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July 7, 1932 |
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(12ontlnued from page one)
|~r~ ~EACH. ~. D. ADVANC~
It is a questlon who is the most
New Light Armored Car for the
l~ ~rlbute to North Dakota for the surprised. The Independents at
-l~m. It recalls the history of their decisive defeat, or the Non-
Btate from the days of the Lewis partisans at the way their ticket
Clark expedition to the nine- ran like a scared jack rabbit. It
~th century when young Theo- was a good fight while it lasted.
Roosevelt built his ranch house and now that it is over let's forget
aher soil and later led her sons. what bitterness was engendered and
the famous Rough Riders, up go along as one big family should.
~n J~lan Hill. It wiil also pay tri- in as much peace and har,~ony as
to her harvests, her industries is possible with a people who likei
her scenic beauties, to eat and sleep with their politics,
honor of the state's harvest talk politics during the day, and
will be a special symphonic ~ dream politics at night.
number, "Harvest Festival." to be
by Erno Rapee and the Congress has refused to grant
orchestra. Among the oth-15200,000 appropriation for the air
pieces will be one lmail route from St. Paul to Seattle,
to the Sioux Indians of which route would have gone
Nm'th Dakota in which will be in- I ~hrough Beach. The Senate agreed
@~x~rated many of the old Indian~ to the proposal but the House gave
~es. fit a deaf ear.
state's composers will be rep- ]
ed by James W. Foley's poem. I Mrs. Grace Raisler left for Fargo
Builder," set to music of llast Sunday where she will attend
Wakefield Cadman, and. a business college to complete her
by Theodore Webb. the guest course in commercial training and
~. "The Little Sod Shanty" is shorthand. She will return in the
~ ~r pioneer state song, written fall to teach school again.
by Henry A. Ball of Last Friday we received a letter
(Regina Hoverson)
E. N. Sanford returned from M'-le¢
City a few days ago. he condition
of his eye is very much improved.
Mr and Mrs. Oscar Paterson re-
turned last Sunday from en ex-
tended trap through the Black Hills.
Minnesota. Wisco~sin and Iowa
where they visited friends and rel-'
n~ives. They reporr~ con~lition,~ in
the eas[ Inuch more serious than
here and were glad to get back.
Mr. and Mrs Milliard Guberud
and boys of Jamestown, N. D.. and
Mrs. B. P. Guberud from Spring
Grove, Minn.. were visiting a few
days at the W. E. Narrum home.
Mrs. B. J .Guberud is a sisiter of
i Mrs. Narrum's.
The Chas. Shepherd and Art
Prouty families and Mrs. L, Greiner
were in Beach Monday on business
and called on friends in Golva.
Tuesday they were guests at the
O. C, Tabor and J. M. Buckley
homes. Wednesday at the G. Lutts
home, Thursday at the C. H. Hall
home and Friday at the M. F. Hop7
per home.
• ,,, r
Askum--As a theatrical man
Dorsey sure takes the ticket,
Bascom---He's successful, is he?
Askum---Yes, no one ever gets
his door without a ticket.
Smith---What makes Ruckel~
man so hard-boiled?
Garner His wife keeps him in'.
hot water all the time.
