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July 7, 1932 |
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(Contlnlled from Page one)
having crept up the wall to the sa-
cond floor
The firemen soon had the fire in
the cellar woodwork extinguished
and the gas shut off about v:h!~b
time the dinin:t room floor caved
in with some of its contents.
It was what might be called a
fortunate fire inasmuch as the
,~oundation of the vault and south
~ brick wall prevented the flames
, from spreading e_tst ar~ south
else one of the most disastrous fires
D...~;,.m.,~,4~ o ~.b * J. a
We have been invited by the peo-
~]'e of the northwestern part of the
stere to attend a big banquet to be
given tomorrow night at Minot in
hono,_ of F. E Murphy, publisher
of the Minneapolit Tribune for the
services he has rendered thi~: ~,tete.
e,r, eci~'~y (hu:,n!~ the drought per-
icd last fz!] ar, d wir,'~er, this b~in7
an aperecia~ion of that oervice bY
the people oi the drought-strlcken
Talking With Dirigible Over a Beam of Light
:ii Beach has known might have re- Jtb.nsen Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kuh-
CUlLed. :fold and Georae Christensen drove
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Roy
The Dickinson
Thursday Noon
Northern wheat .............. $ .45
Winter wheat ................. 23
Durum wheat .................. 18
Flax ......................... 74
Rye .......................... (}9
Barley ...................... 12
Oats ......................... 07
Cream ...................... 10
Eggs (in trade) ............... 06
Butter ........................ 11
H. L. Hallidav's offices were bad- to the Black Hills for a iittb we:.~k
ly smoked, as was the Style Shop,
(~~h'-e latter entailing considerable end visit and to call on Mr. and
Mrs. Dennis. Monday they had a
amage' and the °ffiee °f Mr" Hal- 9ionic °n Sand Creek' where R°v A i fi
Stead. adjoining the care. suffered says the trout fairly jumped out of SS0 a On
Weather report Ior the weelg
ending July 6. 7 p. m.
~'~ considerable smoke and fire dam-,_, butthe thatWater inviting them to get 'em.I Max. Mln Preclp.
~tge also. they were _too tender heart-i ......... June 30 ......81 56
' July I, 78 44
That some of the electric lio_nt e~ to lo,'eIy fello.,s an~I Will load wool at July 2 :::::::: 72 56
~ires had short circuited is shown things like that. They returnedI July 3 ........ 76 49
by the fact that nearly all suchhome Monday night• B[ACH) ]S
Wires have had the covering burn- July 4 ........ 69 56 .31
ed off in places where they came Many old friends were glad to, July 5 68 53 30
in Contact with the woodwork, greet Stanley Smith, who came John Bellamy Taylor (right), consulting engineer of General Electrlc's research laborqtory, talking In, • July 6 ........ ........ 75 48 "
there being no way in which the down Tuesday from Columbus A ~ ~ J. CLAYTON RU88EZ~5,
fire__could have reached the~e plat- Mont.,umbus isf°r a staYin a prettyWithcountryhiS familYand '--~ -- ] ~ T | ~'/1~ "-'--" OooDerattve Observer,_
until Sunday. Stanley says Col- I tOfromthetbeapparatuSdirigiblebe developedLos Angelesf°r fromSending2,500humanfeet speechthe air°ha beam of light. • programstation.narrowcasted if" ,,~J~;~No. ~
eSThe cafe fixtures and dishes are navy lu was picked up at a ground as at the J['lJ~[~ OUr C S I
0w~ed by Miss Ada Blencowe and that the trout fishing in the moun- left, and rebroadcast over a natlon-wlde chain of stations. The light beam was picked up by a large con-
F 1 I Report of the condition of ThQ
~ partly insured. There was in- tain streams is fine. But why tell cave mirror mounted on the tripod where a small "electric ~eye" converted the light w~ves Into oleo- ~T)~ t~.~flL ] FAR~ERS ,% MEnCH~I~T~
(~urance on the building but only a us, who can't go hence to chase the trlcal impulses which were in turn converted into sound by the same means as used 1~ an ordinary # ......... [ BANK
~age inspection will disclose wheth- trout, about it.
radio receiver. I i Votfya% in ;Po?ot :o %,
• r ~ "~iot It will cover the loss. Last Sunday the father and me .... L:- ~
um Buildin .... June 30th 1932.
Mr. Halstead says the building ther of Ray and Don Lawrence Ne " ~|-£
be rebuilt and altered, and living south of Wibaux, celebrated o State ~ Wrecked
CITATION HEARING PETITION Loans and discounts ........ $196,157.64
a deal for a newtenant is be- their golden wedding, a large num- ~ FOR LICENSE TO ~EI, L REAL Warrants, ~stocks, tax
ESTATE certificates, claims, etc. 12,006.53
l~g conMdered, but nothing settled her of friends attending the happy Government issues ........... 7,~00.00
a~ yet. event, but details of which we could State ~.~ ~k~th ~'d~.Dta~ County of Banking house, gurul-
John Wesley Fisher was born Au-
gt~t 6th, 1873, in Brown county
~innesota. When he was still a
%moall child his parents moved to
odd county, Minnesota, where he
~rew to manhood. While still a boy
~e flid not neglect his duties to God
for he Joined the Methodist churc
ill that community.
In 1903 Mr. Fisher was united in
]~Zarriage to Miss Isla Gertrude Ed-
~1, to which union seven children
:~ere born, four sons and three
tlaughters, one of which, Emily, pro-
dded him in death.
In 1906 he, with his wife and old-
%'~t son, came to Sentinel Butte,
~aere he has spent the remainder
of his life.
Mr: laisher passed away at the
~toktnson hospital on June 30, hav-
ing reached the age of 58 years, 10
~aonths, and 14 days.
