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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 6, 1944     Golden Valley News
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July 6, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE FOUR THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS , Thursday, July 6, 1944~ Raymond Ponke of the U. S. Navy is home on leave. Mrs. Pete BOld and Mrs. Sig Pedersen and baby visited at Glen- dive Frldsy. B. L, Dooley arrived last week from Billings to be the new county agent of Wibaux county. Bud Vmaluchene and wife are ~rlslting relatives and friends while he is on his furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and three daughters of Sidney visited at the Turnquist home last weekend. A. D, Bryce spent several days |ast week at Miles City visiting his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Picketing made a trip to Fergus Falls, Minn. last week. The Royal Neighbor lodge met last Wednesday and had lunch at George's Care after the meeting. Mrs. Alda Hanson and Mrs. Ed 82aerman returned from a vacation ~l:~Rt in Iowa and Minnesota, on Wednesday. Mrs. Albion Welsh and Mrs. Bur- ton Welsh entertained the Christian Fundamental Ladies Aid Thursday afternoon at the clubhouse. Wesley Rimel is home on fur- tough and Clarence Peterman ar- rived Thursday. Wesley will leave ahortly for Seattle. Mrs. C. Marcus left for her home at Bridger last Monday after sev- eral days visit with her son and family. MYs, Mabel Latcha and son of Pomona, Calif. are visiting at the Guy Hall home. Mrs. Latcha and Mrs. Hall are sisters. The Catholic summer school clos- ed Friday after two weeks. Con- firmation was held Sunday at the church. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scammon took his sister. Mrs. Forrest Roscoe, and daughter to Beach Thursday night to catch the train for their home in Almira, Wash. Mrs. Burton Welsh sold her house near the school house last week to Mrs. Mildred Miller and family, who recently moved here from Miss Loretta Nelson and Jean- nette Stockwell came down from Billings Saturday to stay until Tuesday. Mrs. Bill Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Arley Helvlk, Audrey Howard and Leona Manning, Colleen Reinecke, Renee Houghton, Zd Turnquist and Mickey Dunn were in Olendive on Thursday. 0LLIE NEWS Mrs. Rudolph Lutts spent the day in OMe Thursday:~ Miss Nellie McKay of Baker spent the week at the Norman Rost home. Mrs. Anna Sather and sons spent the afternoon at the Archie starer home Sunday. Ross Cameron and Henning Steen are assisting with sheep shearing at the Jesfield ranch. Mrs. Will Ferguson of Baker spent the weekend at the Clinton Baker home. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hudson and family of Baker were supper guests at the Bert Hudson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd and family and Marguerite Hudson spent the evening, at Baker on Saturday. i Mrs. Christ Sherva and daughter !Ventta left Monday for South Da- kota for a two weeks visit with relatives near Mitchell. Mrs. Bud Knutson and Virgil left Friday evening from Beach for a visit with the former's parents near Black River Falls, Wis. Mrs. A. J. Jesfleld and Mrs. Henning Steen and Gloria were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Narum Sunday. Mrs. Charles Shepherd spent Thursday at Cabin Creek with her daughter, Mrs. Randolph Perry, and family. Mrs. Victor Berg and daughter have moved up from Baker and are with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd. • Mrs. Fay Shepherd and Mrs. Victor Berg and daughter spent the afternoon at the Elmer Wang home Thursday. i arrived Wyoming. Lieut. Gerald Smeltzer EvelIeIe~ ......... I last week from Utah to spend his ne welsn, ~enee nought.on, f furlough with his parents Mr. and yn lworgan ana Goneen ~em- mel r ' k Mrs. Jerry S tze. ec e drove to Glendive Friday eve-1 ~v an~ ~ars wetzet ~nd Ja~ice WANT ADS TWO CENTS PER WORD PER ISSUE If you want to buy or sell ~omefl~ng: If you need help or want a Job, you can get results from News Want AdL No ad accepted for less tbsn 25c per insertion. A sorvice charp of ~I¢ win h mtb "blh~d" ad~ 4b FOR SALF_e--We~Lmer pigs, your choice. Edwin Buldhaupt. 