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Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 27, 1935     Golden Valley News
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June 27, 1935
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OF EPEGIAL ELECTION REFERRED MEASURE Minnie 1~. Smith. Auditor of the of Golden Valley, State of in accordance with of Article 26, Amend- N, D, Constitution and Sec- t 979, C. L. 1913. do hereby cer- that the following Referred will be submitted to the at the Special Election pro- by Acting Governor Walter to be held on Monday, July 1935. ~ALES TAX ACW by Referenduln Petition: of Senate Bill BI3, Legislative AssemblY: )roved by Governor, March II, Ememg'ency Measure. of a measure de- as "Senate Bill No. 313" by the Twenty-fourth Le- Ire Assembly. of tire State of Dakota• at the regular 1935 of said Legislative Assem- an act providing for a Tax on the retail sale of personal property with- is state, providing for admtn- and for the collection and of moneys received and repealing all laws of laws in conflict there- L the full text of which Act is lows to-wit: "act to equalize taxation and ce part the tax on property; the public revenue to be for :~uch replacement by a tax OU the ~'ross from retail sales :ru de- herein; to provide for the of such tax. the dis- and the use of the re- derived therefronl and the tion of said laW: to pro- certain deductions and ex- to ~l'take" an approprl~- for tire administration of this fix lilies arid lwnalties for of the provisions of to repeal all laws or of laws in conflict herewith ~leclaring an emergency. IT I~]NA{'TED BY 'i'HI~] LEGIS- A.qSEMBI,Y O!~" THE STATI3 I~OHTH DAKOTA : "~tlon 1. DI~F1N1T IONS. } The words, reFillS and phrase,q, Used In this division, have ascribed to them in except where the con- clearly indicates a different "Pereon" includln~ any in- firm. copartnership, joint association, corporation, corporation, estate, trust, trust, receiver, or any group or combination acting and the plural as well singular number• "Sale" means any tranS- or barter, condition- in any manner or means whatsoever, for a "Retail sale" or "sale at means the sale to a con- or t~ any person for an other than for processing resale, of tangible personal and the sale of gas, ~lty. water, and communica- te retail consumers or shall include the order- or aiding a customer any goods, wares or met- from any price list, or which such customer order, or be ordered for such to be shipped directly to *'Business" includes an)" as- engaged in by any person to be engaged in by him obleet of gain. benefit, or either direct or indirect. ler" includes every per- in the business of sell- goods, wares, or met- at retaiL-or tits furnishing "electricity, water and corn- service, and tickets or to places of amusement events as provided tn Receipts" means the amount of the sales of re- in money, whether in money or otherwise. however, that discounts allowed and taken L shall not be included, nor e sale price of property re- customers when the full thereof is refunded either or bY credit. Provided, that on all sales of re- Valued in money, when such m~de under conditional or under other forms wherein the payment of the sum thereunder be ex- a period longer than days from the date of that only such portion Sale amount thereof- shall for the l)UrDOSe of of tax imposed by this t~has actaaily been received by the retailer during quar- as defined herein. agency" means the countY, city and co'unty, district thereof, or any engaged in actual relief "Commissioner" means the of the State of 2. TAX IMPOSED.) There beginning the 1935, and ending tax of tw~ per cent upon the gross ro* sales of tangible consisting of or merchandise, ex- Otherwise provided in this Sold-at retail In the state I~akota to consumers or rate of tax upon the from the sales, fur- ~f gas. electricity, communitation ~erviee, the gross receipts from municipal eorpor- gas, electricity, ntcation service to c in its proprietary caps- otherwise l~rovlded when sold at retail of North Dakota to users; and ~ like uporf the gross receipts of tickets or admis- of amusement and except as other* in this divisiOn. levied shall be collected as herein- The~e Visions computation of the " imposed by lt~ tlte receipts fro~t personal property prohibited from eonattVlZtton or States or under ion of this state. from g or service of trans- receipts from of, a works execute'A date of this from local the for ,¸ i£i/ provided; provided, that if such accounts are thereafter collected by the retailer, a tax shall be paid upon the amount so collected. The provisions of this act shall not ap- ply to sales of gasoline, cigarettes• snuff, insurance premiums, ox any other product, business or occupa- tion upon which the state of North Dakota now or may hereafter im- pose a special tax, either in the form of a license tax, stamp tax or otherwise. Section 5. CREDIT To RELIEF AGENCY.) 