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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 29, 1950     Golden Valley News
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June 29, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE EIGHT THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS, BEACH, N. D. -, ] Family Visits--- I Honored At Shower-= I Week E~i Guests--- ,To Yellowstone-- I I ~ ~-.~ ~-~ . . 11 Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hogoboom Miss Mary ~ane Abraham and~ Miss Shirleen Booke and[ ]/Ir. and Mrs. C| ' ~,.)~.~'z~L J of Sentinel Butte, and Mile! | i | Mrs; Kerme th Abraham were co: / friend, Miss ~Dorothy ~¢Iay Fish-t an~l Herbie span I IIogoboom I O and son Maurice, ] at' n°s~essesl el; a surprise plnl~ ana| er, both of Dickinson, were week L last week in Ye ! i N E W S l L were guests last Saturday blue shower Monday. alters.con| end guests at the home of her wi :h Mr. and Mr~ |~ .... |I the home of Mr. and Mrs.I ior Mrs. ~ ~rzywsKL ADOUt| sister, Mrs. Bob Taylor,and l The latter fatal: I~-c.-v-- :t'Goody Thompson and family,i twenty guests were present for| husband. I w~ek from Detro I l~mma d ~ ~ ~ ~ | Mile nogoboom returned recent-I games and lunch. | / iti lg the Michael | ~ ~-~ ~ ~ !~ ~ ] ly from the hospital, where het ~ ! New Pickup--- t Ed saris parents. ~m~m~mal~ ~ m ~ ~t had an eye operation, and nowL Home From Univ.-- 4 ~ " I is feeling very well._ ........ r and] Frank Jablonski is driving a[ Have Fish Fry L..~ ............... Studenl Nurse Home--- Mrlser~l:m~sara~ar~y °~fraBe~ch ~:oWm thD~eg~aPlCk~P'toPU~:halS~t[ About 35 American LegionI rural, arrived home shortlY lFrida,, J "'' Imembers were guests a,t a fish ]~hing, At Midge Lake Miss Dolores Quade, Presenta- after his recen~ graduation h'om|l ~" /during| fry lasttheirWednesdaYregular meeting.eVening' "'Red Nitsche and John Bark- [ Fish were furnished by Stub ]and left last Saturday morning ""THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1950 Guests From Calif.-- I Gets New Paint-- Mrs. ~"eh,a ]/lack am )! e CI ff s Standard Service sta- nan H,,ath a ~d sons, ~' v tlon is showing off its new cog4: Ferry, of Beflower, r~r': of paint it got this week. The guests here last w, lh : Standard Oil crew did the touch- ~ome ,ff Mr. and Mr~ .~d. up work. ~ond, leavi:~g Wed le ' ~idney Monl., I:o visi f~:~' " days; they ~¢ill retu: t:~i ~ We wis~. to .thank all .our week 'or a 'ew mor, r.Js't frienas ana neighbors for me~~ with f'iends' kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness .and death E ---- of our beloved mother and xpec~ed Home--- grandmother, for the lovely ,Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Pesha floral offerings, with special and children were expected thanks going to Rev. and Mrs. Noyes, Ray Hamlin, Knute Farst- home this week from the west Bott, Dr. Bush. and the entire on a fishing trip to Midge Lake, Canada, which is located north and east of Regina. Reiurn To Texas-- Family Picnio-- Mr. and Mrs. Byron R Aberne- I A family picnic was enjoyed ihy and family left Monday ¢o I;~st Sunday at Peaceful Valley return to their home in Lub- i in Roosevelt Park. with the Gale beck. Texas. after visiting h,re| Putnams of Dickinson, the at th(, William and Burns Abet-, Fr;mk and Eddy Kukowski nethy homes. They also spenti families, and the Elmer and some time with her parents in| Stanley Raislers gz~thering for Dickinson. a pleasant outing. SAYS: Whether it's a cup of coffee, or one of our Large T-Bone Steaks, you can now get it day or night. Now open for 24-hour Service. * * W * / Beach, North Dakota and are at home in their apart- ment in the Palmer apartments. Guest From Spokane.