40-tfc FOR SALE'--Strawberrles, 50 cents quart. Albert Still. 41-1tp FOR SALF_e--Cr~Iey Z volt l~tttery radio, in good condition. Aug. Brockmeyer. 40-2tp FOR RENT ON SHARES---Sectlon hay land. Jesse Houck, Beach, N.D. 41-2tp FOR SALE---One L~-foot Baldwin combine. See Mr. Hogoboom, Alpha, N.D. 41-2tp FOR SALE--One good Florence kerosene stove, in good condition. Art Holland, Beach. 41-1tp FOR SALE--12-ft. duckfoot; Sin- ger sewing machine. Chas. Pur- vis, Beach. 41-1tp FOR SALE--Cedar telephone poles and split cedar post. Hanson Lumber & Hardware Co., Golva, North Dakota. 38-tfc STRAYED--One whitefaced heifer, branded IB, left side, on ribs. Julius Anderson, Phone 8Fll, Beach. 39-3tp LOST~Rear door from a '37 Chev-' rolet at St. Philip dance Tuesday. Finder return to Frank Beggar, Wibaux. 40-2tp FOR SALE~McCormick-D e e ri n g horse mower, practically new. Charley Johnson, Sentinel Butte N.D. 42-2tp HELP WANTED--Girl over high school age to work in grocery store. Experience not necessary. Apply at Red Owl Store. 41-1tc ! FOR SALE~WIld goooseberries, 20[ cents a quart. If wanted order at once. Mrs. Mary Rathbun, Worst ~'rh s~i?~O ....... A1.1 fr~ . TROTTERS NEWS Mrs. J. F. Crook. Cot. The Nellermoes made a shopping I trip to Beach on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kruger and daughters attended services at Trotters on Sunday. Mrs. Bert Sperry will entertain the Union Aid at her home on July 12, Come for afternoon lunch. A large crowd attended Sunday school and church services on July 2. Rev. Kenney conducte¢ dedication services for our new hymn books. There will ,be ser- vices again on July 16. Our annual ice cream social will be held on July 15, at our church parlors. Ice cream, cake and cof- fee will be sold and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of our church. Come and spend a pleas- ant evening and help a worthy ~a use. How is your subscription? Willys builds the economical *f Light Truck */Paese.ger Car ~/ Light Tractor ¢ Power Plant Average yearly consumption of dairy products by a soldier in a camp is 84.9 quarts of fresh milk, 22.8 pounds evaporated milk, 25.5 pounds butter, 5.7 pounds cheese, and 8 quarts of ice cream, accord- ing to the army Quartermaster Corps. V It takes the rubber from 21 pas- senger tires to make one combat tire . . . 10 pounds of rubber for a passenger tire; 219 pounds for a combat tire. This is just anot,her reason why civilians must recap their tires. V ' The average American received 141 pounds of meat last, year, com- pared with 107 pounds of meat (mostly mutton and lamb) to the average Englishman. Send film negative of your favorite photo to Thrifty Dan with only 15c ~(either coins or stamps) ~ you will promptly receive TWO 8 x 5 Luxurtone enlargements on beautiful, double weight . Eastman Pore.cart paper, Satisfaction o¢ money back guarantee. This "get acquainted" offer is limited so act now. Send your film or negative an |~St 15C f~r TWO e~[argeme.t~. N I~ you do not I~ve a fdm @r ~eQ~five. 35¢ ostt4 |m n~king • ~ew ~t~,~. ..~ ~ ramify 0AN "The Cmem M~," PARIS AVE. ~nd COTTAGE GROV| St, GRAND RAPIDS 2, MICHIGAN ' BEACH LIVESTOCK MARKET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY July 7th and 8th Will take as many hogs as you may deliver, at the following prices: TOP 190 to 270 lbs. - - MED. HEAVY 270 to 330 lbs. HEAVY 330 to 3751bs. - - - - EXTRA HEAVY BUTCHERS - LIGHT BUTCHERS-- TOP 190 to 270 lbs. - - - 170 to 180 Ibs. - - 160 to 170 lbs. $12.00 to $12.10 $10.20 to 10.50 $9.80 to $10.00 $9.50 to $9.80 $12.10 to $12.20 $10.50 to $11.00 $10.0g to $10.50 150 to 160 lbs. - ....... $9.50 140 to 150 lbs. - ....... $9.00 PACKING SOWS - - - $9.10 to $9.40 STAGS, 70 lb. dock ......... $9.40 Beware Thin Sows, as they are likely to be discounted