1. A relief agency may apply t~, the commissioner for refund of the amount of tax inlposed hereunder and paid upon sales to it of any goods, wares, or merchandise used for free di.stribution to the poor and needy. g. Such refunds may be obtained only ill the following amounts and the manner and only under the foL lowing conditions: (a) On forms furnished by tile Commissioner, and during the time herein provided for the filing or quartely tax returns by retallerv. the relief agency shall report to the Con]missioner the total amount or amounts, valued in money ex- pended directly or indirectly for goods, wares, or merchandise used for free distribution to the pop; and needy. (1/) On these forms the relief agency shall separately list the per- sons making the sales to it of to its order, ro.P'ether with tlre dates of the sales, and the total amoun,s st) expended by the relief agency, (c) The relief agency must prov~ to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner that tile Person making the sales has included the amou~,t thereof in the computation of tb.' u-ross receipts of such person and that such person has paid the tax levied bY this division based upon such eonlputation of gross red,liltS. 3. If the Commissioner In ssti~- fled that the foregoing (-onditions and requirenlents have beeE coln- ?)lied with.- he shall refund the amount claimed by the relief agency. Se('tlon 6 T~eta~I|ers shall, an far as I)racticable. ~.dd the tax imlYosed nllder this Act. or the average equivalent thereof to the sa'es price, or char~:e and when added such tax shall constitute a part *f such price or charge, shall Ire a debt from consumer or user to retailer until paid, and shall ')e recoverable at law in the same manner as other debts. Agreements between competing" retailers• or the adoption of appro- priate rules and regulations by or- ganizations or associations of re- tailers to provide uniform methods for adding such tax or the average equivalent thereof, aud which do not involve price fixing agreements otherwise unlawful, and which shall first have.the approval of the Com- missioner, are expressly autltorized and shah be held not to be in violation of any antitrust laws of this state. Section 7. UNLA~VFUL ACTg . It shall be unlawful for any retai}- er to advertise or hold out or state to the public or to any consumer, directly or indirectly, that the ta~ or any part thereof imposed, by this dtvisldn will be assumed o,r absorb- ed by the retailer or that it will not be considered as an element in the price to the consumer, or if added, that it or any part there- of wilt be refunded. Section 8. RECORD~ REQUfR- HD.) It shall be the duty of ever:." retailer required to make a report and pay any tax under this divi- sion. to preserve such records of the gross proceeds of sales as the Commissioner may requlre and it shall be the duty of every retailer to preserve for a period of two years all invoices and other re- cords of goods, wares, or merchan~ disc. l,urehased for resale: and all such books, invoices, and other re- cords shall be open to examlnatlon at any time bY the (:~omml~ioaer or any one- of his duly " auth~rlzed agents. Section 9. I-~ETI]RN OF GROSS RECY:I PTS. t 1. The retailer shall° on or before the 20th day of the month following the close of the first quarterly period as defined in the following section, and on "or before the 20th day of the month following each subsequent quarterly period of three months. make out a return for the pre- ceding quarterly period in such form and. manner as may be pre- scribed hy the Commlsioner. show- lng the gross receipts of the re- tailer, the amount of the tax for the period covered by such returr~. and sucR forths2 information as the Commissioner may require to enable him correctly to compute and t~ollect the tax herein levied; provided, however, that the Com- misioner may, upon request by .,tny retailer and a proper showing of the necessity therefor, grant unto such retailer an extension of time of not to exceed thirty (30) days for making such return. If such extension is "granted to any such retailer, the time in which he is required to make payment as pro- vided for in section ten (10) of this act shall be extended for the same perle& 2. 