DAY 2:30 P. I~L
Friday and Saturday
Saturday Matinee, 2:30
from Jack Crouse, who used to live roa bes a tank in armorMrs Ray Grandy and daughter
_ Among th.ose who have c~.perat- in this county, but is now r~lding First photograph of the new high speed light armored car, whle.h closely .app c ....... Erva of Superior Minn. are here to Percy Crosby's story "Dear
ecl m ~.ppLymg me matermJ trom at Perrysburg, N. Y., in wiiich he and armament and exceeds it in manueverability, raven at wasamg~on wane enroute ~rom ~oc~ visi~ ~ C~rand~,'s sisters Mrs Sooky" comes to the talkte~
~_ tne p r~am nas ~_~n. a~-. said he was writing in bed at a I~land arsenal, where it was built, to Aberdeen proving ground for test. The car carries macmne gun=, Chas. Nelson and'~L,~. Tom Con: with
~l~t~,~Dr H~, e~e~:~l~°m:nZ~'l~] hospital where he has been era- which can he elevated for anti-aircraft use. and te powered by an eight::~yltnder engine, her and their families The three JACKIE COOPER, JAC'IK~
~ ~[~.. mu~,~ .~v~, -,~,:~ ~ [ployed for the last eight years, be- ' ..... , ' ' _ ~ , sisters and their families enjoyed SEARL AND ROI~RT :
tvmver~w o~ ~or~n ~a~ora; troubled with his hea a * * " " . " COOGhN
M ing rt, nd the . -------a reumon at the Conner home on
~]ff. W. M c~'dle of Pargo; .] old friends here hope he will soon Ra~lr~ the Assuan Dam m Egypt l.~-~-~ .... .... Sunda-
..~, Secretary of. the forea~er] be able to be about a~ain. He sends -~ ~ I lJ.~ "l'l-J[J~ ~JJ['J[U J~J[-J[J~ ,~ ~.. =~,o~,~,~,~ .... ~ ..... P&R&MOUI~C NEWS
.~,~, ~_,~, L .... ?''.'" "" ": :~ '~ congratumtmns on several matters. :-:-.~:~.~.~.~:;,~,~.:,~,~'~'~"Rost families and Mrs Carl Berry And A Comedy
• I, as. ~evme, t~omm~sloner oI ira- ~.zu~=~z C~v~,;u left -aturda mornin to en- --
~.~ of North .Dakota .and l Dr. BradIey is untiring in well ] J Ralph McNeil,. Pastor 4='- ~ " y n-" i g~i spE m ~ne (Sponsored. by the Beach Boy
~n camping a a v s]~ ng a~ wamp
~11 Reid of the State l~stormm] doing. He is now having built a ] " ~.~^~ Scouts)
il(~eW at Bit~arcz. i scoria wall at his fine home, but ~~~ - - --_-=: Sunday school, 10100 a.m. v,~,,~,: ...... Matinee Saturday 2130 P. M,
....... i what we are most interested in is ~~~ ..... ---- - [ Morning worship 11 a m. ~v~rs. Marvin ~usnman, wno na.~
SURPRISED DAI)DY when he, or his kindly wife, will b~~'- - - --= =- [ Anthem by choir. " .been vis!th~g" her parents,.far:ana
serve tea in that nifty little arbor ~~ -:~ - - - - - [ ~.amhtnpd l~.nwarth I~a~u~ and mrs. ~:. u. J~l'lCKSon was caneu nome Monday and Tuesday
.................................................... "- " IJ:o of
~ther~ Day down at the Charles they have built in the lattice work ~'~~: - _ :- L ]evenin~ services 7:30 p m. Special wetness y .sue ~o . . us.nm
-~,~t~,,~ ¢,~ ~u~. north ofnorth o~ the house [~~. ~.~z= . - -- t .... ~ ~ " suzzermg injuries t)y ~eing taro~'n~
"*'~ ........... "--" " " ""~'~ ar aid
- "--~---"~ *" the head of the ~ay, everyooay, perk up All O~ -~e.~ .... : - - , ......... ;, ^~ _ -- not to ~e oI a serious nature.
~m==mue,~ uy "'- hav .............. ~;'- ...... , . ~~~~-. - _. - • - - --ler servme weane~uay, .:uu p.m. . " - - - -11_ I ----,
f0~" o~er 40 of his sons u~ ~ uzlo~,,ttl.ncea DU~g~I~S DUD ~~~'~.'~-_. - - :. - - I ,~,,~* ~te .... J/~m~ ~.hvtet th~ gfl Andrew noverson arrlveo irom ~ •
..... ............................ me __'"
~-~h¢~r~ =,','and childrenand ot ng compared to Uncle Sam ,-: - L - -- [h,,~.. ~ ~o,~ ~,,~,~o,~,, Seattle Washington Saturday
"" " "'- whose .............. ' .......... '
avandchildren dropped in and books show him in the hole t l morning to assist his brother Alvin
~-hlm on the occasion, it to the tune of three billion doll~ ~ .... -. :- --.:- - : - ] ¢'~ ~~-N in the store during the summer. This movie is one of the bi$~
: ..... J l 1 .......................
one of those delightful times uiy_ . _.Now, ..if w~ul~, could jt~A [ H J Trinklein Pastor Farmers have bees busy this laugh-makers of film historY.
