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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 6, 1950     Golden Valley News
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July 6, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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o NUMBER 14 BEACH. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1950 NUMBER 41 Wibaux Man Dies County Begin Remodeling n-Trap HugeBobcat ..orkW.__ Started On At Farm Home Take At Stone Ranch., Woodward Drug Beach Loses To Ivor Carlson bagged an extra.'DOyS Ranch Bld _s. Farm Tour july 13 ,o t Monday morning, work." "~uonarcns, Death June 30 Giants 1.urge bobcat this Tuesday, men, under the directon of M~r- The Beach baseball team Erdmann of the a trap, at the Stone ranch, and John Prown and Tim Red- long.time resident,of the Wibaux The Golden Valley County gun and Oswood of Wibaux, dropped a g.ame last Thursday Butte rural community, he and Knute F.~rstveet brought mond of this city h.ave been community. Death occurred at Soil Conservation Tour will get Mont., will begin the task of night to the Kansas City Mo~t,, ~ken by death last Fridayhim to town this Wednesday, busy the past woel~ and are still his home south of town. underway Thursday, July 13, remodeling the Woodward Drug archs, 8 to 0, and on Sunday ng, June 30, at his farm where they exhibi, ted him. Mr. at "~ork getting living quarters Funeral services were con- with buses .and cars scheduled Co. building. Face brick veneer lost to the Dickinson Gial~tl , af.ter an illness of up- Carlson says the animal killedready at P, cvs Ranch for Father ducted by Father Leahy at St. to leave the court house at 9:00 will be applied to the front of 11 to 6. mutely one month, of a seven house cats at the ranch,Cass~dy and a group of boys Peter's Catholic church in Wi-a. m., at Beach, reports R. M. the structure, and the store will The game against the Mort- ailment. Last rites were and probably did considerable who will occupy the quarters as b:Lux, Friday morning. Inter- Miller, County Extension Agent. be altered and enlarged in thearchs was a well played g,a~ lcted here at the Methodist other damage. The bobcat was noon as they are complete, ment was made a.t the Wibaux rear, making it several feet 'h on Wednesday, July 5, a.t spotted, brownish in color, and Tho new large granary built cemetery. Four stops are planned in thelonger and wider, until the sixth inning, wh~ morning and four in the after- errors blew the locals after hold. '. m., with Rev. J. R. Boggs, had a short tail. by Mr. Liovons several years ago M_r. and Mrs. Botch were early noon. Free coffee will be servedI ing the colored boys to 2 runs in. ~offici.ating. Interment was lt.~ -~T~---~-~-~--~"|y¥~t~ !l~l isbeing chanv~ed over into tern-'settlers in that locality, and at noon at the school yard near,Mfarm. Li six innings. ~,~:~ living quarters for the raised several children there, Nick Lundin's ountain on in the Beach cemetery, ih'st i;:'oup of boys that are ex- two of whom remained to carry Chaska started the game earers were Ralph Wilson, .Morning stops are scheduled against the Giants but allowed am Zepp, Charles Wilson, , /)ectc.! to arrive ~t their new ~n the farm work. at the Ferd Spiegelberg, Urn. Believed In Area ,ve hits in the first inning, home ~ometime the later part of Mr. Botch was a quiet, friend- Melvin, Frank Schouboe, and when M, adison took over tl~ ge Raisler, George Fisher, For Training -ere Stener Ekre. ly man, who will be greatly Floyd Bosserman farms. Af,ter- duties. Before the rally coukl include five brothers State Father Ehvood E. Cassedy hasmissed by his family and fri-noon tour stops will be at the Several residents of ~his area be stopped the Gian, ts counted two sisters; Theodore, Gust, Mr. E. L. DeAlton, been staying with Father Talty ends. Wm Hasselstrom and Alan l report having seen what they all of Catawba, Wis., Paul, Supervisor of Vocational Edu-at Sentinel Butte during the past Ekre farms stri cro in sceneI believe to be a Mountain Lion, four runs in the first inning, ~go, Ill., and Emil of Spo- cation, was in Beach on Sat- - --~~:;~ :-- ~ • ID* fr ..... ::, c'.IPa,~PP~2,g^ _rid[prowling about in some of the .Madison allowed nine hits l~t , Wn., Mrs. Amanda Cobb,urday as a result of the applica- Business rlrms a" U~.smp~Upy~,at rne T."~"2Ym. nuasonYU~'ranCn. -~ ~[ large, draws approximately 15 five and two-thirds innings, miles north of Beach The ani- ane, Wn., and Mrs. Marthation made by the local Board ~ c~ wL ~ ** Refreshments will be served ,at ...... • . when DeSchneau took over tO of Milwaukee, Wis. He of Education for an On-the- -:-~.~ _ :~*~ ,~ ...... ~w.,~.-.L._,, th Hudson ranch b'- Mr T E mm is aescrmea as very large, finish the game. Farm Training program for t~)p~||~O][ IL U I Ull H dson Y " " " tawny in color, .and with a long Beach scored two runs in ~le preceded in by his veterans. "This program is ~~~ ~ . " [bushy tail estimated to be seve- first inning and three in .the nts, and one brother, 'les, who succumbed last strictly an education program ~~~ Below are listed .the many During the luncheon, Mr. Vir-] ral feet in length, and paws the second, but were blanked until th at Catawba, Wis. for those veterans who are in- ~~i local sponsors of the Midget gil L. Weiser of the Soil Conser-/size of a large man's fist The the ninlh when they counted terested in improving farm prac- ~~~ League baseball program, sport- ration Serwice, will g~ve a talk| cats body was about 6 feet long. their last run. The Giants added illiam Erdmann was born tices", said Mr. DeAlton, "and ~~i :;ored by the American Legion on prevention and control ofI This is the first time in years two m