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July 9, 2015     Golden Valley News
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July 9, 2015
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Page 4 Golden Valley News July 9, 2015 Hat Tips By Dean Meyer DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: * * * I III Hearing Notice NOTICE OF ZONING HEARING The Billings County Planning & Zon- ing Commission will hold a public hear- ing on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 1:00 PM in the Commissioner's Room at the county courthouse, Medora, ND to con- sider recommending to the Board of County Commissioners the approval or denial of the following items: Von & Noreen Johnson: Application for an addition to a residence on an 8.40 acre tract in the NWl/4 35-141-99 (12772 29th St SW). Also requested is a variance for the setback require- ments, structure is proposed to be 98' from the center of 29th St SW. Property is zoned agricultural. Lance Anderson: Application for a conditional use permit to move a man- ufactured home to the NW1/4SE1/4 26- 144-98 (12128 10th St SW). Property is zoned agricultural and currently owned by Trevor Burian. Other Business: Review ordinances pertaining to public notifications for zoning applica- tions. The board will also address poten- tial & pending zoning violations and rec- ommend any action needed by the Zoning Director, State's Attorney, or Board of County Commissioners. Applications are available for review during regular office hours at the Billings County Courthouse. Dated at Medora this 26th day of June, 2015. Stacey Swanson Zoning Director (July 2 and 9) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Regular Meeting June 16, 2015 The regular meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 3:00 p.m. MT, Tuesday, June 16, 2015, at DeMores' School in Medora. Present were members Lynn Arthaud, Brenda Burian, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, and Julie Reis. Also present for all or part of the meeting were Principal Peplinski, Erika Honey- man, and Christian Anheluk. Burian moved, Arthaud seconded, to approve the consent agenda, which in- cluded the Minutes from the May 11, May 14, May 21, and June 8 meetings, the attached check list, financial state- ments and the addition of three agenda items. The motion carried unanimously. 17301-17303 June Payroll Checks $4,315.94 DD June Payroll $127,429.64 17304-17315 June Payroll Vendors $31,833.21 17316 Baumgartner, Mary $2,470.69 17317-17323 June Payroll Vendors $14,722.64 EFT AFLAC $843.59 EFT June Payroll Taxes $46,294.06 17324 Arthaud, Lynn $1,380.27 17325 Baranko, Darren $221.64 17326 Baumgartner, Mary $2,470.69 17327 Burian, Brenda $1,793.26 17328 Kessel, Joey $1,445.15 17329 Kessel, Stacey $2,151.76 17330 Reis, Julie $2,133.29 17331-17337 THRtVENT FINANCIAL $13,370.41 17338 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD $1,154.35 17339 BELFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT $71,802.69 17340 BILLINGS CO. SCHOOL DIST. #1 $756.88 17341 BILLINGS CO. SCHOOL DIST. #1 $147.55 17342 BOBBLE OLSON $1,908.95 17343 BRAINPOP $1,642.50 17344 BRENDA BURIAN $879.49 17345 CDW GOVERNMENT INC $4,101.02 17346 CHILLER SYSTEMS INC $186.19 17347 CITY OF MEDORA $290.56 17348 CONNIE KASIAN $141.24 17349 DARREN BARANKO $71.68 17350 DAVID RODAKOWSKI$792.00 17351 DEEANN BOCK $182.68 17352 DENISE SOEHREN $330.01 17353 DENNIS O'BRIEN $1,089.20 17354 DICKINSON PUBLIC "I~fl3RARY $4,842.88 17355 DICKINSON SCHOOL DIST $3,685.75 17356 DINAH RIDL $56.49 17357 DOLLYWOOD FOUNDATION $38.34 17358 DONA LOWMAN $169.99 17359 DONNA LYNN PETERSON $168.88 17360 EDWIN EGLY $712.80 17361 ERIKA HONEYMAN $41.94 17362 FARMERS UNION SERVICE ASSOCIATION $2,787.00 17363 GEIGER'S LANDSCAPING & SPRINKLERS $1,274.48 17364 GINA BRIDGER $205.92 17365 HALLIE LAVELLE $99.84 17366 HLEBECHUK CONSTRUCTION $3,000.00 17367 THE HORACE MANN COMPANIES $224.99 17368 ISTATION $6,000.00 17369 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT $106.56 17370 JAN KUCHERA $44.85 17371 JEANIE REDMOND $136.64 17372 JEFF PEDELISKI $158.40 17373 JESSIE BERGER $307.97 17374 JOBS HQ $576.16 17375 JOSEPH FISCHER $237.60 17376 JOSEPH KESSEL $575.42 17377 JULIE A. REIS $1,060.26 17378 KADRMAS, LEE & JACKSON INC $9,500.00 17379 KAPPEL TREE SERVICE LLC $1,620.00 17380 KASEY MALKOWSKI $58.60 17381 KEMPS LLC $242.17 17382 KERRY BITTNER $45.00 