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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 29, 1950     Golden Valley News
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June 29, 1950
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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URSDAY, JUNE 29, 1950 , TI4 GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS. BEACH. N. D : T I'URSDAY, JUNE 29, 1950 BEAC! C r B II I ] U vs. , JULY 2nd DICKII NI k ] DIAM(}ND _ ;:======- .............. ~ Lester Zopfi and Frank Beg- and children" were here fpoml,and sorts left Sunday morning] a fishing trip in Minnesota. The a birthday party Frid,ay eve- Mrs. Claire Samson had as B | I [ gar made a business trip to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Baird and[ spend their ~aeation with rela-i reeved a telegram informing supper gemes and fireworks and his wife " 'Mr and "~Ir~ I | aPI- 1- N- "-- | }Miles City last week. Wolf Point Wednesday. I for Washington, where they will] next morning Mr. Gustafson re- ning for their son Rickey. After guests last week her brnfh,~- I t ~l'JSLIt JLVI{~ ~W~ ~[ Jessie Stanehfield and Mrs. daughters and Mrs Elite Baird[tives ]him of the death of a sister were the diversion. Alexan" r " ' ' " | 1, u, | ] Stipek were among those who and Margie autoed to Glendi~ce ,Mrs. Anna Harp was a patient[whombtheyhad vi_sited,-went acktoarttend her ;::erha~ Miss Frances Baker held left fomer-'rt'rr0mrro tuna I~lui:~:aarmThey Saturday l at the Glendive hospital1 st/ " church services in Modern Sun- .. ~ Y, || ~ [wentMr and E Winkle ,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nix and santa Glendive Friday.~B~a ~r~n ~S~ erman,~pur~,ha~ed[ w~e~k: I seMv:::Louise Bilyen is enjoying d~:nn~d°7:~g iYva~t;~aKo~a~? ~ah~mS~lyt°~vamt°her s~C~RmeP, an:ne~ | " . " " i "]returned this week from their | J0aan were business visltors fromI. vacation trL'o to the west coast, last week. from Big Timber spent last | a visit from two of her sisters, vices, but the hea y rain - • i Beach Wednesday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott Mr and Mrs E G Covev lweek at the parental Frank [Eva from S. D., and Parish from day night made the roads too .... "~ ~" ~" "~ "" ~ /IKnudson home | Portland, Oregon This is the bad for travel and the meeting r.xnmzzs L;azcn-- came tram rmzeman ~a'[uraay toi • " * "Re i .... hel Mrs Cove-'s dau-hter .......... [first visit they have had to- was cancelled p e Reece Mike Stamsh p y g , mrs ~lg t'e~erson ann aaugn- ~ " and Emanuel K' Mrs. Simon H,azelton and her ter and Mrs. Ray Scarilmon and ~ tether in several years, and ] The annual Christian Funda- ed home from L::~n~nn~e:i~"- husband celebrate their 25th son were shopping in Glendive [n .eemess ~o say mey are reauy mental church and S. S. picnic we,~ ,~,~ ,.,,~,, ~ e;.~ 9go ^t wedding anniversary. They re- Friday. }enjoying memselves. [was en3oyea ~aturaay ...D.y a,,.~" ~,~ ~'~'~'.'..~..~,,~ turned to their home Monday. ': ....... . ..... / George Bee of the U. S. Navy,large number of people. J)innerl ~'' ~*~. r.~u~man .,ores um Mr and Mrs Glenn Scammon[ mr. an(1 J,vlrs. l)aVla I)lCK an.(1 [is visiting his parents, Mr and]was served at the club house ]rec°rd for the largest hsh caught eh -ave a • son wno reeenuy sam melr • . ' • m that area by a local an ler celebrated their 25th wedding[~,~: ....................... }Mrs Nels Bee and family and] and after devotions games, lce l ....... , g anniversar,, Monday They and ..... " - - .. |h~s frmnds in this eommumty cream and lunch were served at l o oate. Tne r~sn ne snowea on W fine assortment of ,,**o~o, at ~l~*a,r w.a~,., v~,L- . ..... t ' -, • ~ eo reiauves nere ~amraay. lvirs. / Mr and Mrs Dick Peals ac the Airdome "icnic "rounds I his return was a 30 lb lake ll%eworks, ,., OiIll3tk^r . the Hazeltons have lived neigh- i Dick,s mother Mrs John Carl-| " left " to" and Pot Baker s "out ~" U hood since they were married, her' son Earl and famil-' left [people Monday morning daughter were and supplies fa bars in the Haycreek neighbor-'son who has 'been staying with [companied by several young Mr. and Mrs. Chas.l~ausley Itr°ut ILl[:;i "h~ ]~ ~= "l| IUt ~ ¢~f~Ul|~lye ~ .... where they have made lovely with them to make thei;~lome|spend the week at the Bible of town guests. They recently From nellinffham--- homes and raised fine families, at Four Buttes MoRt where |Camp near Ekataka. Mr. Beals came from Milwaukee, Wis., to The Douglas Evans family of • o.h ................ d ~' .... ' -" o Its an instructor This is an an-take over the pastorate of the BellinghLam Wash., arrived SaL- t.. J. ~slx n,au as wee~ ,~. Lmve Will n.ave enlarge st a ! . . " ........... ~ - n- i -'n few vi~itf~r~ his daughter Gertrude ~vai~ ,~1,~,,~t,~. [nual event, tmpust enurcn at aaKer, vaea~ea uroay a o s spenal g a r "-:~7-~ - - -% "~' rado ~' .............. | Mr and Mrs R J Scammon by Arthur Allen ~nd family, !days at the home of his par- 1 9 ~ I ' ano nernus~ana .~om ~lo : h/Irs. Ellie Baird arrivedhome I enterta4ned several friends at who moved to Dillon, Mont. i, ents, the E. D. Evans. lILLE ~'S ~;UPPL Mr..ann Mrs. J~l~on 5aengel Friday from Pittsburgh, Pa., I ........ of Ba~er visite~ AID1On wetsn where she visited relatives. She, , i BEACH, NORTH DAKOTA at the Beach hospital Sunday.was accompanied bv~ __John_ We are glad to report Albion Hazelton at Chicago, who will ~ ! ~1[ ~ "I~T I11 | is some better, spend his vaea'tion at the home i¥i I ] I Ig ~ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Scammon of his uncle, Simon Hazelton ~.~ .t.v~. ~ ± ,~ ~ • ] and family. i,, Richard Bryce left Wednesday THANK OU!* = I wish to thank the many folks of this commu- nity for the fine patronage I received during my nine years of business at the Corner Bar. I sincerely hope you will continue to favor my successor, Mr. Kenneth Summers, who will take pos- session of my business after July 1st. I USK COF I "Silver Jubilee Model" i40.00 219. • Full-Width 37 lb. Freezer Chest @ 12Vs Sq. Ft. Easy-Reach Shelves ='::. :;,=7;'::: ?=. refrigerator in the moderate price field! Features include, porcelain Th. fri.od S,or. Up to $7.5 for Your Old Refrigerator interior, Duralux exterior, new snap-action door latch, built-in light and cold control, instant floor levelers, and special bever- age shelf. Thriftmaster sealed unit; 5-year warranty. CORONADO Refrigerators priced as low as..., .. 174.95 We now have the new HAMILTON AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYER Now on The new list price on this dryer is $219.50 formerly priced at $249.50 Come in and let us demonstrate the most outstanding dryer on the market today. Liberal Allowance on your old Refrigerator Beseh, N. Da~ [ i [ jl i i for Spokane, Wn., where he was joined by one of his buddies, and they went to Canada to fish. Our genial postmaster, "Nic-' ky" Nix, is back on the job,: after an enforced vacation fol- lowing surgery. Mrs. Nestler as- SiSLted Mrs. Larson at the post- office durin~ his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bixby and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gustafson and daughter returned Friday from On and after July 1st, I will take over the man- agement of the Corner Bar in Beach, and will en- deavor to give prompt and courteous service. In the very near future I plan an opening, after a number of improvements are made, and ask that you watch for the announcement. Beach, North Dakota I HOME AND CAR AT SPECIAL /' [ ~ SIWINGS , J~ L E ..... S T A RTS--FRiDI(Y When you dial your favorite RadioStation ]- --BIG SALE IN FULL SWING ........ |) and get o noise like ] AT COAST-TC-COAST STORES [' l[[ a "Busy" Signali i" ~~~,~ " ~ / / ~""IEFFICIENT STIC SEAT COVER L A R R Y 'S I]\ S2.19s S199S /I Less IlattertOs I \ COMet.n= SETS / / I I x Sun,asP co'ors i, / w \ s-,.h: / I l'Ik le t'~ e ltadl0 3ervlce ix LumlteSaron./ ~ C, eam',ontw|,h / | Phone 181-LW, Beach , -- stltching, qraan cOSeo • I I)OLOR VARNISHII : ........... . N TAPE VARNI -F )R SALE 19c 9c 4 !,,9¢ The Former George s::'' ' Hafner Farm. SEALED BI'DS WILL BE RE- CEIVED BY ME UNTIL JULY 25th, 1950, ON THE FOLLOW- iING DESCRIBED ,PROPERTY. __ The SY¢~ of Sec. 26 T 139 N of ~ange 106. The SE~ of Sec, 34 T 139 N of R 106. This farm is six miles South, ~nd One mile west of Beach, N, D. Two story frame house, 4 rooms, full basement. ~arn 40 by 50 feet.- Grarmry 12 feet by 16 feet. Garage 12 feet by 14 feet. Chicken coop 12 feet by 20 feet. About 300 acres under cultiva. tion. ~II ,buildings in good repair. Two Well~ Good soiL Bids will be accepted until July 25th, 1950. Rigl~t to reject any bids is re~'ved. Term~ ~re Cub. ddreu e]o State ,Bank of Coleman Coleman, Michigan. 4'h oz. easy to fill. Sprays in vertlcol position. s1~9 Non-slip picture mat. I b'/~ x27 inches. Black end white backqround I.QT. SPRAYER Brass syphon and r~ozzle. All motel POLISH & OL_EANER 6-OUP PERGOLATOR Seemless sheet eluminum with rounded corners.