~-,~, left MondayI the following
~-0 ~, --~-~-~ , ¢~"----, ...... transacted I vv...~ , ,-~--
.... . business wlth the Beach • ,
M;~ t~t tile S. L. ;.~_~a~,~, Mrs. AnOn ~ Ilda4 ,la ~I~ t I ]I'~r ~ • C ]Aero ~llb lne~. .i .a.fl~r spending several d~ya here vis-I uat~l. ~ ~1
Y~t llledn~y ~or ~, ~,t4~ Hmnphrey, Nebraska and Mr. and I IIIUP~ I Mis~e~ Clara Kippley and Berniece Ring at the D~ht , Snow. home: I ~°r~of
tO Vllt Mrs. M,s brothei,:JormJMrs, Olenn Sharp of On!hll, Nebras-I ....... ~ motored to Miles Cit" "1" .... They were Mrs. i~nows moaner ann, ....
L so" " Roy ~oy~e was m xrom nm nome~ ~ "~° brother (~]~,4;
Mr ~d Mr, lB. , White - ka, Sl~mt several days ~ at the • h * •
----.~ .~,~. ] ~. ^, .u.,,~ l~r,b~,',~ .~,*.,. ,rs incur Seninel Butte last Saturday and t ........... I
......... the N~r~he~d'" " • day venlng w ere they at~ded a
w,-~m~, ,------. : I-"'~ "~ ............ ' "" ", ..... ~ .... '= ..... u , meetin~ of J C Penner. emnlov,.~ees. g~rs. JO~L~ (gnLte OI IX)S .~ngeles, I _ .: .,_.~
-~ a ~n to Sen-lJ. Peeha sr .,~i with other rebi-lWlW ieenng ~e~aa~ crlppl u ~ --,--'-:--- "- ---" -" ...... ~--¢^-..,- o~.~,,.a ~,.,~ ...~.a.,, *n: ;m4 me ~-
"*-~"~''-~ff~- -- " J~o'~I~rning .......... I I -- ~ "Da~)las iez, lag, .u~ .............................. l'
V v ~ - from an injury sustained in a fa 1 , Northeast
I • Y we wee va- .
t~ael ~ y ti es tu this lcint y. On Wednesday _ da .eve for her t visit her sister, Mrs. Ronald John-
th that t r - e from a trac~. While In Beach h ~ of Section
~d~hunow~.. e house_ theydeparedfo th~l~sl.~.~,.~ ,~o~ ,~,..~.nt Icatkm wl~lch will be spent at thest°n, and from here the two tadies ,~..--oh.. ~
IIe ~ some ~ ago lromIegaln, via the Black Hllk.,Ilr. ana[-~:"~_:-~:~- ....... IAilen Dude ranch near Helella Mont left this morning to visit relatlvesI ~v. .""~."..."-i
.,~,, *~ li,~i'i ranch moved on to hhitu.~ _x... ~a Ir o.~.~.~..,.i~ them: Mr. ann llli~, i~T~U Ivujillul u, t4.~t ........ ' " ~., ~.~,~ ] lleven ixaO •
"~ ~-" ' ["'""-'~ ....' ~" "~'~"~"~" I. ......... ,Tea ,~i~e Da~enaer at th r~, ----~-~,,. , _ ___ .,,.,
: " " ve it'" to l, Is e Atpna cormnun~y were ~unaay eve-- . e v...,, . ~am-~a ~.
fI21a. ~d ,.soon,will ~ ready as far as the Hil , where they r - .................. I Tio Room returned t,~ Beac~ ve - I . ......
