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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 27, 1935     Golden Valley News
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June 27, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LINDSAY WINS OVER BEACH ' 9 TO 7 HE RE L T SII NOAY Beach Will Play $iduey Here Next Sunday, June 30th At 2:30 P. M. The local baseball diamond last day, getting live bingles out of six Sunday was the scene of an interest- trips to the plate. McGee and Jones lng ball game, when Beach and Lind- of Beach each got two hits. ashy" tangled, with the visitors coming The box score: out on the long end of a 9-7 score Beach AB tt H alter a hectic battle. The game was Enderle (el} 5 1 1 etose and hard-fought throughout Neff (if) 3 0 0 with neither team manking many er Tobias (rf) 2 0 0 role, and kept the crowd on its feet Sayler (2b) 4 1 1 moat of the time. Next Sunday Beach Jones (c) 4 1 2 will play Sidney on the Beach dia- Evans (as) 4 1 1 mend and another good ga~ue is ex. Alguire (lb) 4 0 0 peeted, with Beach a slight' favorite McGee tJb) 4 2 2 to win, acording to comparative leag. Thompson (lf~" 3 1 I we scores. KJervastad (Pt 4 0 0 Lindsay took an early lead las" Sunday by counting three runs ir .Totals 31 7 S the first inning. Beach came back Lindsay AB R H with on~ in their half of the first. D. Quick (p) 4 2 :: and Lindsay counted one more in the O. Thompson (If) 2 1 0 third. From there things went along Dana (If) 3 1 1 in airtight fashion until the fifth in- ~,enns (2b) 6 2 3 ning when Beach scored once more. Grumaa (ss) 6 1 5 and then in the sixth the Beach hit- Neary lib) 6 1 0 ters began to get some action and F. Quick (3b) 4 0 1 when the smoke had cleared away. McCormick (cf) 5 1 2 the locals had counted four runs to give them a 6-4 lead. Lindsay scored Knoop (rf) 2 0 2 one in the eighth and then in the Nagel (if) 3 0 0 ninth they counted four times, while Quammen (c) 5 0 0 Grew (c) 1 0 0 Be~ch could get but one more run la their half of the last inning. Gruman was the hitting star of the[TOtals 45 9 17 [ i i i . i | ii Trotters News Square Butte Messrs. and Mesdames L. H,, Esther and ERa Franzen were v~s- Lloyd and C. H. Callender, J. Q. itors at Ed Olsen's Wednesday. ~awhead and Bert Mellius, Louis Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yates, Donah! Callender. Jr.. and Mrs. Moyville and Dorothy Vtaldal were visiting picniced at Blue Mountains Sunday, relatives around Golva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Schultz and Mrs. Charles Cornell and son John THE BEACH REVIEW Garner News Mrs, Frea "Wassmaw:aitCf ' daug~ Dorothy were visitors at the H. Bab- cock home Wednesday afternoon. I~ Mr. BabcoCk and family were Beach visitors Wednesday. Clara Wassman returned home on Sunday night after spending two weeks with Mrs. Joe Lemire near Medora. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wassman a~d W'alter and Dorothy were Beach vis- itors Friday and were supper guests at the Gee. Wassinan home. Lloyd Wassman spent Sunday with home folks. Leslie Howard was a caqer in Golva Friday. Roy Harmon and Fred WassEaan and Walter were callers at Ewald Johnson's Monday. Willis Stub spent Sunday with Walter wassman. George Stull and son John were Beach business callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Barthe~ and family were visitors at Joe Dietz's Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Joe Lemire an/t Clara Wassman called at the See Dietz home Monday. Tom Wosepka called at the Glen Allstot home Monday evening. ....... I!H Westerheim Miss Evelyn Strum was a caller at Mrs. Mac Wright's Tuesday. There are ten children attending Bible school now. Avis and Bernice Van Horn are spending the week at the home of their uncle, Gee. wright. " J. R. Rathbun returned the first of the week from Greuora. N. Dak. where he spent a few days with his daughter Ruby. J. S Rathbun left the first of the week to shear sheep near Glendive. Mrs. Ellis Stecker is on the sick list. The many friends in this community of Herman Dietz and Maria Allee wish them a long and happy wedded life with much joy and few sorrows daughter, also a sister and niece of were callers at Einar Olstad's ~Ion- Ross Johnstone was in our neigh-, Mr. Schultz, who are visiting them day. borhood the first of the week mess- from California. were Tuesday lunch- Ed