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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 6, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 6, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tj~ ,4 • HA GE EIGHT From Grand Forlas-- Vernon Brockmeyer is spend- ing Independence day with his GO_LDEN VALLE NEWS,. BEACH,. N__ D-- :. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 On Brmin. "r~l~- New Emplcqree-- |To Calif.. Mexico--- |alum 24 Hours ~ Overnight Vlsit~l~- J and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clarence Ballard drove ~to/ James Stevens from Mandan| Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kittel-| The Cervicenter on Highway| Mr. and Mrs. John Helm of[ Helm. They were enroute to an Illinois on business last Satur-I arrived here tbis week .to begin |son visited their son Harold and 10 this week ~ta'rtf~l 24 h~l~r ~"~'~I Grand Forks were overnightt insurance men's convention in day, returning this Wednesday.[ work at Serensen's blacksmith |wife in Tacoma, Wn., recen.tly, vice daily--in'-tlle-s-tat'ion~ an~ ............ shop. [and all took a vacation trip lunchroom' The sei'vice will con':- visitors Monday of his uncle, San Francisco. Driving New For4a--- [ --:7---- /down to California and Mexico, tinue through the summer " During the past week E. A.] On Vacation-- /returning here to the Ki~telson " pamnts, the A. G. Brockmeyers, ~is city. He arrived Sunday by,.@lane from Grand Forks, wl~re he has been employed fo~;tho past month in the Fire. stone store. Russell of the Trotters commu- nity purchased a new Mercury, Harold Kannenberg a new Ford sedan, and Tony Kautzman a new Ford Pickup, from the Johnson Motor Co., of this city, "FRIDAY.SATURDAY EASY TO INFLATE TAKES oNLY A FEW sECONDS HILE i LAST FOLDS UP -- yOU poCKET Beach, N.D. Phone 17 FRESH CREAMERY Rev. and Mrs. G. Hinz and daughter Naomi left this week ~)n a ,two-weeks vacation tx) Hazen. N. D. parts of Canada and Yellowstone Park. COMPLETE LINE Re~urn Home-- Mr. and Mrs. Selmer Abraham and children. Ardythe and Nor. bert, returned last Tuesday to their home in Wenatchee, Wx. ]'hey had spen.t two weeks here at the home of Mrs. Abraham's ~)aren~s. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Helm. ,MAINE, } OIL Business Visitors-- Mr and Mrs, Gerhard Schu- reacher and son John of rural Beach were shoppers in town Saturday. Fourth Visitom-- Mr. and Mrs. Verl Wyman and family of Westhope, N. D., were visitors over the Fourth at the home of Mr. Wyman's brother-in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hathaway. When you dial your favorite Radio Station and get a noise like a "Busy" Signail We're neeer too PIK)MPT, EFFICIENT SERVILE LARRY'S o Service Phone 181-LW, Beach pound * * * .... 59c ,SARDINES, 3 cans ALWAYS CHEWY SOFT "~ACKED and Backed by SWIFT~ cans . 25c 3 OZ. can FAIRPLAY, IN. TOMATO SAUCE can MACKEREL, 15 "NATURAL FLAVOR DUKEE'S 25c COCOANUT, 8 oz. home last Friday evening, the younger Kittelsons visiting them and other relatives until this Wednesday, when they left for their home. Visit Old Farm-- Mr. and Mrs. Boone Whitmer and family of Circle, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs, Sam Whitmer of (-¢loomfield. Mont., visited the Martin Kittelson family here. and their old home farm north of ~each. July 4th, and had a picnic dinner at the farm. Visit At Home-- \Vcek end guests at the Itow- ard Stockwell home were My. and Mrs. Johnny Strata at Miles City, Mont.. and Lila Stockwell lnd Elmer Sandsmeyer of Aber- deen, S. D. Mrs. Strom is ~e former Donna Marie Stockwell. To Have Picnic.- Social Hour Club will meet Tuesday, July II, at the Don Short ranch, where a picnic lunch will be served. Roll call will be answered with "Easy meals for summer." Meeting Postponed--- The meeting of the Garden Club which was to take place July 6 has been postponed until next Thursday, July 13. At that time. Mrs. Henry Thompson will be hostess. Children Visit-- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Glen have as guests their son George from Chicago, Ill., who arrived here last Saturday, and plans to stay until this coming Saturday. Mrs. Leo De Witt of Regent, spent several days here with them, with her new baby, leaving on IndeI~endence Day. Making their home here with their parents are Steve anti Alberta. From Illinois-- Mrs. Mary Neiman of West. ern Springs, Ill. is now at her farm home in the Sentinel But- te ruraI community; she plans ,to leave m a few days to re- turn home. She is a teacher, and comes here in the summer, where she has a new cottage on her farm. which is operated by Ole Orstad. OLD SETTLERS Q AT THE (2 Miles North of Sentinel Butte) 9 Lunches Ice Cream -- EVERYBODY COME! Pop COol, crisp, salads provide an abundant source d vlta. mins and mirmrals so neces- tory for good' nutrition. Serve them often. Select your f~vorite ~u~ts and vege. tables at Super Volu where you'll find the plck of the crop at economical prices. GOOD VALUE BRAND FLAVORFUL I ~s~,o,c~_ I Salad Dressing, 37c ORANGES, 2 doz. for i-49e C--~o,~- 3~c "A~IGE CALIF. PASCAL CELERY, bunch ..... -25c ~v-~.~^,-- - -- C'[jcc IBE] S, 21b for 25c Bleach, gal.. 39c gALIF. GREENTOP TALL CANS !! , 2 bunches for 17c Carnation, 4 cans 49c SKIPPY REG. OR CHUNKY 15OZ. JAil Peanut Butter, 39c WHOLE No. 2½ -- In Heavy Syrup 2 cans 45c i VAN CAMP'S 2-2% cans 45c I I I NATIVE RASPBERRY BLUEBERRY CHERRY No. 2 can 39c TENDER CUT GREEN OR WA~ lgK Beans, 19oz.can 23c Golden Cream Style j • *~'d%'~°* 2cans ~2lc SWIFT'S PREMIUM Essex Cervelat, lb. 57c GRADE K, LEAN PorkChops, lb. .... 55c Mr. HOPE Longhorn Cheese, lb. 49c CLOVERDALE Minced Ham, lb. .. 39c Breakfast of Chmnpio~s 12 oz. p g. Wheaties 21c California Sudl~, ~b. pkg. Raisins 31c Flavorile Assorted, Cello Bag Candy 29e For making and Jell ~} as. l~kg. Sure Jell 12c Parowax, lb. 19c Arias Reg. Zinc, Doz. Jar Covers 31e AUas SoaI-AL! 2 pc. Dos. Jar Caps 23c No. 11 Mason. Jar Rubbers 5c /2 ,N oNE M-- x ...... large package 42c LET THE CHILDREN SHOP HERE! We wait on them promptly, give them the well known brands you want, tie the packages securely, tuck the change in where they'll not lose it, and then we see that they get safely across the street. Soap 2 bath size 20e 3 reg. bars i For Faster Dishwashin~ 10oz. pkg. 26c OCCIDENT ASSORTED Cake pkg. 35c Quality Merchandise For Less! I PHONE 75 i Free Delivery A. M. and P. M. -- Open Till 9 p.m. Sat.