'Phe Commisioner, if he deems it necessary or advisiable in order to insure the payment :of the tax lmpose:l by this division, may re- quire returns and payment of the tax to be made ~ for other tbau quarterly periods, the provisions of section ten (10) or elsewhere to the contrary notwithstanding. 3. Returns shall be signed by the retailer or his duly authorized agent, stud must be verified by oath. SectiOn 10: PAYMENT OF TAX ~BON D.) 1. "t'be tax levied hereunder shall be due and payable in quarterly installments on or before the 20tn day of the month next succeeding each quarterly period, the first of m~eh period being the period com- mencing with May 1, 1935, and ending on the 30th day of June, 1935. g. F~very retailer, at the time of making the return required here-. under, shall compute and pay to the Commissioner the tax_~. the preceding period. 3, The Commissioner may, when in hi~ judgement .it is neee~ry and advlsiable to do so in order to secure .the collection Of the tax levied under this division, require any person sub:~eet tO such tax to file with him a bond, issued by a surety company authnrtzed to trans- act business tn'this state and ap- prove by the insurance com~nls- sloner,as to solvency and respon- sibility, In such amount as the Ck~mmissioner may fix( to secure the payment of any tax and ior Penalties due or which may become due from such person. In lien (,f such bond, securities approved by the Commissioner, in such amount as he may prescribe, may" be de~ posited with him, which securities shall be kept In the CustOdy of the ~ommls~oner and may be sold by him at public or pri- vate sg~le, without notice to the depositor thereof, If it becom~ee necessary so to ao in oraer to ~e- cover a~y tax andl or penalties due. Upon any such sale, the sur- plus, if stay above :the amounts due under this division shall be return~d~ to th,e person "who de- posits4 the secUrtetles. Section 11. PERMI'PS---APPICA- ' days this THE BEACH REVIEW Every person desiring to engage in or conduct business as a re- tailer within this state shall file with the Commissioner an applica- tion for a permit or permits. Every application for such a permit shall be made upon a form prescribed by the Commissioner and shall set forth the name under which the applicant transacts or intends to traosact business, the location of his place or places of business, and su(~t other information as the (~otn- missioner may require. The appli- cation shall be signed by the owner if a natural I)erson; in the case an association or Partnership. bya~ rnemher or tl~reof; in the case of a corporation. By an executive officer thereof or some person specifically authorized by the eorl)oration to sign tile appli- cation to which shall be attached the written evidence of his author- ity. 2. At the tints Of making such application, the applicant shall pay to tho ~Conlrnissioner a permit fee of fifi~y cents (50c) for each per- mit. and tilt, apl)l[cant must have a l)ermit for each place of busi- ness. 3. Upon the payment of the I)ermit fee or fees herein requir- ed, the Commissioner shall grant arid issue to each applicant a Der- mit for each place of busJnoss witllin the state. A permit is not assignable and shall be valid only for the person H~ whose name it is issued and for the transaction of business at the place designated therein. It shall at all times he conspicuously disDlayed~at the place for xvhielr issued. 4 Permits issued under the pro- visions of this division shall be valid and effective without further payment of fees until revoked hy the Corumissioner. 5, Whenever the holder of a permit f~t~s to comply with '~n3; of the provisions of this division or aUy rules or regulation of the Commissioner ]~rescribed and adopt- ed under tiiis d/vision, and tht.- ('ommissioner upon hearing affer giving tea d~ys' notice of the time and I)laee of the hearing to show CRUSt* why [liX permit should riot l)e revoked, may revoke' the permit. The t:'omnlissioner shall alsO have the power to restore licenses after such revocation. 6. The Commissioner shall charge a fee of one dollar for the issuance of a permit to a retailer whose per- tnit nas been previously revoked. Section 12. FA1LUi~E TO Fl[.b~ RETURN~INCORRECT RETURN, / If ,% return required by this divi- sion Is not filed, or if a return when filed is incorrect or insuf- fietent and the maker fails to file a corrected or .