O]sou and Oscar Darkey tookuring wheat contract acres. con guests at the Voyne's. horses to Sentinel Butte 5,iond,~y. ~ ~V. R, Conboy, Otto V¢ill, Math Foster Colby was a dinner guest at Brown. Mr. N01an, George Wright Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lee, of St, Ether Olslad's Tuesday, Cloud, Minn.. were weekend guests at and Taylor Cook went to Medora on at the Stevens and Sperry homes, ~ Russell Swingle was n caller l~riday for the stockmen's meeting. Bill Franzen's Friday evening. David Dietz went to Beach Friday. A number from here attended the Dr. Hanson and Mr. Whitman and J. S. Rathbun and Sam Vfait went farmers" meeting in Sidney on Wed- also Winfred Norem were calIers at nesday. Olstad's Saturday. to Sentinel Butte Saturday. ,Roger Lawhead returned to his Mrs. Bill Barzel, son Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. David Dietz went to home Saturday after having spent Donald XValdal were visitors at I,loyd Belfield Sunday. ten days in Beach under the doctor's Yates' place Saturday. .Ill[ care. Gl~dys Klein was a visitor at Elnar The tIARLEM PLAY GIRLS, a Mr. and Mrs. L. ]I. Callender Olstad's and Lloyd Yates" Friday- 12-piece colored girls dance orchestra left for a trip through the Park and Mrs. Ed O]sen, daugt~ter Marian. are playing at Evergreen Park, this further west. son Albert and Alice Olsen were via- Friday, June 28th. UII l~eri Russell, 'Kyle Sperry, Mr. and itors at $. V, Klein's Thursday. .............. !~I! .............. **Land of Marshes~ Mrs, Bert Sperry, Chester Gasl~o CHURCH DINNER Pialand is called Suomenmaa by and John and Howard Vinquist were II the natives. Thls means land of the Saturday callers in Beach, A public dinner is being served marshes. Fin Is a tu)rm]ptlon of ~en Mr, and Mrs. John Carlson and at the St. Phillip Catholic church an English Word meaning marsh. Mrs. A. J. Nellermoe left Monday next Sunday, June 30, at noon. A .lll~ by car for points in eastern North[ picnic Is beifig held all day and , ,, and South Dakota, l there will be a dance at the Nunberg Mrs. Andrew Simenson returned barn thatevening. Everyone is in- ~ iI~ _~.:' ~'~'~'~ .~ , on Wednesday from Salt Lake City, letted. where she had gqne to attend her] .............. ~:'~ ..... brother's funeral. Your Job Pdndn8 Business Mr. and Mrs. Hodgln and Mr. Correspondents of the Beach Review are uwged to get their .e*s I. - day the. usual If ~/e Can'~ Please You this week, due to the fact that the fourth of July comes on 1~''*~;jO~.. C~le Again Thursday, This will be deeply appreciated by the editors. "~,~:~ ~'- - I I For That 4th OF JULY PICNIC MARSHMALLOWS,, LB, PK, l Ic OLIVES, STUFFED 80Z, JAR 25c JELLO, ALL FLAVORS 3 PKS, 17c ii OLIVES, QUART JAR 39c =.,. Metcalf were Sunday visitors at the A. Simenson home at Clark. Mont. Mrs. Metcalf entertained a party of young folks at supper Sunday ev- ening, .... L-. CALL FOR BIDS il Sealed bids for cleaning catch basins and for cleaning septic tank will be accepted by K. It. Alton. city auditor, to be opened at the July 1 meeting of the city council. Separate bids will be required for each job. K. H. ALTON, City Auditor. Fourth oJ July DANCE at rTINEL BUTTE MUSIC GOOD EATS 1 NEW SANTA CLAUS Oscar Phillips, forty years of age, has been appointed postmaster of the town of Santa Claus, Ind. lie succeeds the late James F. Martin. who became world famous in the cttice. BASEBALL At Golva GOLVA vs. WlBAUX Sun., June 30 STOCKHOLDERS MEETING OF BEACH CO-OP. GRAIN COMPANY -IS, Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stock- holders ~f the Beach Co-operative Grain Co. will be held in Beach, N. D.. in the American Legion Hall on Tuesday, July 9th, 1935, at 2 p. m. Election of two directors for three years and such other business as may properly come before the meeting Interest and dividend checks will he distributed, H. H. HALSTEAD, Secretary. June 27-2t BASEBALL LOWER YELLOWSTONE --II WON LOST Olendive 4 1 Fairv.