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July 7, 1932 |
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For June
Mag Jong Luncheon
a woman entertains she
; likes to have something dif-
Many times cards are ta-
~s a pastime, as all her guests
care to play. But everyone
a mah jong party once in a
house rolls.
of tea or tea-balls.
$ * *
Cleaning Suggestions
aremany handy styles
simplify cleaning.
as possible. Like a--
Refrigerator brush.
Toilet brush.
Bowl brush.
Scrub brush.
New paint brush (fine for clean-
ing window sills.)
Heine Made Chop Suey
(Serves 16l
1 1-2 pounds of veal (cut up.)
1 1-2 pounds of pork (cut up.)
6 stalks of celery.
2 pounds of onions. ]
2 tablespoons of Fugi blend mo-
3 tablespoons of chop suey sauce.
• Mrs. Tony Kreitinger and daugh-
ter Mary Lou left early Thursday
!mornin~ for Kansas City, Mo..
where she will visit her sister, Mrs.
Reg. Shoen for two weeks.
Recent news from Mr. and Mrs~
L. E. Curl. daughter Pauline and
C!ecne Curl, together with Mr. and .......
Mrs. J?e Dil:ey of Holeyoke, Colo..
re enjoyin~ camping in the
mountain air.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Page and
daughter Iris were Beach visitors
:~Irs. Ira Seeger, daulhter Audz~y
a_':d son Harlan of Cabula, Iowa,
were over mght guests at the home
of Mrs. %V. W. Page, Friday. Mr.
and Mrs. Seeger war early home-
steaders and neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. Pa~e. Mrs. E~er, will go to
Bismarck .Stmdav ~q visit her b:'o-
ther T, G. Plornason
Mrs. Ed. Fischer. daughters Flor-
ence and Dorothy and son "Chub-
by" accompanied by -Mr. and Mrs.
'George Randash of Carlyle left oni
Saturday morning for Mohall, N.
Dak., where they will visit Mr. and l
Mrs. Frank Randash and family. .
Wallace Page drove to Baker on
Wednesday, Lyman Page returned'
with him. While there they were
guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Mr. Louis Fasehing left Thurs-!
day for a two weeks visit in Minn
wii, h parents and friends.
A frigidaire was unloaded at thei
depot Friday and was installed in!
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Miss Elms Rams~act returned to
her home north of Beach Tue~dav
after a pleasant visit with friends
in Go!vs.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Funk ~nd
son Harry jr.. went to st. Cloud
Minn.. D~st Thursday for a two
weeks visit with relatives.
Mrs. Bert-Covert and Mrs. Glen
Page attended Sunshine society in
Alpha Wednesday at the home of~
Mrs, Milton Ziebarth.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weinreis and
daughter Isadore and son Lsge left
Friday morning by aura foX Aber-
deen, S. D., to visit relativf,
Lorena Hurd was an l~ver night
visitor at the home of V~lliam Mey-
er of Beach Thursday.
Miss Ev~flyn Peter~n was a Gol-
~- va visitor~nroute ~ Beach Satur-
day. \ /
E. R. Ker~edy/bf Sentinel Butt
was a Oolva\eal~r Saturday.
Mr. and IV~r~ Albert Kreitinger,
who have b~e~ visiting relati:es
',here left Wed~sday for Springfield,
Minn. t/
Methed: Chill melon. Removei Mr. and M~, John Schaefer and
seeds from hah'ed cantaloupes. Fill~ daughter Shii~eY were Wibaux vts-
cavity with crisp cornflakes or post litol.s Saturda|.
toasties• Sprinkle with sugar. The ladies from Golva who at-
Cover top with whipped cream, i tended Mrs. Oeo. ttammond's card
party Friday afternoon repor~ a
Orange Cream Pie--Try It
1 cup of sugar.
3 tablespoons of flour.
3 tablespoons of cornstarch.
1-4 teaspoon of salt.
1 cup of water.
3 eggs (use 2 of these egg whites
for meringue.)
Juice of one lemon.
3-4 cup of orange juice.
Grated rind of half an orange.
Method: Bake pie shell. Then
sift dry ingredients of filling. Put
in top of double boiler. Pour boil-
lng. water over (slowly.) Cook 13
minutes. Now separate eggs. Add
the egg yolks, beaten slightly, slow-
ly to the mixture. Cook 1 minute
longer. When cool, add orange,
over (if desired.)