~ufficlent return within twenty days after the same is required by notlce from the Commissioner. such Commissioner shall determine the amount of t~x due from such information as h ' may be able to obtain and. if no- . cessary, may estimate the tax on the basis of external indices, such as nsmber of employees of the per- son ~oneerned, rentals paid by Ittm, his stock on hand, andt or otl~er factors. The Commissioner shal give notice of such determination to the person liable for the tax. Such determination shall finally ann irrevocably fix the tax unless tb~ person ag~.inst whom it is assessed- shall, withln thirty days after the giving of notice of such determin- ation, applY to the Commissioner for a hearing or unless the Com- missioner of his own moti~a shall reduce the same. At such hearing evidence may be offered to support such~determination or to prove that it is incorrect. -~-fter such hear- inff the Commissioner shall give notice of his decision to' the per- son !lable for the tax. Section 18, APPEALS,) 1. An appeal triay be taken by the taxpayer of the district court of the county in which he resides, o~' In which hfs principal place of business is located, within sixty days after ho shall have received notice from the Commissioner of his determination as provided for tn the preceding section. 2. The appeal shall be taken by a written notice to the Commission- er and served as an original notice. When said notice is so served it shall, with the return thereon, be field in the office of the clerk of said district court, and docketed as other cases, with the taxpayer as plaintiff and the Commissioner as defendent. The Plaintiff shall ills with such clerk a-bond for the use of the defendant, which sureties apr0ved by such clerk, in penalty at least double the amount of tax appealed from, and in no case shalt the bond be less than fifty dollars ($50,00), conditioned that the plain- tiff •hall perform the orders of the court• 3. The court shall hear the ap- peal in equity and determine anew all questions submitted to It on appeal from th~ determination of the Commissioner. The court shall render its decree thereon and a certified copy of said decree shall be filed by the clerk of said court wlth the Commissioner who shall then correct the assessment in ac- cordance with said decree. An ap- peal may be taken by the taxpayer or the Commissioner to the sup- reme court of this state in the same manner that appeals are taken ~n suits in equity, irrespective of the amount involved. Section 14. SERVICE OF NO- TICES. ) 1. Any notice, except notice of aPpeaL authorized or required un- der the provisions ot this dlvision may be given by mailing the same to the person for who~n it is in- tended hy registered marl, ad- dressed to such person at the ad- dress given in the last return filed by him pursuant to the provisions of this division, or if no return has been filed, then to such ad- dress as may be obtainable. The mailing of such notice shall be pre- sumptive evidence of the receipt of the same by the person to whom addressed. Any period of time which is determined according to the provisions of this division by the giving of notlce shall com- monte to run from the date of registration and posting of suul~ notice• 2. The provisions of the North Dakota code relative to the limita- tion of time for the enforcement of a civA remedy shall not apply to any proceeding or action taken to levy, appraise, assess, determine or enforce the collection of any ta~ or penalty provided hy this dirt- aion. Section 15. PI~NALTIESL-OFF]~/q- SES.) 1. Any per~n failiriff to file a return or corrected return or to pay any tax within the time re. quired by this division, shall be subject to a penalty of five per cent (5 per cent) of the amount of tax ,due, plus one per cent (1 per cent) of such tax for each month of delay or fraction thereof, ex-, cepttng the first month after snell return required to be fll~l or snob tax became due; but the CommiS- sioner, if satisfied that the delaM was excusable, may remit all or ;tny part of such penalty, gush penalty shall be: l~td to the Commissioner and dlsl~eed of In the same manner as other receipts under this divi- sion. Unpaid penalties ~y forced In or without procuring a license with- in sixty (60) days after the effec- tive date of this act, as provided in section 11 of this act. or who shall violate the provisions of sec- tion seven of this act, and the officers Of any corporation wP.o shah so act. shall be guilty of a ntisdemeanor, punishment for which shall be a fine of not more than one thousand doItars or imprison- meat for not more than t~ne year. or both such fine and imprison- ment, in the discretion of the court. 