e.~ml ......... , I malned until Frldav afternoon when Img vlsai~,s wlm nars. wojimn s pa~- I ~_Z ' **~. "~" _ , ~ ;,.ster LEGAL NOTIClm I ~
..... re .......... ents, Mr and Mrs Joe Meyer of thiS u~y axter spenamg a week vacazlon- . The sale will
Mrs. Wm. Oarew and Connie we theSy returned home, after attending[ .. • • }tug 4n Bismarck and Dickinson Pursuant to the provisions of [ " ~0
' ' .... ~[~ ~O which hel Belle ~A~y • Chapter 95 of the Session Laws the
~nd day
~a ~aeh Monday, . e rod , was d at I Miss Lois Odland and her guestt ~~~f--------" of the State of North Dakota for I All bidS mt~
Le~.'.~ was taken suddenly Fourehe, S. Dak.. the previous day.[ ............. l r.~.__ ~............... the year 1937, notice is hereby I .... ~#
m,~,,,, ~i n.~ilt~v rd~,ht and rushed t~ ~.t~ rm~v h~d tt~ ,~.~n f~lM~S ~ mumer returnea to J~Z~-.~ sKs'l" nT.~i'i~ IARIIL OIY" ~LYA given by the First State Bank of |n~ty De ie~ ~,
~"~]~--'~]i~ h~tal. , be the'flrs("-to'~pl~'~r upon the ~ene'~ajrk wuM?kndaa~Y~e_nm~n~g tt~he w~kre~enl] [fo~olv~ [[ethceloSteatoef OfuNnm't~ I~: eOn°lv~ai:enyth~ouenltt~. °faOd°iV~iatG°id~ I~
Oolva Sunshine society met on ~f an acciden4;, which occured Wed- '~':~ .."~ ~ ,c,. ~_p~ ..~,,~ ~.:,~ _~.. '~'1 June 30 1941 " y" North Dakota, that the ]lability [ or illeQ wit41
~,~,,,~,, ~.~ -lesaie Oldie Ten ,~o~, near Buifalo ~ rm~ when ~ vne parenta~ ~ ~ztana nome ~ ' " lmposea upon the he!dots of I ty Court.
~em~r ~ere present and four visit- a doctor from Mandan was killed, ,Mr and Mrs J k B rile and lit / - 1 ~ans and dlecount~ provisions of Section 22, of Chap- I
,-- ,~,~. #~. ¢,,,, m.~.,- ,.h,~ m.*tln,, ..~. ~ ~. ~...~...~..~ ..~o. ~,ot , . . ac - a y -/ " ~'Includin~ 199 39 over- ter 96, of the Session I~ws of the ]
~. ,,oU,,~ +n nrder by the m~edent -lace A ~-~er I "~----" -"~- fiea~ugll~er oz i~or~tana, Ore., VlSltea drafts) ............ , ................... 95,119.00 ....... n ~a~ot~, . xor: the I GImlxtian
w-~ ,~-~.~ ~-- -- ~ r-~- ,~ . ~...---~ , w,,v m ~ ~- _. .,__p_.__ ~--*'e- "-:--- "---- ]as* i ' t. United States Govern- year lS~l snail cease ann terminate l .. ¢
a.~.~ ~..°u h,,.ln~,~.._._.~.~ th*~ club WgS tak- ~..-+'~'~ .-.#a~ WAR..~ "--'~'~tmA']~ ""~"----tnt"'¢d, a~ t~le v~r ~trt4 y name nero ~ I ment obll~.atlons. , dl- on July 1, 1939.. I or .M.
~. .... ~. ,,~...(:~..,.,~,**,,~ ,~_ .._. week, and then went on to Leith, N. I rect and guaranteed 6,000.00 By order eL.the Board of D!rect: ]Keohane & K~
~a c.,a~ ~. &'~ ~.~*~ w~v~ ...- ~, ............. , .- ~ $ Obll~'atlons of St=te- ors oz the e'lrst State J~anK or l - ,
por~~~rW' sick friends had been~l AFoert Tosner who has been in the~aK., to wsz~ ~ars. ~ar~leys morner, ,,,"and "political su~di'- Oolva. Attorneys ~or ,'
-----'~---~ -"" -~'~" and letters of ~ .... * '~ ...... n-' ='--~-"- Mrs. Christine Anderson. visions ........................ 39.32 Dated July 7th 1941. I Beech, NoPth !
IU~r~ ~u ~,~ ' I ~ ~,,p ~ ,uva-~;~ ,~ u ~i=~, ......... 4 Other bond- -,,*== J L TSCHIDA I
• tl , ~ar. ann ~wrs. August i~rocKmeye a ' " '
were read, The next mee rig Mont.dur4ng the past two years, has ............ nd debentures ............ 4,000.00 Cashier.
