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July 7, 1932 |
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BEACR~ N. E .. ADV,~C~
America's grandest screen family again raises the , cf in l a, |)lc rI AT BIJOU
ID~,~S :I ~_,.= ,,I 30h: ..ea_~. 2~ :ha, ._ 3u=, sA:oe, ~tllc a at t ..... '- , ,,~,1 ~.c~. ~o foo.:~l .
Sponsored by Beach Noy Scouts to raise funds for summer camp
Regular admis.qon. Come! See an excellent picture! Help out' boys! MATINEE ON SATURDAY R
BONN] VIEW Best of the New Coast Guardsmen --- --- Lyle Martin and family and Mrs, Dutch Hoeek and sister, Hilda Just as we go t~ press we hear
i~I~T1PI"2 ~NT'I~Ylr~ C~arence returned Satu.'- Miller. !eft Monday mor~inL for report that Miss Myrtle Buck walb| evemn~_ from a ~wo ~eeks out- ~-~ano married at Glend~ve Tuesday to It:
Mary MeCask ey, Reporter ~ , was to have had an ot e. n Wed- ~it
.............. ing at Yellowstone park. and in- .'~sday I Mr. Miller of Bismarck and that the~-
~ ~ te n ed~a*e pOlll~all r°~a0 ~27
.................... Maria ALcn returned to t.~e e,t~:" ~ %, -s ..... rri. ~ .~" ' [newiy weds will live at the latt~i
Mr. and Mrs. Avid Abralmm and Thursday from a weeks visit withvery f:ne trip. An m~.ui}~y in man:,~.plaees in the !city. If the report be true we ImO~, RE
fr:enc~ in 3izmar:k. . ......... c.cunt.y. ,.~ns to. con{~rm a reportI timt a lot of the young lady's frlen~f~
family of Beach were Sunday visit- Last mgnt z~rs. dons cunning-that t)lac~ rust nas oevmope~ an)'- ,~ around here will wi~h her all kindt~-
ors at the Olaf Abraham home. A baby boy was born t~ h~h's, h:zm received word that her broth- where, although many have been I of happiness .... ~
Joe Sehauer, jr., has been employ- Byron at Beach hospital last Sat-c:'. John Libby. cf Ker~al, N. D_ had worrying over the damp weather. } " ~(
ed at the Frank NehIs farm during urday wi~h all doing very nicely, died after a short sickness, but Mrs. Happily cool weather and winds I H. L .Halliday enjoyed a pleasa~.~:)
the past week. Cunningham, will be unable to at- here deve/oped after every rain and t over-the-Fourth visit from his ~..
Lyle Ackerman sheared sheep for Clarence Overstad and wife left tend the funeral. The lady's many the grain has dried quickly, making lther, Mrs. Jennie Halliday, his br.~]
* Roy McCaskey Thursday. by ear Monday for Minneapolis to friends tender their deep sympathy very tmfavorable conditio~ts for]ther, L. A. Halliday and sister
Mr. and Mrs. John Barkland spend several weeks with frie~.'ls, in her loss. rust. no, all of St. Cloud. Minnesota, ~: i
spent Friday and Saturday in Beach
where the former worked in his
watch repair shop. Mrs. Barkland
returned to her home again about
a week ago after spending the past
month in Beach at the home of
Mrs. Anna Moyer. Mrs. Barkland
has improved rapidly from her re-
cent Illness and ls quite well ~gain.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCaskey ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Harri-
son ~Stedman and son Wayne of
Sentinel Butte left Thursday after-
noon on a trip to Parkman and
Ranehester. Wyo.. where they will
visit at the homes of Mr. Stedman's.
mother and brother. Mrs, W. f~
Stedman and son Don,. at the for-
mer place and his sister and bro-
Four members of the graduating class of the United States Coast
Guard academy at New London. Conn., who were awarded prizes as well
ther, Mrs Ben Kwallek and Nor-
___' ........ a~ as dlplonms at the eeremomes conducted in the casemates of old Fort~ . ~,~.. ,~~-- --~--~- ,~7 " ' ~ql "~ .... ~. !
