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June 27, 1935 |
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To The
A 12-Piece Colored Girls Dance Orchestra
At Evergreen Park
Friday, June 28
This Steclcer Bros. attraction, directed by ,Sonny Rice,
is now mateing its first Northwest Tour. Hear
them for an evening of real enjoyment.
Yotl have anything for sale, list
us. We have buyers. If you
anything, tell us. Beach Auto
C. I. Cook is expecting to
today for Waterloo, Iowa, to
her brother's 50th wedding an-
and also a family re-union
same time.
Ada Bovey last night at Ollie
the recital recently given
at the U. B. church.
R. Bililngton made a busi,~ess
to Miles City Sunday.
of Thelen has returned
attending Masonic Grand Lodge
Forks last week.
Fisher of Golva has ca-
for the summer term at the
Hope Jones of Glendive wan a
visit~r at the home of Gladys
Luella Sticka has accepted a
as office girl for Dr. Nyman,
Mac Meredith is a house
of Mrs. Minnie Spencer of
a Enderle has been spending lhe
two weeks at the home of her
Mrs. Wayne Smith, at Wibaux.
Stanley Raisler has been con-
her bed for a week or more
the mumps.
and Mrs. Ed Lee of St. Cloud,
~ere dinner guests at the
Halstead home on Thursday
colored girls dance orchestra
at Evergreen Park, this
J~ne 28th.
Sunday morning services on
at the United Lutheran
in the city el6ven confirmands
their confirmation vow.
United Lutheran Ladies Aid is
next Friday, June 28, at the
~f Mrs. Hans Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kurkoski, Ted
Kurkoski and Mrs. James Odenbaugl~
were visitors in Fort Peck and Glas-
gow three days of last week. They
drove up to see their daughter and
grandchildren who live there.
Mr. and Mrs. william CareT and
family have returned from a two
weeks vacation trip to St. Cloud
and other Minnesota points.
A. D. MacMaster, former Beach
high school instructor and athleti¢
coach, drove down from his home at
Williston on Sunday to spend the
afternoon with friends here. He has
been teaching at Rugby, N. Dak.
the past year and it returning there
again this coming term.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson of
Trotters came in on Monday and left
on Tuesday for Sioux Falls, S. Dak.,
to visit a daughter who is ill. They
nmy spend an indefinite time visiting
relatives in several states and their
trip may take them on to Chicago
before they return.
Harry Eme~: and Carlyle Math-
ison stopped off in Beach on Monday
night for a short visit with old
friends here, continuing their return
to the coast the next morning. Mr.
Emery, former superintendent of the
local schools, left Beach eleven years
ago and is now located at Bellingham
Washington, where he is an instruct-
or in the University. Carlyle is now
situated at Seattle where he is con-
nected mlth the immigration service,
Mr. and Mrs. "Charles Christian•
sen, accompanied by Donald Evans
returned from Los Angeles on Sun-
day evening after having made an
extended visit there. Mrs. Christian-
sen has been there since the death
of her mother last winter, and Mr.
Chriatian,qen and Donald hue been
there the past six weeks. While
away, Charlie had the misfortune to
fall and break a~ rib, but the injury
now nearly mended.
Practically all the corn-hog con- ]
tracts for all three groups have been]
signed up, we are informed.
Rev• E. M. Jording will hold ser-
vices in the St. Paul's Lutheran
chm'ch next Sunday evening at 8
Sentinel Butte Locals
Edward Carney Monday received Grove next ThursdaY, July 4.-There
the sad news of the death of his will be a program of sports during Mr. and Mrs. wm, Swan and boys
nephew, Harry White, at Winona. the. day, and a dance at the Opera left for points in Minnesota Thurs-
Mr. White was well known around House in town that night, day to visit relatives.
n Mr. and Mrs. Otto Johnson and
Senti el Butte. Mrs. Martin and Jeanne were
Fern Morrison of Rosebud, Mont., Beach visitors Saturday afternoon. Karnes visited Mrs. Leighton Nunn
arrived last Tuesday te spend two Mary McDonald drove from Me- and baby at Sentinel Butte Tuesday.
weeks visiting at the Paul Lardy dora last Tuesday and spent Wednes- H. A. Bury was .in Dickinstm on
home. day visiting Kathleen Boisen. She Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Burns and returned to Medora Thursday Mrs. Wm. Szudera visited her
family were dinner guests at the , •
Wm. Ueckert farm home last Sunday. Mrs. Paul Wagner, Mrs. Loute parents, Mr and M~'. (harles Ot-
Angeline Hess of Dawson, N. Dak.. Hoveland and Ed. Wosepka drove 1o[remba a few (lays last week.