"Dad" is made to feel goodturn arouna n Ke uncle, ttam anal ~ " " --' past week cutting haY. Excellent And Edna May Olliver, but
make ~ne snorcage gooa Oy squeez I
l~l_~ that whatever else be-,,,,, ,,- ...... -| - "~ = .- - -:- ~ -" " _ • NO divine worship July 10th. crops are reported fr0m all local- you know how swell she
' bors~~ " I .... ~ Bring the children•
~l;n%a:f~ti1~f:f¢:rlhlt, wea~lU~:~u':u~e cw°nl~i'd~t?edi~ ] B D~e t~ll~rheo~n~b~ty ~fo thee pRreV-' 't~l~e C F Shepherd and Art
~l~qlag. All seven of Mr. Kirkpat- , can t. [ ent next Sunday there can be no Prouty fan~ies left Sdturday morn- And A Comedy
~'8 elflldre.n were present, fOUra¢ There were not enou~h~ ,_neonle,. --in I I divine service. . ;t~here will, however, ing to take-i~h~ the big k-odeo at Belle
~ratior~, three gr.e be had to fill the el%ction offices in I ] be services July 17th, at 8:00 p. m. Fouche S. D~.k the l~ourth They
~hr~fld~henregrwacmag bt~efe~c~sm~ Stoddard precinct, so no election ] ] Y.P.S. July 8th, 8 p. m• spent Saturd'a~. nigh~ camping at Wednesday and Thursday
merrlmamng and ~ was rotethere in the 1930 ~e,,o-o~ o~,, ] [ UNITED BRETIIREN CHURCH E Zollin er oin6d tl~ey for break-
~the visitors turned their fac .................. ] ~~~/:-" -- ~ | fast s~tn~ayJmornin~. The Shep-
. ~ homeward attar one of the great In the fall election of 1930 the ] I F.G. Roscoe, Pastor herd family plan -~ ~e gone a few
that make all participating Advance carried but six precincts~ | Bible school 10 o clock,Ottiedays and Mr. and M~s. Prouty and GOOd sce cry,. good ridJ
~la¢I. ~ ......out of the 20 in the county, but] "' _.'- ........ :T ...... . ................. iro ] Douglas, supt. sons will continue l~me to Nashua, good ol'
--~-------.: managed to win the election by a ~Tl~e. .across me ~ne at Assuan, ~a~hmnes scum O~n~ i' ~ Morning worship, 11 o'clock• Iowa after a visit in the hills. BUCK ~ONES
--,. -~v ",---~--, ~NKA YOU/" small majority ........ At the recent is now vemg neightene~ over z~ zeet as one or e nrst steps g" | Afternoon ~t•h~l Brvson returned home from
.__.-- .._. [ primary this year the Advance car- I ~ntie irrigation project promulgated by the Egyptian government for I Services, Trotters, N. D., third Beach Saturday to spend a while And A Comedy
~ handsome vote ~iven me at ried 1! of the 19 precincts with al the caltlva!.io~ o.t ~,000,000 acres of soil now 'lyla~ barren for a part' or I Sunday of each month, 3 o'clock, with her .parents. " d
primary in the race for sheriff l majo~..tY, which indicates a very] an of the year. " .... ~, ~:~:,~,~ ..... Services at Stoddard schoolhouse, The Ol.lie baseball team ]ourneye Friday and Saturday
Ip'eatly appre~flated~ This places lcomphmenmry swing our way. !. • " ~ fourth Sunaay o~ eacn monm as to Canym 'rnursaay zor a game.
