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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 29, 1944     Golden Valley News
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June 29, 1944
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE GOLDEN VALLEY NEWS Thursday, June a Wl- Monday was a Dick- on Monday of of Alpha was a receiving Wibaux was a ;caller a few days of business callers last week. B. LaSalle and Mason were Glendive Schulte of call- , of last week. Hecker and were in of last week, of Ollle was a caller on Tuesday I Mrs. M. A. Finnemar~ callers on ~lson of Dickinson flays in Beach recelv- Wlbaux was caller on Thurs- Vukelic has accepted the Schulz Case her work the week. George Moore leo of last week where they had returned to r after spending a few receiving medi- guests from Sld- and Mrs, Johnny Mar- L were: Loren Chadderdon and King, Tuddy Kil- and Ray Johnston. Hitda Miller left Friday of week after spending a few the homes of her brothers, Hoeck. Her daugh- ,~ will remain a few days. Early left today where she has Miss Early will chief night operator at the Mott, I Olaf Abrsaham and family were] Mr. and Mrs. George Omberg of visitors at the Halvor Dahl home)M lies City were Beach weekend Sunday. f - attle callers, enroute to Minnesota, where Herman Geyer, Jr. o ~te ~ ,l they will transact busir~ss. Wash. arrived Sunday to spendI Ed Zabel returned to his home some time wi~ friends and rela- in Kellogg, Idaho after spending a tires in Beach. few days at the parental William Knate Farstveet a~d faro- Zabel home. Mrs. Andrew Helm were Mrs. Theodore Kunick and father, dinner guests at the home ~John Haugan were called to Min- or Mr. and August Helm of Beach. ~ neapolis on Monday of this week Mrs. Joe Erteld and daughters by the death of Mrs. Kunlck's arrived in Beach form Portland, grandmother. Ore. Thursday morning to visit at Mrs. Elizabeth Jendro received 1 VIc Renstrom was a Dickinson[ • RATION CALENDAR I NOTICE TO PUBLIC business caller on Wednesday of] " .- ( -- ." I thls week. [ gu~ar--Stamrt~ No 3a -~1 an~ .~1 The following Bulk Oil Stations Bob and Dick Youells of Water-l(Book IV) =GOd for 5 hounds in IIn Beach will be closed Monday [ town, S. D. are visiting their grand- _ .... ~ " " and Tuesday, July 3rd and 4th: parents out northeast of Beach. !ue_rmz~e.w. _ ..... ! Farmers Union Oil Co. ICE CREAM in brick pints. One uannmg ~ugar-~amp ~o. 4u~ Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. quart limit. Woodward Drug Co., (Book IV) good for 5 pounds. Ap-/ The Texas Company ]Beach. 40-1tclply at your local board for addi-~ Beacon Oil Company. " / Mrs. Doris Becklund, who has itional canning sugar using SPARE/ ~V l spent the month visiting her aunt, stam~ No 37 ~ NOTICE Mrs Weldel Youells, has returned) ~'e~" "-" ..... tam ^--I • lu ~s ann rats--teen ~ ps ~A . . to her home at Tacoma, Wash. [+~ .... ~ oxxT t~lr T'(T~ • Q1~.~1 ~.-q~ [ Dr. Niece's office will be closed Mrs. Butterfleld informs us that ...... ~ ....................... " Saturday afternoons during July Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller are finitely. Three more red stamps and August. the Pasching home. Mrs. Edward Shenko returned on Wednesday evening from Drake and vicinity, where she had spent a week visiting friends and relatives. Miss Katherine Susa of Min- neapolis is spending the summer months with her sister, Mxs. Eliza- beth Jendro. Mrs. Cornelius DeVries of Glen- dive is spending a few days at the A. E. Kastein and T. B. LaSalle homes. Miss Irene Feldmann has resign- ed her position at Gordon's bakery and will spend the .summer at her home south of Beach. They say everyone should have a vacation. The way some people drive cars indicates a chance that they may get one in some hospital. William Hollar and Burns Aber- nethy shipped approximately 100 head of horses to Virginia on I two lovely bedspreads from her son, Pvt. Dayton J~ndro, who is in Italy. ! She also received a handmade rug from him while he was in Tunisia. I Mrs. A. W. Mason arrived