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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 6, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 6, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR o-~, GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D. THURSDAY, JULY ~--=- ............ --~----~ The Howard Van Horn family ried home by .Mesdames Evelyn [ ,Roy Kit,tleson who is employ- I Mr. and :Mrs. Grove Lutts and [ Scouts Swim-- ~* ~- ~ • -- | t., . • ~ ] enjoyed a visit Wednesday eve- Waldahl, Fern Tangen, Julia1 ed at Edgely, N. D., spent the • 1)lCKlnson elec s M:S~la~°dYialeSh:Pht~rdc:r~J~yed ] .Leslie Freese and Roy Tabor ~. r~ .~r TT-- | ~,nt|][~e[ |~Lltte I ning and Thurs., with Howard's Wischow and Olga Lardy. l week ~nd with his family here. home :y se[t°°k eleven Boy Scouts, mem- r,an rot l ew flu | ........ *-' ....... ~ uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry R.ilea and i Mr.:and Mrs. Fred Smith and • [ bers of Troop 20, to Glendive, Judging from the han -- Hyle of Owa.tonrm, Minn., who Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Fisher and[Bonita left by ear for Belt, ...... -'* were enroute home from a tri .................... Mr..and "Mrs. Wi!lis .Preston I Mont.' last Saturday, where the photograph of the arct ~,iamuy arnvea from ~eaale, l~aont., to spena a vacanon vls- ana g~rts anu r~aipn 5nepnera lads had a swimming party at drawing of the new St. £ ir v ' of Pray,through Yellowstone Park and Culif,to visitrelatives and iting thetr daughter and faml Duane K k atrlck _. . • I - were Beach business callers Sat- I the Glendive pool. Hotel, pictured in a recent Mont and John Carlson of For- several western and coastalfriends. The Fishers are a.t the ly the Robert Busch's. urday. I - - of the ,Dickinson Press, D ....... "' . ......... states, home ofLaurel's sister Mrs Bill '~¢Ir and Mrs Chas Johnson, J~lOnL, leit ~aturaay Io~• Waldahl and hu ban-' " J ' • • Mrs. C. S. Hanks and Nancy I On Vacation-- I son will in the not too far ~rsvthe after snendin~, soveraI Mrs. Betty Houck anddaugh- s a. [and daughter arrived Friday, of Toutle, Washington arrived l Mr and Mrs Bi'l .... i tant future have an iml~ ~,Z-'Y/Y • .-. *" --. ~. ~- " ter and niece of Dickinson, made Miss Jordice Satre left Fri- 1 from Anoka, Minn., to visit . ' • . L ~aruner ' . ~ah"~__n_ere visttmg rrlenas. Jerry a brief visit with 'Mrs Einar day forMcIntosh, .Minn., to visit] Charles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday morning and are ]have been en4o,,in- their annu 'new hotel, which is slated ! ~_~n._ wj~o came wl~.n._~nem Waldal enroute to Beach'to visi,t friends over the 4th. Vic Johnson. MrsViSitingDeweyher FisherParentS'andMrfamily-~-~-and [ al va,~ati,~,.r~..,:._~_..,_f...~_-~'~ ~_o,a,,,,.~....~..~: ...... ¢,,,,~ ~ sixll0 roomsSt°ries Frankhigh andand CO~Fr: ~c~ mnvu zor a lo~ger VJSlt "vVl~.fl .... "! .=~ uutau~ a~ the o. ~. renney I .- - "-" - - "- S hiS ~,ra~drmren,ts Mr una ~r~ relatives over the week end. Richard Zmsh and Paul Strle~i Frank Randash of Mohall N. Mr and Mrs Pat Plummer Co and Mr Gardn • r~aya n~ ~ Joseph r~egan ~1~ ° ~.=~..'"~'"'~x~:~.~,.~'~.~: ~.~ ^ .... ~...,. ........left Wednesday for Bell Mont, ] D, vimte dat the Petersllie home" " [ ., . er from his ' . • . _ and family left Sunday morning mail carr in task ed the arawlngs over the ~oomnanied them t,~ For~x~h,~ h,~t~ ~,~ tho Gat Toa~tber ('b~h wHere tHey will be employed. [Sunday afternoon, for a tour of the Black Hills of/ I weekend, and It is exP spend a week with Joy Carl-at her home Wednesday after- uane Ableiter arrived Wed. t Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Theisen S. D [ To Minnesota that building details will be ~tL noon. Prizes at cards were car- nesday from his home at Hy- and family of West Bend, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rustad/ Mrs L ....... 