~r~ In the race tills f~tll and I agaln l It must be leasin to Ous Wo | ~I~ II'~II * t~_ | rlt _ ~£ A_~_~|_--_ 2:30 o'clock. The boys took sandwiches and the Saturday Matinee
the votes ~2mt if elected] .........P...g : __~g| ~" r|~[~, rOD| . ./~-roo][ ~a]klr~|~U[l~ . Evening ..... Carlyle players treatedfioffee. The AB~LNLSlI~g%11~'I~':
.~ie v ,~m a^ ~4 a,,t= full- and! ~o w again so zme~y enaorsea zor( Senmr C. Enueavor e:~u O'ClOCZ, game resultea in a ¢]e ~ ¢o a. 65
~;'~ a~l~m~s # You~ ~ote ~ reelection to the state se~ate. Gus/ Edna Buck, presidentJ The U.B. aid met 'in the church
J~" ~"-'~uv~mv~r .... -~':'~°~'"r~ci~dw~,w ~l~ ~ =~ . | Is a go0dl citizen, and,. ~stde from Preaching service 7:30 oclock,parlors Friday. After a busines. • I iTni~]$"
~t.~ A J B~rCER I polit c,% all hands hke the man for Otterbein Brotherhood, fourth meeting tea and cake were served .
.v-~. " " "~ " Ibis sturdy worth. Tuesday each month 8 o'clock for ten cents a plate Due to it
~~1~/'--'-------'~'-----'leleO~ e/i~ tt~atir~nia~ 2:dttthre jl~te ORDER-- OF MASSES FOR ,UNE, be%%a:~b~/:~ke ~ th~efn%rms not M. G.' . -' ~.
a ~t Lhatlsteen' George Sharer, and Attorney JULY, AUGUST ~m~wt~~,et tired more boys •
a yen me ....... =o ......... - - o-
~,P~ro~an~t~. ~l~:~-r~ in the t-Ge-ner-,al~,-,M° ~r~-- who have always BEACH: ]of a girl's empty conversation what JOHN AND LIONEl,
, ~_ car.nea mm county oy a large ma- 30 m
~f, Ia~,l~ld~ll~co~l~: JeOaur~J{ w~tdOW~h~ doe~eat alm. o~ lStd.S~und~yy,81010~" a.'m. l d%Yn°~]:s~?oof--I give in and take in a picture that can't
will q Y g" Y • • • 3rd Sunday, 8130 a.m. her to a restaurant, beat. See this by all
I promise the trust candidates who carried the county• ~**, =,,,So,, ~n.nn n m .....
mtsplacea~ and that by small majorities were :["-" ~,":,~':~; ~'~"~n~ ~-' m~" ~ r,,~ r~ ...........our ex- PARAMOUNT NEWS
ELLA GASHO • o~u ....... . .............. -- ..........
C•. • Joe, A. Kitchen and Tom Johnson, SENTINEL BUT'rE: "
.... candidate for railroad commission-
APPRECIATION er. As far as the I. V. A. candidates
went it was a case of voting "no"
my all down the line. It cannot be ac-
the voters counted for except on the ground
for the that the voters want a houseclean-
in the June ing. regardless of old friends and
further state that faithful servants. The good had to
suppor~ in the No- ge~ their spanking with the bad. so
~ber election will be appreciated, to speak.
~p C. N, HAUG~E t A postal card from Mrs. McCas-
"~ : " - ] key, dated Parkman. Wyo., says
SIN APPRECIATION that her party, consisting of her-
I take this means 9~ thanking the self and husband, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harrison Stedman. were having a
kind frien~Is ,who supported fine time• They had visited the
in the recen~ election. Even Custer battle field and other placer
~h I did not $~t on the ticket, of interest in that section.
iS Splendid to know there were so
~y back of me. ~ Mrs. W. C. Bradley and family
GRACE M. RAISLER. left by car Tuesday for Iowa to visit
the mother of Dr. Bradley and oth-
er relatives. MarJorie, after a short
stay in Iowa. will proceed to St.
Louis to visit an aunt, all the fam-
ily being away from home over a
thdse gOod friends who
in~ the primary elec-
and with n~ ill will for those
sued r~y~ worthy oppon-
]: again pled~ a continuance,
gen4ral election re-
good service to the people.
The city has a force of men at
work providing the alley between
Miller & Wieting's store and the
post office with a way out Ior wa-
ter in heavy rain times by build-
ing a culvert under the sidewalk on
Grant street. The alley will, it is
1st. Sunday, 10:00 a, m.
