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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 6, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 6, 1950
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PAGE SIX tr = .. * [ Guenther and Mrs. Gordon 'be- " lieve contouring will increase I With Your [/ . . . i e,,..-,-. xtens'"n i|crop vields, save on iuel ana [ ,,~,JUIlty 12~ • ~ It) !l machinery, and make farming t Agent easier. The higher parts or hills By 1~ M. Miller ] will be seeded to g~ass since the •ARMS ON CONTOUR | top soil is very shallow. The ] waterways will be seeded 'to a Donald Guenther and Mrs.| mixture of Brome grass, west- fry. Gordon ,are farming 160] ern wheat and alfalfa to keep acres on the contour this year.I the waterways from washing. A This fall they will lay out an] mixture of crested wheat, slen- addition,a[ 100 ,acres on the con- der wheat, wesxern wheat grass tour. Most of their other faran and sweet clover will be seeded land is strip cropped. Donald on the higher land and hill ,tops. 9 Your generous support of me in the recent primaries is sincerely ap- preciated, and if I am elected this fall, you can be assured that I will conscien- tiously perform the duties of my office. CURT SILL | MORE LOADS--MORE MILES--FOR LESS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Cost Less to operate per ton per mile ! ..f / Bring in your old truck for BIGGEST allowance--easiest terms on a NEW Chevroletl-IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Schulz Chevrolet Beach, N. Dak. THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 The contouring and wind strip]law provides that teachingl Thurs., 8 p. m., Church Boards I Overnight Visitor-- i stopped at the Sam Johnstone cropping are only two conserva-1 scholarships will .be granted to J meet. t Albert Marion of Dickinson i home this past Sunday and Men. ion pr, actices of a complete con-[ five students in each county in[ Sun., July 9, is Holy Commu-t formerl- of ~ach was a bust'! day, enroute to Sag Francisco, serv,ation ~arm plan with thel the state, according to State[nion. ]hess caller in t'-wn this Wed"jCalif" He is the former Advent" Golden Valley Soil Conservation] Superintendent G. B. Nordrum. [ ........... [ nesda,, ~e is a"trucker durin% ist pastor here about 9 years District. ] "Anyone," he said, "who vcill :;'r. PAUL'S LUTHERAN l his summer vacation from his ago. The U. S. Soil Conservation' be 18 on or before September 1, CHD~CH ] studies at the DSTC, and will be Service technici.ans, Theodore 1951, is elig.ible to apply. Ap- Missouri Synod I moving his house trailer to Family Dinner-- W. Thorson and Roy W. Tabor, plication blanks may be se- (~. t-liNT., vaster | Marmarth in a few days, where i A family dinner was held at are assisting in developing thecured from the county superin- No Services Sunday, July 9th he will be employed He and his the W D "Schulz jr home this conservation practices on the tendent." . and 16th. , . wife, the former Patricia Turn. past July 4th. Guentl~er and Gordon farms. The scholarships may be re- Services Sunda~, July 23rd.I bull visited her parents, the| - -- * * * * * paid by teaching one year in a Sunday School. [Lawrence Turnbulls, ,at their}Miller Grandchild--- Remember the County Tour on one-room rural school. In case of emergency contact [ ranch near Baker, Mont., last Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Thursday, July 13. "If a county fails to provide the Rev. Meyer of Glendive; or week, and all visited relatives Mrs. Marshall Miller, and now * * * * * five candidates to accept thethe Rev. Werfelmann of Dickin-I here last week. Mrs. Hector Cameron. has a SOIL CONSERVATION ACHIEVEMENT CONTEST Seven farmers of Golden Val- ley County, all cooperators with the Golden Valley County Soil Conserv,ation District have en- tered in the Soil Conservation Achievement Program for 1950. These seven f, armers: Herman Dietz, Sentinel Butte; Cecil Met- call Trotters; F. D. W, aldahl, Sentinel Butte; Reinhardt Fisch- er. Sentinel Butte; Donald H,am- mend, Golva; Alan Ekre, Beach; Donald Ulfers, Beach. All have a complete conservation f,arm plan developed through the co- operation of the Golden Valley County Soil Conservavion Dis- trict and the U. S. Soil Conser- v, ation Service. These seven farms will be judged by Charles Bordsen of the U. S. Soil Con- servation Service, Wibaux. Mon- vana, Dan Cox, formerly of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, W,~baux, Montana. ,and Harry Halstead, Beach, North Dakota. The three top farms will be entered in the s ,wate contest. CLUB NOTES HOME SENTINEL Mrs. R. T. Nordin Se¢. Major project lessons, Rugs and