Method: Brown mea~ well. Cover!
long. Have marsh- well with water and cook a long
jong candies at each] while. Add the vegetables and
Japanese or cook still longer. Add seasoningl
prizes.Some suitable land thicken a little. This is better
wOUld be:] the longer it is allowed to cook.
umbrella. * * *
bell. How To Prepare Strawberries
pencil. Always wash strawberries before
pad. hulling them. This prevents juice lemon and 1 white of egg--beaten
escaping after top is removed,stiff. Put in pastry shell. Top
with meringue and brown in oven.
2 egg whites.
1-4 teaspoon of baking bowder.
4 tablespoons of sugar.
(Copyright, 1932, by The Bonnet-
Broom Corporation. Chicago.)
Cornflake Cantaloupe
This makes a delightful break-]
fast dish. Also a delightful desert. !
Cantaloupe. i
Whipped cream.
New Coast Guard Academy at New London
of the new academy for the coast guard which has been erected at New London, Conn., at a
llion dollars and which will soon be open to men seeking to Join the service.
Soviet's Greatest Engineering Project Opened
Soviet workmen gazing at the completed dam at Dneprostroi which was dedicated amid a
May !, in the presence of thousands of men who worked on this, the greatest engineering pro}
state, and many distinguished visitors. The creation of the dam and hydro-electric sta
a large portion of the river navigable; wtll be a source of water
industry and agrieultRre of the Ukraine, asd win me
] very enjoyable time. about 20 ladies
went out from town Mrs.
land Mrs. Os~vin Schmitz cut for
high prize. Mrs. Schmity being the
lucky winner.
Philip Page and wife and Miss
Bessie Morton were shopping ati
Beach Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Seeger and chil- I
dren went to Beach Saturday to
visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thill.
Mrs. Prudence Page is spending a
few days in Oolva, a guest of her
son, W. W. Page and wife,
Miss Lou Sperger was a guect at
the Frank Haigh home the latter
part of the week.
Dave McCullum of Carlyle was in
Oolva Saturday taking orders for
Mr .and Mrs. W. W. Page, Miss
Edna Paterson and Lorena Hurd
left Sunday for Opeche park near
Ekalaka, Mont., where they will
spend the Fourth. They returned
on Tuesday.
In June and July Homemakers
clubs all over the state are cele-
brating Che ~completion v# their
year's activities w i t h special
achievement day programs.
Disease and weeds are the two
greatest hazards in the production
of flax. Use of wilt resistant va,ie-
ties and seeding only on land free
of weeds recommended.
It is in dull times that founda-
tions for good cattle herds can be
laid a~ a cost in keeping with the
values of shrunken dollars.
Sweet clover makes a satisfactory
silage. It is somewhat less palat-
able than corn silage but after cat-
tle become accustomed ~to it they
will eat it readily, Sweet clover
contains a relatively large amoum
of protein.
His Last Farewell to His Wife
Stanley F. lIausner, Polish-American aviator, saying farewell to his
wife before starring on his projected llight fl'om New York to Warsaw
In a llellam.a m~n-Dhme. He was lost sonlewlwre in the Atlantic•
.... -..=__2 ..... __.
I Rev. McNeil wiI1 hold services at
~the Strahon schOol house Sur~day,
July 10th. Be sure ,and come, of
course it is only a school house,
[and the sea~s are not as comfort-
~able as church seats would be, but
the interes~ in tl~e sermon will
cause that to be forgotten.
The friends and neighbors of
Mrs. Martindale held a shower for
her Wednesday, June 22nd. The
::: ladies took a picnic lunch and ate it
?~i;:::: in a near by grove. Mrs.
dale received a wonderful lot of
lovely usemul things. The day was
pleasant and all had a good time•
Victor Renstrom made a business
trip to Beach Thursday.
Mrs. A. M. Peterson and Mrs.
P. Crossman were Garner visitors
to the Sunshine meeting at the
Ziebarth l~Olne Wednesday.
Mr. and 51rs. II. L. BabCOck and
children were Beach shoppers Sat-
Tharvald Vielanfl made a trip to
the lrver Saturday•
:::: Mrs. Glen Alsto~ and Grandma
....... -; Wassmann viMt,e:l at the home of
Mrs Joe Diecz ~'Ionday.
Mr rind h~.z.A. M:. Peterson had
as ho~4e ~aues~ last week Mrs. Ii'~ ~i
Feffcr of Bismarck, she left for he~
) home Saturday
_¢Iis, Evelyn Peterson went to
Beavh ,~la~,ur:lav where she had a
; shore of ty,i g to do.