man ~eaman ana ~nelr lanlllleS , ~ r ....
the 1' tter -lace The. ex'~eet toxrumDuh. Left to right: Cadets R. D. Sehmidtman of Washington, D. C..
be go%e about ten daY's angel they whiner of,, prize for proficiency in military tactics; G. I. Lynch of '~,
plan to retu~ home via the BlackMethuen, Mass, awarded the Charles S. Root prize for being best in ~ ~ ~1~ '
Hills In S. Dak. drawing ; W. ~. Snyder. honor student yho won the alumni assoc,ation ~' 2:LEARANC
Ernest McDanold i came down prize for the highest academic standing for the entire three-year term,
from Wflliston Saturc]ay afternoon and J. D. Cratk of Andover, Mass., awarded a sword by the Connecticut ~~
to spend Sunday a the Fourth h r
~O. .... . "- -- ~ I Daug te s of the American Revolution for having best conducted himself fOP
wren me home toms:s./ I
Miss Natalie Horsm~n and "Spud"i
of Adam~°n were vislto,s at the homei " J q I $2t at end.of.seaso,
Mr and Mrs And, b aham one ....................... ........................ 57c ,
daylast week. 1 r ~mmer S3 .----"'~"~"°"'
Roy Hamlin was ~ business call- CAMELS HUMP [ PERSONALS "
er at the George ]~eeler home onI l" ...........
Wednesday. . ................... [ Dr. Fuller and family. Mr. and M, II', Dresses "
Mr' and Mrs" A' " D°blar enter" 1, oscal .......... wnls ~no nas oeen ~eacn [Mrs., C. Taylor, a and, Carriem Witzig~ ~" -- ~OaR
rained at their hotrle on the Fourth, i ~r . . .w _ . _ "l~pent the ord and 4~h in ..dn_y. and Sh
,at,. .~a ~ ~ ~h~ah,~rn an~l ng scnoot in wyoming is some on [ l
f'a~l~i~v:*'*D;ck"Ker~ a*ncl'"san-Max:{hh~eVa~toil°na :a1~ea~ron~/ Mi~s Molly Brennen left Monday ~ Comparelhisvah~e. Whlte ~t-
~ust F~eldmann. Bi|I Grove and the I _ . . = .. , | noon for Minneapolis to spend sev- ton shirts, r~bbed or flat-k~it Naw's your chance! Rich
__ ..~. __ . fabrics -- sheers, prints, We have to clea, r them t The~re"
~entlne~ nu~te
McCaskey family. [ - [ " [eral weeks. |~.| Good broadc!ada shorts witL ~'l/g~Ig~g'/[~$ ~la#~"~ll~#'~ washable silks. Styles '
Mr and M~ A|bv Rollins and~, Bud Myers was a caller at Clyde | ;.L~ elastic sides; /ahoy stripe l~t, values you don t find often ..,
.,~,,i..~ .......... ~.,a"-"~_%~ ?~'~%'~:'|~ ~" ........ ~ ....... r* ~! Mver's. home on Monday. /| , Manager Low of the ,,Buttrey ~ "*.ms; fast to[~rs. --~w~,~.~.~,~,~j~ *~'~'~'~"~'~ --andri~'ht fOra goodn°Wassortmentand later and then, only at Penney'$!
store Mrs Low and ch~ d left
Beach shoppers a raay evening, i George Franzen motored to town 1_, : _' ..... ''..