"He leaves to mourn his passing,
als widow four sons, Clifford, Lor-
~lt, Clyde 'and Elmo, two daughters,
erle and Gertrude, four brothers.
two ~lsters and a host of relatives
" ~tt" friends.
,The funeral was held Sunday at
[~antinel Butte, interment being in
cemetery there and the services
g conducted by Rev. Ellinger.
e 5Id friends of deceased join in
aYal~hy to the bereaved family.
of people round about want
something that a neighbor
to sell. Put a want ad in
Advance and bring the two
together and make a deal.
ads.cost so little we are as-
more people do not use
These ads are positively
for the amount is so small it
while to open a book
for them. They cost two
a word for the first insertion
cent a word for each sub-
insertion of the same ad.
~AI. and Gerald Gilman returned
week from Medford. Wis.,
they went to attend the fu-
el their mother and aunt.
The many friends of Lewis Od-
and Lyman Page, in and out
not get before press time•
Mrs. C. O. Halvorson went to
Bismarck last Thursday for obser-
vation at the Quain & Ramstad
clinic, where it was decided to
operate on her for gall bladder
I trouble on Friday, so Carl went
I down today to be with her at that
time, and the lady's many friends
hope for early word of her speedy
Marian McAdams came up from
lVIlnneapalis Saturday on her an-
nual vl¢it to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Denton, and a host of
her old friends are mightily pleas-
ed to see her.
A big crowd attended the dance
at Clyde Polley's place southeast of
Sentinel Butte last Friday night.
The music, of new and old times,
was good and everybody seemed to
have a fine night of enjoyment,
Clyde being a jolly host.
The dance given by Ray Kukow-
ski on the night of the Fourth was
a great success, a big crowd being
present. Ray will give another
dance at the same place on the eve-
ning of the 15th.
A lot of people forgot to put
three-cent postage on their letters
yesterday and all that mail was
held up for a while. It is only a
matter of one cent additional, but
more people are kicking about it
than a little bit.
Golden Valley County's share of
the vehicle license fund for the past
quarter is $1.897.20, The State
Highway's share of the fund was
no~ deducted from t~e first quarter,
but taken out of this one, otherwise
the present portion would be larger•
H.C. DePuy, the Democratic
candidate for governor, writes to
ask us to thank, for him, the folks
who voted for him in the recent
primary. The popularity of Candi-
date DePuy in his own home and
county is shown by the fact that
his vote in Grafton was 550 to 16,
and in Walsh county 2471 to 186.
for taxes. The building went for
the proverbial song---$4,321.20--wlth
the city library t.brown In for good
measure. Unpaid special lmprova.
ment taxes resulted In Shawnee
county's bidding In the property.
Mrs. George C, Hoeek was oper-
ated cn at the Bismarck hospital
yesterday for a stomach tumor, and
reports from there last night were
that she had gone through the or-
deal successfully, which her many
friends h~pe will prove true.
Mr. and Mrs. H, R. Russell and
Politics, admire their many good two daughters, father and mother and regret that they could ,and sisters of J. C. Russell are auk-
have been elected to represent;ing him a pleasant visit while on
39th legislative district in the their way from California to Bet-
But both take their de- i tineau, their old home.
t with good grace and without i
' ill feeling toward the other good I ~ "--'- "-- ----
The "Burgoo King" Does His St uff
Ows who "beat 'em to it." -_-
Jens Sorenson, who is at the Bis- t
hospital for further treat- J.L. Looney of Lexington, Ky., went all the way to Atlanta to prove
is reported as doing nicely that Brflnswick stew doesn't compare with burgoo. Mr. Looney, who ts
permanent health.
~ertain streets of the city are in
improved condition as a re-
of the gravel that has been
upon them.
Monday, two holidays
~ng together And about
who could took advaB-
that fact to go somewhere
have a good time
forget that the Advance is
ready to send the paper to
who is sick in hospitals in
cities• This costs nothing as
enjoyment the patients get
reading the home news is
of good pay all around. Send
name of anyone going to a
and make another happy•
Ben Borreson and William
came up from Belfield
the former to attend a
Aid meeting at the home of
J. O. Ramstad, and the latter
after private business and
old friends.
Manager Waldo of the
Telephone company
Wife were pleasant visitors in
~'h last Friday on their way
Mrs. Waldo is the writer of
interesting letters about early
~at appeared all winter in
under the heading,
Back When," and was great-
to know they were read
great interest by the folks
Ange!ine and Leona Schu-I
who have been visiting with
attar, Mrs. Lloyd Yates for the
returned home Saturday
ring spent an enjoyable
horse baekl
known throughout Kentucky as
the "Burgoo King," and for whom
thls year's Kentucky derby Win-
ner w~s named, offered to pre-
pare a special dish of burgoo to
be served at the annual barbecue
of the Atlanta police department
and to furnish definite proof that
burgoo is infinitely better than
any Brunswick stew ever made.
Here he is preparing the pot of
burgoo. His recipe for burgoo
enough to serve 500 guests is : 400
pounds of potatoes, 200 pounds of
onions, one bushel of carrots, 24
gallons of tomatoes, 6 gallons
tomato puree, 48 cans of canned
corn, 100 pounds of cabbage, 24
fa", hens, 100 pounds of lean soup
meat; cook for 36 hours, season
to taste. '"
• t
Same as before the fed-
eral tax went into effect
as of June 21, 1932
Wet Pack
Fancy Ler~e IB
PRE-AGED For Mellow Flavor
TS Quaker lb.
Buckeye 9 bag
Crystal White
"Billion Bubble" l0 Bars
,i .... w, r, i ,i,
'"" ' ' ,, i
per peck
- 3 Ibs. 2Sc
< < i i i ii i i iii i i