Fri-t day evening from Couer d' Alene, I Idaho to spend some time at theI home of her sister, Mrs. T. B.t LaSalle. t Mrs. John Kalkman returned on Wednesday of last week from Jamestown, where she-had spent a period of five weeks visiting with friends and relatives, Carol Connelly, formerly Carol McKray, arrived Friday evening from Berkeley, Calif. to spend a few days at the Marvil Nelson and Albert Cline homes ~u Beach. • The E. L. Watkins farm, located northeast of Beach, in Wibaux county, was sold to Mary Mlesaloski this past week, W. C. Howard, real estate broker, making the sale. Thursday and Friday of ~st week. Harlan Cook left Tuesday for Mr and Mrs. Paul Thoemke and ..................... - " ......... t ~pu~ne, wu~. az~er spenalng a aaugnt~r ana Tnelma ~cnmza few weeks i- ~a~,h ,,~+~, ~.~o..~o were Sunday guests oz ~°rUiand relatives. He will be called for wagner near oornaan. J th~ w~,v 4~ ~,~,~c " B~lly Dickinson of Minneapolis, "~ ~'-'fa"~" ~'~'~". .... arrived Sunday evening for a visit I ews n s teen recmveo rrom me with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and 8an Antonio Aviation Cadet cen- Mrs. T. L. Dickinson. ter. that Neal R. Seeley Is one of Mrs. W. YoueUs, Mrs. Doris Becklund. Mrs. Hazel Stecker, Mrs. J. C. Butterfield and Mrs. J. M. Stecker were visitors in Dlckih~son Wednesday. Miss Adellas Brockmeyer arrived Sunday from Seattle, Wash. to spend a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Brockmeyer. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berg ar-~ rived the fore part of the week t from VeDa to spend a week at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. AI Ueckert. Mrs..William Hollar arrived Wed- nesday evening from various parts of the east, where she had spentI some time with her daug~nter and other relatives. I Agnes and Betty Schieffer re-I turned Saturday evening from BISo I marck, where they had spent a week visiting with their sister, the 14 men from North Dakota who are training as airerew members in the Army Air forces. The Misses Betty Jean Kunick, Joyce Snow and Maphalda Fasch- ins spent Vhe weekend at their respective homes. They are attend- ing the teachers college at Dick- inson. Mrs. Raymond Noves and daugh-I ter, Virginia left Wednesday for] Billings, Mont., where they will] visit with Miss Joyce Noyes. Miss Virginia Noyes will go from Bill-~ ings to Livingston to visit with friends for a few days. Keith R. Arnold of the U. S. Navy arrived Monday from the west coast to spend a 30 day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus. Arnold. Keith has been serving with the Marine Corps for the past nine months on Midway island. " --..~.,~ a*' ~i~ Miss Elsie Ekre has resigned her Cecilia. t°] p°siti°nl as chief clerk at the local Miss Sophia Jahr returned War Price and Ration Board office. Beach the latter part of the week]Friday evening, following a regular from Dickinson, after spending .a few days at the home of her weekly meeting, Miss Ekre was pre- sented with a beautiful pin, in parents. ).recognition of her faith and effi- Fvt. Esther Granat of the Worn-/cient services. Following a delicious ens Air Corps arrived in Beach]lunch was served. Miss Ekre,'s plans Sunday to spend a furlough wi~]are to stay on her fathers farm her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. [during harvest and after that her Granat of Golv~ ]plans are indefinite. spending part of their vacatio~ in the Black Hills of South ~Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Abraham, Roy Houck. Harold Abraham and Eddie Begger spent Sunday eve- ning at the A. F. Doblar home. Sgt. Werner Klppley left this Thursday morning for his camp ~at Fort Leonard Wood. Mo., after sl~ending a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Kippley. Mrs. Leone Weller and baby son of Bremerton. Wash. arrived Sun- day to spend several weeks visiting ~elatives and friends. Herman Geyer. Jr. arrived Sunday from Seattle, Wash. to Spend his vaca- tion visiting relatives and friends. National patriotism tells us to support the country. One factor in that national patriotism is local patriotism, which tells us to back trp the home town and its enter- prises, as these are one unit that goes to make up our grand country. Formerly many boys would invite the girls to step out by formal notes written on selected paper with a flourish of penmanship, but now their descendants are more likely to honk in front of the girl's house for her to "C'mon." Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brock- meyer of southeast of Golva re- turned Wednesday from a trip to Moscow, Idaho, Where they visited their son Charles, on furlough from Fort Ord, Calif., his wife and baby daughter. On the return trip they visited Mrs. Brockmeyer's brother, Charles Carew, and wife at Cut Bank, Mont. Rotenone treatment for cattle grubs is very effective, says An- ders Madson. AleXander rancher. It is Madson's opinion that ~5 per- cent of the grubs were destroyed in his herd by the double treatment given in February and March, and the effectiveness of the treatment is indicated, he says, by reduced heel fly infestation this summer. A group of friends and relatives gathered at the Ellis Stecker home 3unday, June 18th, to surprise Mrs. St~cker and. help her celebrate her birthday. The self-invited guests yarried a picnfe~ dinner, but Mrs. Stecker heard about their coming and was ready with everything well 9repared ~and surprised the guests. All enjoyed a very pleasant day. Mrs. Stecker was complimented wlth some very useful gifts. will become valid July 3. IProcessed Foods--Blue Stamps 8A l through 8V (Book IV) valid inde- finitely. Blue stamps 8W, 8X, BY, 3Z and 5A will become valid July 1. Shoes--Airplane stamps No. 1 and No. 2 (Book HI) each good for one paid of shoes indefinitely. Fuel Oil~Period Four and Fiw coupons good for ten gallons per unit through September 30, 194~. Stoves--Application for purchase certificates on all gas, oil or coal heating and cooking stoves must be made to local War Price and Rationing Boards. Gasoline---A-12 coupons valid on June 2,2 for 3 gallons each through September 21. B3 & B4, and C3 & C4 supplemental ration coupons good for 5 gallons each. Tire Inspections--Truck tire in- spections must be made every six months or five thousand miles, whichever occurs first. Tire inspec- tion records must be kept and ser- ial numbers properly noted theeon. --V CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. John Roberts. pastor Sunday School at 10 A. M. Morning service at 11 A. M. Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:30 P. M. Choir practice Wednesday at 8 P.M. On Sunday, July 2nd, special ser- vices will be conducted by the well known evangelists, Miss Nora Jordan and Miss Spies of Oregon. -V-- FIRST LUTHERAN CHUI~H O. L. Oisrud, pastor tel. 154 The I~ible camp at Medora will close with this Thursday evening's program. Beach: Services at 11 A. M. The Sunday School picnic will be held immediately after church at the Evergreen place south of town. The Ladies Aid will meet on Fri- day, June 30, at the Henry Thomp- son home. Carlyle: Services at 3:30 P. M., an hour later than regular. Con- firmation class after services. The two vacatlon Bible schools continue through next week. 'ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH V. H. Dlssen. pastor Divine services Sunday, July 2 at 8 p. M. The Rev. Henry Meyer of Glendive will be the speaker. V~ USE STRYCHNINE TO KILL POCKET GOPHERS ~V NOTICE The Park Cafe in Beach will be closed all day, July Fourth. 