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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
July 3, 1941     Golden Valley News
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July 3, 1941
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BEACH. GOLDEN VALLEY COUNTY. NORTH DAKOTA THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1941 NUMBER 46 Wicka . , Interesting To News Proving Ground Aberdeen. Maryland owed you a letter for now and seeing that of quarters to-day and isn't busy, I'll try to that have happened time I wrote. better tell you how the home town paper. Monday and really that day. I get let- folks but they don't tha I like to know family. I am sending I money this pay day my bills around there them to pay you for ! starting the day they me Dlus what ever it is to send it to me for months. last I have traveled the government and Betty Miller Is Married To Bey- New York Harbor Mined--Only in Practice erlev C Dickerson This week the News learned of the marriage of Miss Betty Miller, former Beach girl, who was very well known here. which comes as a pleasant sur- prise to her many *friends here. She was married to Beverley C. Dickerson at Atlan*a, Georgia, on February 4th of this year, and the young couple are now residing at Hapeville. Georgia, where they have been since their marriage. The groom ts from Chatham. Louisiana, and is a gradua'e of Louisiana State univer- sity at Baton Rouge. At present he is a pilot for the Delta Air lines, a southern commercial air rowe. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Miller of Beach. and was born and raised here. She is a graduate of the local high school and this past winter completed a course at Long Beach Junior college, in Long Beach. California. Best wishes and congratulations are extended the young couple from their Beach Will Play Glendive Here On Next Sunday PM Zt was a tired and hungry lot of Beach baseball players that appeared Ion the Williston grounds last Sunday afternoon somewhat late after en- countering long detours due to wash- louts on the usual route. I Only short batting and infield prac- ices were given the Beach team be- fore play was called so the boys went t into the game under a handicap, but I • C in spite of thin they gave a good a - count of themselves and the specta- tors were given their moneys worth of good baseball. It was three up and three doll for the Beach boys until the sevent~l ln- nlng when Joe Gruman lined one out for the first and only hit Of the game for Beach. He promptly stole second where he rested until the end of the inning, in the fourth Inning Ralph Jones reached flr~t on an error but was out on an attempted steal to second• The play at second was close but the "Ump" said. '~?Out" so that's what it had to be. prefer the west to the many friends here. The Beach boys hit the ball lr~ every inning but were ima~le /~o 'q~lt em I miss that good old tality. The people here FATHER DIES where they a'int.