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June 29, 1944 Golden Valley News | |
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June 29, 1944 |
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Thursday, June 29, 1944
Mrs. l~raucts Drake returned from
week. Her son Bud,
accompanied her home
Sunday at the Wm. Dick
in Beach Monday were
Pete Bold and children, Mr.
~and Mrs• Burton Welsh, Oscar Ot-
tt~en, Mrs, S. Severson and daugh-
ter, and Mrs. F. E. Elllott.
Roy. and Mrs. E. Ooossen had
their nephew of Billings as a house
guest over the weekend, and all left
Monday for the Bible camp near
Ekalaka. Lona Jean Reinecke, Jane
Owens, James Lynn, Carol Dol-
throPe, Leroy Amunrud, Arden
Amunrud, Sammy Seammon and
Billy and Buddy Harp also accom-
panied the C,~ssens to Ekalaka,
K. Miss Gloria Plummer is visiting
'at Red at the Gordon RUstad home.
Stanley Nelson visited at the Joe
Baker home sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rustad and
Mort were Sunday supper guests at
the Paul Bowen h0me last Sunday.
Miss Alice Rost spent several
days last week vlsltin~ Fern Shep-
herd at the Lyle Tenent ranch.
Mrs. Lawrence Morrison and
daughter spent the day at the John
gave a Strom home Saturday.
Several farmers south of town
had their crops damaged in the
hail storm Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cox and
sons spent several days last week
at Miles City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sellouboe Of
sPent Golva were supper guests at the
the home Ernie Stark home Saturday.
• Miss ClOG Baker, Marie Ruhrer
and Marilyn Mathews were dinner
g~ests at the Wetzel home Sunday.
parent~ The Misses Marilyn Mathews and
Marie Ruhrer went to the Weinreis
Howard school Monday morning to conduct
He will a week of Bible school. -
his camp in Fred Steen, Charlotte and Gor-
don, and Miss Jenny Steen left
Wednesday for a trip to Holley,
lunch at Minn., to visit relatives.
afternoon The Misses Cleo Baker, Marie
Rurher and Maralyn Mathews were
supper guests at the Bert Hudson
Dave Dick and son home Tuesday evening.
and Mr, and Mrs. Pat Plummer took his son Doug-
las ~to Baker Tuesday for medical
Sunday, attention because oI poison ivy
Mrs. George Schuett infection.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hudson and
family were supper guests at the
the W. Byron Hudson home on Saturday
and Dick and Clifford Beach and
Marvin Rost spent several days at
Mrs, Albion Welsh Miles City last week. While there
Ralph they visited Murril Rost.
Baird, and Mrs. christ Sherva and Venita
all spent accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Carl
of Mr. and Rost to Baker Saturday, where they
Bracken and
{SHOW SAT. I1:30 P. M.
. . The FItLST great
to come out of
Walker. Donna
and Robert
and hum-
of a rookie's ad-
laugh-filled side
. . . in an Army Camp!
! I
with James Cagney, Margaret
Lindsay. He's Rough ! He's
Tough! He's terrific! He's the
bare~knuckle, t'~. h~ss of the Gold
COas~, . . where hve men ask
no questions and dead men tell
no tales.
sPent the day.
Miss Marilyn Mathews and Marie
Ruhrer visited at the home of
Mrs. Fred Steen from Wednesday
until Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henning Steen and
family motored to Whitetail, Mont.
Friday to spend the v~ekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Richert, parents of
the late Floyd Richert.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rost and
Rose Marie spent the day at Miles
City Tuesday visiting their son and
brother, Murril, who is in the hos-
The Misses Marie Royrer, Clap
3aker. and Maralyn Mathews and
Rev. Wetzel were supper guests at
the Harming Steen home Monday
Mr. and Mrs• Charles Shepherd
entertained at dinner Saturday eve-
~ng, Rev. and Mrs. Wetzel and
daughter, Cleo Baker. Marllyn
Matl~ews and Marie Ruhrer.
Several carloads of people from
Ollie went to the Tennent ranch
Sunday to watch the crew of four-
teen Mexican sheep shearers at
The IocaI Famers Union associa-
tion held its reguar meeting at the
school house Tuesday e~ening. A
large number were present and en-
joyed a lunch after the business
Mr. and Mrs, Tommy Ferrel and
daughter Of Baker visited at the
Lawrence Morrison home Sunday.