2nd. Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
3rd. Sunday I0:00 a. m,
4th Sunday, 8130 a. m•
5th. Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Father Hake.
G. W. Cornelius of Burbank, Calif., riding astraddle the fu~lage of
his newly designed "free wing" monoplane that automatically controls
and flies itself. Both wings of the plane work free from the fuselage and
a(]Jusz themselves by tilting up or down in accordance with the different
mr currents while flying, titus preventing the possibility of the ship go.
ing into a tail-spin.
P. A• Oisvold. Pastor
Sunday, July 10th:
Beach: On Sunday afternoon and
evening the Luther League will
yponsor a picnic which will be held
at the pavilion grounds north of
Wibaux. All are welcome. Plan to
attend . Bring your lunch.
Ollie: Outdoor services at the
Jesfield grove. 11:00 a. m. Dinner
will be served by the Ladies' Aid.
Carlyle: Afternoon worship 2:30.
to extend our heartfelt said, be graded so the water will
aprpeciation to those drain from it to the ,-:~rth side and
who were so good to thence run out as stated.
One Reason Why
Our Own Hardware
(A real bargain)
~Brhag the sickness and death
) ~,lt" loved one; to those who sen~
:~ lovely flowers and to the pall
" Jlt1~tr~ and others who did all pos-
~ to 'lessen the blow that has
. :~L~n upon us.---Frank Glower and
aminations honestly?
2nd Coed---Sure. when I kissed
the professor I meant it!
And A Comedy
One week only Begin. Fri.,
Consisting of Nelly Don and Rosemary house frocks.
larly priced at $1.00 and $1.95
Now 50C and $1.oo
All summer wash silks and
reduced 20 per cent
One rack summer wash silks, etc. Regularly priced to
Now $5.00
One rack of summer coats and rain coa~, $2 all
Our stock of
half- i less
Walk-over shoes,
as high as $9•00
Now $2.50
Childrens and growing girls
50c and 95c
All Allen-A Hose One-Half
A considerable caravan Ieft earIy
this morning for Williston to in-
spect the creamery there, the party
being made up of about 20 farm-
ers and others interested in the or-
ganization of a creamery associa-
t~on here.
~s• Lucinda Ulfers, who has been
~ for a week or two is now able
• ~ be about the house•
~ :~ttention is called to the last page
.~ this paper where the Penney
!~ lS .making an offer of special
•-~s for a fine line of seasonal
:@~0ds: Manager Mllloy says he h~
~lne line and that they must go
~t at once, so he is making prices
tlmt cannot be denied,
Grace Moyer left last Friday
morning for Camden, N. J, where
,~he,'~ will visit for a month or more.
Mr. and Mrs. Deon Helland of
Flasher stopped here on their way
home from Forsythe to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Ole Thorson Wednesday.
A carnival company arrived yes-
terday and opened up for business
on the north side of town today.
On page four the Style Shop here Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robertson
./$$ ~aakl~g an offering as a~ result of and daughter of Taylor, N D and .... aren't
• ' ,is ff th~s lashing trade w ~ PARIS GREEN AND INSECTICIDES. OUR STOCK IS
smoke damage done to dress Mrs. Rol~ertson's father and moth- ; 1, [ "oberti has an in. I COMPLETE.
I~S. Prices appear to have been er of Gladstone, N. D., were Sun- ~ougl~, ~wanya ~ .... I
~htered for these ladies re~dy day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. trigu~ng Polisa accent ~nd Io;$ o[ OILERS FOR MOWERS AND BINDERS, 10 CENTS.
~ear, Just because they have a Ender]e. actin~ talent to go with it. Fox ,, , , ,,.
-~w smokendSp°tSrea'that, y, doWillnot readilYinjure ................. ~ ....~o~- mis*,~ok his handiFi/mi o~icials ....... took a quick look at~n O~r 0
at all. But the stock for a board Tuesday and drove a, • test reel, .t~n tost no ume * W~ Hardware
1 ,, nail through it, so that put an end ~g~g her to a contract and spon-
Tay or, at
for these at- his haying opportunities, and he soring her sereen debut under the
that of
today to