*' and independent. A1- Phillip ~illiams, attache in the Williston scored in the third .Inning have been here I have U. S. embassy at Rio de Janeiro, Mrs. E M. Melvin returned recent- ~l time. Spent threeBrazil, who flew to Washington upon ly from Portland, Oregon, where she Most intensive mine-planting exereises sinee World war days are when Boyd "drew a free pass, went to lngton, D. C. which I his arrival in Miami, Fla., to lay~ had been called by the death of her new being held at Fort Hancock, N. J., where men of the special mine second when I~ir was being thrown than any other threeevidence in the sinking of the Robin father, Wm. Oaldwell, who had passed command have .started intensive 3~ months of drills to prepare them ~out Nellermoe to Ralph Jones. ,:,He in rotectin New York harbor. Picture shows mine and reached third on a passed ~11 and re. Also visited NewMoor by submarine before the state away at his home there. Mr. Cald- for their part p g ,, " crossed the plate with the first run days but i~ is just like department, I well was one of the early homestead- its anchor ready to be dropped from theGeneral E. O. C. Ord. • . as Nelson reac~ned first on an error. ~:. People, people, and [ l- °r--a-l - -llfalF-f ers of Golden Valley county and will- Here Next. CW l," 0n" Friday fifththeinning provedby a nicediSaster°uS'throw be remembered by many of the old [Getz Pouh ar Sdiool 0fheers error and two fielders ue I was there I /choices netting .the home team three Y Goodman, Tommy timers here. He was 88 years of age Herman and Larry his last birthday and they had just * niore this inning Boyd was were all playing a~ June Is Twice celebrated their 67th wedding anni- _eel. Meet ___ cut off at pla, e Gardens the same verary last January. by Nellermoe to Nistler. Two more runs came across in the there were really ]~ .... ] ~ ..... a- .......... ~ The Getz poultry car will load at In spite of the conflicting opinion seventh on two hits and a hit bats- were 15.000 there that ±lUIJlldl ~XIUU|IL 14 MEN l~t~ul~•Jr~-- -- ............. n"~ at Beach t on the date about 40 of the 68 school man, making the score six to nothing tg I like t _ ~.~olva nex~ ~ uc-~u~ ~ ~, • ,~ about it .s ........... ~,~t~nd r~|~£v~÷.inn on Wednesday, July 9 and cards are I officers of Golden Valley County con- in favor of Williston. .nat has a -i-' -~'- JUly ~ ~*~ ute ........ o .......... ' - ....' ...... r--m Jul-" 2"Ph as Price -~-;" • ~ ,, c~_~ Total preci')itation recorded at Me- under tl~e Selective Service System in the mail with prices ann fletaits:]venea ~n .me cour~ GO. Y_~ ~ .....Marshall Dyke pitched a good game _ • wmen makes !t~,'~ *~ ~"-- - ......... * ~-~ ............ --^-- ~^'~^-- ~ L ~/indels is the buyer avai,, CLUmper oliicial notice ana carrm~ mru for Beach striking out eight of the figure ~mw i~1i he is advising all poultry ramers to, a very m~r~ -Y m ....... "'r.ches. This more than doublethe Valley county who passed their 21st . ' ..... ":. " ....... 7."a: hard hitting opponents and lknitlfig L 13 C"~.:-go. on meaveragerainfall for the month of birth|lays during the period between sell the non-laying nens and..old program on school affans and situ them to six singles. He issued two ' - . up [ne F' " ~lons o~om too Brtn in a few mr~s cruise • ~ _ "" June which amounts to 3.16 inchesOct 16 1940 and July 1, 1941, register- roosters • g . • -- " -~- ~ ~omm,~,~,~ ,~f ~w~ Val free passes and dusted Nelson's ~,., ~;. • ~anceo to at Medora ....r~ ...... oa -e,~r =--"-~ '*~-^ ,--~, ~,,.o~,~ ,,ffice this tim~. ~,~d tell Mr. Wmaers when Mrs. ~n ............. ":" .-- ...... " shirt in the seventh Just enough tO ..... pa3 much rP n d ,~ +~, ..... .no r*ther~ who shnnld V0U want another car, and how muchlay District acted as c l~alrman_pro send the batter to first. '- ~ tne scenery and _c~r_. ~ ............ " .................... ~ill sell then He "o olferng' i a tern and Mrs C E Carlson ot uem] This is the first time a Beach beaut, ful , ~ Storms the past week were ac- have registered they should make it a you " , " " - - -" t " " "---'-''-'-'" --- tern n.,_ ' • • just can t eomn~niorl hv ht~h u~tnrl~ ~thioh dam- ---,,~+ +,, ,~ ~n at nnra h~fnra a,,lv su~cial half cent p'.emiumIor youit~lS.rlcL as Secretly v~*o " .. team has been shut out for a good ,crags ina let' er '~c :~,-~"-_-'_'L-2" .'"°'_'~ ..... ~'_-.:--~=,~ v,,,.,~.. ~,, .'* ..... _"_7~, 2,~-~--_2._-..'0 -;'-,, "~o tnis The various even's ofthe meeting many years and the boys are deter- ~ ' ,.a~a a,u ues~royeu numerous uuttu- 9, 19~1, wnen a repor~ ot utese regis- ~"" " " The resolutions body at home" I could.-gs, especially in the Fryburg, Gor-trations must be forwarded to State ::memi~t:~l ::~:in~edd appreciation to mined that it shall not happell -~tter m .... ,. "~'.. - ~]am and Fairfield communities Headquarters L'~ , 11"t _ ff'~__~. I .............. ent Arthur E again. ,oc~. ~ince be- . n " ~ta~e ~upermLenu made a, co ..........Some hailstones as large as two a d __ ~C0U~S amp nut n John R Weihoff D S T. Pitcher Hair of Wlttisten was In fine a mon-~. ..~,~ wmcn a half inches in diameter fell in the HOME,~ERS ELECT t ] :_...~.~on, ~ ..... ~-- ~' ~,-:*h~, form and was given gilt edge support -.~aa a chance t " / u., 1. w. xt~w~-~v,,, ~,~-o. ,_..,,v~ comm" • northeastern portion of the coun y --- turned ,,~smned offmerson the evening of June 20. Not enough At the regular meeting of the 13 members of the local Boy Scout ] drive by MaJerus and first baseman Grove, R. N..: and D. B. Rea~er for by his team mates. Shortstop Nelson 'Uld m~'~.^uOwn 'cause I I of them fell, however, to cause severe Beach Homemakers club held 'rues- troop chaperoned by assistant Scout] the Lr- spen21a InesL%es ..,,,~ ÷.~o ¢,~]. made a spectacular catch of a line may be"~.__m_°re money ]~amage except In one or two small day at the home of Mrs. Joe Kukow- Master, Charles M_oyer, went ~o me/,_fne_ '~,~='~s ~:~.] ,~%"thecomin~ Goar robbed Schtff of a hit, and also ar~ ~ wrong. [areas. ski office~ for the ensuing year Shelterhouse near ~aeaora ~unaay mimw,:.~ w, ............... -= made a long run to spear a foul, also Ira; lw°n_dering, what I[ A hailstorm which struck an area we're elected as follows: spend the night camping out. . /Ye~at- .......... ~,~,,~ ~ommond hit by Sohiff.. .,_ ,,= u~ worz Well ~.....- "" --'I ....... • B~''^'-' --n .......... ~^--'^---'-" The trln was glven the ooys ror/ rrw,u=-~--,,-, ............ Beach made three errobs and Will- march~: ~eaen draftees I ~he evening of June 17 caused severe Vice President--Mrs. Leonard Carl- their help in beauuxymg tne c~y par~| aulia Cook iston one. un ~.. aau a Iew courses[dama~e to crous in that area =nn t when all the weeds were pull~ct ana/ _.~.'~'~ f'~'~':_~"'-'.~'~ .... + On July 4th Beach will play at ,~-; ,,,,u small arms alon~ I~ ¢- ' ~.~2~o,.~ 'rv~,~r--~r~ ~rr~t [ several other odd jobs done for the[ Derogate to o~.v¢. ,.,:y~at~---~. ~. Olendive a*~ 6 p. m. in a twilight non- .~rent types ^* ' .~1 - ~-~'--~'-- ............ ~'~"'---I ........... ,~,_~. I Tschlda, A A ~Del Alterr~e aele- :e-- u, ammum- t r~ • v • a • t-_^nia, t laates oI ~ne tJraructt ~,u.. / ' " ' league game. he ~each bunch elghtl[ ndel lnlv _ ~' I Harry Halstead's pick-up was used/ gate. Then on next Sunday, July 8th, led --~-. lYa ~ Is that we ] J AT RAILWAY MEET [ to haul the tents and other equip-| Olendive comes to Beach for a re~- jusWtrn them the first[ A~. d'~___~..