3. ~ny l)~rson required to make. render, sign, or verify and return or supplementary re{urn, who tnakeg any false or fraudulenL return with intent tl) or encade tlle assessment required by law to t,e made. shall be guilty of a relent and ~hall, tor each such offense. be fined not less than five hundred dollars and not more than five thousand dollars or be imprisoued not exceeding one year, 01' ])l' SUb- ject to both ~t tille and iruprison- ment. it, the disvretion of ti~e court. 4. q?he eertiilcate of the Commis- sioner re the effect that a tax ha:; not been paid, thal a re[uru has SOL been filed, or that information has not been supplied puPsuant LO the provlSimlS of this division, shall' be prima facts evidence thereof. Sectlnn 16 "l'h~ Tax Commission.- cr of the State of North Dakota is hereby charged " with the ad- ministration of this act and the taxes imposed therehy. Such (~om- lnis]oner shall have the power anu atttho,'i~y to prescribe all rules and regulations not inconsistent witll the provisions i~f this act. necessary and advisable for its detailed vd- minis,ration and to effectuate i~'~ purposes, inc]Udillg |ile right lo Drovide for the issuance au,l ,¢';_l~'3 by thc~sLate of co~tt.)ns t:overia~ the am3unt of tax or taxes to he paid under this act. if such n, etho~t is deemed advisiab]~- by said Con,- nllssiontH•. Section /17. All fees, taxes, i:.- terest and 1)enalt~t's inlposed :tud } or collected under this act must be paid to tile (~ommJssioner in the form ~f relnittances payai)le to tlae Treasurer of the state of North Dakota, and said Commissioner shall transmit each Payment daii> to the State Treasurer to be de- Posited in the State• Treasury to the credit of a fund to be kno~Aa as tile Special Tax Fund. whi'dl fund is hereby created and estab- lished. Section 1 ~. GENEP, AL PO'~V- I,H~S. ) 1. The Commissioner, for the purpose of ascertalnin~ the cor- rectness of a~y return or for tl~e purpose of mak Ing an estimat e of the taxable income arid]or receipts of any taxpayer, shall have power: to examine or cause to be exalnined by an agent, or r~presentative de- signated by him, books, papers, re- cords or memoranda; to require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses: to issue and stgn subpoenas: to administer oaths, to examine witnesses and, re- ceive evidence; to compel witnesses to produce for examination books, papers, records and documents re- lating to any matter which he shall 1)ave the authority to investi- gate or determine. 2. 1Vhere the ~ommissioner finds the taxpayer has made a fraudulent return, the costs of said hearing shall be taxed to the taxpayer. In all other cases the costs shall be paid by the state. 3, The fees and mileage to be paid witnesses and taxed as costs shall be the same as prescribed by law in proceedings in the dlstriot court of this state in civil cases. All costs shall be taxed in the manner provided by law in pro- ceedlngs in civil cases. Vfhere the costs are ,taxed to the taxpayer they sitall be added to the taxes ~sessed against said taxpayer ~d hhall be c01)ected in the same man.- nor. Casts taxed to the state shall be detrlfied by the Commissioner of the ~tate Treasurer. who shall Is- sue warrant for the amount of said costs, to be paid out of the proceeds of the taxes collected un- der this act. 4. In case of disobedience to a sUbDoena the Comrnlssloner may invoke the aid of any court ot competent Jurisdiction in requiring the attendance ~nd testimony of witnesses and produeUon o~ re~ cords, books, papers, and docu- ments, and such court may issue an order requiring the person t~ appear before the Ck>mmlssioner and give evidence or produce re- cords, books papers and documents, as the case may be, and any failure t~o obey such order of court may be l~unished by the court as a con- tempt thereof, 5. Testimony on hearings before the Commissioner m~/y be taken bY a deposition as in civil ca~es, and any person may be coreD'stied to appear and depose In the same manner as witnesses may be com- pelled to appear and testify as hereinbefore provided. Section 19. 