Mrs. Morrison and daughter accom-
panied them.~back to Baker to visit
for a few days.
starring ,Ion Hail and Maria
Miss Leva Ferguson of Baker is
visiting at t?m Clinton Baker home
while her mother is in Chicago
visiting her son. LieuL Bill Fergu-
son, who is spending his furlough
~here with his wife and daughter
before going overseas.
Mr. and Mrs. Oloyd Bury and
family of Alpha, and 5~[r. and Mrs.
Ernle S~ark and DorL~, Rose Marie
and Betty Ulvin. and Mrs. Ors
Stark were supper guests a r the
If you want lo buy or sell
something; If you naod help
or want a Job, you can gex
results from News Want Adsqa
No ad accepIed /or less fl~an-
25c per insertion. A servlca
charge of 25¢ will be made for
'~bUnd" ads.
FOR SALE---1940 Chevrolet coach,
in good condition. Jack Ballard,
Beach. 38-3tc
FOR SALE--One 5-it• Aeme mower
in good condition• A. E• Kastein,
Beach. 40-lip
not registered. J. V. Klein, Sen-
tinel Butte. 39-2tc
FOR SALE---Cro~ley ~ volt l~ttery
radio, in good condition. Aug.
Brockmeyer, 40-2tp
FOR SALE---One new Perfection
enan~l kerosene range with built
in oven. Gerhardt Schallock,
Beach. 40-1tp
FOR SALE--i936 half-ton Ford
town delivery, just completely
overhauled. Frank Stockwell. box
402, Wibaux. 40-1tp
FOR SALE-Cedar telephone poles
and split cedar post. Hanson
Lumber & Hardware Co., Golva,
North Dakota. 38-tic
STRAYED--One whitefaced heifer,
branded 1B, left side, on ribs.
Julius Anderson, Phone 8FI1,
Beach. 39-3tp
LOST--Rear door from a '37 Chev-
rolet at St. Philip dance Tuesday.
Finder return to Frank Beggar,
Wibaux. 40-2tp
FOR SA~ome eight weeks old
Duroc Jersey boards. If inter-
ested call at once. FFA stock.
Wayne Erickson, skaar. 40-1tp
FOR SALE--One kitchen table with
folding leaves, knife and fork
drawer, and a handy cabinet. Will
be at the telephone office in
Beach. Mabel Early. 40-1tp
WANTED~Motor Unit, Model A
or Continental for 1928 Baldwin
Combine. Phone Ray Lingk,
17Fll, Beach, N. Dak. 39-2tp
FOR SALE--Pm-ebred Hereford
bull, three years old. From the
Kremer herd. Price $150, Ralph
Waarst, Carlyle, Mont. 38-3tp
LOST--Two screw-top oil contain-
ers between the Stener Ekre farm
and Beach. Finder please notify
Farmers Union Oil Co.. Beach,
for reward. 40-tic
FOR SALE--15~ Plymouth Deluxe
coupe, the Sylvester Efta car.
May be seen at Machine & Auto
Co., Wfl3aux. Interested parties
see Tony Efta. 40-2tp
FOR SALE--Or trade for cattle,
new Water Witch gasoline power
• washer. Never .been used. Mrs.
Ralph Waarst, Carlyle, Mon-
tana. 38-3tp
FOR SALE---One S-ft. McCormick-
Deering~graln binder; one 9-ft.
McCormick-Peering Duckfoot. 2
sets of shovels, in good condition,
Laverne Hildebrandt, Sentinel
Butte. 40-2tp
~'OR SALE-~-room house, located
new to Davis Service Station:
also 6-room house known - as
Zook house. See Ernest Moore
Beach. 31-14tp
WARDS Powerlite Batteries. Lib-
eral trade in allowance for your
old set. Call at our electrical de-
partment for full details. Mont-
gomery Ward & Co., Glendlve,
Mont. 40-1tc
WARDS Supreme Oil. 100% pure
oil on the market. 30 or 55 gal.