-.- I11_*] _ [ment and a very enjoyable and in-| THANKS ular league game. __. t like being in jail.| -/-~L I_~U~t~I" ll'all H W Blair Andrew Carlson, Antonistructive trip was had. / ~l'~l~er ~perteetly.l~°em which I ] [ Martinson and E. M. Enderle drove to | l Thetomemoerw Othank" /--'~f thethe " Garden_. club- Bij ..,r;- It -- Print lt| .......... l Glendive last Friday night where they[ R=~'URN FROM CONVENTION I wish .oy seoa~s who 0U Has e wa~ use ~'lan r~3 spena your ~ttn o! JUly a~ ~a m Ior tne d in our host/ I ............ f the Safety/ | assisted in preparing the roo may People ,,o,,~,^,,f ,_| the Custer Trail dude ranch, 4 miles la~'~enaea .a,,?. u .......... , / - | ....... 1""' and also for returning "4 , -~-~,~-$ m division o! tne ~or~nern J~LClIIG ~ixlt- llUWUt o~v~ ties, woull rath ...... [south of Medora There will be anl ........ 1 Delo Logan, Glen Wolf and T. L.| ..... lanks tables and chairs Shows Next Week ~- ~v,~ " • w where C E Denny, presment ov ~t~ ~ , • than speak to h' ..... |oldtime rodeo with brow !mstmg,] ay,_ _ _ .... .......... n]Leverson returned Thursday of last| ~use "" "~' the N P l~auroaa, r'a~, s:-~..~ , e _ a few of the soldiers| calf roping, bulldogging, steer riding, I :_ 7_" _f the Safer" division pre- 1 week from Regina, Canada, wher | n / &'~/ 11 M and make d ~| trick riding and fancy roping. [ supe~mo_r o _ . ~ . _.2 _-- / the~, attended the Lions International] I'~r~]P w~]~ I¥]~Vi~.~ Three fine shows are booked at the nd ,.- amn fools o., ~ ............... ,..,,,, - -- t nted ~u t. ~ponset arm au era-/ " ....... hol ~,~a ~J~.~ "'=*"-'It" ~...=..__v... - me civillanx t~lt~ I~l xae ro~eo win. Gems a~ ~.~u v. "'1~ ~-P .............. ~-,-,^..~convention as delegates zrom ~..~. a ~ Bijou theatre' this coming week and w i ees ot me xeuowsu~ue ~.,~v~.~.. hole army ........ I In the evening a cowboy dance will]P oy ........ ~ ] local club They report a very fine] The building which was vacated by some fine entertainment is d a plaque which ~ne xellow~tone ~ 1 fall is bei better cl~.^ ._ ]be held with music provided by a l ..... " meetin--and ~,~ially enjoyed the|the Mildrella Shop ast ng everyone who ~.ttends. u^_. ~= ,or now. I .... ,~.~ .... ;.~.~.~ i vision employees won as nrst prize for . . .?~ - ~u~'~,,,~t~a P,~IIc~ Bar | u~inted and remodelled and to-day As a special for the Fourth of July, "¢'~:~*~"o~eer~s ' [ While in Medoro.. see the Chateau ! the least accmenm on an1940atvm~ou ,,,- ,~.~'-~%- ° //is occupied by the Wallace Barber this Friday and Saturday, the man- "-'~ 1 de Mores, Teddy Rooeevelt's country, ] the system for the year. " " "'i- The Lions convention next year will shop ~ moved last night to the agement has secured Buck Privates," ~ .._. ~ the petrified forest and the badlands. I President Denny. an~ sev .erm o]~a be at Bismarck ~new location several doors west. a late picture that has drawn favor- ta an .cials of the ranroaa spoke w • FI NORBE B crowd of 450 employees after which ---------- ~ -- • s~31e comment wherever shown. ,~ __ Norbert A Barthel former Golden[ refreshments were served at the E1 ]~i#O~ tflr ~ll[~[l ~-y ll~lIll~ Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 6-7-8, "The Great Dictator," ~arring . .... n ........... arme under Way Valley boy who is now located a[ Ha . Charlie Chaplin will be presented° • --"''-'.7 Yakimu, Washington, has been a' This picture has been highly publi- __ ~ pleasant visitor here the past couple FARM]~,S