-- Mrs. Arthur Robe of Spokane, Wn., is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zielsdorf, and her sister. Mrs. Ben Thompson, and family, and other relatives. tter husband was here also. but left last Wednesday to return home. while Mrs. Rabe remained for an extended visit, Visit Mother-- Mr. Herbert Tobias and child- ren of Elbowoods, N. D., were week end guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Thee Tobias. Two daughters of Mrs, Tobias, Mrs. Lucille Hurley and son Michael of Eau Claire, Wis., and Mrs. Howard Robbins and son Stephen of Minneapolis, Minn., are enjoying a two-weeks visit with their mother also. Date Changed-- Last week's News carried a mistake concerning a band date. The Beach band will play in Regertt July 1, not as was an- nounced then. Taken To Hospilal--- Mrs. Rod~tey Kimball was taken to St. John's hospital .in Dickinson this Tuesday for minor surgery. She thinks she may be dismissed by Sunday. e June Iulr U. KN~I NEW r POTATOES SANTA ROSA PLUMS U. S. No. 1, Deltd(msly IMPBmAL VSJ~£ CANTALOUPES Large Size ..... CRISP, COOL CALIFORNIA WATERMELONS Just Bi t for Eatin 1 STANDBY, WHOI~ SECI~ON No.| Grapefruit ................................ GARDEN ....... ...... ~,, Salad Dressinq G~,J~DEN, WHOLE ~-~s. Sweet Pickles ............. GARDEN : U-~. • Jar Queen Olives ........................... mEI,AND LASSIE 10-u. Marshmallow .......................... STANDBY I~P No. Z Cherries .................................... GARDEN QL Whole Dills ................................ C~%]gDEN ,~, .. No. Citrus Salad ............................ STANDBY I-lb. d~ Peanut Butter ............................ . ql. QUALITY 2-lb. Macaroni or Spaghetti Pkg..38 STANDBY 46-oz. Blended Juice .......................... GARDEN No. 300 Pork & Beam ............................ ca STANDBY INDIANA 48-os. Tomato Juice ........................... ca ~TANDBY FANCY No. 2~ Fruit Cocktail .. | We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity Quality Merchandise For Lessl PHONE 75 Free Delivery A. M. and P, M. -- Open Till 9 p.m. gat I ] I I II |1 I [ I I I II III III ~et, Bob Hardy, Jack Ballard, coast. They have been gone hospital staff. xe Frank Kippley and Rex Sim- for three weeks, traveling Mr. and Mrs. John Irons mons. Mrs. Stub Noyes prepared through W, ashington and Ore- James Irons the catch. ~ gon. John Irons FAIRMONT PRIDE CREAM STYLE WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12 cans $1.07 i --*O-- i MEDIUM - SMALL PEAS 2 cans 37c REYNOLD'S PIE CHERRIES RED PITTED 20 oz. can 25c SUPER VALU "FARM FRES44" Fruits & Vegetab|es CAUF. Lettuce, 2 heads 19C GREEN TOP Carrots, 2 bunches 17c PASCAL Celery. stalk .. 21c SEEDLESS Grapefruit, 6 for 25c Strawberries, quart While 47c GOOD VALUE Salad }rcs., quart 37c For A Tm~r Dish---Serve Fruit Cockl~dl Mold LIBBY'S CRUSHED 16 OZ. can SiX DELICIOUS FLAVORS JELLO 2 pkgs. OLD FAITHFUL Bacon Squares, lb ..... CLOVERDALE Ring Bologna, Ib ...... SWIFT'E BROOKFIELD Pure Pork Links, lb... SWIFT'S PREMIUM Frankfurters, lb ....... SWIFT'S PREMIUM Boiled Ham lb. ........ U. S. NO. 1 PORK STEAK, lb. .... TASTGOOD 2 lb. box 55c SALE Grape Nut Flakes AND Post Toasties 2 pkgs. 25c t 23c 37c 57c 55c 95c 59c Sn/der's Tomato. 14 o~. bottle Catsup 19c Welch's 10 oe. Grape Jelly 21c Peter Piper 32 oz. Dill Pickles 25c Scott's Fresh Crisp, 8 og. l J. Potato Chips 23c It's Shortcake time, 40 oz. pkg. Bisquick 47c Pie Crust ~ 9 ~. pl~. Crustquick 17c SOAP Tide Vel Breeze Dreft Duz Rinso Oxydol Fab Shina Dish Ivory Flakes Silver Dust SUper Suds Surf Betty Crocker, 20 Cake Mix 35c GRAHAM, Flavor Kid Crackers lb. 29c Silk. IS for Toilet Tissue 1.00 Van Cmnp's, Ca~ Spanish Rice 9c Blea es and Disinfects Gallms Hilex 39c Old Dutch each Cleanser 11c Special le sale reg. AND ONK FOR Trend 80c ROYAL. Solid ~ | JOe Tomatoes 33c Introductory Offer Loaf Cake Pan AND PY-O-MY Blueberry Muffin 35c 4