17383 KILLDEER SCHOOL DIST. $7,743.49 17384 KIM ANDERSON $312.80 17385 LAURA ARMBRUST $62.97 17386 LOREN FILKOWSKI $142.39 17387 LORI NOBLE $23.00 17388 MANDI BEBEE $14.50 17389 MARCIA LAMB $83.10 17390 MARY ELLISON $95.24 17391 MATHEW LARSON $311.26 17392 MEDORA CONVENIENCE $71.75 17393 MIDSTATE tELEPHONE CO. $382.66 17394 ND FARMERS MARKETING & GROWERS ASS $500.00 17395 ND COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL LEADERS $300.00 17396 ND EDUCATORS SERVICE COOP $156.00 17397 PAUL COSSETTE $348.48 17398 PHYLLIS BARANKO $136.64 17399 BILLINGS COUNTY PIONEER $512.64 17400 POSTMASTER $114.00 17401 PREBLE MEDICAL SERVICES INC $209.00 17402 RICHARD CHRUSZCH$198.00 17403 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT NETWORK $500.00 17404 SIMPLEXGRINNELL $716.00 17405 SOUTH HEART SCHOOL DIST. $12,111.91 17406 STACEY KESSEL $946.45 17407 SUNYA SWENSON $178.04 17408 SW WATER AUTHORITY $149.37 17409 TAIT OBRITSCH $475.20 17410 TAMMY SIMNIONIW $128.73 17411 TEACHERS- TEACHERS.COM $950.00 17412 TINA DOWNING $159.64 17413 TOM A HLEBECHUK $142.56 17414 TOM HUTZENBILER $45.00 17415 WAL-MART COMMUNITY $148.32 17416 WEST PLAINS ENGINEERING INC $1,000.00 17417 WEST RIVER STUDENT SERVICES $4,298.59 EFT JP Morgan $19,869.43 Christian Anheluk presented a fund- ing request for his participation in the Northern Ambassadors Music Tour this summer. He was nominated for this event by his high school music teacher when he was a senior in high school. Arthaud moved, Joey Kessel seconded, to provide $1,000 in financial assistance to Christian Anheluk for participation in this event. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The business manager provided a report on the family transportation pay- ments issued. Arthaud moved, Burian seconded, to renew the annual contract with The Vil- lage Employee Assistance Program. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. Stacey Kessel moved, Arthaud sec- onded, to approve the Employee Assis- tance Program Procedures board regulation (DGB-BR). Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The business manager provided in- formation on the 2015-16 tax levy amounts in relation to new valuations. It was noted that as the valuations in- crease, the mills decrease. Discussion ensued by the board regarding the need to increase the dollar amount levied in order to maintain the mills needed. If the board decides to keep mills from going down, law requires a public meeting. Also, the board dis- cussed the need to continue to request Bankhead Jones funds from the County Commission. These are federal funds provided to the county in lieu of taxes to compensate for taxes not received for federal land. Other budgetary items were dis- cussed. Major repairs or upgrades were identified for the upcoming year. An ergonomic assessment was con- ducted by Therapy Solutions through a grant received by the District. This as- sessment can now be used to apply for a grant for items identified as necessary through the assessment process. A list of items was provided to the board for approval to be included in the grant re- quest. Arthaud moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to approve submission of a grant request to Workforce Safety & In- surance for the purchase of the items as presented. Grant budget is esti- mated at approximately $8,430.00. If awarded, the grant will provide $5,000 toward the purchases. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. A tuition request was submitted to the board from the Beach School Dis- trict for a Billings County grade school student planning to attend school in Beach. The open enrollment deadline was missed, so Beach is requesting tu- ition assistance for the student. Stacey Kessel moved, Burian seconded, to deny the request. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. A staffing update was provided by the business manager. The vacancy for the third/fourth grade classroom at Prairie has not yet been filled. Malissa Frisk-Steinberg, a teacher's aide at Prairie School, is relocating with her husband so that position will be va- cated. It was the consensus of the board towait until school starts to see if that position is still needed. The inter- view committee reported that they had interviewed Jennifer Kessel for the po- sition of art teache~;. At this point, Joey Kessel declared a conflict of interest and asked to be recused from discus- sion and voting. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to approve of this re- quest. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The interview committee recom- mended offering a two day per week contract to Jennifer Kessel (one day at each school). Arthaud moved, Reis seconded, to approve the recommen- dation of the interview committee and offer the art teaching position to Jennifer Kessel. Roll call vote was taken with Arthaud, Burian, Stacey Kessel, and Julie Reis voting in favor. The business manager provided the board with a list of surplus property and the approximate amount that will be charged for sale of this property. Burian moved, Stacey Kessel seconded, to ap- prove offering the items submitted for sale at market value. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor, The board discussed District goals and went over expectations of the new Administrators. It was noted by the board and Principal Peplinski that this would be beneficial for the business working relationship so that the board is unified in what they expect and so the Principal can obtain clarification on any- thing that she doesn't fully understand or has concerns with. A list was devel- oped. A conflict was noted for the July board meeting. The new administrators will be at training during the regularly scheduled meeting, tt was determined that the July regular meeting will be moved to Monday, July 27 at 4:00 p.m. in Medora Stacey Kessel provided an RESP report She reported that the fee struc- ture for participating schools was changed, an ELL staff person was hired and RESP will contract out the services of this employee Two more schools joined the consortium RESP provided OSHA training in Bowman but had low attendance Edivate training will be held August 12 in Dickinson On Octo- ber 21, there will be food service train- ing at the South Heart school Correspondence from Jon Schuhrke, Medora Staff, and Killdeer High School post prom committee was reviewed by the board Arthaud moved, Joey Kessel sec- onded, to enter into an audit agreement with James Wosepka, PC, to conduct an audit for fiscal year 2015. Roll call vote was taken with all in favor. The board reviewed a report on high school and special ed tuition paid to other schools Business Manager Simnioniw re- quested that Seth Bittner be hired to stain the fence that will be built around the propane tanks in Medora Stacey Kessel moved, Arthaud seconded, to approve this request, paying minimum wage Roll call vote was taken with all in favor Burian moved, Arthaud seconded, to adjourn All were in favor of the motion The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Julie Reis, President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager (July 9) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Special Meeting June 30, 2015 A special meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 9:00 a.m. MT, Tuesday, June 30, 2015. Present via teleconference were Brenda Burian, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, and Julie Reis. Tammy Simnioniw, Bus. Mgr was present on- site at DeMores School in Medora. Simnioniw presented a check list for payments to be made. M/S Stacey Kessel/Burian, to approve these pay- ments. All in favor. Vendor Amount Berger Electric $26,514.00 Christian Anheluk $1,000.00 City of Medora $451.23 Ebeltoft Sickler $180.00 JP Morgan $15.68 Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson $8,700.00 Kasey Malkowski $138.60 Liz Odermann $50.00 ND HS Activities Assn $200.00 Billings County Pioneer $8.64 Preble Medical $88.00 RESP $25.00 S&R Interiors $245.00 SBM $14.49 Steins $759.72 Village Institute $900.00 West Plains Engineering $3,000.00 Taylor Nursery $274.50 RESP $25.00 Tooz Construction $65,027.00 An email from Dan Schaff, KLJ en- gineer, was reviewed concerning the re- placement of soffits at Prairie. This expenditure was not included in the bid and would cost an additional $7,856. M/S Burian/Joey Kessel, to approve re- placing the soffits at this time for the cost estimate provided. All in favor. M/S Burian/Joey Kessel, to adjourn. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m. (July 9) Hello, I enjoy facebook. I don't post a lot of stuff. You wouldn't want me to. Once in awhile I'll post some- thing the grandkids did. Not too often. I'm selfish and want to keep them for myself. Once in awhile I'll post a recipe that I want to keep on my homepage. Not a lot of stuff. You don't need my.junk. Many mornings I spend the hours before daylight unffiending people that have posted something that of- fended my gentle nature. I enjoy that. It makes me feel powerful. Now, there are many people that think the Internet and social media are responsible for the dumbing down of America. After yesterday, 1 tend to agree. I guess I had better start at the be- ginning. TV has gotten dumber. The reality shows, the sitcoms, and even the movies. We don't have Gun- smoke, Bonanza, or Walt Disney on Sunday evenings. Movies are Rocky 1 through 18. Terminator 1-7. And Oil activity report The following relates to oil and gas well activity in Golden Valley, Billings, Stark and Slope counties for the week of June 21 and is from re- ports of the N.D. Department of Min- eral Resources: Well released from "tight hole" status: #28811 - Fidelity Exploration & Production Company, Steffan 1-12H, SWSE 36-140N-98W, Stark County, Bakken Rig counts: U.S. rig count is up 3 rigs from last week to 862, with oil rigs up 12 to 6,640, gas rigs down 9 to 219, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 3, according to Baker Hughes. In North Dakota, the rig count as of July 2 was 76, which is an increase of 2 from last week. A year ago, there were 171 rigs operating in North Dakota. L t~9 ~ g 6 i~S g 6 g S L g i~9 ~ 17 L g g lvS 9 L 6 1~ L t g 9 g 6 g S 8 S g 6 L L b 9 9 6 ~ g t~I.g /. i: 6 9 L g 8 ~ L 9 8 ,LC IvI.S 6 i~ S ~ ~ ~ 68 L 9 ~ JeMsuv 1 IOQNS AINOOM A public notice is intbrmation infoming citizens of government activities that may affect the citizens' everday lives. Public notices have been printed in local newspapers, the trusted sources for community information, tbr more than 200 years. CROP HAIL INSURANCE THROUGH YOUR RCIS~ AGENT CAN GIVE YOU THE ASSURANCE YOU NEED TO WEATHER JUST ABOUT ANY STORM. CALL TODAY. We grow stronger every day--together sr Insurance, Inc. (701) 872-4461 Call us today for a free hail insurance quotel [hirl ent)~ ~ ~n ecb~a~ ~t~nrty p~i~l ~ ~1 2 Rurt~l Corr~muntty Ir~t, ctranc, e Ag~y~ ~r /~JI righ~ ~served II in now there is a new Jurassic. Yesterday morning someone posted on Facebook that Andy Grif- fith had died. Damn. l really felt bad. It ruined my whole day. What is Opey going to do? I moped around all clay. Andy was gone. Hoss and Little Joe. Ben Cartwright. Even Bugs Bunny and Wiley Coyote had succumbed to Spongebob Squarepants and some other non- sense. I (lid chores with a tear in my eye. I gave my horses an extra bait of oats and thought how many kids will never know the Lone Ranger song. Rawhide. And Bonanza. Who will teach kids what is right? Towards evening I went up to a local establishment to visit with a couple friends. As the conversation was light and amiable, I thought I had better bring this frivolous group back to reality. As they were laughing and joking and talking about baseball, golf, and the weather, I interrupted them. "Andy died this morning." "'Who". they asked? "Andy Griftith", "For cripes sake," one of them said. "He's been dead for five years.'" It's hell to~,et old. You forget things. But it was still a bad deal. It's better to be young. Jen had the grandkids out at the beach on Patterson Lake a week ago. It was hot, muggy, and crowded. Next to her and the five kids was another group that was a little rowdy. And the language was rough and offensive to many. Even RJ, who is seven, noticed. He came over to his mother and whispered, "Mona, that guy over there keeps saying bad words, and he's not even chasing cows!" You have to love a young cow- boy! Later, Dean by Linda Thistle Solution below 4 7 4 1 1 7 7 4 1 4 Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and " each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine. * Moderate ** Challenging *** HOO BOY 2015 King Features Synd Inc. This weekly puzzle is brought to you by: T&A Seeds Beach, ND (701) 872-3248 Don't let your freedom slip away. Protect it as if you were Theodore Roosevelt. ,through a free. press, | is a necessity in any country where people are themselves free." -- Theodore Roosevelt 1918 North Dakota, since statehood, has been well-served with strong and effective open meetings and open records laws. Tell the people who represent you in the legislature that you, and Theodore Roosevelt, like it that way. ', ' " ' '' . : "}'.: ":':