1 nounced later in the week. ~- I' I attsville, Md., to spend somearrived by car Friday to visitand children s'~ent a"le--a~ I . . w. t~erg arrlvea Here K. Johnson is chairman o~ v ~" "~ "~ I Thursday of last week for a few hotel committee He i~ a br~ ~. ,, time visiting his grandmotherLloyd s parents Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at the Gee Rustad • • • | I Mrs. Jesse Phillips and at theMike Theisen and his sister, • " days visit wlth relatives and i of R W Johnson of this r~ I.I ~ ]~T ]Lr ~] ~ I T ~ ~[ Ed. Cook, Cecil Wangen, and Mrs. Frank Bares and family. Home. friends. Wednesday morning, ! our Ford "dealer. [[ I H2/~ J-~ l~k 1 ~[]~ |)o ~ Louie Odland, Jr., homes. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dixon ..... her father, Tom Gilman, bro-[ In Fargo~f .... I ther "Monk" and sister, Mrs I Vacationing Gu~sis--- -- -- Mi " " |[ 1 ss Marflyn Dixon accompa-drove to Williston Saturday ~alss .,aaoeime Jones owner j • " • 01 ][ ~ ined her uncle and aunt, Mr. evening, where they got their ~ .. : .... " ... [ . O. Niece, accomDamed her l Mr. and Mrs. M~ke Sok ~ter~n~e;tl~aae~msea~u;:au~Yv:d°p [back to her home at Redwood l of Los Angeles are guests of Id ,~t ~ ~, ~ • •.• ~ ., ii and Mrs. Ernest Nelson, to Bis- son Jim and wife, who spent the for ~'ar~o ,,- ~ ~-,~-;Y~,~ ~. ,o;g ] Falls, Minn., where they willt Hubert Wicka's while on a | inanus ior me splen{lla vo~e 1 re- ]]marck Friday, where she will4th here. s ......... ' . l ~ ior a iew hays , Gay vacation. • .... ][visit a while. Mr. and Mrs. John Honnold, Hess .and pleasure trip; she nasl__- ......... " .... .... | ceIved in the pmmary election. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Walters L~is and Carol Lee left Saturday relatives living there. [~i ' -- | - o |lare the parents of a daughter for Aitkin, Minn., to visit John's [1 Your continued vote and support |[~orn at the Dickinson hospitalfather and sister and brother Picnic At Lio-~-s Den-- Ill Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hudson, the ] ]]] T I--~ I "~ ]~T V~'~ IT T [[ . • • • ]][Wednesday. for a week. Paul Klev family, and the Bob HI l 11/-]k ±l 11 "1 ~ U • Mr and Mrs G Schumacher II m the fall election will be sincerely ap- • ~ . , Jones family, enjoyed a picnic 1[1[ [J [[t and son were ~unaay sinner ......... ..~ ..... ~ dinner at the Lions Den on][[[ Z rtr.~o~'~t] ~ [[ guests at the Lloyd Yates home. " ........... ......... " " " [[I My sincere thanks to the many :in i = .....[I[Theyals°madeabnef'nsita't l Olhe N~r~ [ July4th .... • " U I the Otto Petersilie home. ~ ~ o t On Vacation-- m _ _ _ . _. • !~ T !" "l[ lr3 g~ IT ~ t~ lIT "Mrs. Susie Goldsberry and [ .... | Mayor and Mrs. John M. Keo- [[[ people who supported me in the l: its fl ][~ I L L ]~ [-~ l~k ~-~ ~ i[Mr" and "Mrs. Carl Moen are en- t .rs..¥ron tluason .~ .... | ][ ~ l|joying a visit with the former's ~=_:--= .....- .... =::=-=_" hane, Jr., and two sons are va-Illl * , cationing .at a lake near Fergus [[[[ Commissioners District, at the re~ en |1 [I/brother Ben Brown and her -""he • ~'^v u^_ ~ . ..... ., Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stark and [-~i~ w .~,~. na,~u ~,uw, auu .......... Falls, Minn., and plan to re-fill . . . turn home this week end * . family of t,wliana ~Vtr nna Mr~ L*orls, .