Dickinson las! Friday to bring Marion Clarence Jesok of St. Cloud, Minn.
arrived last Thursday for a two Wosepka home for the weekend arrived here last Thursday and is
weeks visit with Margaret Boisen. Marion is attending summer school planning on spending the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Gal- ]here.
lasher, and Margaret Gal]agher left at the Dickinson Nnrmal.
last week for Camp Grassiek where Mary Stoddard left Friday for Par- Louise Otremba is recovering from
~" ~" "'" ~ i " me th "[go where she will spend a shc, rt lime[a siege of the mumps.
margaret wm rema n ior a n "]vioi~'n,, frienas [ Nick Gamroth is busy painting the
Mr and Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. [ ....... • ..... c " -
.: _ ~ ......... u_~d_. ~ Sentinel Butte played bascbaU whh~tatn°n church.
Liauagner rerurneu ,aSL I, ,, a.~. --" " ~1 n- °" n - •" ~
...... v~.. ~.... ~*~LS . I Alpha ~ I flay aiternoo • ~enlme, +- .........................................................
Tne l-l~r~L~lV,, rJ~x t .... .". +]Butte came out victorious with anI
12-Piece ¢ OlOl ¢~f| girls lien( e orc lestra ] . " + " "
• ' k i 18 Io 4 score
are playing at Evergreen Par +, th s , ~" . _
Friday "June 28th ~'vu's. joe BreeKenridge ,ml~eut Sun-
Ramona Smith, Charles Reed and day in Sentinel Butte visiting ~t ~ l~here
". Pat Murphy left Tuesday morning her home.
to attend the two weeks Congrega- Fred S,ntth is suffering ~ith a ~ There's
tional Church Camp at Pilgrim's case of the mumps. He is unable
Park. Lake Metigoshe, near Bottineau. to go on his mail route. ~ Beauty
Quite a few people from here" at- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bares spent
tended the rodeo at Medora last Sunday visiting at the home of Mrs: ~ There's
Friday, and report a good time. Bares' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Mrs. Burhans, Polly and Anne Theisen. • C~arm
were, Dickinson shoppers Friday. Desmond Honnold spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. smith drove to Dick- Sentinel Butte.
inson last Friday afternoon. Verde Smith visited', at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Nunn and Sunday. She returned ,o Beach on Get Your Perman-
small son, Leroy L~igbton, returned Monday.
to their homo south of town Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Haugse and childreu N I Ti
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and John, returned to their home after visiting eat ow, n me
Mrs. Englund and Eugene, Mrs. for a few weeks at the Honnold
Fred Gilbert and Clifford Mrs. home. To Celebrate the
Smith, Harry and Ramona. ~er~ the] Mrs. Nunn is moving her furniture
people from h,re ,,'he attended the,t° the ranch where they have gone __,~
services at the Congregational church~for the summer.
in Beach Sunday afternoon and even- Mrs. E. D. Nelson entertained
ins. " members of the W. B. A. a~ her
' Gordon Abel, Joe Odenbaugh, El- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Marlin anti]played. Mrs. Jordan winning first
mer Raisler and Ed Thill were Glen-Jeanne were Dickinson business via-prize, Mrs. Hoveland second, anti Palac8 BsauIy
dive callers on Sunday. itors last Thursday. I Mrs. Fred Gibert consolation. A de-
~Vinfred Wallace, who is employed Don't forget the big'. 4tb of jul~,lieious lunch was served by the
with the Siebold Printing Co. In celebration to be held st the Murphy. hostess.
Glendive, came down on Sunday ev-' S Opp
endng to spend a two weeks vacation The regular Royal Neighbor meet- Mr. andMrs. I. I. Grindstllen
here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ling scheduled for July 2 has been left by car Monday morning for
~V. Wallace. postponed to July ]0. See next we~k's* Madison, Wis., where Mr. Grindstuen
Ella Gasho, county treasUrer, re. paper for the meeting place, will attend summer school dud study Phone 126
turner on Tuesday evening from herI Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ilalstead and further toward his master's degree.
vacation trip to Minnesota and Wis'ichihlren] Marjorie and ilarold return- l~woute they will stop at Fargo,
cousin. !~ql last night from a trip which coy- "Wahpeton and MinneaPolis.
