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June 30, 2016     Golden Valley News
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June 30, 2016
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" June 30,2016 Golden Valley News Page 5 Hat Tips By Dean Meyer Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Regular Meeting May 10, 2016 The regular meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 4:03 p.m. MT, Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at the DeMores School in Medora. Present were members Lynn Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt, and Julie Reis. Also present for all or part of the meeting were Prin- cipal Shae Peplinski, Assistant Principal Danielle Boswell, Business Manager Tammy Simnioniw, Dan Schaff, Marjorie Jensen, Elizabeth Odermann, Tom Hutzenbiler, Dennis O'Brien, Roger Malkowski, Dan Burk and Erik Kahm. M/S Klatt/Stacey Kessel to approve the consent agenda, which included the Minutes from the April 4 meeting with one correction and the April 12 meeting, the attached check list, and the addition of one agenda item. The motion carried unanimously. 17929 MAY PAYROLL CHECKS $811.40 DD MAY PAYROLL DD $72,720.25 17930-17944 MAY PAYROLL VENDORS $108,868.21 EFT MAY PAYROLL TAXES $37,022.93 EFT MAY AFLAC $799.65 17945 BIERSCHBACH EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY $120.00 17946 BILLINGS CO. SC $153.81 17947 BLUE CROSS $1,201.70 17948 CITY OF MEDORA $ 299.46 17949 DEEANN ROCK $ 28.00 17950 DENNIS O'BRIEN $ 9,653.18 17951 DICKIEJO KUBAS $ 549.83 17952 DICKINSON PUBLI $ 5,075.76 17953 DOLLYWOOD FOUNDATION $ 62.05 17954 DON HEISER ELEC $ 557.34 17955 DONNA LYNN PETE $ 295.30 17956 DPI $ 92.77 17957 EDUTECH $ 40.00 17958 GARY MEDUNA $ 4,248.40 17959 HORACE MANN $ 325.85 17960 KAITLYN DAVIS $120.00 17961 KATHY MALKOWSKI $ 5,530.14 17962 KEMPS LLC $ 432.86 17963 KLING, KAMI $ 227.08 17964 LAURAARMBRUST $186.03 17965 LORI NOBLE $19.44 17966 MARKIE TOSO $ 53.00 17967 MARLA JOB $11.56 17968 MIDSTATE TELEPH $ 359.43 17969 NDSBA $ 2,537.34 17970 OLSON'S SERVICES 5,607.28 17971 PETER ODERMANN$ 4,979.68 17972 PIONEER $ 798.00 17973 RESP $ 2,750.00 17974 SRAE PEPLINSKI $ 24.00 ,,t.T(~j75 ,~LMPLEXGRINNELL $,74.6.00 -17976 SPARTAN STORES LLC $10.29 17977 SW WATER $114.35 17978 TAMMY SIMNIONIW $161.t4 17979 TOM HUTZENBILER $ 45.00 17980 WAL-MART COMM $ 51.74 17981 WEST RIVER SPECS 2,826.97 EFT JP MORGAN CREDIT CARD $19,474.43 Building Fund 121 WEST PLAINS ENGINEERING INC $ 2,300.00 Tom Hutzenbiler discussed storage • space needs and various locations for a garage. Tom was asked to identify what would be stored in the garage and any other potential uses. Arthaud re- quested that a committee consisting of Tom Hutzenbiler, Assistant Principal Boswell, Joey Kessel, and Julie Reis be formed to determine size, use, and best location for the garage. All persons asked agreed to serve on this commit- tee. Tom also provided information on bid specs for a school pickup. It was the consensus of the board that the cur- rent pickup used by the maintenance staff be traded in for a new vehicle. This cost will be included in the proposed 2016-17 budget with bids solicited in late summer or early fall. Simnioniw informed the board that the picnic tables, benches, wooden fences, and wooden garbage holders at DeMores and Prairie were in need of one coat of stain. Kira Haag is inter- ested in doing this work. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to approve hiring Kira Haag to do this staining at both schools at $13.00 per hour which is the rate paid to substitute support staff. All in favor. The board reviewed the format of the bus contracts that will be used for the 2016-18 period. Two minor changes were noted adding the re- quirement that all drivers and substitute drivers have background checks and that contractors must provide a bus for the route they are bidding on. Bid opening was conducted for the DeMores Roof Project. Bids were submitted as follows for the sloped roof: • Kahm Construction $152,000 • C&L Roofing $142,500 • Simplicity Homes $69,700 Bids were submitted as follows for the flat roof: • Twin City Roofing $76,799 Bids were submitted as follows for the gutter system: • Kahm Construction $t4,000 • C&L Roofing $12,000 After discussion, it was determined that more research was needed prior to awarding the bids since the low bid and next highest bids varied so much for the sloped roof. M/S Joey