Pennsylvania motor oil. No finer
lots ~8c plus federal tax. Mont-
gomery Ward & Co,, Glendive,
Mont. 40-1tc
FOR SALE--Weaner pigs, your
choice. Edwin Buldhaup~. 40-tfc
FOR SALE--1939 Plymouth Sedan
in good condition. Inquire Log-
an Garage, Beach. Inez Oech.
Administrator. S0-tfc
FOR SALE---One Registered Here-
ford bull. Gel Domino, two years
old; one Jayhawk hay stacker,
and one Jayhawk hay sweever or
Claud Schoubqe home Wednesdayi buncher with horse attact~ment.
in honor of Rona!d Scbouboe's~ All in good shape. M. A. Finne-
birttlday, man. Phone 5F22~ Golva. 38-7tc
The 5~is~es Wilm~ Rose. Shirley
Ln[,ts• Dolores Hudson and Marie FOR SALE~1940 two door deluxe
Biake and Alto Cameron teft thi.; Chevrolet with fine tires, no re-
Monday mormn~ to attend the caps, low mileage, ear in excellent
church cam~ held this week at! sha~e, P-ice. $960. or trade for
Ekalaka park. Sever;d from Car-! 6 or 8 foot combine. Case or
lyle and Alpl~a were also among McCormick Deering preferred.
hosv a~tending. 1940 or up models, Mrs. Julia
Mrs. Victor Berg of B~Iker enter-I B. Dvorak, Box 81 (3 miles west
rained at droner Tuesday evening cf New Hradec)Dickinson. 40-1tp
day of her grandmother, Mrz. Mar-
tha Shepherd. Others present in-i
eluded Mr. and Mrs. Fay Shepherd
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Shepherd and /~rry, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Corbitt and family.
Tke Bible school program w~s
held at the. church Sunday evening.
• j., ,
~P~? U ~?g e a p r SgCC~S f uwla/eae;~ fo~!
lows: Pupils marched to the stage
to the tune of "V is for Victory";
Invocation, Roy, Wetzel: choruses:
ScriPture by Rose Marie Ulvin;
Bible d~l by junior and inter-
mediate cla~ses; choruses by pupils;
stories by prhnary
choruses; mis-
by file
prayer; song;
old abused, worn-out instrument
that is being discarded because it
has seen its best ~days, but a
Baldwin made piano that is
guaranteed to be in first class
condition in every way. Beauti-
ful Lone and easy to play. If
you are looking for something
good, but not cheap, inquire at
the. News office. 40-tfc
The NDAC Experiment station
recommends that hay stacks be
high, rather than low, not too wide,
and built and topped so they will
Covers made from ~an-
_ _ _ _ ,
Mrs. 3. F. Crook, Cot.
P. V. Moore motored to Glendive
on Wednesday•
Connie Mosser has taken employ-
ment in Beach, we understand.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mueller and
daughter were Sunday visitors at
the George Tasker home.
Mr.. and Mrs. Jesse Gorrell and
baby were Beach visitors on Wed-
Walter Grunewald reports that
we have received five inches of rain
during the month of June.
T. E. Hudson has his fencing
crew busy building fence east of
the Powell school house.
Hjalmar Johnson motored to
Beach on Friday to meet a cousin,
who is going to visit him.
The J. F. Crooks were Saturday
evening callers at the P. V. Moore
lestate or interest in, or )
llien or encumbrance upon )
the property described in )
the Complaint. )
) Defendants. )
You are hereby summoned and
required to answer the Complaint of
the above named Plaintiff, which is
on file in tl~e Office of the Clerk
of the District Court of the Sixth
Judicial District in the County o2
Golden ValLey and State of North
Dakota. and to serve a copy of
your answer thereto upon the sub-
scriber at his office in the City of
; Beach. in said County and State.
within thirty (30) days after the
service of this summons upon you,
exclusive of the day of such ser-
vice, and in case of your failure I
to appear or answer as above re- I
quired, the Plaintiff will take judg-]
meat against you by default for I
the relief demanded in the Corn- 1
plaint. I
Dated at Beach, North Dakota, this l
24th day of May, A. D. 1944. ]
i Attorney for Plaintiff ]
Office and Postoffice Ad-
dress: Beach. Norti~ Da-
] kota.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf made You. and each of you, will please
take notice that the above entitled
a trip to Bismarck recently, where action ~s brought for the purpose
Lloyd went through the clinic. 'of quieting title in the Plaintiff and
We understand that Mrs. Lloyd depriving you, and each of you,
of any and all interest in and to
Metcalf is caring for the two Gasho the £olowing described lands and
children, while mother and baby premises situated in. the County of
are In the hospital, iOolden Valley and State of North
Dakota, viz:
Mrs. J. Q. Lawhead and Mrs. Northwest Quarter (NW~,~) of
Warren Clark drove out from Beach
on Monday afternoon and visited
at the Bob Stevens home.
