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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 7, 1932     Golden Valley News
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July 7, 1932
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U kert. -- Win. Wantke and children *. and Mrs. Win. Ueckert at- ' d the Lutheran Ladies Ai last Tuesday afternoon I the home of Mrs. Wm, east of Sentinel Butte. Ai ~h was served by the hostess nice crowd of members and Mary and Fred Ueckert of I Butte were Tuesday after- Zuests at the Wm. Ueckert Elleanor Ueckert was a guest Mac Smith last Wednesday Wednesday Beach Civil its duty at the polls a big vote was cast. The polls were at the Zook lk~r. Charlle ~Kramer was a Sen- Butte business caller Thurs- Frank Zook, Mr. and. Ueckert. Mr. Charlie Elmer Erdmann. Carl l Mr. Wm. Wantke were ~each visitors Thursday after- ~athering up news on the eleetlon returns. l~ul and Lucille Thoempke and M'r. and Mrs. Herman Kettner At.. WI~$ callers at the home of Wm. ~keVt last Friday afternoon. Alfred and Ervin Ueckert and attended a meeting of club in Beach Thursday Burns transacted business last Friday, and Mrs. Wm. Ueckert, Elea- and Ervin Ueekert. Mr. and ~, Charlie Smith and daughter Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jandt and Mr. ~nd Mrs. AI- and Charles Berg all district attended the the Clyde Polly farm night. The dance was for the benefit of the big slowly washing out and every- stepping to time fiddlers. ~al mail Neff Hogo- appearance on Wantke was a Sentinel last Saturday after- ~fternoon little h~d an accident ~l~h could have been a lot more It was~ She ran into which her fa- an unusual had forgotten got two big Just a little and the other her chin in which the ~loc- four clamps. Mrs. Wm. Ueckert. Elea- Ervln Ueckert, Mr. and and Mrs. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Ueckert, Charles Berg, El- and Mr. and Mrs vicinity went last Sunday and attend- which was Belfleld St. Peter's Wm, Wantke and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard family were Sunday at the Fred Bub- Mrs, Alfred Ueckert and Mr. and Mrs. Frank children, Mr. and Mrs, and family and El- attended the Will i show in Beach Monday Leonard Treater Mrs. Fred Bub- morning for Fraze, day visit with Mr. Bublitz. taking care of the for Leonard Treater during his farm. Mrs. Frank Zook and Independence day Kramer spent Mr. and in Beach. went to Std- bring home of molasses to be used killing gra~hop- doing quite a lot of some fields in our neigh- He returned Tuesday. Platform for a Huge Telescope Dr. G. W. Ritchey, the inventor, standing in front of the 17~r~ ton platform which was built for the 40-inch reflecting telescope for the United States naval observatory at Washington. When assembled, with its tube, the telescope is expected to Increase surface intensity of star images. The telescope will be the largest of the Ritchey-Chretien type. Stokowski Leading a Jobless Band T@I~ ~ACH. ~. D. ADVA~C~ turned Thursday evening after a weeks visit with relatives aT. Fair- bault. Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook and fam- ily of Westerheim were visiting friends and relatives in town on Thursday. Mr. Richard Grimes and Mrs George Grimes were callers at Beach Saturday. On Wednesday evening a sur- prise party was given for John Boi- sen in honor of his birthday a~ the W. E. Burhans home. Dancing was the diversion of the evenmc, the music being furnished by Jerry and his Happy Chappies. Luncheon wa~ ~erved ar midnight• and a "hearh~ reminder" wm~ instituted to John before returning to their respective homes• The dance given Wednesday eve- ning at the building adjoinin~ Wcsepka's pool room by Mrs Adams was well attended, and a good time was had by all. Mr. Glen Ga~--~ner of Duh~th. !