Mr. and A[r~. ,Joe D.~ei.z were
Ser~ti.ael EuLtx-: vi~itm's Saturday.
Dave Ho',vie went back t~ work
on tl:e :':~ac: Tkle~day. The work L'e:,n dtacontinued on account
of there being tOO much water,
Grandma Wassmann who has
been :i'~endiug the iast week web
b,-r d.,;::rhtcr. Mrs. Glenn. AlJtat,
reuu:Ued [o Zcr hon!c Friday even-
Mr. an,l .*,~r, E. ,,hcen al3d fam-
ily and,Mr, and Mrs. Frl~ ~Vass-
mann alpd family atten~l~:d church
at A!ph,~ Friday evening.
Miss E~rlna Petersoly~is" viaibing at
Baker an~l vicinity ~r afcw days.
iVIrs. G]~enn Page', M~. A. ~I Pe-
,terson ar~i Mz'~p': "&~.~n~an
~:el: in t~,~. Pp~ty 'at ~Iammond's
Tiday a t'~rn~Sn. " .....
Mrs H Crossman ealled at
the Schmeimg home Sunday morn-
It surely takes mor~ than rain to
keel? ~he ambitious people home on
the Fourth of July. Th~ vicinity
was desert, cd and without a doubt
they all had a good time. That is
what they went for. Some went
to Medm'a, some to BeIfleld and
some to Baker.
The Garner Birthday Whist, club
will hold their next meeting with
Mrs. F. Schmeling on Monday.
Amelia Earhart Flies Ocean Alone
New photograph of Mrs~ Amelia Earhart Putnam who flew from Har.
bor Grace, N." F., to Culmore, Ireland, near Londonderry, the first woman
to make a solo flight across the Atlantic ocean. Her goal was Paris but
the exhaust manifold of her plane burned out and her motor was strain-
inS, so she landed in Ireland.
Memorial to Cardinal to Be Unveiled
Memorial to the late James Cardl.
nal Gibbons, designed by Leo Lea.
telll, which will be unveiled in Wash.
ington on August 14, on the deed.
slon of the golden anniversary of
convention of the Knights of Colum-
The width end depth of the
trench silo must be small so that
fat least a foot of silage is removed
from the exposed surface in five
days to prevent spoilage. A cow
eats about a square foot of silage HEADS COAST GUARD [----- --4--
per day. .. ~ ___ ~ ....
n. ____. "°_ - -
Renovation of the old alfalfa field
ls not advisable unless weeds have
gained a foothold or the ground
has become packed or baked.
Chicks that are once diseased or
infested with parasites are never
as profitable as those that are kept i
healthy and vigorous.
Canning old roosters rather than'.
market t~ the
selling them on the to dispose of'
most profitable way
them this year.
Gass Coal Mine
I ~1 t
p: ton
$2:50 per ton
At ~'each or Wlbaux
"Willie te,s me you visaed YOUr
train today--why, were you going
somewhere, dear?"
"No. and I strongly suspect that it
, was Willie who out the train off my
old wedding dress."
Modern -- Comfortable . t
'"' " 1
served at
accounts for its popularity
with town and farm folks.
In mixing cream from two dif-
ferent skimmings, fresh cream
should always be cooled before it
Let Us S,
,111 , , ,
We carry a complete stock of
Texaco Service
is put in with cold cream. ~ NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS MEETING ~
=,~. :,,~,,~--'-~o,o--~.,*-------7~,* ~,re l --"--
To the Stockholders o Go~v ~ ,
-" ~ , f / a Cooperative Elevator Co.:
these tickets in your pocket? / Notice is hereby given that the annual and regular meetL
Mr. Archaeologist ~home from the Stockholders of the Golva Cooperative Elevator Co., will be h~
Kentucky Derby)---OK thc~e are town hall in Golva, N. D., at 2 o'clock P. M., on July 12, 1932,
just evidence of a lost race. [ The business to be transacted at the meeting will be the amendntent '
} o~ :hoer.b~v-taw, s, ..Article, Ten, It~ ~bur, to read: 'Fifteen members,of 'the "
Grandma Wayback -- Something Capt. Harry 0. Hamlet of Wash- , ~rt~,~ra~mn .snail,~ tmmness quorum, and the. election of:of~ :
should be done to stop all this pet- lngton, who was appointed by Pres- nee s and toreadors, r~a$trig and approval of officers' and~dire~rs' re~
I Ident Hoover to be commandant of and such other "~Itlmate business as may come betdre kald me~-
In heathen conn-~lhe coast guard wlth the rank of
girl bables. .........