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July 6, 1944 |
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A Weekly Published Every
Thursday by
A. Shipman, Editor
H. C. SHIPMAN, Business Manager
as Second Class :matter at
l~stoffice at ~, N0rth Dakota,
O@tober 7, 193e~:ttndt, Zf• ~e A~t,,~,~
Mar~h 3, 1897• .:~ ....
(Omitted Last Week)
Curt Mellis and family moved
Minnesota on their farm out
the Westerheim community in
1912. There were six chil-
part of them born on the
out here. They ran the Dr.
ranch on shares for a
Curt is a Spanish American
veteran. From here they racy-
to Mills, Wyo. in 1920 and then
California, and at last settled at
Ore., where they have a
acres of their own. Aunt Edith
that they raise a wonderful
and all small fruits. Eu-
was killed instantly by a train
his car on a railroad cross-
in December about 12, years
Violet is married and has 3
of her own, besides 3
and lives in California.
has only one boy and lives
her husband in California.
works in a war plant near
as does Eloise, while Nor-
Inan works in the state training
for boys. Norman and Eloise
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kunick
and girls were callers at the Emil
Kunick home Friday.
: Dick Pendlet0n spent part of the
past week in Sentinel Butte getting
his pickup, ove~uled.
Another picnic, so friends say,
JUly 4th. Evaryone is welcome to
come that care to.
Clara May: ~er sl~ent Saturday
night with her cousins, the Wm.
Brown child~n:
Lieut. Loren Rilea will soon be
home. Days can't pass too quickly
for Marie any more, while she is
waiting for Loren to return.
Hugh Armstrong battled hogs to
BallRrds~Saturclay fo~ Mr. Haverluk.
Mary bou accompanie~d~them as far
!~ Se~el Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cymbaluc
were Beach shoppers Saturday, as
~re. Mrl and Mrs• Howard Van
Horn and children.
Jean Cook of this community and
Gwen Cook of Sentinel Butte left
Marlyn Cook is the teacher of
the Olson school this year. How
time flies. I can remember that
little bundle. Never thought then
that'd be trying to teach my
Mr. P. B. Garberg and Charles
Robinson of Bismarck spoke at the
Rathbun picnic Sunday. Their
driver and publicity man accom-
panied them. They spent the after-
noon visiting among the crowd.
Talk about the neighbors rats. I
wis~ they had stayed at the neigh-
bors, as I have lost my 100 baby
pullets, and I know it's rats. They
can eat poison for a while before I
buy more chickens for them.
Dick Pendleton took the girls in
to meet the 6:30 P. M. bus Sunday,
as did Taylor Cooks take Marlyn•
'The girls return to Dickinson on
the 6:30 bus so as to be sure they
get there on time. A good idea,
this not being late.
I Wish someone else had been
Going fishing? Sure, in July,
1945. Where? at Taylor Cook's
dam. We understand a state game
i warden lind Jim Donaldson of
Beach planted quite a few thOusand
fish a while ago and told Taylor he
could start fishing in July, 1945.
And if Taylor starts so.will the resi
of us, you can be sure of that.
Gladys Pendleton's car was the
first car to arrive at the picnic
Sunday. Lorraine accompanied
Gladys. As Gladys was the driver
and owner of the car she received
the man's prize, a package of
cigarettes. We are sorry it was
something you couldn't use, Gladys•
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Allen and
Allene attended a birthday party
for Grandpa Allen at the Herman
Dietz home in Sentinel Butte sun-
day evening. Dad Allen, as he is
known to one and all, makes his
home with his daughter, Mrs. Dietz.
Many happy returns of the big
by bus for Aitken, Minn. to visit
at the Harold Cook home.
Ted Wright is now employed at l
the A1 Reinholz farm. It will save i
a lot of extra driving on weekends,
won't it, Teddy?
Johnnie Berg is home from the
hospital and is already tuning up
his tractor. Better take it easy,
Wanda Van Horn spent the night
in the hospital Saturday, having
infection in her hand treated, said
infection being caused by a wart.
Lloyd and Art Brown spent
Thursday night at the A. H. Allen
home. The rain forced them to quit
plowing on the Hoffman place.