1. The Commissioner, with the approval of the Governor, may ap- I~int such agents, $~uditors, olerks and. employees as he may deem necessary and fix thetr salaries and comPensation and prescribe their duties and powers and said Com- missioner shall have the right to remove such agents, auditors, clerks and ~ employees so appointed by h|m. 2 All such agents and employees shall" be allowed such reasonable and other necessary traveling ex- penses as may be Incurred in the performance of their duties not to e~ceed, however, suoh amounts as "are now or may hereafter be fixed by law. ~. The Commtsioner may require such of the officers, agents, and employees as it may de~lgnate to " give bond for the faithful perform- ance of the duties in such sum and with such securities as it may de- ' termine and the state shaIl l~ay, out of the proceeds of the taxes oollect- ed under the provisions ot th~s act, the premiums on such bondS. 4. The Corm~l~loner ~ay utilize the office of treasurer of the vsr- 1pus counties in order to administer !this aet~nd effectuate Its pucposes. .and may~ appoint the treasurers o@ the various counties its agents to any or all of the taxes im- posed by this act, provided, how- ever, that rb0 additional compensa- tion shall be paid to said treasurer by reason thereof, Sectlon 20. INFORMATION DEEMED CONFIDF~NTI.~L.) 1. ~t shall he Unlawful for the Cemmissioffer, or any person hav- ing an administrative duty under this a.;t, to divulge or to ra~ke known in any manner whatevvr, the business affairs, operations, or information obtained by an investi- gation of records and equipment nf any person or corporation visited or examined in the discharge o~ of- ficial duty, Or the amount or sauree of lneome. Profits. Iodines. e~¢oeadl- tares or any particular thereof sot forth or disclose~t In any return, or to permit any return or CoPY there- of or any book coBtainlngany ab- ftract or Particulars the~:eof to t e or not to exeeed one thousand d~Mtars ($1,000.00). • ~sction 21. CORIt.ECT[ON OF ERBORS.) If it shall appear that, as a result of mistake, nn a,nou)lt of tax, penalty, or interest h~s been paid which was not dtt~ under the provisions of this act. then such amount shall be credlt,~d a~'ainst any tax dne. or to become due. url- der ehis act from the person wl,o nlade the erroneous paylnent or such amount shall be refunded to such person by the (?onltn[ssl ~eel'. Section 22. AVherevor by "tny provision of this act a refu,~tl is authorized, the Commissioner Waalt certify the amount of the refllud. the reason therefor and' the nan3e of the payee tO the State Treasurer, who shah thereupon draw his war- rant Oil the Special Tax Pund lrt tilt" amount sPenlfled payable to th~ nanl~ (/ t)ayee. Section 23. ]f any ,~ection. ~ul)- section, clause, sentence, Dr t)hr~tse of this act is for any rea3on held to he unconstitutional and Invaltd, such decision sha/1 not affect the validity of the renlain- ing Portions of this act. The legislature llereb~- declares tha~ it would have passed this act and each st.'st [u a. subsection. Claa~ sentence, or phrase hereof Irre- spective of wh~ti~er any one or more of the sections, subsections. clauseS, -~elltt'nee:C or phrases be declared unconutitutionaL Section 24• ALL LA'WS ANI) PARTS OF I,A~V~ IN (X)NFIA~Y[' V¢IT}£ THIS ACT ABF: HEREBI lll,~" P 1£ AL E I). Section 25. ALLOCATION ('d; REViu'NUES. All moni,.~ collected and received under this act shall lie credited by. the *'iF-tte Treasurer into a special fund tt) be known as "(l'he t~et~il Sales q:,x P~und.'" Out of thb; fund tile State Treasurer shall firsl p:,y the expeoses (,f administertn;£ this act and the Payment of refunds al- lowed, under this act. The net alnount', of /neD]es remaining; i,'l SPld "Retail Sales Tax Fund" shall Ire allocated and distributed as ill- lows • (At The State Board of /~(tual/- zatioE is authorized directed, ore- powered and required, at any: requ- lar or special meeting, from time to time, to transfer, into "'The .ntnte Public Welfare Fund". created ~:~d estahlished by House Bill 338 Deriding in this legislative session. the sum of $500,000.00 per annum te be expended for the relief o" destitute or necessitious persol~s, in Co-ordination With ~tnd ~lP)')I))'O- mentary to the funds made a'~ai!- able for expenditure for like pur- poses in North Dakota from ".,tud~~ aPpro0riated by Congress and al- located by the Federal Emer~4eney Relief Administration and or o':her Federal agencies. Such monies may be expended either In the forln ~f direct or work relief, The said State Board o~f Equalizalion it ~ut'- ther authorized, directed and em. powere-I to transfer into the State Public *~,'elfare l~und the further sum cf $190,000.00 per ;~nnum, or so much thereof as in lhe oDinlol~ ef the said State Board of Eq,:ali- sation may be neeesary, to be ex. Dended for Mothers" aid or I)snsion and~or old age or hlind pension or assistance in co-ordination with visions thereof time as sufficient funds are eolleoted under this act. Section 27. EMEROENCY. Whereas the flrmncial situation ~f thts state is such as to demand and require immediate collection of a(~ditlonal revenue for the purposes stated In thi~ Act and otherwise. now, therefore, an emergency is hereby declared and thts act shail be in full force and effect from and after its Passage arid approval. In Witness Whetter, I have here- unto set my hand and affixed the oIIicial seal of the County of Golden VaIIey, State of North Dakota, at the Court House, in the City of Bdach. State of North Dakota. this 18th day of June, 1935, MINNIE E. SMITH. Afidltor ot Golden Valley County, North Dakota, I.