Kessel/Stacey Kessel to table a decision on awarding bids. All in favor. Aspecial meeting will be scheduled later in the week to award bids. Bus bids were opened and read as follows: • Route 1 : One bid submitted from Rick Olson for $2.59 per mile for a 19 passenger bus but stated he was will- ing to purchase or rent a larger capac- ity bus if needed. • Route 2: One bid submitted f(om Pete Odermann for $2.50 per mile. • Route 3: One bid submitted from Dennis O'Brien for $2.30 per mile for gas at a base rate of $2.07 for a 19 pas- senger bus subject to change if required for needed capacity. • Route 4: One bid submitted from Kathy Malkowski for $3.35 per mile for a base rate of $2.02. • Route 5: One bid was submitted by Gary Meduna for $2.21 per mile. • Route 6: One bid was submitted by Dennis O'Brien for $2.32 per mile for diesel at a base rate of $2.09. M/S Klatt/Reis to award the bus con- tract for Route t to Rick Olson as bid. Roll call vote was taken with Joey Kessel against and Arthaud, Stacey Kessel, Klatt, and Reis in favor. Motion carried. M/S Stacey Kessel/Arthaud to award the bus contract for Route 2 to Pete Odermann as bid. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to award the bus contract for Route 3 to Dennis O'Brien as bid. All in favor. Arthaud moved to award the bus contract for Route 4 to Kathy Malkowski as bid. The motion died for lack of a second. M/S Stacey Kessel/Joey Kessel to reject the bid and re-bid Route 4. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Reis to award the bus contract for Route 5 to Gary Meduna as bid. All in favor. M/S Klatt/Reis to award the bus con- tract for Route 6 to Dennis O'Brien as bid. All in favor. One bid was submitted for Managed IT Services for the 2016-17 fiscal year. SMART Computers submitted a bid for 190 hours of service hours for Prairie School for $16,150 and 235 hours for DeMores for $19,975. M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to award the bid as presented to SMART Computers. All in favor. Boswell reported on upcoming events for both schools. Boswell also discussed math curriculum and DPI's move away from Common Core. It may be in the best interest of the school dis- trict to wait one more year to purchase new math textbooks so that we are sure to purchase what will meet the new standards set by DPI. The Principals will look into using the Saxon math text- books for all grades for the 2016-17 school year. Peplinski and Boswell reported that three teachers and two para-profes- sionals will be attending the Pathways to Reading training this summer. It is a five-day training. They requested that a stipend be paid to the teachers and paras for this extra duty assignment. M/S Reis/Klatt to approve paying stipends of $100 per day for the certi- fied staff and $75 per day for the paras. All in favor. The Beach Post Graduation Com- mittee requested a donation for an after-graduation event. M/S Stacey Kessel/Joey Kessel to deny the re- quest. All in favor. Peplinski and Boswell recom- mended that Erika Honeyman be granted extra duty pay in the amount of $4,500 for the 2016-17 school year as lead technology coordinator for the Dis- trict and that John Marten be granted extra duty pay in the amount of $2,500 for the 2016-17 school year as assistant technology coordinator for the District. M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to follow the rec- ommendation and approve the extra duty assignment and pay as presented. All in favor. ..... .. :~ . : , Arthaud pYeserited a techdoiogy budget for the 2016-17 school year. In- cluded in this budget was the Managed IT services contract payments, technol- ogy teacher pay, technology coordina- tor pay, computer licenses, and equipment and supply purchases. Arthaud reported that a rotation sched- ule would be followed to level out equip- ment expenditures from year to year and keep equipment current. M/S Stacey Kessel/Reis to approve a tech- nology budget of $144,805 for the 2016-17 school year. All in favor. Projected revenues for fiscal year 2016-17 were reviewed. M/S Reis/Arthaud to hold a public meeting to propose a 12% increase in the Gen- eral Fund levy for the 2016-17 school year. All in favor. M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to request from the Billings County Commission $350,000 in Bankhead Jones funds (federal revenue provided to county in lieu of taxes for federal lands) for the 2016-17 fiscal year. All in favor. M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to approve the second reading of the Student Teacher Stipends DJDA policy. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Stacey Kessel to approve the second reading of the Re- straint and Seclusion FCC policy. All in favor, Stacey Kessel provided a RESP re- port. No final action has yet been taken regarding staffing and fee structure. She also provided information on up- coming training being offered through RESP. The board reviewed correspon- dence as follows: the Office of Court Administrator issued a thank you for the board's support of staff participating in jury duty; the Office of Attorney General acknowledged that BCSD complied with the recommendations issued from the fire inspection, ND School Board Association regarding membership dues; thank you from Lynn Peterson for sympathy card; thank you from Billings/Golden Valley Social Services for participation in prevent child abuse activities; thank you from Beach post prom committee; thank you from Killdeer post prom committee. Stacey Kessel moved to rescind the motion made at the April 12 meeting to set short-term substitute teacher pay at $150 per day and provide free lunch and to set long-term substitute teacher pay at $200 per day and provide free lunch. Reis seconded the motion. All in favor. Stacey Kessel moved to set short- term substitute teacher pay at $150 per day and provide free lunch and to set long-term teacher pay at $200 per day but not provide free lunch. Joey Kessel seconded the motion. All in favor. M/S Klatt/Reis to adjourn the meet- ing. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Lynn Arthaud, President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager (June 30) Billings County School BILLINGS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT #1 Minutes of Special Meeting May 11, 2016 lX EWSPAPERS: Yesterda,t, Today & Tomorrow A special meeting of the Billings County School Board was called to order at 2:35 p.m. MT, Wednesday, May 11, 2016, at DeMores School in Medora. Present via teleconference were Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, Mike Klatt, Julie Reis, and Dan Schaff with KLJ. Present on-site was Lynn Arthaud, Assistant Principal Danielle Boswell, and Business Manager Tammy Simnioniw. The sloped roof, flat roof, and gutter system bids for the DeMores project which had been opened and read at the May 10, 2016, board meeting were dis- cussed. M/S Joey Kessel/Stacey Kessel to award the bid for the DeMores flat roof project (bid package #1) to Twin City Roofing at a base bid of $76,799. All in favor. Dan Schaff's recommendation was to award the bid to C&L Roofing for the sloped roof for a base bid of $142,500 for various reasons. References on all bidders checked out to be satisfactory and all bidders met the minimum quali- fications for meeting the bid spec re- quirements. Reis moved to accept Schaff's recommendation and award the bid to C&L Roofing for the sloped roof (bid package #2). The motion died for lack of a second. M/S Arthaud/Reis to award Kahn Construction the bid for the sloped roof (bid package #2) for a base bid of $152,000. Roll call vote was taken with Reis in favor and Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, and Klatt opposed. Mo- tion failed. M/S Arthaud/Stacey Kessel to award Simplicity Homes the bid for the sloped roof (bid package #2) for a base bid of $69,700. Roll call vote was taken with Arthaud, Joey Kessel, Stacey Kessel, and Klatt in favor and Reis opposed. Motion carried. M/S Reis/Stacey Kessel to award the bid for the DeMores gutters project (bid package #3) to C&L Roofing for base bid of $12,000. All in favor. M/S Klatt/Joey Kessel to award the bid for the DeMores gutters project (bid package #3) to Kahm Construction for a base bid of $14,000 as an alternate if C&L Roofing declines to do only the gutter project. All in favor. The June 13 canvassing meeting was discussed to determine if a quorum can be present. It was determined that Joey Kessel, Klatt, and Reis can be present on site; Arthaud can be present via teleconference. The meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. Simnioniw reported that Radtke Services had missed the 10 day dead- line to submit a signed contract for the Prairie Fire Alarm System project and was requesting an extension to the deadline. M/S Stacey Kessel/Klatt to extend the deadline to 4:00 p.m. May 16, 