Stener Ekre and family left last i ered a great part of North Dakota ....
Friday for a trip through the Yel-iLeaving last Thursday from Glendive
lowstone Pak. i ttley motored to Williston and from
Drop in and get acquainted. See lthe~-e east to Osnabrook wher~ Mr.
°ttr c°mplete line °ft°ys'n°veltie'~'lllalsteadattendedsch°°ls°metwen- For Sale Or Trade
stationery, dishes, miscellaneous lty years ago. From there a trip was
hardware and other notions. The Pair i taken down to Fergus Falls and
Store, across from Welch Studio . tfl Wahpeton, the former haunts o~
Sunday morning Sofus Holthe left Mrs. Halstead. A return was made
for Seattle, Wash., to visit his by way of Bismarck.
daughters there, his wife having pre- Mr. and Mrs. T+ W. Helstrom.
('eded him about two weeks ago. He I.~uis and John Raisler enjoyed a
was acompanied by Victor Johnson picnic supper at the Airdome Sunday MODEL T FORD COUPE
of Sentinel Butte. He expects to be evening.
gone about two weeks or so. + ~-~ I929 CHEVROLET.~r4-DOOR SEDAN "
Miss Ann Morrison of Fargo Is vis-
iting friends in the city.
Quite a number of members of the
Eastern Star from Wibaux were pre-
sent here Tuesday evening for the
regular meeting of the local chapter. Beach AutoWrecking
Miss Myrtle Meyer of Beach was in- FOR SALE---Good Majestic range.
itiated into the order at that time Mrs. Albert Thein. fix
attd after the meeting a delicious FRANK SPISLA, Proprietor
hutch was served FOR SALE Cedar Posts. Clifford
Vv'e are in receipt of a pleasant Wagner. Gerham, N. Dak. fix
letter from Alex McLain. coach and
instructor at the Sentinel Butte high Experienced waitress wanted at .
school, who is now located at Bis-Golden Valley Hotel. It
merck. He is employed as clerk in r
Save $ $ $ on auto parts. Ring
the Prince hotel and expects to re- gears, bearings, axles, springs, wheels
main there until school starts this
fall. parts for all cars and Fordson trac-
tors. Beach Auto wrecking, tf
Mrs. Anna M. Russell? who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. I• MEN wANTED for Rawleigh routes
I. Grindstuen, in the city, left by in Billings and Slope counties. Write
train fo~- Edgerton, ~r~s., to visit today. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NDF--
another daughter there. 12--SB, Minneapolis, Minn. J 13-27
The W. C. T. U. will meet with
Mrs. Cordia Wallace tontorrow (Fri- WANTED--200{~ cedar posts. Beach
day) afternoon. Auto Wrecking. Junl3-tf
K •
& ....'.-..
nnounc ng - - w,.+x
SAT.-SUN., JUNE 29 and 30
the reopening of the ' ~~ ~ II
Quality Meat Market .* w,BIN g,6 i St[laB Y+
S~IkTURD/~Y, JUNE29and friends • ~~~~[::[~[:~i ~P"
' a variety o£ styles with gangs, shovels and equipment for
all conditions. Adjustable for rows spaced 34 to 44 inches
~¢¢eicoming back old customers m~-t.
as well as new ones, with a full line of WITH ~h. KO has M1 worthwhile featmum, many of which m
~'ia~i'nM featur~ that make for easier handling, li~h~
it and longer life.
Fresh and Cured M ea ts, QUEENIE SMITH, JOHN MILJAN, GAlL PATRICK, ©onaeructionYOU'hh hIKEior thawhoMCombin,dfluid, andCr°",~n.gandahiitstrai¢htor whadarch
Chickens, Lunch Meats, FRED KOHLER . ~d. only--pol, ti,tm, ,..,~, ~.~..v-~. ,...r, ,
..... _ justabl° by levers and on° master lever for all gan~ps. ,
Fresh Home Made Bologna, ^,+o: B oopcartoon:"Quiet Please"; Th. I$_O . akl you to culUvat, row.. ily
Grantland Rice Sportlight: "Saddle Champions"; • u well as one. It's the Outatandlng 2-~ow cultivator hay.
Cheese, Butter, Cream, Milk ~:s0 and 9:00 P.M.Newsreel Adults ,+c Golden Valley Harvester Co
l~hone 140 J.W. Skinner, Prop. •
: i