URGED TO .... E cized already and is reported as being mo~th th BUILD STORAGE ~,tx~, at the Food of weeks st the home of his I~rcnts, tops. r, as been in operation in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barthel of near Wednesday and Thursday of next Golva. and making calls on his many Wheat growers in North D~ota, week "Little Men;" from the story COunty, a tote2 of Stamps have been An add~o~al 50 percent Was issued in Blue a total of approximately Issued for the month of prabe the and feel that it very adva~. ~ is that ~y more Will sl~ l~an d~ the ermum~ DI~ Leltl.m~ passed at the Wagner has been a patient two Years. He was 85 February. Of his sev- only two survive Minneapolis and one M. H. Booth of tht~ services will be conducted at the United Luth- in Beach at 2 o'clock afternoon. D&NCE AT ST. PmLIP be a dance at the St. on ~he night of July 4th, has been informed. Good been secured a gued iutlettit tL friends here. Norbert has done qu~e well in the watch repair busIness this season are faced with a serious storage problem which will require immediate attention if the new croP is to be binned safely where it will meet government loan requlrements. This ,'situation is stressed by the NDAC ex~nsion service whl~ is proceeding now to acquaint growers of the state with ~ proble~n and to enooirage the preparation of f~ to handle the antlc~ heavy crop. : In.~-n~tion on storaSefae~t/es available for 1941 wheat thr0u~out t~e country reves~ that elevator and warehouse storage will be insuKiclent tO accomodate a normal crop this year, as this storage still is loaded with 1940 grain. ~ the spring wheat growers' g~mdpoint, it is fear- ed tl~t much of the spac~ in the "terminals which remains available by Louise May Alcott will be shown. Plan to see as many of these am you can. Enrollment The Golden Valley Welfsre office has been notified thst ~ youn~ men may be enrolled in the ~0~ on July 10~, at the M~dora otm~, An unlknted quota has been Wen North Dakot~ for the July enrolknent because so many young men have re- ceived such beneficial training in the camps and have qualified themasives to take skilled employment In the Air Corps, Army, Navy and Ne?donal Defense proJect~. Applmation bl~nks nmy be obtained until July 8th at the Court Houae. Robert Watt, ScotUsk scientist, credited w/th invention of Britain's new secret rtdio i~a~r, whieh b Britain's myzterle~ ~feaee against Nut ~r mlde~ wh ch SOd w be coming to market • i BOY8 4-H CLUB Recognizing that it is difficult ~o I suggest to farmers thatthey con- ~ Golva The B ' elf ~ -- oy s 4-H Hereford struct new storage bins on th ~C1ub of Golva held its monthly farms before the current crop is as- t meetin,~ at the ht,m~ ,,~ ~ ~,,a ~t,.~ sur the extension service still be- I..~_ Hansen -n " n ...... ~lieves it will be wise for North De- I the new count- exte ton " W y ns ~gen~ was kota gro ers ~ proceed at once to ]present also also the club leader, Bill |plan sucn extra storage as will be IKremers needed and navy omelal~ stand at attention on the " [ " [ While seamen, o~.eers ......... r- of the N*~'~ Frank Knox [ Various problerns were ~d. [ Guy Cox of this cl~= an~ Mm A [leek ef the submar~. Tr..t3on-. %e©~_L=~f_ _, ,t. .... ~_,_" .... ~. I After the meeUn~ a denciotm - "* -- " • AtJan[Je m n~nur vt ~u~ sax©u ~u~,u,~u~,t m'~u= ]J Jesfield of ~11t~ ~e~t .... ht~th [ ~HI r~" ~ea~ ~n ~.L =, n q~. ~m~,w ~tllv Ih.,ilnn~ hn~ I lun0h was serged by Mrs. ~l~sol~. ! 1