~I,:AL I N. D. Schools Benefit By Work Relief Jobs t.Hsmarc[¢. North Dakota. ffune 19-.-- Emphasizing physical improvement to N~orth Dakota's school structure~ a~ one of the more important contribu- tions made l/y the labor of personl receiving relief under the I~ERA. Har- ris Robinson. state engineer, today an- nounced ntorc than 1.000 buildings had benefited by I,'HRA work project.~ dur- ing the past year. Hundreds of North Dakota rural schools have been thoroughly reno- vated. Rotlinson said. Interiors and exteriors haw~ been repaired wher~ needed. The rmtjority or: them hetve beon repainted. New basements have been excavated, concq'ete foundations laid, gronnds graded, leveled and land- scaped. Additions have been construc- ted. Playgrounds have heen made safer. "The retmir program," Robinson said. "has increased the serviceability ~ improved the aptlearance of hundreds of buildings. Scores have been made safe from structt~rul failure, He~lt~ of pupils and teachers has Ime~ .~afe- guarded. Ventilation and senile,tip- facilities have been improved, Student capacity has been in~reased in a num- ber of instances thus relieving" con- gestloru Repair and rehabilitation work ha~ included roOfing, strengthening and re- placing of foundations, new flues tO remove fire hazards as well as major overhauling of buildings• School repair and building proJe~ts have provided relief in the form of em- ployment to thousands of skilled and unskilled constxuctlon wbrkers, as well aa other thousands in the.material and transportation industries. "As Ha~n'y L. Hopkins, national ad- mlnistx-ator, has sald, 'The Feder,tt funds as above set forth, proRTaTU (B) The State Board of Equali- I stands out in the unemployment em- zation is hereby further dlre~.ted, i ergency as a valuable and permanent empowered and required, at any l social contribution. It will contintle regular or special meeting, from tlme to time. to transfer from said tO pay dividends long after the emer- "Retail Sales Tax Fund" to the [gency is ended. State Equalization Fund• c~eated " ' Among Amerman institutions, our by House Bill 255, pending fn this legislative session, the sum of $7(~0,- 000 for the year 1935 and the sutn of $I,950.000 for the year 192~} (C) Said ~tate Board of E-luall- zation is fur#her authorized, direct- ed and en,powered, at any r~gu!nr or special meeting, from tinle to tlme, to transfer into the General Fund of the State such portions of said "Retail Sales Tax Fund" as, in the oPlnto~ nf' ~ld Board, are not required for carrying out the pro- visions Of subdivisions (A) and (B) of this Section. to be used by said State Board of Equalization in re- placement and reduction of suclt of with the ground. the levies ~or general state pur~os- ] es as said Board may deem lust More feed w|]] be I and proper. [gTowtng poultry w Section 26. There is hereby ap- [lacking. There is propriated out of any monies in the ~not o~ly a retards State Treasury not otherwise ~p. propriated the sum of twos'- fi ~,~ ]but also of effective hone thousand~ '~$25,000.00)' 1-~o/ " "fo~" the purpose of putting thls act into ~lowered vitality and a higher l~kt8 operation and carrying out the pro- mortality when nb grecen feed Is I public schools perhaps are the 1~1o'~ greatest Pride. Nothing touches the community so closely, so sympathetl~ tally. Probably this explal=L~ t]~! e~gerness with communities in almost every section of each state have co- operated in the~e work relief S~hool ~oJects.' " Cool... Clean .r '2 The Completely Air-C NORTH COAST Now you can ride in ~tmost comfor~ in any car on the North Coast Limited... from the now, de'luxe coaches to the splendid observation-club car. Complete air.eondltioaing brings to this famm~ trainthe"h~t- word" in travel hmury. i =. i:¸ ... Do you realize how inexpensively you can travel by train? There are low everyday fares, 2 cents a mile and lem, and special round-trip summer excursion fares to points East and West. Consult your