During the wind storm on Satl~r-
day morning, Phil Moore's hay
rack was blown from the sled and
broken in pieces.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gasho are
the proud parents of a boy, born
on Wednesday morning, June 21, at
the Beach hospital. Congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Moore at-
tended a school officers' meeting
in Beach on Thursday. Ed Went-
land also was in attendance.
We are sorry to hear that con-
siderable damage to crops and gar-
dens was done by hail around
Skaar last week.
A-C George E. Omley informs us
that he leaves Bakersfield on June
27 for another camp, where he will
receive his last. three months of
training as a pilot.
Quite a number of Trotters peo-
ple were caught in the rain in
Beach on Thursday. Some decided
to stay in town overnight, on ac-
'count of muddy roads.
Mrs. Kyle Sperry has received a
souvenir from her brother, Eugene
Russell, who is in Australia• It is a
silk hanky, which is very pretty
and rather odd.
Our new hymn books have ar-
rived and Rev. Kenney plans~to
have a dedication service before us-
ing them. at the next church ser-
vice, which we hope to have on
July 2. Everybody welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. P• V. Moore and
Carol went up to Skaar on Friday
afternoon to bring Doris home.~
They were caught in a heavy]
shower while up there, so had to
put on chains in order to travel. I
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mosser went[
to Beach on Wednesday. evening tol
bring out their daughter, Connie,I
who recently returned-from Wash-
ington, D. C. Connie found living[
expenses very high, so. decided to
return home at once.
We believe that Mr. and Mrs.
Hank Madison of our community
Section Twenty-four (24) in
Township One Hundred Tbirty-
eight (138) North, of Range One
Hundred Four (I04) West. of the
Fifth Principal Meridian in Golden
Valley County, North Dakota. .
and of determining adverse claims
thereto• and that no personal claim
is made against you unless you ap-
I pear and defend in this action.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Beach, North Dakota.
(May 25: June 1, 8. 15. 22. 29, 1944)
County of Golden Valley )
Before Hon. James Donaldson.
i ceased.
: Marius Mathison.
Bonnie M. Graves, Carlyle
L. Mathison, Marius O.
Mathison, Marian M. Mathi-
son and all other persons
lunknown claiming any es-
tate or interest in or lien
or encumbrance upon the
property described in the
petition or against the es-
tate of said deceased,
You. and each of you, are hereby
notified that Marius Mathison. of
Grand Forks. North Dakota, has
tiled in the County Court of the
County of Golden Valley and State
of North Dakota, his duly verified
petition praying for a decree as-
certaining and establishing the right
of succession to the real estate
within Golden Valley County, North
Dakota, of which Caroline Mathison.
late of Grand Forks County, North
Dakota, died seized, which said real
estate is described as follows:
Lots Five• (5), Six (6), Eleven
ill) and Twelve (12) in Sec-
tion Two (2) Township One Hun-
dred Forty (140) North, of Range
One Hundred Six (106) West,
of the Fifth Principal Meridian
in Golden Valley County, North
and that Monday, the 10th day of
July A. D. 1944 at the hour of
ten o'clock in the forenoon of that
day, at the Court Rooms of this
Court at the Court House in the
deserve honorable mention, since city of Beach. Golden Valley Coun-
five of their six sons have been ty, North Dakota, has been set by
in the service. Their son, Harry this Court as the time and place
......... ~lschar-e of hearing said petition, at which
recelve~ an nonorame u ~ time and place any person interest-
Ir0m me army a tlttle over a year ted may appear and object to the
ago Their sons Dick and Henry, !granting of said petition.