. ann l~nnW sper~ ~ne weekend of tne ~. Cornorat~ stocks (in- '-"
win be Aurast 6th with Addle Zie securedhis d~sohargeand has re- -- ............. ,. cludin~r S None stock OTICE TO TekXP&YER$
: ~vur~n mmng inme slgnusel~-~ __ N
turnedto hiS home again, of Federal Reserve Heari~ of Co~mty Budlet
Mr.:'~ Mrs. Henry Mroh of Mln- Jerry Pesha, w~o was very ill for Black Hills. bank) ........................... None
~- ........ ~ .... ..... ~ I aboutten daps with an attack of in- C.C. Clark and the Kouba Bros. ~" otherCaSh' banks,balanceSinctud-With 208 NotiCeof theiSsesstonhereby LawsgiVenofthat1923inandCOmplianCeHouse
-~ .... . . ..... ~[flamm~tory rheumatism, is able to of the ~ community motored ~0 lng reserve balan- Laws of 1929• The Board of County Commi~
| ' ~1~$ t~ |l be up and around again, and is re-iFarg° Monday morning on business, cos, and cash ltema ley. North Dakota. have designated July 15th.
tn process of collect- M., at the Court House in the City of B,
I " ~I~ 4IIq~ll 4k~ | lcovering nicely, refuting here Tuesday evening, ion .................................... 21,644.75 the time and place at which time and place
ed $1.000.00, furniture The following is an estimate of the propC
! I II w I t Miss Dora .Lou Stedman has re- . :i 7. Bank premises own- appear and be in favor or against the propose
| ~i~I~Ii II~la l /turned to her home after spending CARD OF THANKS . j and(BankfixtureSpremises$500.00owned ...... 1,500.0~ the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942.
l ..... --- I ,several days visi¢ing at the home of are subject to $ None List and amount of each budget estimate
ty General Fund:
| | l her grm~dparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- lV~ay we express our sincere thanks liens not assumed by
bank) Consolidated General Fund Statement:
I ~m~a~ |tvin Admns of Taylor, N D. " , to our friends and relatives for the$. Real estate owned Payment by
I ~ll~i~ t I Mrs. E. A. Steddo~rd has been on the many kind deeds and expressions of otherthan bank pro- Co. warrants
I " ~ | t sick list the past few days but is sympathy which we received during " raises .............................. 1,400.00 caiin laStyearfiS-
I GLENDIVE, MONTANA / ]better a~ his writing. Miss Inez Gor- our recent time of sorrow. ] 9. Investments and oth-
er assets indirectly Object of Payments:
I " I I don has been staying at the ,Stoddard Mr. and Mrs. Gloyd Bury| represe n tl n g ban k 1. G~neral Government:
premises or other real County Board--- -
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. BuryJ estate ............................ None District No. 1 ........ $209.00
l / Ih°me during Mrs. Stoddards illness. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schouboe I 10. Customers' , liability District No. 2 ........ 273.21
I I I Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha and and son I to this bank on ac- District 1"4o. 3 . ~.. 277.74 _
I] ceptances outstand- Tot~tl ............................ ~ .................. $ $19.9.
I WIR Mr. and Mrs Joe Pesha Jr In com- . ---
NOW She Z " ' " Mr. and Mrs. Ernest StarkI ing ................................ None
FRI SAT ~ pony with their guests, Mr and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sohouboe I I1. Other assets ................ None .
TIntYPeS," ," ," , . County Andltor ........... [ ....... 2289.0'
States Attorney ........................ [:[ ...... " 1,210.~!
~,:. iGlenn S~ar~ 0f On, ha, Ne~., spent Mr .and Mrs. Oscar Leppla~ 12 TOTAL ASSETS .... "1~ County Treasurer ..... ~ ........... ~'"'. ..... 1,597.0'
I ~" " :;~SUNNY" I ITuesday a~terinoon enjoying the sighta ] Corouer .................................................... 3.5~
" ~ t " LIA~--~IES "
-- ..~ ~-~,-,-,;*~, John| l a Sentinel Butte, the RooseveltPark ~ I Distrlct Court ....................... 204-$~
~ l~l~ -.~* I TO ESTAllLi~I! HEIRSHIP | 13~lndivlduals,Demand depositSpartner.Of , ,lustl&e COurt ............... " ................ " 25,9{
.. ~._. n~ Edward/ and the CUster Trail ranch a Medora. Juvelllle Court ....:: ........ :.[[[[ ............... none
t~'~li0 ~ ~olger a a t ships and corporatl~ms 35,$23.41 Courthouse--Maintenance of'-Butld:: .