Electrical Equipment, were given by Mrs. Carl Johnson and ~Irs. R. T. Nordin at the June meeting held at the Carl John- son home. A new member. Mrs. Richard Kessel, Sentinel Butte, was, admitted to the club at this meeting. Mrs. Win. Pullins will be host- ess at the July meeting. BONNIE VIEW Lydia Feldmama, Sec. Mrs. Howard Vinquist and Mrs. Norm,an Stedman present- ed the major project lesson on "Rug Making" at the Vinquist home on June 21. All members and two visitors were present. The next meeting will be held ,at Mrs. Howard W ilson's on July 19. SCHOLARS IA" &;EN TO COUNTY PUPILS The North Dakota schol,arship THE Golden Valley News £L, tered as Secona C~ass matter a: *~e Postofflce at Beach, N~rth Dakota October 7, 19~. reader the Act o¢ March 3. 1897 A Weekly Published Every Thursday WALTER R. B~ATTON Editor - Pnl$1iaher SIYBSCRI~PTION 1~ TF..B One Year ........ II~L~ ~ix ]~lonths ....... l.f~ To ad4re~ within North D~.o~ end Wibaux and Fallon Countl~l I~ Montana: To addre~eJ oubtde o! Norfl~ D~vo#-, One Year ........ ~.O~ P • ' I i! Yes, we ha e John Deere Hv ay Balers, one man automatic wire t,e, w th or w thout motor. We also have a good supply of wire and baler twine. .... ._ SIDE RAKES ROW DUMP RAKES, 10 and 12 ft. One Used, New I.dea, Side Delivery. Just Like New. We have on hand John Deere Mowers, with Rock Guards or Without. Good Supply of Mower Cycles and Guards. Ballard Bros., props. Beach, N. Dak. scholarships by August 15, al- ternate applications may be ac- cepted from other counties,"[ Nordrum added. { The appliqant should be a | resident of the county in which he makes the application. t:VANGELICAL LUTM£ P, AE CHURCH O. L. OLSRUD, Paslor FIRST LUTHERAN BEACH: Services at 11 a. m. Sermon theme; "An Inspiring and Pro- gressive Church Convention". Ladies Aid at the C. O. Carl- son home, with Mrs. Carlson and Mrs. Olsrud hostesses, Friday, at 2:30 p. m. TRINITY, SENTINEL BuT'rE: Services at 9:30 a. m. CARLYLE LUTHERAN: Services at 2:30 p. m. SOD. Fishermen Return--- Tom Gilman and George Oech and John Barkland and "Red" Nitcy of this city returned home week end from Madge Lake. Can,ada, where the men had spent several days en- joying an outing and reporting ~hat fishing was pretty To Leave Friday-- Mr. and Mrs, Ted Dickinson will le~ave tomorrow for Seattle, Portland. and other points on the v, est coast for a vacation trip and while gone will spend some time visiting Mrs. Dickinson's father at Hillsboro, Ore. They expeel to be gone several weeks. Here For Summex-- Sharon Reigh of Breekenridge, is spending the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs. Glen Siler, and family. Mrs. Siler's mother. Mrs. Peter Re4gh who visited her daughter here, left [ [ From Lansing-- Pastor .and Mrs. Frank Grau and family of Lansing, M,ieh., new baby son, born to them in Denver, Colo., last Friday, June 30. He was named Spence Mur. dock. " THANK I wish to thank the voters of Gold- en Valley county for the fine vote they gave me in the primary election. I so- licit your support in the general elec- tion this fall. = .... t~EACII METHODIST CHURCH last Wednesday to return home. I. Robert Bo~s, Jr~, Paster SEACH: Sunday School. l0 a. m. Morning Worship 11:15 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m.. July 9. alWed., 7:30 p. m. Choir rehears- "Wed., 8:20 p. m., Study and Prayer. Thurs., 2:30 p. m., W. S. C. S. Monday, July 10. 8 p. m.. Of- fical Board and Board of Edu- cation Sunday, July 9. is Holy Com- munion. Bible Reading, Week 27: Gos- pel of Luke. 7¢IBAUX: Morning Worship, 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, 10:45 a. m. Thurs., 7:30 p. m., Choir Re- hearsal. % 7, 7, 7, = 7.7 ,f WELL $ $ $ $ • To Canada-- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson left last Friday evening for Far- go, and from ,there drove to Canada. on a fishing trip. Howard Moum Beach, N. Dak. JOYCE O'HARA'S ON Sponsored by Beach Athletic Association Deep or Shallow. 6 inch Screw or Welded Casing BUD KUNICK Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. 30-tfc I I Lightning Installed Protect Your Build- ings and Loved Ones. FOR FREE ESTIMATE 44 WRITE OR CALL COLLECT tl : PETE BAYER 4 Dickinson, N.D., -- TeL 855 [~ 4 38-tfc ~ . See the New 1950 CItRYSLERS and PLYMOUTHS Demonstrated. NOTICE! ; : A I)Y : "'"" Take aFree Rieo H R MOTOR CO., TO FARMERSIlll Over Our Ramps. AND NCI RSI g B kLI PA ' When you want tollll i SELLy°urfarm'see] !L Y ' Barney Piesik. • When you want to[ ] BUY a farm, see [[[] Barney Piesik. II When you need a[| The New Lights • LOAN on y0ur.f .am, [| See Barney Piesik. [| 8:00 office, ,N. I:)ak..,lI Admission:--Adnlts 75c .. -- NIV "qp- V V V ~V" V ~Wp- V "~p~ "Np" "V