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Newspaper Archive of
Golden Valley News
Beach, North Dakota
June 27, 1935     Golden Valley News
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June 27, 1935
Newspaper Archive of Golden Valley News produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 2 Ul f ., , , ,, I l THE BEACH REVIEW Pu" '.i~Imd every Thursday at Beaclt, North Dakota H. E. ENDERLE and D. A. \VALLA{'}:. t:dilors a:;d Publishers Subscriptions $2.00 per year in advance Entered as second class matter September 18, 1931. at the postoflice at Beach. North Dakota. under the Act of March 3. 1879. Advertising rates furnished upon request. Ofli,cial paper of the City of Beach and of Golden Valley county SAVE THE CONSTITUTION lltl In the face of all the theorists who would like to subject the United States to fascism, comlmlnism, collect- ivism, and what-not, the Lone Star State seems to still believe that the Constitution. under whose guidance we grew from an unimportant pioffeer nation to a world pow- er within, a century, it still good enough. On June 8th. the Young Democrats of Texas went on record as being aggressively opposed to any change which would "destroy the Constitution~." At the same time. the organization went on record as favoring aboli- tion of child labor, state cod~ of ethics to cover working hours and wages and other reforms of a social character. which shows that the Young Democrats are not opposed to change which can be achieved within the limits of the Constitution. They simply realize that the kind of re- form activity favored by manv present-day officeholders , would mean the end of ~tate s rights, the rise of a virtual political autocracy, and the destruction of individual liberties. On the same day, Democratic Governor Murrav of Oklahoma. who "ahvays has taken his coffee black and his democracy straight," said" "The United States will disintegrate unless the constitutional safeguards of liber- ty are preserved... We are alreadv going to Washington for everything. The trend toward centralization of gov- ernment will lead ultimately, unless checked, to cen¢rali- zation of wealth and privilege and the establishment of two classes of citizens--the very rich and the very poor." The statements from the Young Democrats and from Governor Murrav will be seconded by other states. The issue is not one of partisanship it is one of Americanism Those who would destroy the Constitution and discredit our Supreme Court, would destroy all that the founders of the country fought and bled for, and left us as our most precious heritage--personal liberty unshackled by official tyratmy. Industrial News Review. 11 Duping April, farm income totalled $507,000,000, a gain of 31 percent over April. 1934. For the first four months of the year farm income is 12 percent in excess of the same period last year. i Farmers Free Ex- change Column WANT TO BUY---Used grain bind- er l~ good condition Ross V. John- stone, Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. Would like to hear from anyone having a Waterloo 2dlorse engine for sale Charles VVilson. Sentinel Butte, FOR SALE -- McCornlick-Deering horse cultivator. 2-row. Good as new. $75.00. W, L. C,,~rlson, Beach. WANTED~-Brood sow whicl~-is go- tog to farrow. M. E. Paddock. Son. tinel Butte. FOR SALE OHEAP--About 90 bead of sheep and lambs. See Chas. Haijsman, Beach. PeR SALE--Rainbow Flint corn, wheat grass, alfalfa seed. John Fak. ler, Beach. M21-3tp Seed for sale. Falconer corn and good clean Trebi barley. Phone 5F22. M, A. Finneman, Oolva. N. D. Lost~Between Sentinel Butte and E. D. Nelsou farm. a new mattress. Finder please ~otify M~rtin Berg, Sentinel Butte, N. D. FOR SALE~Falconer and Raingow Flint Seed Corn. Ralph F. Samuels Beach. fix FOR SALE---one McCormick Deer- . lag tractor 10-26, with two bottom P & O plow, In A-1 condition. Cheap for cash. it. H. Harmon, Metiers. FOR SALE--One 3.burner wickless kerosene stove, new. InqUire Review. LOST---front bumper for Chevrolet car, on road north of Sentlnel Butte. Finder advise Eddie Cook, Sentinel Butte, N. Dak. fit FOR SALE~Two houses, now on faxm Just east of my farm. one house is 24x24, two-story, and the other ts a smaller house. Gunner Fahlstrom. FOR SALE--4-burner Perfection oil mtove in good condition• Also some seed corn• Ed. Fillner, Beach. FOR SALE--Some good harness also some m~chinery and some hay. Inquire C. A. Ruedlnger, four miles east of BeaCh. FOR SALE--Oar 500-gel gasoline t~k, one ~l.ft. Van Brunt drill, tM'oo disc~, {me sulky pl0w. John Ba~lamd, Beach. L, IJ i NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION H NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that On Monday, July 15th, 1935. tn the O0unty of Golden Valley, North Da- kota, a Special Election will be held for the purpome of voting on the Referred Measure known as the Sales Tax Act, Senate BIll 813 of t~e 19~ I~gistatlve assembly, which was approved by the Governor March II, 1935, as an Emergency Measure. Said l~lectioa will be held In the ThttSultle polling Places in the County. the names of !pun r of Gold- Nor I Dakota. In eaoh preolt~t the lmlllng D|ace Comprislni$ Townstflp 143-1~1, l~.ange 103, Tile polling place to be held at tile res* idence of Ralpl~ Mosser on the E½- El.5 of Section 22, T. 144, R 103. It c n r y Precinct -- Comprising Townships 1-t3-1,~4. Range 105. The t}olling idace to be at tl~e Guy So.heel ~[ousc on tile Northeast corner of t~e lq't~,r% of See. 2. T. 143, R. 105. Pearl l'~rec~'nct --- Comprisin~ Town- ships 143-144, Range 105. The pol- ling place to be at the Hoot Owl Scllool flouse on the SE¼ Sec 4. T, 143. t¢. 104. Ehnwood Precinct -- Comprising Township 142, Range 105. The l)ol- ling place to be at the Bonnie View School House on tile NV¢~,.E Sec. 28. T. 142. R. 105. Elk Creek Precinct Comprising Township 142. Range t04. The polling place to be at the T. D. School House on tlle SE~. See. 29, T. 142. It. 104. Divide Precinct -- Comprising Townsl~ip 142, Range 103. The 1)oi- ling Place to be at tile Uanagan Creek School House on the NW% See. 28. T. 142. R. 103, Saddle Butte Precinct Coral)ris- Ing Township 141, Range 105. The polling place to be at the I,ittlc Beaver School House on the SWXA Sec. 23, T. 14t, R, 105. Dethi Preoinct -- Comllrising Town- ship 141. Range 104. The polling place to he at the Plain View School House on tile Northeast cornel" of Sec. 23• T. I41. R. 104. V¢anaman Precinct -- Comprisin~ Township 141, Range 103. The polling place to be at the Twin Butte School House on the Southwest cor- ner of See. 21, T. 141, R. I03. City of Beach Precinct -- Comprising all the territory within tile limits of the City of Beach in Township 140, Range 106, The polling place to lie Ill (be Court Roonl on the second floor of the Court House Building located on Lots 3-4-5-C. Y~lock ft. Original Townslte of the City of Beach. Beach Civil Township Precinct -- Comprising Townships 139 and 140. Range 105. and Townships 139 and 140, Range 106. The polling place to be in the Commissoners' Room on the first floor of the Court House Building located on I,ots 3-4- 5-6, Block 6, Original Townsite of the City of Beach. Village of Sentinel Butte Precinct -- Comprising all land within the limits of the Village of Sentinel Butte. The polling place to be in the Village Hall ill the Village of Sent- inel Butte. Sentinel Precinct-- Comprising Townships 139 and 140, Ranges 103 and 104. The polling place to be In the Sentinel Township Building lo- cated on lots 4-5-6-7, Block 2, Hunt- er's Second Addition to the Village of Sentinel Butte. Lone Tree Precinct -- Comprising Townships t37 and 138. Ranges 105 and 106. The polling place to be tn the Town Hall in the Original Town- site Of Golva. Garner Precinct Comprising Township 138, Range 104. The pol- ling place to be in the Randash School House located on tile SW~ Sec. 30, T. 138, R. 104, Bullion Precinct -- Comprising Township ]37. Range 104. The pol- ling place to be In the Carew School House on the Northeast Corner of Sec. 19, T. 137. R. 104. Williams - Bull Rnn - Stoddard Precinct -- Comprising Township 136, Ranges 105 and 106, and Tdwnshlps 137 and 13g. Range 103. The Polling place to be at the W. O. W. hall located on the NE'~ See. 2, Township 136. Range 105, North of the Alpha Postoffiee. The foregoing is a true and correct list of precincts of Golden Valley County and !he boundaries and vet- tog places thbroof as designated by the ]Board of County Commtsslonelm I~. witness whereof I 'hereunto set my Hand azad affixed the seal of Gol- den Valley County this 18th day of June, I~ E • SMITH. Audl~ Golden Valley County North Dakota. (Seal) (June 1t-27. July 4-11) THE BEACH REVIEW i'THAT LITTLE CAME" ~u~t',c,~nco.,m,,-By B. Link[ \\ Economic Highlights HAPPENINGS THAT AFFECT THE DINNER PALLS, DIVIDEND CHECKS AND TAX BILLS OF EVERY INDIVIDUAL. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS INSEPARABLE FROM LOCAL WELFARE .... (){)(i-- Jnll(, 27. (INB.)--Gellerally speal,:.inx, industl'y and business always wish for short Congressional sessiot]s. So long as the nation's lawmakers Ul'e 111 work. ill(hisiPiu] leaders, uncel;[ain as to the treml ef legislation, nlusI nlark tilne for tht~. Inost pal't. The I)l't,S~'llt ('ontLrcss has husiness l,.,aders worried toni per