Ralph Kirkpatrick and children
were callers at the John Brown
home near Sentinel Butte Saturday
Joy and Jay Wright visited the
Wm. Brown children Friday. Geo;
selected to write up the picnic held day, Dad.
here Sunday. I hate to brag up a Math Tescher told us that one
nlace b,tiadvantage of having a large family
)icnic held on my own ti~e picn'~cIts that you don't have to campaign
I guess I'll have to, for
lwas good encugh for anyone to so hard for votes. Your own chil-
bra~ about, t dren and in-laws can swing the
I tr an • o Car~ ~nrt~election your way He could have
M. d Mrs. Elm.r ......... a ' "
!daughter and Mrs• Ella Boise ofi .dded_an°ther advantage is~.wtn-
i Bismarck were at the Rathbun pic-i mug me $~ prize, ann men, w~m so
many the average m bound tO be
~nic Sunday. Mrs. Cart is ex-secre-| ~, " " :
itary of the N. P. Womans federa-| in your favor to collect prizes, Such
tion. while Mrs. Ella Boise is vice[ as the registration prizes won by Primary
Donme and Rose Mane Tescher
president of some organization ~ ' ' ,
ar,~'~ ~r,~ ~.toa ,v~.-~ ~^~. "~** | the young woman's race won by
some of his children, at home.| ,
......... . ~ .... .--~ ,~u=~,~ ,c~ Joan and the boys race won by
Otherwise the Hoecks would have | bonnie. But Math's horses were too
tied Teschers for the $5 prize, and slow to cop a prize. They didn't
prove as fast as Math,
Lucille Higby, Reporier
I promised Ted to give duplicate
prizes if he was tied. Thanks, Ted,
for not trying.
I wonder if anyone besides Dick
Pendleton, who reads this column,
ever fished off the old red bridge
that ran across Eleventh lake at
Akeley, Minn. If so, we'd surely
service was held from 8:30 until
9:30 every night. Bible classes
were held from 9:00 to 11:30 every
morning. We went on two hikes,
and everyone got an abundant sup-
ply of exercise. On Thursday we
went to the Ekalaka museum and
park in two trucks• The four star
campers were Lourane Waterland
of Carlyle, Leona V~iseman of
Baker, Donald Kingsley of Baker
and Sammy Scammon of Wibaux.
About 9:00 Saturday morning two
trucks piled with young people and
luggage, one pickup and two ears
proceeded to make the long trip
back to their homes. There were
some that mentioned they would
have liked to stay a, month.
Will all who have knitting or
sewing for Red Cross please return
it before July 12, as we are clos-
ing the rooms for the summer
months. We have some housewives
to be sewed, and would like volun-
To the voters of Golden Valley
county and the 39th legislative
district, I wish to thank you for
the fine vote given me at the
Election June 27, Your
and Mrs. Wright picked them up on
their way home from Beach. appreciate a line from you, who-
Cliff Wagner was up from the ever you are.
river Saturday, as were Con Short! You ought to see the big smile
and son Don. All were Beach Benny Allen is wearing these days.
visitors, i The sheep pasture fence is about
We were sorry that Mrs. Tom completed--that smiles says
Patsy Lund arrived home from
the Calvin Lund home in Baker,
where she spend a week visiting.
t Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hartse and
so!!Clifford Hartse arrived home from
support is greatly appreciated.
M• D. Hogoboom.
I wish to take this means of
thanking everyone who in any way,
shape or form helped make the
picnic the success it was. I cer-
tainly appreciate your help.
Mrs. Mary Rathbun.
.... V~
In the good old days, the suitors
for some nic~ girl were often said
to go down on their ln]ees to win
her, but some of them Would be
afraid now that it would spoil the
creases in their trousers.
both living with their second Wirtzfeld was ill Sunday and un-No more herding for Benny. Bet~Fort Peck to spend the Fourth.
first mates not suitable.