| gVert~ ~n. -~pm~ '1 makin a ................. ] 14. Time deposits of in- lng -. ................... 433.4
" " ....... fr come I ,, ex~e~eQ VISI~ a~ me ire divlduals, partnerships, Light. Water Fuel-"and'"Su'Pp'l-ies ...... 505,01
|i.~ ee "I IOordon home at present. State of North Dakota, I and cornoration ......... 43,411.44 Janitors ...... : ................. """ 795.0t
County of Golden Valley, 'i-In '15. Deposits of United Examinations fees ,:::-:::::::_..::::::::::::::: none
Ia~' .... ! t I Roland Zellar, of Regalia, Wash- h, county Court, ~,,, States Government l'ubllshlng and Printing Notices 87£$'
|~ ~' i~)~ ..l~ S~I~ Thursday to spend the 4th with her ,o.r (1~) we~ I retirable at $ None; ann Oomo
m on etock with total par value
z~e l~IfthPrhleipel M~r~- I
~l~ ~M" ~Vlin and pe~t~lltS, ~r. and ~lirs. T. J. Fulton. ,. Education: -
a ~ la , Golden Vii/ley [ ol ....................................... $11i,000.00 Superintendent of Schools .............
~naries Boyer. Coun4F, North Dskota. I MEM--O-~NDA "Dotal .......................................................
And that Monday, the 2$th day 34. (a)On date of report
-. of July A. D. 1941 at ten o'clock the required legal re- 7. Hecreation:
in the forenoon of that d~y, at
serve against depos- (~ounty Buildings ................................
the Court l'~oom of tbis Court, lt)s of thi~bank was.. 8,095.00
at the Court Itouse in the City of ( Assets~reported ab- T~)t:tl ........... " ........................... : ...............
Beach, County of Golden Valley ore which were ellg-
cud Sta~e of" "North Dakota, has ible as legal reserve ~. Highways:
been set by order of "this sa}d amounted to ................ 27.644.75 Gas Tax ,~nd Motor Ve~icle
Court, as the time ~tad place of Exp ................................................. 10045.~
hearing ~aid Petition; at width I, J. L. Tschida~ of the above- Unorganized. Read Expenditures .... 11"2.~
time and place any person inter- named bank. do solemnly swear All other Road and Bridge ex-
LAST! maYofappear said 'and Petition object to the and, that that the above It fully statement and correctly Is 'true, re- pendltures ........................................
SAT, SUNDAY And YOU, and oach tf you are l~resents the true state of the sev- T,~tal ..........................................................
hereby cited and required t'hen and eral matters her~In contained and
there to be and appear before this set forth, to the best of my know- 9. Other Hxpendltures:
with Oharlie Ruggles, Ellen Drew,
philip Terry and Joseph Schild-
of the most popular
ever written by Peter B.
(plus) • -. -
6 00x16 All A tic said court aria show cause, if any ledge and belief.
, me an there be, why said Petition should C0rrect-attest: Grasshopper Extermination ............
J. L. TSCHIDA. Land Contract ........................................
Ti not be g'ranted. W. Stevens G.C. county and Welfare Board ....
Let service of the above elta. ~ ~: E. Tschida Re-entployn~ent servtce ....................
r~s tlon be made In the manner pro- J.L. Tschlda, Directors Transportation to Grafton ................
vided by law. Donations ................................................
$5e75 Dated this 8th day df July A.
D. 1941. State of North Dakota, County ot Undis~ributed Expenses .... . .................
(Seal of Courtly Court) Golden Valley" es:
Sworn to and subscrl~d before Total ..........................................................
A. E. KASTIEN, me this Sth d~y of J~ly, 1941, 10. TOTAL OF ALL FUNDS ............
Judge of the County anti I hereby oerUfy that•I am not Witness my hand and seal this
John Keohane, Court. nn officer Or director of this bank. MINNII~ I
Jnly 10-1~ 111411. I Published July 10,'1~4~I.