• ' a ~nd you and each of you are
have been in the Pacific war the "!hereby cite(1 and required then and
ter for many months and now Womithere to be and appear before this
and Tim are receiving training for~Court" and show cause, if any there
th,~ ,,,,,,,, ~=,, ~,~,o ~,¢~ ~a,¢, toIbe, why this petition should not
be proud of their sons, and we 0 - Let~service be made of this cita-
gratulate them. it ion as required by law.
et Dated ~hls 22nd day of June A D
The Webbs Willings Worl~rs m 1944. " ' "
at the home of Mrs. D. E. Kenney BY THE COURT:
on Wednesday, when Mrs. Kenncy JAMES DONALDSON
and Mrs, Floyd Bossennan were Judge Of the County Court
hostesses. Those from Trotters who JOHN KEOH.a2qE
Attorney for Petit.oner
were present, were Mrs. Lloyd Met-
calf and sons, Mrs. P, V. Moore, 1Beach, North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle sperry and, (June 22, 29, 1944)
Mr. and Mrs. John Greeflup [
and the J. F. Crook family. Visit-
ors there were Mrs. J. Q. Lawhead
and Mrs. John Bosserman. The
hostesses served a delicious dinner
at about noon, and all enjoyed the
meeting very much.
The Saddle Butte Homemakers
club met at the home of Mrs.
Clifford Sleeker Thursday, June 15.
The meeting was called to order
by the president, Mrs. C. Carlson.
and tZ members responded to roll
call with "My Favorite Flower."
After ~he usual business was taken
care of the meeting was turned
over to the food project lea~.ters.
Mrs. Cliff Schaal and Mrs. Ed
Koshney. Some of the uses of soy
beans and their products were dcm-
on~n'ated and sampled by the
A delicious lunch, served by the
hostess was enjayed by all present.
The ~'ext meeting will be at Mrs.
Donald Kittleson's. at which time
"there wilt be ~eleetion of officers.
Atl members are urged to attend.-
Club reporter.
The Garden club will hold its
regular meeting on Thursda.y eve-
ning, July 6th, at the home of!
Mrs..P.J. Edkins.
One sign of the lack of skilled
labor is likely to be found this year
in the weak. planks in political
- -Y--
Traveli~ is no~ so easy in war-
time, but some folks probably wish
they Could get to places they would
not like if they were there.
C. )
per- )
any )
Pepsi.Cola Company, Long Island City, lq. Y.
Franchised Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Hettinge~
iii i ii
June 30th and July 1st
Will take as many hogs as you may deliver, at the
following prices •
TOP 190 to 270 lbs. $12.00 to $12.10
MED. HEAVY 270 to 330 lbs. $10.20 to 10.50
HEAVY 330 to 375 lbs. $9.80 to $10.00
EXTRA HEAVY BUTCHERS - $9.50 to $9.80
TOP 190 to 270 lbs. - .... $12.10 to $12.20
170 to 180 lbs. - $10.50 to $11.90
160 to 170 lbs. - $10.08 to $10.50
150 to 160 lbs. - ........ $9.50
140 to 150 lbs. - ....... $9.00
PACKING SOWS ..... $9.10 to $9.40
STAGS, 70 lb. dock ......... $9.40
Beware Thin Sows, as they are likely to be discounted
You'll Always Get a Square Deal With--
,,, , .
Next time you're walking along the street,
r,~ke a look at the people you see axound you
--all kinds of people. They are the owners
of America's public utilities. As a matter of
fact, if you have a bank account, or an insur-
ance policy, the chances are you're a part
owner too.
You see, the typical owner of America's
public utifity industry is a typical American.
Millions of such men and women own it
directly by owning stock in the local gas or
electric company under business manage-
meat, such as the Montana-Dakota Utilities
Co. Many millions more own it indirectly
through savings banks and insurance com-
l~nies, which reinvest a large part of the
money entrusted to them in utility securities.
Probably no other industry is so widely
owned by the people it serves. If you are one
of America's 45,000,000 bank depositors or
67,000,000 life insurance policyholders, you
have a real stake in this industry. Whatever
affects it, affects you.
Working together with its customer
owners, business management has developed
the public utilities of America to a higher
point than that of any other nation in the
world. Without the cooperation of its cus-
tomer owners, this accomplishment would
not have been possible. It's a fact-our pub-
lic utilities really belong to all o£ us.