~ew 3 2 IAndsay3 2 Sidney 2 2 Beach 1 2 Savage1 5 Games last Sunday: Sidney 18, F~irview 17 (10 Glendive 9, Savage 3 Lindsay 9, Beach 7 LNI The HARLEM PLAY 12-piece colored girls dance are playing at Evergreen Friday. June 28th. Attention Farmers! Our shipment of Sodium Chlorate weed exterm- inator will be in this week. Large quantities can be obtained at a very reasonable price. Place your orders NOW. We have taken over the prescription, files of the Menke Drug Co. Anyone needing refills on these files may have them filled bv us. The Filling Of Prescriptions Is Our Specialty TIRES may look alike on the outside, but on the inside where blowouts start, they are different. Firestone 41 Tires are made l~Iowout-proof by Gum- I Dipping, a patented extra process which soaks every cotton cord and insulates every strand with pure Hquid rubber. In fact, every 100 pounds of cotton cords absorb eight additional pounds of liquid rubber. This special process prevents internal friction and heat, the main cause of blowouts. No other make of tire is Gum-Dipped, yet you pay no more for Firestone blowout-proof protection than you are asked to pay for tires built without this patented safety construction feature; The make of tires you buy for your car becomes a matter of vital importance when you realize that there were 882,000 automobile accidents in 1934 in~uring 9~4,000 people and killing 56,000 and that 43,000 of these accidents were ,caused by blowouts, punctures and 'skidding. morn Firestone High Speed Gum-Dipped Tires hold all world records on roadand track for safety, speed, mileage and endurance. These records emphasize the undisputed evidence that Firestone Tires are not only blowout-proof but give greatest protection against skidding. THERE ARE THREE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS THAT WILL SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM OF WHAT TIRES TO BUY "'Will the tread give me the greate.~ traction and prote~io~ against skidding?'" Recent tests by a leading University show that Firestone Hi,~h Speed Non-Skid Tires stop a car 15% quicker than any other cf the leading makes. For eight consecutive years Firestone Tires have been on the winning car in the dangerous Pike's Peak Race where a skid means death. This is undisputed evidence that Firestone gives car owners greatest protection against skidding. "Are they blowout.proo[?" Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires have the most amazing records for being blowout-proof of any tires ever built. In the gruelling 500.Mile Race at Indianapolis, May 30th, every one of the 33 cars was equipped with Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. Kelly Petlilo won the race and broke the record over this 26-year-old rough brick track without tire trouble---in fact, not one of the 33 drivers had tire trouble of any kind. Ab Jenkins drove his 5,000 pound car on Firestone Gum- Dipped Tires over the hot salt beds of Utah, 3,000 miles in 23~ ~ hours, at an average speed of 127.2 miles per hour, with temperatures as high as 120°, without tire trouble of ang kind. These are most amazing proofs of blowout protection ever known. "WUho.t sacrificing these two important safety features will they give me longer mileage, thus making them the most economical tires I can buy?" WOODWARD DRUG CO. )Gum-Dtppad cords give Firestone High Speed Tires not only give you more than 50% longer wear, but also lowest cost per mile. This is made possible by the tough, wear-resisting tread built with higher shoulders and a wider, flatter contour. This thick, rugged, scientifically designed tread is held securely to the Gum-Dipped cord body by Fire, tone's patented construction, of two extra /avers of cords under the tread. This is a special construction NAPKINS PK OF 100 9 feature not used ln any other tlre. Unequaled mileage records by thousands of ear owners add undlsputed evidet~.ce of the | I C longer wear and greater economy of F/restone rug~ Speed Tires. SANDW CH !1 BATTERIES ! SPARK PLUS[ retAKE tl,m. Ii I **SPREAD, JAR 23c il::.$ ss I! --...v......i.~.~n~.q, fancy large doz: 25e u! ,,, ,t~.., i ~ ,,, v ~u THE REXALL STORE Beach, N. Dak. BANANAS, golden ripe 3 Ibs. 23c - ORANGES, large sweet doz. 37c NEW SPUDS, 10 lbs. 31c CANTALOUPE, nice ripe 2 for 25c MELONS, CELERY, LETTUCE, ETC. Wieners, BoloKna, All Kinds Cold Lunch Meats HIGH SPEED TYPE Made with rubber ingenui¢ 4.,';0-211 ff.'/! 4.75-191 &It 5.00-191 S.Se 6.eo-161 it. Ot~r rdzes I~m~e~ Lm~ CENTURY PROGRESS OLDFIELD TYPE Equal or Superior to aaf special brand tire made for mass advertised without .lnantlfact~l.r~r'$ name gugt~ntce. SENTINEL Carries the and I I 4.50-21...... I 4.7~-19.._.- I s.25-zs.._. I S.S(~tg.1 ..,. I COURIER ]~O~ car owners w need new tire safety tory low WE PHONS Motor Co.,