-" --r - "''" ft las" w k --id-- | ~tonaav tot 2amneaoo,,s to a,*~,me Bn ,Yv tS ve! toctear
Mrs. ti ace l%alsler~ le ~ ee on I,T ay. . ~ .... " ,~...~,~.....~.~ ".,7~, " - ~ecea
h he la to fin I ........... ~ ~" ~' ~'° I
for Fargo w ere s p ns . :. Donald Theisen and Thomas t ....... ..... A
lsh her brininess course par~ 0~ Mur h e a
,ma,,,:~, ~, ..... ,o,o,~ ,o~ ..... ,,~ i , P Y w re callers at M t Tes-l The world is not so large afteri]~ ~ ¢~ ~ I .J~'--". II~ I[ G,~a.mer, Light, Pearly, Up Goes the BuFing ~oma
~,.,,,....,,.,~ ,,v,,,r,.,~,.,~ ,,~,,~ ~,.~ ........ ~ crier's and Ray ~ner's on ~unoay a r "
~,-~o~* **o~,o.a ......... t at .[ 11. D. Bradley recelved a post- '--¢'oF0$~r~-
._'~'~ .... 2"%~""I ....... :'. ' Mr and Mrs John Honnold sr. card from his wife saying that as }0-~-t----OK [~lk-\ ] ~ [ Dull, Chardonize^,LL][^. Power ol Your Nicke, "e~
~ne ~mos t~asno some near ,rof I - : "" -" littl Pe Honnold ~ = .... a -'~ a" - i--- ~tOrts
,o~.. ,~,. ..... t,.na . anatamuyanasunday They report a e ggylarge .he was ~r ve,mg rang a get ~ ~' DISPOSALI-" [ &\~\, ] / M lea he~
; ]lbv RolUns and attended the rodeo at Medora on sota road a tire went down and she
M.:.a a .r/.: ~.~2 crowd'was where to help '//;: C',)|| .u.e
Iamuy ann Amer~ ~vleyers journey-i - ''- - • - ' " B ~ ~ther
e,~ *~ ~im,~," *~e mornin~ of thejand gooct snow. I wnen Harry Rice drove along and
, R sl h en vm~tin I fixed the trouble and ti~e5 yen
.................................~'=~h:~ where~'they"t°°k~'ln*~'the i wtt}us~:[fHs' ~fn, ~Srbefor sever~! al'ong to. Minneapolis, , together, o~.Srl ~,~=. 1 MUSLI ~,
, ~ da s Funny ~asn t it
that day. Bill Orme and Bud Me- y. , . ~ear
Utilit$ ~q
ca, key did their chores for them i Howard Varn Horn has been bu y t Ed. and CharIle Justesen went to ~,-- - . 'khe% d~
that evening. , moving a house which he purchas- Bismarck to day on a business re's- -a a a[-~ / Snowy 3(r,h~. M!
Miss Lillian and Clara "Ralsler ! ed and moved it on the farm north sion - " ' ---- $~I~llWe~'~ Reductions you'll never for- lilac s'
Sever Abraham and son. Elmerlof Constant. Van HorWs.d~. " "" ' ,n 7t C ,' '°*:" o:
were callers at the A. F. Doblar Dorothy Brier was/a caller at' Just for good measure the Non- SHEETS
home Sunday. ].Johnny t:Ionnold's on]Thurcdav i partisans captured the Republican ~edlgc@d Constructionl
Floyd Hobbs made a trip to Beach _ _ .. --. un- Light-we/ght c o,, , tssleres
lest week from where lie brought 1 .a~:saa~¢ll~[~r~:,s'~:i1~t~f°~[~en;;ere, plea~ntness." to O~ll~ --~" camp, summer cet~age,, or!! ~$.S l~Wa'
out a new corn cultivator which he .... . . 3""' " . ~' " ..... ~ " • 1 ............. .
home Kee) one or t, ~ ~2 ~'~d in broken sizes and assorted
Purchased recently Philip Laray has ,een staying ini mrs. ~,'~etwn ~e,son arm son ....... [ ~tyles. Pmced at only ~C~
- nd ah ~':a ~i k' town caring, for M Paul Lardy's Kenneth left Thursday fo~ B~s-
A y Abr am ~. s on the ~ c I . - - .. , - . rm~ uouo*~~h.~L 1 i1~ ~'81Fd :111 to
,octlon his hand arm with Mr Mrs .arr, Rooi son , e,vin ,e,t a roay i ma,= C 19c
• - " ~ • r " " , Thev expected to return home the
Rudm Schauer employed atI Bud Mye s is the/proud owner of= _.." - ": . , . coming style-right models! [ L Limited Outintit~ ~[~ [
the home of Mrs. A.O. Roofafew a beautiful new Cttevrolet car ,a~nofauLv. End of:Seaoia re It n (
d"Z ml s ro,eweek s steo' A F Ooblar 1 f m'Mr andto ,' jo ; e aeU°nn°ld and The day for nlingo for tate du io s, =.