~v~r. and ~ars. vern veroy, " IIII primary election, it was very muchaP At "Mr and Mrs Sam fisher Y ~ -~ " " . Fly To Kans-~-~---~ ...... I III ". . • Trotters communi,tv ~rmnt .q,,n Sandra were droner guests at Mrs. Rufus Arnold of the[Illprecla~eu. .............. ¢ -r ...... at- D n day ,at th^= ~..~.¢,," .......... .u,.c a,~. the.. Bet Hudson_. home.. L SU day Johnstone Memorial hospital I lll ........... ~r. and Mrs. R. r. utts were staff, flew to Gvenola, Kansas, [1[[ I 1[~ ~ "iT ]]-3 "ff i" 6"~ ~'~ ~T supper guests that evening., this Tuesday to visit her dau-[]]] L ~ ~.~ J~ l~ I L ~ ]~ ~ "Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jahrig and Fo children of Billings, spent the ghter, Mrs. Margaret Vaughan, ]m od and Fancywork .......a,d family, and planned to re. IS -- week en(l v~mung at the Home turn over the week end I~. OLD SETTLERS SALE of Mrs. Jahrig's parents, Mr. and GOOD VALUE SALAD DRESSING, quart.. 37c HUNT'S CATSUP, 14 oz ............... 19c SKIPPY, REGULAR OR CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTEP 15 oz: .. 39c LIBBY'S FRUIT COCKTAIL, no. 303 22c DOLE'S-- U ........ Pineapple, No. 2 Potato Ch ps . Crackers, 1 lb. WALDORI~S KRAFT'S CHEDDAR Town Ho HI;ESE 'i 1 lb. 32 , 59c -A DAZZUNG CLEAN WASH 2 for 51c Cuts Washday Work in Half! Purchase your ice cream just before you leave for the picnic, so it will be firm on arrival, as we will be open until noon. I COCA- g BOTTLE CARTON 25c HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE SYRUP 1 lb. can 18c Plus Bottle Deq~ii DRINK CUPS, with handles, 2 for ...... 29c PAPER PLATES, package ............ 15c PAB-STETT .... CHEESE, package .......... 27e SWIFT'S FRANKS, lb ............... 55c LARGE BOLOGNA, lb ....... 49c C RELAT, lb ................ 59e '9 Sentinel Butte, ?'4. Dak. Thurs., July 13 AT GAMBLE STORE Beginning e2 10 a. m. Sponsored by S. D. A Dorcas So¢iel~/. 42-2tp Ill I I I Mrs. Archie Slater. ~VIr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and Gloria and Carol Rose mo- tored to Billings on business. Gloria and Carol will attend Bible camp at Luecock Park near Livingston. Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Dulane Wang were supper guests at the Pat Plummer homo Saturday eve- ning. BIACI~SM IING~ [ We have now opened our Black- j smith Shop in conjunction with our ] Machine Shop, and are ready to take t care of all your needs in that line. • .Mr. James (Steve) Stevens of Man- dan, N. D., has been employed as our Black Smith, and has many years ex- perience in this line of work. SORENSEN'S IA CHI Beach, N. Dak. i i If you,re planning a vacation trip, let. us service your car before you leave. We will make lo k its best, and put it in tip-top shape for those miles ahead. Painting and Body Work a Specialty. ,.NSON i c, SERVICE Phone 10 BeaCh, N. Vak. INSULATING WOOL The DIFFERENT Insulation for the MODERN HOME... • Leading architects and builders will tell you that Insulite Insuhting Wool is the unique, ageless insulation made of glass blown into fine fibers that's ideal for the newest creations from their drafting boards. Insulite Wool is made in several convenient and ecohomical forms---each having advantages for a par- ticular use. These forms include the popular roll blanket with a continuous vapor barrier to control moisture condensation within the walls. See us today for eugges- ti~ns and new low prices. Coming To The Wibaux, Montana "Lottsa Papa" And Famous Colored Orchestra For an evening of dancing enjoyment topped of the best meals you. ever had, be sure to be at the Phone 200 Phone 14