bl to attend the icnic as she Tommv Rathbun wishes he could Mr an~ Mr~ ~"o t ...... ,~
...........WUl long oe remem- Mwavs eniovs Picnics SO much. I~ smile for the same reason, • { Plentvwood are in Carlyle v'lsiting STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ))ss
in this .commumty be- We are so glad that A1 Reinholzi John Bergs have their sun porch lfriencis. COUNTY OF GOLDEN VALLEY )
of the wagon longs oI ciomes, lis improving. Although Al lives icomp~ted, and it's a dandy. Johnt Biff Pratt is back in New Gut- IN DISTRICT COURT
sne received in 1920 the results, sa s a
entmel Butte he is well y I c n nave my next wedding r
. ._ "• .i _ ' " - in the i south of S " ' ] . "" .. • " I nea, after being in the hospital fo Ruby E. Doerner,
a miter,, sne nan primeu. . known in this community, trance, on me. porch, so we'll, have two months m" Australia. Plaintiff,
!mfort paper, asking for. aid. Mr. and Mrs. John Berg and to wmt a w hffe to have said dance, Mr. and Mrs. Ch~ Stewart left E. G. Faven, T. E. Hudson,
~ certainly got aid. ann. plenty I Marie were Dickinson shoppers on i as we wom an:t want to see Lhea's I Thursday of last ~ to vacation . Vlasoff, the unknown )
1~ , so sne s~arteu a sor.~ • onda and Beach shop ers on nice varnisnea riGor au marred [wit r 1 iv "nX~[;~i~in~to
• _ l M y 9 | • h e at es 1__ wa~t~L~__n, heirs of Z. Vlasoff, also
second-hand store ann sold l~rldav Grandpa Johnstone spent Friday Mrs Bob Carew'~ little sister known as Zosima VIasoff,
~ugh to pay he~• and her chil-i--'l~Irs' Win. F. Brown, Baby Par-~1 night at the Wm. Brown_home and tconnie is spending'the summer in Deceased, and all other per-
ms I are ou~ ~o ~ius, wyo.; where llene and Mary Rathbun were dinneri ~a'~uroay at me oonn ~rg nome. I Carlyle with her a~d Bob. estateS°ns unknoWnor claiming any
.~ SOlO me vamnce, wnicn sne naa|~uests at the John Brown home. nero says ne is mrougn neraing| Mr~ Dulane Fulton arrived from
ed out there " iedl ~hee and is Gin out to Oakland 1 . ~" " • • •
PP - ... ]Mrs. John Brown accompan :~ P, . .g g , Cahfornia and is Tinting at the
t~urt is not in the best of hemm /,~.~ +~ ~each in the afternoon Cahf to wmt his son Ross and Cha.~ Fulton h
~n ~a~nlih~tes°m:o~:rkedr~:~!~'~nse-I-- ir]d in ......... Mrs. s~opplerS e~:~t n :s~S?y D~!. pe~;ps=rkMir:, aDWa7 ~:;rtl'ngton MrMs!"ssB eRsUteh J!m~ao~" omn stdagedg w~the
....... 7- .. . --t Wendell Youells and Doris Bec 71 (nee Violet Brown) surprised Mrs. week of the Lutheran Bible camp.
me sm~ nave oeauues ~oo r tha~
Y " ,lund were also shoppers the e Carrington's folks Sunday. When Ira Krueger has been inducted
!day I Maths arived at the picnic, lo and into the Army and left Wednesday
Era bailey was a Beach caller In last week's item telling ofi behold, there were Violet and her for camp.
ttur~ ty. Dennis Rathbun's birthday party *husband. They arrived from Wash- Mrs. Howard Finkle came from
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hillman came up Iithe name of Duane Bode rman was l ington, D. C. Sunday A. M. They Wibaux to spend a few days help-
Mrs Evans Sunday A M l unintentionally left ou~. uuane -tare on their vacation, ing her mother. ~.
. Ed ~icCann is now employed at ccmpanied the Pendleton family. Webster Allen, Jr. had the mis- Edwin Hartse is in Rochester,
the Emil Kunick farm• l Patty Hoeck visited ViXen Rath71 fortune of hurting his left foot last Minn. He has been gone for three
:ike Lardy and son Phil were bun Monday afternoon. ~ysentp !week, getting it caught in a drag, weeks.
tinel Butte visitors Saturday• their time washing dishes and bak-~ Dr. Bush dressed it and Webster. Mrs. Edwin Hartse. Marion Eve-
F. Brown was busy hauling ing cookies for a soldier and a took a short vacation at his home. lyn and the two younger girls spen~
couple of sailors• Webster has been working for Sunday at the Virgil Moline home.
It's funny how hungry some of Frank Fakler south of Beach and Mr. and Mrs, Chavlie Fulton and
our young men get early in the wilt return to his work this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Storkel have
mornings after a dance that there Jimmy Cook spent Saturday at received the Purple Heart for Del-
isn't enough grub this side of Glen- the Rathbun home. Jimmy had the bert Fulton and Conrad Storkel.