~ Minnesota. is making a visit with his father. J. Z. Gardner and bro- ther. William Gardner. for n fe~ weeks The benefit dance for the Polley dam ~iven at the C F. Polley farm Friday night netted a big profit for the country in general. The Sen- tinel Butte band aave a delightful concert and the Coney Island sand- wiches disappeared with appalling dexterity[ Music wax furnished by Paul Wagner, Irwin Heisley and Carl Moen and Jerry's Happy Chap- pies. Miss Fern Reed and Miss Amber Grimes rambled to Beach Satur- day on bicycles. Mrs. Chas. Kirkpatrick jr., under- wen~ an operation at at the Dick- inson hospital Monday mormng. Jerry Brewer and John Boisen left by car Sunda yto California to I visit the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Martin and Jean returned fro mthe Yello~-,, ]stone park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Esscn Messer- schmidt came from Fairfield on Thursday to spend a f, ew days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred $ilbert. Clif- ford Gilbert. who ha~ been visitin~ with the Messersch~]hidts the last month returf~d also{ The SentinekButte[batl club play- ed a return-- ~ g~me ~of baseball at Be]field Sunday~ Tl~e score for the game was 20-5 i~ f~,or of Belfield. Chgs. Kirkpatric~ ~nd B~ron Ho- goboom were the ~at~ery. A number of fa~i|ies from Sen- tinel Butte spent a~ew days cele- brating at Belfield. Mr. Jack Fisher. an old settler i of Sentinel Butte passed away o~ Friday noon a~ the Dickinson hos- pital. Fnneral servises were held Sunday afternoon at the Congre- gz' ~al church. Fr-:l Smith and family returned o,~ : Sunday from Wisconsin where z have been spending the past tw~ weeks with friends and rein- Leopold Stokowskl, musical director of the l'hiladelphla orchestraItives" Mr. Gust Norem accompanied by and idol of concert-goers throughout the world is slmwn coatless and inI tbeMiSShomeHelenofR°berts°n'Mr .and Mrs.Visited at J. A J. a blue shirt leading a band composed of ~me 200 odd Jobless musicians, i • ' • r Norem over the week end, return- on the steps of Phil~]elphia's city hall. The concert was a trmmph fo ling to Minot Monday. " Musicians Union Local 77, after its leader lad upbraided Mayor Moore [ Mr. Lawrence Norem ~s visiting in a speech and stated that the "City fathers would not allow even at the home of his parents. Mr. and Stokowski to glve music away free in Reyburn plaza." The city fathers i Mrs, J, A, J. Norem. for a few showed that they were not afraid. ~weeks. Daring Aviator Rescued From Ocean weed flavors in common at this season avoided if plenty of good the cows. The will leave the weeds alone with an the advantages of live- is to provide a use and other feed crops control and soil Livestock also ca- to be made of roughages i ~e a by,product of grain and of low-grade grains. ranks second only production of tur- during the 1930 show. Of the 1929 total of 1A57,000 birds valu- were marketed. third in turkeys. crop farming the volume of and makes it labor and equip- throughout the wanted to buy a wlfe said she wouldn't a moment." almost everybody has a Lou Reichers, bold aviator, photographed Just before the start of his attempted flight from Harbor Grace, N. F., to Paris via Dublin, Los- lng his way amid clouds, he came down to the surface of the ocean near Ireland and was rescued by the steamship President Roosevelt. Baptizing 41)0 in the Mississippi What was the ob"tl What is said [o have been the largest revival of its kind took place ,,ladycouldn t help] ~eat Kennett, Mo., wl~ere 400 persons were baptized in the waters of the ]Mississippi river to be converted in a Pentecostal Holiness band by twenty-three-year-old Rev. RUssell Rldgeway, evangelist, From the shore net~ a crowd of t0,O00 watched the ceremony as the converts waded Into the wat~ of "01d Man River' and one by one were completely l nemed by the young e~mr~gelist. TI=fURS~AY, JULY 7, 19"$2 I II[rN . ~, .... [, ...... j.~:~..~. • .. : Finland, whict] has Just been indulging in un abortive revolution, is proud of her new parliament build lag in Ilclsingfors, shown above. Vancouver Is Growing a New Sky Line .... ~':"":". ::':.::.!~,::'."L:.L'~.,::I;~:~"7~=