2016. All in favor. M/S Joey Kessel/Klatt to adjourn. All were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 p.m. Lynn Arthaud, President Tammy Simnioniw, Business Man- ager (June 30) Sometimes being scared helps you live longer Hello, Those of you that know me, real- ize that I am not a brave person. Mice scare me. A 260-pound man that is scared of a damn mouse. I don't like rattlesnakes, but give me a snake any day over a mouse. I'm also scared of horses, bulls, and Shirley. That is why I have lived this long. If you are not scared of things that are bigger or meaner than you, you can get hurt. Most horses don't scare me. But if I have to step up on one that is snorting and blowing and hogging around, it puts a knot in my stomach and my throat gets dry. And l can't spit. And the other day l had to take a mare down to a neighbor to have her bred to this big, magnificent running stud. Now that makes me nervous. I don't like putting a halter on a stud that stands about seventeen hands and is snorting, blowing and pawing the ground. That is another reason I have lived this long. This is the time of the year when ranchers in this area are hauling out bulls. I hate bulls. But they are a nec- essary part of production agriculture. They are miserable creatures. They are much like teenage boys that are out of control. Whenever they have to move anywhere, a fight breaks out. They can be together all winter. They know their pecking order. You can feed them cake out of your hand. They line up and eat at the bunk together. They lie around and get fat. Much like older men. But come spring or summer time, their attitude changes. They start pawing the ground and bellering in the deepest voice they can muster. Some only beller. Others are kind of quiet and ready to fight with the first bull that looks at them. Others kind of just walk by and wait to take a cheap shot at someone who is al- ready in a fight. I've known guys like that too. Now our corrals are not like the ones you see on TV ads. We don't have a pen that is "'bull strong and pig tight". Our pens were built to hold a few saddle horses. And trust me, when you bring a few bulls through a gate, all hell is going to break out. The bellering starts and the rumble is on. And when you get a pen full of 2000- pound bulls in a fight, you are going to test the stoutest of fences. Mine didn't hold up again this year. I had bulls scattered in the tree rows and through the garden. Did I mention I am scared of Shirley? I know she loves me, but she loves her trees and her garden more. And she made that very clear to me. l'm going out to gather more bulls, and repair some fence. Then I am going to town to buy tomato plants and pine trees. And I still have one more load of bulls to get in. Damn. Later, Dean il The following relates to oil and gas well activity for the week of June 19, in Stark, Golden Valley, Billings and Slope counties and is from re- ports of the Department of Mineral Resources: Permits approved: #32782-Whiting Oil and Gas Cor- poration, Kessel Federal 34-36PH, Lot4 1-139N-100W, Billings Co., 315' FNL and 500"FWL, Develop- ment. Park. 22098", 9-5/8 inch, 2646' Ground, API #33-007-01860 #32783-Whiting Oil ~md Gas Cor- poration, Kessel Federal 24-36PH, Lot4 1-139N-100W, Billings Co., 315' FNL and 445"FWL, Develop- ment, Park, 21123', 9-5/8 inch, 2645' Ground, API #33 -007 -01861 support your local #32784-Whiting Oil and Gas Cor- #32787-BTA Oil Producers, LLC, poration, Kessel Federal 44-35PHU, 20901 Elkhorn 433 2H, NWNW 10- Lot4 1-139N-100W, Billings Co., 143N-102W, Billings Co., 300' FNL 315" FNL and 410'FWL, Develop- and 340" FWL, Development, ment. Park, 20969', 9-5/8 inch, 2644' Elkhorn Ranch, 'Tight Hole". 2410' Ground, API #33-007-01862 Ground, API #33 -007-01863 #32786-BTA Oil Producers, LLC, #32788-BTA Oil Producers, LLC, 20901 Elkhorn 433 1H, NWNW 10- 20901 Elkhorn 433 3H, NWNW 10- 143N-102W. Billings Co., 300' FNL 143N-102W, Billings Co., 300' FNL and 380" FWL, Development, and 300" FWL, Development, Elkhorn Ranch, 'Tight Hole", 2403' Etkhorn Ranch, 'Tight Hole", 2416' Ground, API #33-007-01863 Ground, API #33-007-01865 W, tern Vi Beach, ND 2 Bedrooms Available * All Utilities Paid * Laundry Hookups * Income Based Call Wade • 701-690-7552 Professionally Managed by Prairie Homes Management 1-888-893-9501 , TTY 1-800, 366-6888 .. S S S S 1% / I / % % / / s% s S s % s s % / / I IIm Iiii I %%% .,, .., -., S S S ¢P