Lee Roy Moline was a business
dive to fill them up. ' misfortune of getting a sharp piece
Webb Allen is the proud owner of of wire ran into his leg, It ran in caller in Carlyle lasf Friday, and a
supper guest at the Wilbur Ham-
a new secondhand car. He put- and out again. But Jim is tough, lmond home.
chased said car from Pete Wirtz- He just laughed when John Clair,
feld. and Pete bought himself a pulled the wire out. Jim was able[ There is to be big doings in Car-
to ride calves Sunday anyway, and lyle to celebrate the 25th anniver-
pickup, sary of the Farmers elevators, on
Barbara Allen spent the weekend stick, too.
in Dickinson, while the rest of the We sure made a terrible mistake the 10th of July.
Mrs. Herman Storkel had the
girls, Gladys and Lorraine Fendle- when we forgot a few service boys misfortune of burning one of her
ton, and Marlyne Cook spent the who should have been included in,legs. She is feeling much better
weekend at their homes. our "Write a Line to the Boys in
to town the past week.
Hoeck spent Tuesday play-
with Tommy Rathbun.
LoSheep shearers will be at the
wman sheep ranch this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kunick and
Children were Beach shoppers on
i~aturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts and
~ mily were~ Beach shoppers on
~Bud Coot¢ is employed at the
chard Moore ranch on the river. ]
e missed you at the picnic, Bud.
pGladys, Lorraine and Wayne
~ ndleton visited in Beach and
ntinel Butte Friday.
Mrs, A. H. Allen returned to her
Work at the hospital at Beach Sun-
tlay night• . ',
• Mr. and Mrs. Math Brown went l
to Beach Thursday and spent the
llight there, due to the" rain.
A. H. Allen delivered his comoine
in Beach Monday. A1 killed two
birds with one stone that time, as
he hitched a wagon behind the
combine and used the wagon to
haul out a load of wire.
Service" books here at the picnic,l
Never mind, boys, we didn't do it!
intentionally and there's another I
picnic the Fourth of July. We'll1
get your book for you then and
also for a few girls who are gone.
Golden Valley County
Farmers Union
G' ,
!2th at 8 P. M.
State Director of Orgaitization
[.OF O ! RS .
Homemakers club and Red Cross
were to have been ~i'eld~Rt the home
of Hildur,Storkel, but due to the
rain and muddy roads, no one was
able to attend.
The annual budget meeting of
Wibaux county district No. 19 was
held on Monday, June 26. The two
trustees present were Herman Stor-
kel and Joe Dobrowski.
Charlotte Dalthorpe, Jean Hartse,
Evelyn Hartse, Grace Hammond
and Leona Lund spent the Fourth
with relatives and friends at home.
and are now back in school in
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton and
daughter Ermogene came down
from Glendive to participate in
the picnic held at the Tom Fulton
residence last Sunday. The rest of
the folks who attended were Mr. I
and Mrs. Chas. Fulton, Mrs. Dulanet
Fulton and baby, Mr. and Mrs.I
:i Dudley Fulton and childlen, Mr•
:i and Mrs, Alvin Woodsend and
I children, Harold Fulton and Myrtle
Bible Camp at Ekal~ka
Bible camp was held at the Q.C.C.
camp June 26 to July 1 five tulles
south of Ekalaka. Those wl~ at-
tended from Carlyle were .Marie
and Victor Blake, Euphie JaRobson,
Lourane Waterland, and Lucille
Itigby. Others attended from .Baker.
WibauX, Ollie, Alpha and Golva,
There were 44 young p40pl~ at
the camp- from 12 years mad up.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Goossen of
Wibaux, Mr. and Mrs. Bob I-Iar~
of Baker and Arthur Allen of Baker~
were tlie chief counsellors. Mrs:
Reptinger of Baker was the chief
cook. On Monday and Tuesday
rained and everyone was glad
see the sun come out on Wednes-.
day.• Baseball was the l[avorit~
sport• We played games in ~ne of~
the barracks on the. ,rainy' days;
There wer~ five g~oups of girls who
took turns in wa~hing~'dishes and
cleaning up. There were two groups
of boys who took turns in carrying
water and wood. There was a girls
choir, consisting of three sopranos,
three altos and two tenors: Lord
M~e and Betty Shishkowski of
Baker, Lona Jean Reinecke of Wi-
baux,. Ruth Reins of Baker, Mrs.
Hart of Baker, Violet Bertsch of
Baker, and Lourane Waterland and
Lu~cllle ttlgby of Carlyle. On Tues-
daY night four volunteers sang a
quartet, Mr. Ooossen, Mr. and MrS.