, .... " :'... . .- } Ay mo , d ~t9 I~each on Thurs-, hail insurance is Au,ust first at [
HERE'S THE BEST YET! women's fine quali~T rayon
PO LO C°mbinati°ns i" w'"
at a ~ive away price. [
Made of t e ".e t rayons /
wRh short sleeves and assort- :
Children, s cotto~~' "
]~LrCk Wed esdy, " g " Summer ]
Thursday. Mis Victoria Zielinskl who is at-
tending summer normal in Dickin- ed colors.
The Penney store is having a son ~pent the Fourth at the Mike
wpe:gk M. Lardy home. They attended the
g~" i Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brown at-[
The new three-cent postage rate tended the barn dance last Friday
went into effect yesterday, so don't i evening ~t the Clyde Policy place.
larger to stick on that additional They reported a large crowd.
~tamp. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mason motor- 1
' ed out to Ray Brier's Tuesday eve-
R. R. Halstead has moved his of- ning.
rice from the old stand to the rear Mr. and Mrs. Clark Brindle and
up stairs room of the Reeve block, children and Clark's mother who
hack Of Dr. Bradley's office, l have been visiting at the W. T
Mrs. Ferd Speigelberg left on Brown home left on Tuesday for
Saturday noon for Minneapolis, their home near Hazelton, N. D.
where she wlll visit relatives and
~riends. She expects to be gone
about two weeks.
George Christensen left by car
~aturday noon for Lead, S. D., to
visit his daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs Dennis. He returned
Mr. and Mrs. J, P, Reeve were in
the etty Tuelsday morning after
~spending a day or two at Medora,
returning to Minot Tuesday noon,
Old friends were very glad to see
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Clark and
~o sons, of Sioux City, arrived
onday for a nice visit with Mrs.
Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lov-
gren. and old friends were: glad to
greet them again.
Mrs. Albert Gallus was a x isitor
on Monday at Ray Brier's.
John Brown was dragging the
roads again on Monday. We have
been having so many fine rains that
it keeps him busy.
Kenneth Middleton from Beach
is spending his vacation at the Bud
Myers' ranch.
Alfreada Lardy has been visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Charles Bohn.
John Wills and son Sam were
helping Otto Wills shear sheep this
John l~augen and Nick Lardy
each got a load of posts on Friday
from Johnny Honnold.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Myers and
baby attended the rodeo in Medora
the 4th,
oAn Iarge crowd turned out to vote
Wednesday at the Twin Butte
school House.
Earl Thompson son of Rudolph[ Wills was a caller at Ray
ThamPson, former residents of I Brier s on Monday.
13each, With another relative, ErlekI Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brown left
Thompson, formerly of Minot, ar-[Saturday morning for Bismarck
rived Saturday from Long Beach, I where they will spend the night
Calif, Erick went on to Minot, With Mr. and Mrs, Bill Brier, On
~le Earl ~J enJ~y~ a ~Islt to Sunday they expented to leave for
're~Rtlves, the fa~l~ ~f H.R. and IIazelton to spend the Fourth with
Albert Thompson. . i Mr. and Mrs. Clark Brindle,
Tractor /
GASOLII~ ~ AND~Rg;kl~, 6
~LL ,.v~ ~RE PO~R ~D
BUILD ~l[IFa31.
Men~ .............
Bo: s .............. 67c
sleeveless and short leg
Hurry! A Feature Buy
You'll exelaim at the quality fabricsl
You'll marvd at the mart pa l
36 inches wl !
TIN~M h tak## In,t
~¢kd to Im~ ~soS~J t~
2 for = SlRrtl
3 for s Drus!
4 for Kitchen Drspe~
S for = Qm1*'
I~inta I New
novelty styles!
Two tables of them at un-
heard of prices.
A clearance without parallel
with two pairs of pants and
a vest, priced at
V ahw l
Cambed Comm
Till[ TAT
Ollie, Carlyle, Golva