40-1te ~.V--- For best results in cannas, food must be fresh. If at all possible, "two hours from garden to can" is a good rule to follow. ! There will be a held at St. Philip July Mlesaloski. Public music. A isa e BUTTE NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS To the Stockholders of Golva Cooperative Elevator Co.: Notice is hereby given that the annual and regular Stockholders of the Golva Cooperative Elevator Co., will be town hall in Golva, N. D., at 2:30 o'clock P. M., on July 12, The business to be transacted at the meeting will be officers and directors, hearing and approval of officers' reports, and such other legitimate business as may come meeting. L. D. PAGE, Secretary and • ~oo o great outdoors with the kiddlu, and say, csll Aunt Jan~ and Uncle C'laude with Jac~ia and Ionic. Make it a big family pic. nit, one to r~member, with all the good things tr~m Red Owl that go to make a picnic that will be t~easured in the Furs to come~y~ag r~laz and enjoy the Fourth thia ~ar. _@$Q~eeaeeeeeeeeoeeeeoee@ee e $ e~ : We have a complete assortment of Cold • Fishing, Picnic o/" Outing such as" Baked Sausage, Thuringer, Summer Sausage, ••oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee•eeeee•! CHEESE AMERICAN LOAF PASTEURIZED (I0 POINTS LB.) TENDER, jUICY RED HOT~ POINT FREE SMOKED PIgNICS F^MI POINT FREE BOLOGNA MINCED SLICED SAUSAG~ POINT FREE NOW is the time to kill pocket BLAND LARD ~,i%~~E gophers, before they become too destructive. Use diced carrots, ~1 T~~~~ ¢R~MV~ treated with powdered strychnine, advises F. Gray Butcher, NDAC DUII.~K FRI~,. L~xtension Service entomologist. (12 POINTS) Cut the carrots into half-inch dice, wash and drain them, and sprinkle:I D~ ~ ~T~T~T~ ~~qD WIZDOM--MADE FROM ~hem with one-eighth ounce (aboUt! one teaspoon) of strychnine. AI "~ % POTTED good way to mix the ,poison and:, . ~. ~o~u carrots is to put them in a paper, ~W~c~| ~'::~., L|~R~0M ~ / NO bag and shake them thoroughly. I ,, '.'~/i a~MOVR~" One teaspoon of strychnine will! ~ ~r~ti~- ~--~;~1~ 4 ~USAGE v.m~a treat about one gallon of diced i /~ n ra ~ m ~ ~pl ,,c~o Locate the burrows by probing~ ~ .. (13POINTS) ~ ~I~STA~ ~v~mm~ with a broom handle or similarI object. The main bUrrOW Will bel ~ ~m~ d~mm ...... ~:~ q~0-oz r~l~(~.~L~ ~,-~n J~ ~ ~D,:. ,.. ,T~k" Ll? .. ~V " e ducts, and (3) follow directions main mound, and usually on thei ~ ~ ~D~/~ GO ll/~ flat side of the mound. Drop sev-j ~ii~, ~~.~.~. ~ ~,H0 C~A~ " eral pieces of poisoned carrot into the runway and cover the hole to] ~:,~-.~~'~ ~ A!11~ ~x~ MANY S Y S AN keep the runway dark. I ~ '~'~" ~=~ ra~vom COLORS Pocket gophers have been cans-I ~AA~~ P~$~W~ ~ " ' ing considerable damage in someI II aM |I i11~i111'..'~ Priced from sections of the state this year. ) VV Vll~l~li~ (Average 44 to Lb.) Pasturing , will hOld creeping ~I~G~T~T~TT~I~ SUNSHINE ~KERIg~ jenny and leafy spurge in check VVV4~4k4~ MAR but usually must be followed by cultural or chemical methods for ~-~~-- complete control. V~ s 95 Important points in successful l a canning are (1) have clean, air SOtrrY~RN t~ROWN tight jars, (g) use sound, fresh por- SW~T ~ BARGAIN TABLE Don't miss it.* SUITS carefully. NOTICE FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Golden Valley County, N. Dak. will receive sealed bids for the recon- struction of the Williams Creek Dam. t Bids left with County Audi- or, zo De opened July 18, 1944 10:O0 A. M. A certified check, me amount of 10% of the Bid must accompany all bids. Tl~e "Board of County Commission- ers reserve the right to reject any or all bids. NOTICE FOR BIDS---PLAN NO. 2 Praising wafer surface Wlllim~s Creek Dam--4 f~t Earthwork raisir~g dam .... 1.700-CY Spillway ................................. ~4-CY Lumber piling ...................... : 7173-F.B.M. Riprap New ............................ 41%SY Riprap Salvaged .................. 37-SY Miscellaneous Contingen- cies ~ngineer estimate .... $4~}.00 NOTICE FOR BIDS--PL~ NO. 3 Raislng water surface Williams Creek Dan's-.--S foot Earthwork rasing dam .... 6.400-CY New ........................ 1.100-SY to be Salvaged .... 37-SY Piling .................... 12.000-F.B.M. Miscellaneous Contingen- cies Engineer Estimate $500.00 (June 22, 29; July 6, 13, 1944) PAPER PLATES 3 "- ZS, BLACK INSECT SPRAY--Kills Flies, Bugs, Tailoreffiff fine fabrics - wide selec- tion - priced to clear! Friday and COATS Saturday June 30th Clearance.* price. ,Others reduc- and ed 33 1-3%.* July 1st Here are clothes clearanced priced before the 4th when ii will do you the most good l SHOPPE Beach, N. D.