Hart and
interest in, or
lien' or encumbrance upon
the property described in
the Complaint,
You are hereby summoned and
required to answer the Complaint of
the above named Plaintiff, whict] is
on file in the Office of the Clerk
of the District Court of the Sixth
Judicial District in the County of:
Golden Valley and State of North"
Dakota, and to serve a copy of,
your v.nswer thereto upon the sub-!
scriber at his office in the City I
of Beach, in said County and State,'
within thirty t30i days after the
service of this summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of such ser-
vice. and in case of your failure
tO appear or ans%ver as above re-
quired, the Plaintitf will take judg-
ment against you by default for the
relief demanded in the Complaint
Dated at Beach North Dakota.
this 26th day of June A. D. 1944.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Office and Postoffice Ad-
i dress: Beach, North Da-
You, and each of you, will please
take notice that the above enhtled
at.iron is brought for the purpose
of quieting title in the Plaintiff and
depriving you, and each of you, of
any and all interest in and to the
following described lands and pre-
mises situated in the County of
Register of Deeds of Golden Val-
ley County, North Dakota,
and of determining adverse claims
thereto, and that no personal claim
is made against you unless you ap-
pear and defend in this action.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Beach, North Dakota.
(June 29; July 6, 13, 20, 27; Aug. 3
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of County Commissioners of
Golden Valley County, N. Dak... will
receive sealed bids for the " recon- i
struction of the Williams Creek Dam. [
Bids to be left with Count1~ Audi-I
tor, to be opened July 18, 1944, I
10:00 A. M. A certified check, in I
the amount of IO% of the Bid must!
accompany all bids.
The Board of County Conmxission-
ers reserve the right to reject any
or all bids.
Raising water surfaca Williams Cree~
Dam--4 feet
Earthwork raising dam .... 1.700~CY
Spillway ................................ $3~4~CY
Lumber piling ........................ 7~73-F.~.~
Riprap New ..................... 2 ..... 417-SY
Riprap Salvaged ................. 3'i-~Y
Miscellaneous Contingen-
cies Engineer estimate .... $400.0{}
Raising wafer surfaca Williams
Dam--9 foot :
Eart!~work raising dam .... 6.4~-C'~.
Rlprap New ......................... 1.I00~
Riprap to be Salvaged .... ~rT-S~ '
Lumber Piling .................. :.. 12.0~FJ~,~
Miscellaneous Contlngen
qies Engineer Estimate ~ Sg~](k00
(June 22, 29; July 6, 13, lg44)
The public is cordially invited to attend the Silver
Anniversary Stockholders Meeting to be held at the Carlyle
Farmers Eelevator Company on JULY 10th, 1944 at
2:00 P. M.
Refreshments will be served•
I wish to take this means of expressing my apprecia-
tion for the vote given me at the primary election
on Tuesday, June 27.
Candidate for State Senator,
39th Legislative District:
I am a buyer of all kinds of cattle, and have
eastern orders for stock cattle, I also have
packer orders.
By appointment will meet you at your ranch,
or write or call me collect, phone 341W.
E. McDonald
When you hear the crack of thunder
and lightning, do you wish you had
insurance, or do you go back to sleep
with your property protected?
Adequate Insurance is Good Business!
Dakota,G°lden viz:Valley and State of North AL UECKERT AGENCY
Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three
(3) in Block One (~) of the Orig-
inal Townsite of Beach. Nort~ i PHONE 82W BEACtt, N. D.
Dakota, as the same is platted
and the Plat thereof on file and
of reeor0 in the office of tiae
. .,,JAI
"The men overseas don't mince any words, among American service men in England by
about the way they want to find this the Rritish Institute of Publia..Opjniom.
country when they come marching home...
do they, Judge?" When hundreds of men were askedpoint
blank how they would vote on prohibition,,
"They certain!y don't, Herb...and they 85% o~ them Stated, in unmist. )a~e t e~.
shouldn t. They re doing a masterful job ma~. mey would vote agdmst it. 'There s no, -'
oout)t about it, Herb... the men overseas
fighting over there to protect our rights and d "
they have good license to expect us 1o pro- on t want any action taken on that subject ,
tect theiks back here at home. one thing while they're away."
they're mighty_ c!e~ i~JiKt~i~ stand :'And they're 100% right, Judge, because
'prohibition." ~~ on 'I know how I felt when I came home after
" Their position on tlmt subject was stated the last,war--only to learn that we had
been over there figtRing for so impractical a
very emphatically in a poll taken recently thing as ProINbltmn.
r -
hi* adoetti,~a~nl s~cd byCor~fcrzrr~¢ of Al¢oholk Beverage l~du~ri¢~ Inc.